Looking for official TTC buddies!!


Re: babies and breastfeeding and bottle feeding. I have breastfed both of my girls for up to a year and just beyond and I have to say it CAN be frustrating in the sense that you are so needed. But it is also pretty awesome! The worst times were when I wanted to go do something with my dh like take a drive, go to a movie, etc...we always have to onsider babes first, but that's going to be the case either way.

So I simply learned to time things more closely. If I had an appointment I would nurse just before getting in the car. Once we arrived at our destination I would nurse again wether babes asked for it or not- right there in the car with a cover-up. That way you minimize your chances of being interupted. There have even been times when dh had to pull over to the side of the road so I could extract the baby from her carseat and nurse :roll: lol! But they can't help it :shrug:

Oh, on another note- as Xander does take formula (right?) and by time he hits 5 months old he'll be able to take baby rice cereal (not too far away! :thumbup:) you can mix some of that too just to keep his tummy full while you drive or do your business. :) He'll grow so fast this period of super clinginess will prob soon be over.
Hey ladies. I have't read any of the back pages but I did want to update you.

I am so scared. Ugh, I could just...cry.

A family member of mine knew that my first prenatal appointment wasn't until the 23rd, so she gave me some $ to go and get the pregnancy verification ultrasound at the ultrasound studio at my local mall. The sonographer asked me how far along I think I am, and I said "based on the last time I bled, I'm at least 7 weeks"...

Well, the place had a big screen monitor in front of me so I could see what was going on. She said she didn't see anything in the sac. So, I called my dr and they had me come in and draw some blood for some levels. They are having me come back in tomorrow to see the dr and he is going to do an ultrasound. I will than probably come back on Friday to draw more levels again and see if they are increasing or decreasing.

Does this sound like a blightend ovum? or could I possibly be earlier that what I thought? Could the sonographer be inexperienced and just miss the baby/yoke sack?

Here is the thing though, I've been pregnant enough times to know than for myself and my own body, even at 6 weeks I can see something.

DAMNIT. I'm so so emotionally numb but when I do emotionally feel all I feel is sadness and anger. :cry::nope:
AFM, im cd7 and AF has officially stopped :happydance: I just got back home from going out last night :thumbup: I only have 12 days left before i go to boot camp :shock: Time is really ticking away. I feel good, nervous and excited at the same time. I just cant wait. Im also happy that my AF has been on schedule this time. It stopped this morning/last night so im happy about that. Everything is going good. So now its just time to wait and see what happens. Cant wait to be back with DH and start a family.
Hey ladies. I have't read any of the back pages but I did want to update you.

I am so scared. Ugh, I could just...cry.

A family member of mine knew that my first prenatal appointment wasn't until the 23rd, so she gave me some $ to go and get the pregnancy verification ultrasound at the ultrasound studio at my local mall. The sonographer asked me how far along I think I am, and I said "based on the last time I bled, I'm at least 7 weeks"...

Well, the place had a big screen monitor in front of me so I could see what was going on. She said she didn't see anything in the sac. So, I called my dr and they had me come in and draw some blood for some levels. They are having me come back in tomorrow to see the dr and he is going to do an ultrasound. I will than probably come back on Friday to draw more levels again and see if they are increasing or decreasing.

Does this sound like a blightend ovum? or could I possibly be earlier that what I thought? Could the sonographer be inexperienced and just miss the baby/yoke sack?

Here is the thing though, I've been pregnant enough times to know than for myself and my own body, even at 6 weeks I can see something.

DAMNIT. I'm so so emotionally numb but when I do emotionally feel all I feel is sadness and anger. :cry::nope:

Ashley- seriously the tech could be very inexperienced. try not to worry. At the same time I know you are preparing for the "just in case" and I hate that position more than anything! I know how you are feeling! Believe me at 6-7 weeks there is not much to see, so easily depending upon position,e tc, a tech could mistake something. Here is a pic of my 7 week 5 days u/s. Bare in mind this is almost an 8 wek u/s! So alot more here than you'd see at 6 weeks or so. At that range it is common to se just the sac. Was it a transabdominal or transvag??

Hi ladies- anybody online tonight???

Laura- how are oyu holding up with the very little rest you are getting? It gets better, trust me! :hugs: Few weeks then you'll notice it gets better. The first 3-4 weeks is always the toughest.

Steph- how are you?? Bet Brandon is growing! How's Nicholas enjoyuing being a nig brother?

Akshu- how are you?

MsPerry- haven't heard from you in a while, hope all is well :thumbup:

Patrice- few more days!! Hope you get to at least see your dh at bootcamp, that'd seem weird, right?! Not see each other for a while then when you do just in pasing :roll: But for a limited time only :) How soon after boot do you get settled in quarters on base? Or will you settle off base?

Shradha- is today your scan day? How did your appointment go?

Alicia- haven't heard from you in a while- how are you?

Emma- just a little bit more and we'll be "seeing you off" to have hoebes! R U getting excited :) :hugs:
AFM- hmmm...Augusta is kicking away in there but always these gentle nudges, nothing too extreme yet. I do get the ocassional bladder kick that has me hoping I don't pee my pants! :rofl: And sometimes she stretches out to where I feel like my tummy is going to pop :shrug:

Today- I cut weeds around the house again, more to keep the stupid mosquitos down! One little patch of high grass and we get tons of the buggers! Why in heck the city thinks spraying melathion is helping :shrug: is beyond me....Dh, the girls, and I went for a walk today- it's always nice, sort of special when dh goes with us :) Took my morning walk as usual, I am trying to be more active outside than I was last month :shrug: so my fatsy doesn't get too bad :haha:

It was so hot today though for the most part- just did my homework asisgnments and tried to stay cool. I cooked dinner late because of the heat, made greek-style pork cooked in lemon and a fruit salad with nectarines :cloud9: Here I am talking about keeping my fatsy down and then I go on to talk about fooood :haha: lol :roll: Can ya tell I'm pregnant- right?
Shradha, I am starving- what's for dinner? :haha: Something spicy? :cloud9: Emma's thread got me all hungry for Italian lasagna now I can't stop thinking about food :growlmad: lol

If I am not on later- have an awesome day and I will be checking in !!! :hugs: :hugs:
Aha! Transabdominal may not show everything and depending upont heir equipment- :shrug: Please don't worry! Worry can't hurt anything but it sure as heck makes you miserable doesn't it? :hugs: Tomorrow you do a transvag right? (Sorry, I was thread stalking and read your post :blush:) that should show so much more detail for you! Try not to worry to much hun, but I know you will....Hang in there you are one tough lady! :thumbup:
Seriously f***** of with mil. I have never felt do uncomfortable as I did yesterday.

Mil has always gone on about pro breast feeding & before having Xander I was honest about my reservations about the amount of time breast feeding can take & how restrictive it is, I thought she understood this & would be really supportive.

Xander is now not quite 2 weeks old & I actually live breast feeding even though he is pretty much stuck to me feeding for most of the day!! Since Monday afternoon Xander has started cluster feedibg until about 9pm. He will only fall asleep on me & as soon as I put him down or pass him to someone else he starts rooting & quickly has a melt down if he doesn't get more booby.

From reading books & the breast feeding threads on here I know this is normal & he's probably having a growth spurt as well as working on increasing my supply but it's still quite challenging to us as first time parents.

So yesterday afternoon we had planned to go to in laws for a family BBQ early evening (before Xander started cluster feeding) my sil who leaves far away was back. We thought we'd give it a go with him as we're with family. Mil decided however to invite another family without asking if we minded. I understand she wants to show him off but he's really not at an age were he can be passed around 9 people (that's how many people were there) we didn't complain though.

So we get him there, he has a complete melt down in the car as I had to take him off the booby to get him there. As soon as I get there I had to start feeding again. I manage to feed him to sleep & visiting sil gets a quick cuddle before he starts rooting again at which point mil just takes him off sil & starts trying to rock him to sleep saying how she's still got the nack. Xander starts to root more face planting her & eating his hands. Will she give him to me? No. I can see on her face she's determined to get him to sleep say I told you do to me. In the end I put my cover on get myself ready to latch him on & it takes DH & sil telling her before she gives him back. Clearly as Grandma in her head she can do whatever she wants with him.
I then spend the rest of the evening sat in the lounge feeding & every time he falls sleep I try to put him down or pass him to daddy he roots & cries. Everyone else goes into the dinning room to eat & I'm made to feel totally in welcome in there. In fact everytime I start breast feedi every leaves. I am fully covered up while I do this, no one can see anything. I felt totally alienated by a family who are supposedly pro breast feeding but clearly don't actually want to see it. The absolute kicker was when DH 15 year old god son came in to eat in the living room with me & mil came in and told him to get out, didn't ask whether I minded him there, which I didn't. His answer was but I wanted to keep Laura company. When it came to leaving she was also very clearly annoyed that she hadn't had a proper cuddle & although she tried to make out she understood I know that she actually thinks I shouldn't be giving in and feeding him all the time, even though he's only on the 9th percentile with his weight!!

Gotta say DH was brilliant, bringing me food & sitting with me.

This is exactly why I didn't want to breast feed in the first place but thought I would get support from the family but clearly not. Well as long as he's cluster feeding they won't seeing him if I have my way. Although I am mad I actually feel more upset by the whole episode & had to hold back tears a couple of times yesterday. :(

Hey Laura:hugs::hugs:

MIL and Hormones are universally bad:growlmad::growlmad:

I think u better dont see anyone for few months. Once u r comfrtable and well settled in Breast Feeding and other things u can see others.

So many pple handling and passing around a small baby is not at all good.So better leave Xander to be happy with his lovely mom and dad..after some months u can introduce him to his grand ma....
Hey ladies. I have't read any of the back pages but I did want to update you.

I am so scared. Ugh, I could just...cry.

A family member of mine knew that my first prenatal appointment wasn't until the 23rd, so she gave me some $ to go and get the pregnancy verification ultrasound at the ultrasound studio at my local mall. The sonographer asked me how far along I think I am, and I said "based on the last time I bled, I'm at least 7 weeks"...

Well, the place had a big screen monitor in front of me so I could see what was going on. She said she didn't see anything in the sac. So, I called my dr and they had me come in and draw some blood for some levels. They are having me come back in tomorrow to see the dr and he is going to do an ultrasound. I will than probably come back on Friday to draw more levels again and see if they are increasing or decreasing.

Does this sound like a blightend ovum? or could I possibly be earlier that what I thought? Could the sonographer be inexperienced and just miss the baby/yoke sack?

Here is the thing though, I've been pregnant enough times to know than for myself and my own body, even at 6 weeks I can see something.

DAMNIT. I'm so so emotionally numb but when I do emotionally feel all I feel is sadness and anger. :cry::nope:

Ashley- Pls dont worry abt scan. Hope he is very inexperienced.Thats y he is unable to see anything properly.Or probably his machine is crap:growlmad:

Listen to Coy's words. I will pray for u and the baby u have got will stick on to its mommy:hugs::hugs::thumbup:

Dont be sad..
Hieeee Coy....

How r u??baby is kicking u???september baby....we have nice climate here...so feel like sleeping all the time...Talk abt food..i love food..thats y unable to reduce weight..but i blam my thyroid levels lol...i always tell my dh that i dont get the mood to excercise coz of my thyroid levels...ha ha..

i made idly wid sambar today...its a south indian dish...hey coy do u know to bake??wanna make..i have OTG and bake bun,scake and cookies...

When is ur doctor visit dear???

take care
I'm feeling really pukey tonight...yuck. like chicken noodle soup, might have to go puke kind of not feel good...blahhh
AFM, im cd7 and AF has officially stopped :happydance: I just got back home from going out last night :thumbup: I only have 12 days left before i go to boot camp :shock: Time is really ticking away. I feel good, nervous and excited at the same time. I just cant wait. Im also happy that my AF has been on schedule this time. It stopped this morning/last night so im happy about that. Everything is going good. So now its just time to wait and see what happens. Cant wait to be back with DH and start a family.

Hieee mzswizz...

Am on cd6..best of luck for u..

Mom is coming today....dh gone to pick her up...... I just came back after giving my blood test for thyroid, blood sugar and lipid profile.......hearing about Ashley.....has got me worried.....:nope:....:cry:......oh my god....Tom is scan....I am so scared........

Coy- I cant see the beanie......:shrug:.....is it so small...maybe only heartbeat can be heard..... Oh lord pls help me and Ashley......

Laura- I can understand.....my mil just visited me....:winkwink:....she will be here when baby will be born....I don't know what will happen....I am also scared....she has already told me it's will be a boy......if its a girl then what ? So...tensed up.... So sorry to hear about your MIL....you must be very annoyed....:hugs:..... Good to know that dh is with you....that is all what matters.....he is with you... Don't worry ...
I'm feeling really pukey tonight...yuck. like chicken noodle soup, might have to go puke kind of not feel good...blahhh

Ashley...puking iteslf is a superb symptom..then y do u worry abt that scan???

congrats for puking...ha ha
Hi Shradha..

wow mom coming today...so she will bring so many goodies for her pregnant daughter..enjoy dear..

and plss dont worry abt scan..everything will be alright...when will u get the test results??
I'm feeling really pukey tonight...yuck. like chicken noodle soup, might have to go puke kind of not feel good...blahhh
Me too I vomited thrice yesterday....not feeling good....... I guess the first trim is like that..... Drink lots of water....try having tender coconut water....it's good for you and baby...I am also drinking...feels good.....
Re- scan.....just checked out.....don't worry....go to another scan with experienced technician......everything will be fine....don't worry....I am praying for you.......:hugs:... yes...vomits are a good sign.......so you have all the symptoms.....nothing to worry
Hi Shradha..

wow mom coming today...so she will bring so many goodies for her pregnant daughter..enjoy dear..

and plss dont worry abt scan..everything will be alright...when will u get the test results??

Yes she has landed.....just spoke to her......dh has gone to pick her up.....I am very happy.......yea......she will pamper me a lot....I and mom are very close....she is my moral support... Just spoke to my doc....she said nothing to worry...so I am relaxed........

By today evening I will get all the blood reports....hope my thyroid levels look good....have to be very careful during pregnancy....that was one concern that my doctor had.....she gave me a high dose so that the levels are in normal range......tom is going to be one long hectic day....scan...gyn appt, endo appt.....

So when are you starting to bbt?
Patrice- hay......only 12 days to meet dh and boot camp..... How was your trip with SIL? Was it ladies days out?:happydance:

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