Looking for official TTC buddies!!

I like the look of that want! Although there's quite a few temps taken at different times, how far off the usual time were they?
hey laura, not much between the times about 20 mins or so due to different shifts at work you think it looks ok? this is my first month temping/charting :hugs: xxxxx
Laura- yes, this is a very serious condition, I am glad you listen to your mum! :hugs: Re: getting "back in shape" you can't even begin really until at least 6 weeks after anyway according to most U.S. doctors so you'll still be pretty much on track with it :hugs: Try not to worry- the breastfeeding, surprisingly, takes a lot from your body and is like a workout in itself! :thumbup:

Oh, and I meant to mention- the reflux, crying, inconsolability, etc. Totally normal, especially around about now. I remember with both dd's I thought "what a wonderful, even tempered, mild mannered and HAPPY baby!" :cloud9: Lol, then about 2 weeks later- Bam! :haha: Never comfortable, tummy always upset, puking everywhere at everything, didn't like being held, didn't like NOT being held :roll: and et cetera. I think a lot of it is in the change in milk as your babes demands more for growth. And the change in babes digetive system as he matures. Constant burping and bouncing was our best friend in those days! :thumbup: Lol, and burp rags :thumbup:

I am sure your mum has given you all kinds of tips but one thing I learned is you can actually find the location of where an air-lock (burp) is stuck. Put babe on your shoulder and gently rub two fingers in tight little circles up his back--when he gets fussy and starts to squirm you've found the burp. Just tap gently from that point upwards and he'll burp sooner. Once the air lock is gone the pain of it goes away :shrug: My bit of advice for the day :blush: lol!
My youngest dd is so funny- dh got her started on cottage cheese with pineapple :roll: lol, and she asked for some. When I put it in her dish she gushes “Ohhhhh, thank you, thank you, thank you!! I love you love you love you!!!” :haha: LOL!
Want - within 20 mins shouldn't make a difference to temps, I didn't record a different tune if it was within half hour. Definately looks good so far. When is af due?

Coy - thanks for the tip! :D burping is still something we're mastering. We're getting better but it can take a while then when my Mum does it she gets a huge burp within minutes!! You're right about the change, he's a lot more grumpier now but understandable as it always seems to be around digestion. Even before he poos he'll often wake up & get upset. He's also becoming more determined fighting tiredness in the day & refusing to nap sometimes. You can see the determination in his eyes doing everything he can not to close them!! As frustrating as it is he's very cute & I love that he's possibly got my determined spirit! Thankfully he doesn't fight it at night & sleeps really well between 11 & 6 usually only waking up once for 1 feed, allbeit a long 1!! I'm also now combi feeding. After having a break from breast feeding & seeing how well he took formula & how much quicker giving more play time I thought he we both may benefit from him having it more plus I couldn't psyically bear the idea of more cluster feeding & him feeding for 3 hours, it's just too draining with already feeling low. I now give him about 10 mins from each booby so he gets lots of fluid & my antibodies then I too up with formula, he usually takes another 3oz on top, sometimes more! Makes me wonder if my supply wasn't enough for him or quick enough! I feel much happier doing it this way & can get more sleep.
My youngest dd is so funny- dh got her started on cottage cheese with pineapple :roll: lol, and she asked for some. When I put it in her dish she gushes “Ohhhhh, thank you, thank you, thank you!! I love you love you love you!!!” :haha: LOL!

So cute!! Very healthy choice as well! You wouldn't get me eating cottage cheese!! :haha:
Hey Laura thanks for looking af not due for another week Fx she stays away xxxx
My youngest dd is so funny- dh got her started on cottage cheese with pineapple :roll: lol, and she asked for some. When I put it in her dish she gushes “Ohhhhh, thank you, thank you, thank you!! I love you love you love you!!!” :haha: LOL!

hieee Coy...after a looong time...

ha ha...liked it soooo much....somehow am getting obssessed with kids...i always wanto listen to then when they talk...awwww soooo cute it will be...if u don mind...will u just record that thank u and i love u and put it here...there are no kids near my house:-(

i had a g8 time wid my cousin's kid...oooo she is cutiepie..i love kids Coy:blush:

What is her name by the way??K??
Hi Shradha...

hw r u???hws ur preggy months going on???MS???

Whats mom doing???takeing care of u and ur baby bud???have u selected a name??
hi Laura...

hw r u and Xander baby???oh ur Profile pic is soooo cute...

So getting Tips form Coy?

Nice to be in this forum...Will ask lots of doubts when i breast feed...

yes first i will get BFP and then talk abt BF:dohh:
Hi all!

Laura- yes it takes time to learn the burpin g bit and little other things. I was so grateful that my dh had done it all before, lol, he had to teach me alot the first time around ! :haha: Now I feel like an old hand :rofl:

Akshu- yes kids are awesome, they are so much fun but sooooo much work too! I and dh are exhausted end of each day, they have so much energy! And re: "K" is for Katana- she is my youngest :) Thanks for asking :)

Oh yeah, AFM- I fasted yesterday right, for my GD test this morning? Well, I go to the hospital and they draw my blood and tell me to leave. :Come to find out my doc just wanted to check my blood sugar levels and NOT perform the Glucose test! :saywhat: So I gotta admit I am a bit more than peeved at the careless and casual attitude my doc has taken :growlmad: I do not fancy that nasty drink but I don't want GD sneeking up on me and babes either! So I have an appointment this Thursday with doc for regular checkup and will, ahem, talk more about it then :growlmad: LOL!
Ahhh... everytime I check in here there are pages and pages of posts... I just can't keep up with you guys!

Coy- I can't believe you are hitting 3rd tri already! Some people believe it starts at 27 weeks, some 28... but whatever the case, you're pretty darn close!

Emma- Almost full term for you!

Ashley- Have you researched or found out any more info on the twin thing?? When's your next appt?

Laura- Please take a lot of rest, it's so important! Hope everything heals smoothly and quickly, that is so scary. I'm glad you are supplementing with a bottle and formula and that Xander sleeps so well at night because it would take so much out of you that you don't have right now. It's important Mommy is well so baby can be happy!

Shradha- Hope your MS goes away soon. It usually peaks around 8 weeks, and then from there it only gets better.

Akshustobemom- I don't believe we've "officially" met... haha... sorry... nice to meet you!

So we are still in the process of trying to figure out these medical issues, but I doubt anything is serious. Seeing the cardiologist tomorrow... I'm not as concerned about the heart murmur as I am the choking/reflux stuff that probably goes along with the Laryngomalacia. Only because it really affects our daily feeds and he chokes and gags multiple times during a feeding which makes it very difficult and a scary experience... makes me hate feeding time now because I fear when it happens. I know that he probably clears things out after it happens, but I just get concerned about the cumulative effect of aspirating like this. I don't want him to develop pneumonia or anything like that. What happens is when he feeds the milk splashes up to his throat and nose (you can hear it like there is congestion, like he needs to cough or clear his throat) and it affects his breathing, causing him to stop and choke. So this milk coming back up but not getting spit out is called silent reflux. Laryngomalacia can make reflux worse and vice versa. It's like a chicken and the egg thing... which came first. So I think the best thing to do is somehow control the reflux so it won't irritate or swell an already soft and sensitive larnyx. It's really stressful trying to get to the bottom of all this... I've done a lot of research online (you know me!) but it just gets so complicated. So we will probably also see either a GI specialist and/or an ENT to address these issues. I would just hate to have him go through any invasive tests or anything. I'm waiting for him to outgrow it and always hoping it will be sooner rather than later!

Laura, what is Xander's reflux like? Does he spit up a lot, or more gas pains and colicky? Brandon gets the gas pains a lot, I can never get a good burp out of him... (by the way, thanks for the tip Coy, I will try that and let you know if it works)... DH gets a burp almost immediately, but I think it's because he pats him harder... maybe I'm afraid to!
Steph - meant to say re the heart murmur, hopefully with it only being picked up now it'll be a harmless one. They're quite common I think. Both my cousin & I have one. They've never found a reason for mine & it's never caused any health probs. my cousins is due to one of the chambers of his heart being a very slightly wrong shape. Again it's never caused him any health probs & he's almost 40.

Xanders reflux seems mild at the mo as it doesnt appear to affect every feed. When it dies he gets really upset when feeding, keeps pulling himself off & arching his back screaming. He spits loads of it back up. He's really difficult to console. He want more & more food but get more & more upset when he feeds. We've found lots of mid feed burping helps, feeding him upright, keeping him upright for half hour after & sleeping him on an incline. He also often gets hiccups & sounds congested caughing during feeding or after before he usually brings a load of milk back up. We've thought about using the slightly thicker formula for reflux but going to see how he goes & hope he grows out of it.
Hi ladies!

Steph-I always had great results with the burping method- and yes, I have the same problem! Dh always gets a burp right away and he says it is because I don't pat hard enough. He slightly cups his palm and pow pow pow! :haha: Then a big loooong belch :haha: Here I am tapping away and he gets annoyed with me, lol! He says "You're not gonna hurt the baby by patting a bit harder..." :roll: So I let hm do a lot of the burping :haha: Serves him right :)

Laura- refulx is so upseting for babies but it is very normal. Kat had it bad and so did Teagen. What you are doing sounds right to me, it just takes time :thumbup: And you are right to burp mid feed, as soon as he gets cranky, it helps wonders!
My next appointment is Aug 9 :)

AFM, Today has been a crazy stressful today. My son came in the house bawling, bleeding from his nose. Said a dog bit him. Went outside, confronted the dog owner. Said dog was a, get this...guard dog in training?! I asked him why then would that kind of a dog be at a children's park? And he went on to tell me that my son asked to pet the dog, he said no because he knew the dog bit. I asked him then why would the dog NOT HAVE A LEASH ON?! The guy shook his head, said it was my sons fault. I said no, YOU are the dog owner. YOU are the only one that is supposed to CONTROL your dog. Police were called, they came, said Animal control should handle this. So, they are coming tmr. Too much to say, too stressed to say it. Sorry, guys. It's just all BULL. I had 10 year olds and 15 year old girls who look like hookers curse at my husband and I, as were waiting for police. We were just standing there, not talking to anyone - not even TALKING about ANYONE. These kids have GREAT parents!

Anyways, someone is watching TV wayyy too loud. Police came twice today at our apartment complex (nothing related to me). One time they arrested someone, another I went outside to get something and seen two cops going through backpacks of two teenaged girls. They came last week and took a woman out kicking and screaming, and last month came to stop a violent fight between mother and son.

Someone I know here who is reliable told me some of the teenage girls are turning tricks for money with the other teenaged boys. Kids seen some adults do drugs by the pool, and called the cops on them. And, I guess theres been a 25 year old and a 50 year old men who lurk the playground grounds at night talking to little girls and teen girls who "hang out" there.

I told the police today about how the kids were swearing at us for getting police involved (hello, a dog bit my kid in the face and the owner wasn't taking responsibility...) and he goes "yeah....the kids around here are bad".

I never noticed it THIS bad. I don't know why I didn't see it now. Maybe because it's summer and all them teenaged brats and those wild kids are off track (year around school right now) so they are all out in the woodwork.

My friend said she has seen/met some of the teens parents around here and the majority of the moms dress vary provocative and swear like a sailor! (Aha! So now I know where there darling daughters get their nice role modes )

Our lease isn't up until Feb. We can either find a sub leaser who would need to sign a years lease, OR we can pay up to Feb for rent all at once, but with 7 months at 899$ a month, we really can't afford THAT. Especially now since my daughter's deadbeat daddy (not my husband) got fired for the 32160 time from a job - looks like I'll get no child support from him either.

One of my brother in laws is moving out on the other half side of my mother in laws place. I'm thinking of asking her if I can use that space to crash there with the kids once in awhile a few times a week, just so the kids would have a safe place to play outside. We'd still have to pay rent, and most of our stuff would be at our apartment but at least we could get a few days away from here.

Okay, end of rant and start of heartburn. :/
Hi all!

Akshu- yes kids are awesome, they are so much fun but sooooo much work too! I and dh are exhausted end of each day, they have so much energy! And re: "K" is for Katana- she is my youngest :) Thanks for asking :)

Oh yeah, AFM- I fasted yesterday right, for my GD test this morning? Well, I go to the hospital and they draw my blood and tell me to leave. :Come to find out my doc just wanted to check my blood sugar levels and NOT perform the Glucose test! :saywhat: So I gotta admit I am a bit more than peeved at the careless and casual attitude my doc has taken :growlmad: I do not fancy that nasty drink but I don't want GD sneeking up on me and babes either! So I have an appointment this Thursday with doc for regular checkup and will, ahem, talk more about it then :growlmad: LOL!

Say hi to Katana on my behalf. Pls record her voice and post it( If possible).Ha ha i have seen parents getting tired after running around the kids.But the kids will be hyper active all the time...That is the liveliness they create:)

Oh god..what sort of a Dr. is he???baaddddd...evevn i dont like his attitude..anyways best of luck for ur next appointment..everything will be normal
Akshustobemom- I don't believe we've "officially" met... haha... sorry... nice to meet you!

So we are still in the process of trying to figure out these medical issues, but I doubt anything is serious. Seeing the cardiologist tomorrow... I'm not as concerned about the heart murmur as I am the choking/reflux stuff that probably goes along with the Laryngomalacia. Only because it really affects our daily feeds and he chokes and gags multiple times during a feeding which makes it very difficult and a scary experience... makes me hate feeding time now because I fear when it happens. I know that he probably clears things out after it happens, but I just get concerned about the cumulative effect of aspirating like this. I don't want him to develop pneumonia or anything like that. What happens is when he feeds the milk splashes up to his throat and nose (you can hear it like there is congestion, like he needs to cough or clear his throat) and it affects his breathing, causing him to stop and choke. So this milk coming back up but not getting spit out is called silent reflux. Laryngomalacia can make reflux worse and vice versa. It's like a chicken and the egg thing... which came first. So I think the best thing to do is somehow control the reflux so it won't irritate or swell an already soft and sensitive larnyx. It's really stressful trying to get to the bottom of all this... I've done a lot of research online (you know me!) but it just gets so complicated. So we will probably also see either a GI specialist and/or an ENT to address these issues. I would just hate to have him go through any invasive tests or anything. I'm waiting for him to outgrow it and always hoping it will be sooner rather than later!

Hi Steph...

I have already accpeted everyone in this thread as my official friend:flower:

Hi to u dear:flower:

I don even know that there will be soooo many issues after a baby is born.You ppl are always in the google or in the dicussion abt Breastfeeding...

Am waiting to read the posts which mention how babies are naughty..ha ha i think it will take few more months for that...No problem.i will wait:)

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