Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Shradha- I am sorry you are sick, it will fade though given time :thumbup: Just think- before too long you will have your baby in your arms! :happydance:

MsPerry- I am so glad you have found a great doctor! And detoxing is such a positive thing, it will help immensley I am sure!

AFM- stilled pooped today, I stayed up til almost 1 am doing school last night...today I am actually doing baby laundry :happydance: Got all my blankets washed and folded, washed all the white onsies and tops, and now the other onsies and body suits. Also went and got a package of newborn diapers, rash creme, and wipes :thumbup: So technically ready for whenever :haha:

Yay for getting the clothes sorted, I felt lots more organised once I'd done that.
Msperry: I had TONS of issues with the mirena IUD.
* Hair falling out
*Irregular periods - from none to lasting an entire three months at a time
*Tender breasts like I was pregnant
*Constant cramps
*Bad acne
*My vaginal PH balance was off (tmi)

theres more but I'd have to think.. haha
Coy: tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes!!! Even those I tossed up a tomato sandwich today it wasn't bad coming back up. LOL. So, I shall eat my cravings! :)
Yesterday my poor baby starved:cry:.....whatever I was taking in.....was coming out....:nope:.....felt so weak......today I started th day with biscuits. Just had 2...high fibre....ohhhh..what a relief....didn't puke.......planning to have tomato sandwich for lunch......yesterday my uncle and aunt had come to visit me from Dubai.....what a day to see me...was sick...they felt bad seeing me like that....I feel the quantity of my vomits have increased from the past 2 days.....earlier I used to vomit but not mu entire food.....now everything is coming out and my stomach feels empty....ohhh I am getting worried....

Another 10 days for my 12th week scan.....so excited..... Hopefully this time can get the scan in my hand and not just the report.....

coy- laundry day today....thinking about laundry...it's time for me too to do laundry today....

Laura, Steph, Emma, Coy....I guess after few months I need your advice on what to do and how to do in the later stage of pregnancy.... I know there is nothing to be worried about...it's just..you all have experience...which I would love to use....
Coy, I can't believe you are in your thirties already! (weeks that is) Boy I was gone for a while.

I thought you meant age. I was like Steph!!! LOL!! :rofl::kiss:

Yeah! I was like Steph too! :haha: LOL! I knew what she meant thogh :haha: Funny...:roll: Wow, but I am 37 now...almost 40 when did that happen :growlmad: But whats funny is I don't feel like it, I feel, well, pretty darn good :rofl: And yeah, I can't believe I am 30 weeks already :shock: It seems to be going by faster which is why I feel this sudden urge to get everything ready. It's like I can't stop and rest until everything is in order you know? Today I dumped the girls stuff out of the drawers of the changing table, added liners, then the diapers, wipes, and rash creme to one, onsies and tops to another, blankets in the last one. The other load is still drying :roll: Plus the diapers are newborn which I was worried about and dh went and bought some size 1's.... Now I am looking at maternity pads and getting the suitcase ready. And getting stuff ready for winter for the family as I won't want to do all of that in the next few weeks!
Yesterday my poor baby starved:cry:.....whatever I was taking in.....was coming out....:nope:.....felt so weak......today I started th day with biscuits. Just had 2...high fibre....ohhhh..what a relief....didn't puke.......planning to have tomato sandwich for lunch......yesterday my uncle and aunt had come to visit me from Dubai.....what a day to see me...was sick...they felt bad seeing me like that....I feel the quantity of my vomits have increased from the past 2 days.....earlier I used to vomit but not mu entire food.....now everything is coming out and my stomach feels empty....ohhh I am getting worried....

Another 10 days for my 12th week scan.....so excited..... Hopefully this time can get the scan in my hand and not just the report.....

coy- laundry day today....thinking about laundry...it's time for me too to do laundry today....

Laura, Steph, Emma, Coy....I guess after few months I need your advice on what to do and how to do in the later stage of pregnancy.... I know there is nothing to be worried about...it's just..you all have experience...which I would love to use....

Nope, baby didn't starve! You are probably getting awful hungry but baes will take what (s)he needs from your ody :thumbup: So make certain you are taking your prenatals! Oh, also, ask your doc if you can drink stuff like the Atkins shakes....I found some for dh to drink as they are super high in protein, like 14 grams to one serving but only 1 gram of sugar and verrrryyyy low carbs. It is sweetened with sucralose though so you'd have to ask about that. They come in choclate :cloud9: I was thinking about drinking them but have not recently had any trouble keeping my food down. The tomatoe sandwiches and cucumber sandwiches always seemed to settle okay.

Also- Shrdaha, if you are puking 3 times a day or almost everything that you eat then you need to talk to your doc. Ashley has been taking some medicide that she says helps, you may need that. You cannot continue without some sustenance, if you are getting weak, then you need to confront your doctor about a remedy as soon as possible. Not just for babes but for you- your baby needs you ! :thumbup:

And I am always willing to talk about labor :haha: Any advice I can give I will. Hmmm....first thing that comes to mind, perenneial massage. Helped me wonders! Second thing...their stupid breathing techniques never worked for me :growlmad: but I think because my labors were so fast! Anyway my MW told me to not squeeze my legs together (always the first inclination of a laboring mother against the pain) but let them drop open, this aids in the baby coming down. Hmm....4th thing....Stay hydrated! I will thnk of more and will def be on here as you get closer to your edd! :thumbup: :hugs:
Msperry: I had TONS of issues with the mirena IUD.
* Hair falling out
*Irregular periods - from none to lasting an entire three months at a time
*Tender breasts like I was pregnant
*Constant cramps
*Bad acne
*My vaginal PH balance was off (tmi)

theres more but I'd have to think.. haha

Well there's a lot of women that have had the same issues and worse including myself and even after having the mirena removed still have these symptoms like myself its been about three years since I had mine in and still have some of these same symptoms..do you know anything about sp cleanse..I'm thinking of trying it to fetid my liver..yesterday was a very bad day for me..felt as if i had flu like symptoms..all my bones hurt..I had swollen glass..on in my groin almost the size of a golf ball which finally burst this morning and it came up swollen in the matter of two days and became that big that quick today was day three and glad it burst and drained tmi it doesn't always drain this is one symptom that I've had from the beginning of the mirena that hasn't gone away and keeps coming back..I have just found a Dr who is going to make up a treatment plan for me as the other Dr I've seen has just given antibiotics over and over and they don't help. so I'm hoping to get my body well again detox and get this silicone out of my body and then try
So i spoke with a dr today who is going to work with me in detoxing this aweful stuff that's left over in my body after having the mirena and he believes that after my body is detoxed that my progesterone levels will come back and i will have no problems with the ''o'' and should be able to get prego although this detox process can take over a year before the toxins are out of my body i have hope now and have a dr that will listen to my concerns and not just tell me i am crazy fr thinking the cause of all my pain and probelms including infertility was the mirena

You might want to think about doing some things to heal your uterus... remember it is a powerful and self-healing organ (that's why so many of us go through so many problems, m/c's, surgeries, etc and yet still able to get pregnant)... try taking red raspberry leaf, that will help strengthen your uterus, also doing things like massage (look into mayan abdominal massage) or rubbing castor oil on your abdomen to increase blood flow to the area for healing...

You are so knowledgable on natural healing! I've missed your advice. Anything for fighting sleep baby?!

LOL!! If I knew, believe me I'd be using it!! ;)
Coy and Ashley- Come on, you guys think I'd really say that, in regards to age?? LOL!! I'm in my mid thirties myself so I would never!

Shradha- Don't worry about your baby not getting anything. The baby actually takes all the nutrients they need from us, if anything we are the ones that are left with nothing! But, as long as you are taking your prenatals (they absorb quickly so if you get sick you'll likely to have already absorbed them) and trying to eat a balanced diet then you'll be fine. Also, when we get sick, it always looks like more than it actually is. They say that about babies who spit up too.
So today I was surprised... I had my postpartum check-up and my midwife was asking me about birth control and what we planned to do... I told her that condoms were just fine, thank you, I really don't like any other forms of unnatural contraception... and she said she is a big proponent of the IUD, and proceeded to try to convince me that Mirena was something I should do! Of course I was thinking about what we talked about here, and what I have heard about it, and I couldn't believe that a midwife (someone who is all about natural childbirth and natural health) was telling me how great Mirena is. I wanted to tell her everything that I have heard, and I started to, but I wasn't in the mood to get into this drawn out debate about it... so to humor her I just let her give me a stupid pamphlet about it... since she loves it so much I wouldn't want to break her heart by refusing it... LOL
So today I was surprised... I had my postpartum check-up and my midwife was asking me about birth control and what we planned to do... I told her that condoms were just fine, thank you, I really don't like any other forms of unnatural contraception... and she said she is a big proponent of the IUD, and proceeded to try to convince me that Mirena was something I should do! Of course I was thinking about what we talked about here, and what I have heard about it, and I couldn't believe that a midwife (someone who is all about natural childbirth and natural health) was telling me how great Mirena is. I wanted to tell her everything that I have heard, and I started to, but I wasn't in the mood to get into this drawn out debate about it... so to humor her I just let her give me a stupid pamphlet about it... since she loves it so much I wouldn't want to break her heart by refusing it... LOL

LOL. I would strongly, suggest in a sincere way to not get it. However, it is your body, your choice so I wont judge you either way! :)
No way!! Not getting it. I just politely took her pamphlet cause I wanted to just go home :)
So today I was surprised... I had my postpartum check-up and my midwife was asking me about birth control and what we planned to do... I told her that condoms were just fine, thank you, I really don't like any other forms of unnatural contraception... and she said she is a big proponent of the IUD, and proceeded to try to convince me that Mirena was something I should do! Of course I was thinking about what we talked about here, and what I have heard about it, and I couldn't believe that a midwife (someone who is all about natural childbirth and natural health) was telling me how great Mirena is. I wanted to tell her everything that I have heard, and I started to, but I wasn't in the mood to get into this drawn out debate about it... so to humor her I just let her give me a stupid pamphlet about it... since she loves it so much I wouldn't want to break her heart by refusing it... LOL

Funny, my midwife did the same!! Although not the merina 1, an iud with no hormones. Either way it's still a no go, like you we'll be going back to condoms, I'm not messing with hormones or anything invasive. Don't really like condoms either but it's the best of a bad lot of choices!! I've told DH when we're done having kids he can have the snip!!
Steph- no I didn't really think that! :haha: I am never sensative about my age by the way, I am the one with body issues, remember! :rofl: I have self image issues, lol (jk). Anyway I can't believe your mw! :shock: Yeah, they are supposed to be all about natural stuff...then again my mw recommended the danged dep provera and that is evil too :growlmad: I wish I had never gotten on it. Never will again! How did everything else go? Hope she didn't have to do a smear of any kind that is alway scary after labor!

Laura- the snip? :nope: really? :nope: Scary too :haha: Lol, but I think you ladies are right, best to just take the safe route. No snip for my dh though he would never- we'll practice the old timing routine and I'll probably end up prego again :haha:

Shradha- how are you tonight? Are you feeling any better?

Ashley- how about you? Getting rest I hope.

- glad you are doing the detox and hope your doc can help you with the bursting glands sounds painful as heck :hugs:

AFM- :haha: Today I was miserable and exhausted :shrug: I am not sure if babes has shifted the other direction or what but my lower tummy pelvic region feels like it's going to split apart and she keeps kicking the hell oughtta me! :growlmad: I mean HARD too! She's super strong :cloud9: She is either doing jumping jax in there or break-dancing :haha: Anyway, I am sure feeling it. Super uncomfortable and pretty painful kicks, naughty child. Plus I am having tons of cm which is annoying (tmi, sorry :blush:) Not sure why I am having this getting ready rush :shrug: but am just going with it and trying to get everything done.

Other than that I did the usual laundry stuff, went and bought some maternity pads :thumbup:, packed baby diapers, onsies, body suits, baby blanket and my robe, and a bunch of crisp one dollar bills so dh can run cold coke from the machines for me :haha: Obviously I am referring to my suitcase for the hospital. Still have to pack extra clothes for me and the girls and a shirt for dh...although both labors he got totally bloody and wouldn't change til we got home :shrug: He's such a Marine sometimes :roll: lol. Got a few weeks yet but as one was late and one was early I want to be ready! :thumbup:
Coy, My MS is off and on. It sucks still :(

As far as birth control, I'm not doing anything after the baby either. I have tried almost all of them and I hate every.single.one. I hate condoms,too. Last time I used one I bled...I think my tissue sometimes gets too sensitive for rubber (tmi). Not sure if I will try it after baby is born, but it really is a better alternative to pills, nuva ring, implants iud, etc... We probably will take natural family planning classes. Basically, you are just taught how to calculate when you could be ovulating and you just avoid having sex during those special "days"... although, ya know..sometimes you are JUST in the mood...so I guess there is "pull out" but I know someone who has been pregnant off of "pull out" LOL. I figured we will just be extra super careful WHEN we have sex and IF for some reason we do get pregnant......than I guess it'll just be a sign from God and our family is supposed to be added too. Although, I wouldn't mind if this was my last baby - in fact, I think i'd prefer it. If I were to get pregnant again I'd really, really, really not want it to happen until I'm in my mid-thirties but than my daughter would already be 18. (I'm in my mid-twenties. I had my daughter when I was 17, a senior in HS. One-time "oops" with a boy in my biology class...lol)
Ashley- lol at the "oops" :haha: I was a late beginner I guess you could say...I was 28 when I got prego with T. My parents promptly got angry with dh and I and shouted that I should have waited for my sis to have children first :rofl: Are you serious? When I got this totally HOT Dh? :haha: They gotta be kidding me...:shrug: LOL!

When's your next appointment? Mine is creeping up here next week, on the 24th I think it is. Doc is talking about upping my visits to every 2 weeks soon. I am surprised, but I guess I am technically within my 31rst week :shrug: Where does time go?

Oh, btw, I meant to ask you-- how is school going?
Shradha- I have been thinking about you- how are you today? Hope I catch you on here for a chat one of these times! I am scheduling to get my awesome computer fixed hopefully tomorrow :thumbup: if all goes well, so I will be able to get on and chat more with you all! :hugs:

How long will your mom be staying with you? Does your dh get along with her? Mine is a total wreck nightmare :haha: and dh can't stand her lol....Me either sadly, I envy your close relationship! Glad you have her and your dh there for you! :hugs:
You'll never guess what happened :growlmad: There I was out walking, right? Minding my own business, right? One of my older neighbor ladies from down the street approaches me and grabs my arm and sneers "You're husband is disabled! Doesn't he know he's supposed to STOP HAVING BABIES now that he is disabled?!" And she flung my arm down and stomped back to her house.

I was going to get angry. Then I just decided the poor old lady probably isn't getting any.

IYKWIM. (lol)
So I looked back to page 279...Patrice dh had been in boot camp for 3 weeks and was scheduled to graduate the 31st of this month...so I am guessing Patrice must graduate something around 3-4 weeks after that right? So maybe we will "see" Patrice in the next few weeks or so! :thumbup:

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