Looking for official TTC buddies!!

You'll never guess what happened :growlmad: There I was out walking, right? Minding my own business, right? One of my older neighbor ladies from down the street approaches me and grabs my arm and sneers "You're husband is disabled! Doesn't he know he's supposed to STOP HAVING BABIES now that he is disabled?!" And she flung my arm down and stomped back to her house.

I was going to get angry. Then I just decided the poor old lady probably isn't getting any.

IYKWIM. (lol)

What a nasty old hag. :growlmad:

It would of been hilarious if you whispered "Well, you don't have to worry...it's really not his" LOL!
Seriously, how messed up are the people in your town??!! Like its any of her business!!

I think I have made a significant discovery as to why Xander wasn't a very efficient breast feeder & is an incredibly messy bottle feeder!! I think he has a mild posterior tongue tie.

I've wondered for a while as he never sticks out his tongue, something I thought was a basic reflex from birth. I've done lots of research this morning & taken a good look in his mouth & he has classic signs. Firstly being he doesn't stick out his tongue, when he cries its the rim of the tongue that curls up, it never seems to fully touch the roof of the mouth & sometimes looks heart shaped. As he can feed its likely just mild but it can make their latch too shallow to get enough milk, again I've always suspected his larch is shallow as I've always seen a lot if my aeriola (sp?) when he's latched. Explains his little weight gain when exclusively breast fed & why he gets very frustrated on the booby even now as he just can't get a good mouthful!!
Steph and coy- thanx for the advice......:hugs: I feel relieved....yes you are right .....

Yesterday my uncle and aunt had come to visit me for a day.... So was exhausted by evening.....was talking to them the whole afternoon that finally my energy gave up and I was feeling very tired.... Mom gave me some pieces of kiwi fruit to eat.... They left in the morning today. I have an appointment with endo tom......my thyroid levels have become perfect:happydance:...hopefully the doctor will reduce or stop the dosage....but I went for a blood sugar check ...reports will come by evening.....
Coy- thanx for some tips during labour..I shall keep it in mind.....:hugs:
Why are old women so mean.....what is her problem? How can she talk to you like that:growlmad:.....why can't she mind her own business....

Mom will be here with me.....she may go for a few days in between to be with my dad....she feels sorry with me....she was telling me that I get tensed and angry very fast......I was never so short tempered..... I guess the MS is getting on my nerves:dohh:.... Have my scan 12 weeks on 24 so I too will be visiting the doctor......

Yea...I have a very special bond with my mom....I am the only daughter...so used to feel very lonely when I was small and my mom always used to be there by my side...she knows all my secrets.... We confide in each other a lot.... My dh likes her a lot...he is happy that she is here to take care of me...he can relax and do his work...
Oh god....again feeling sick:nope:....will catch up later....
Seriously, how messed up are the people in your town??!! Like its any of her business!!

I think I have made a significant discovery as to why Xander wasn't a very efficient breast feeder & is an incredibly messy bottle feeder!! I think he has a mild posterior tongue tie.

I've wondered for a while as he never sticks out his tongue, something I thought was a basic reflex from birth. I've done lots of research this morning & taken a good look in his mouth & he has classic signs. Firstly being he doesn't stick out his tongue, when he cries its the rim of the tongue that curls up, it never seems to fully touch the roof of the mouth & sometimes looks heart shaped. As he can feed its likely just mild but it can make their latch too shallow to get enough milk, again I've always suspected his larch is shallow as I've always seen a lot if my aeriola (sp?) when he's latched. Explains his little weight gain when exclusively breast fed & why he gets very frustrated on the booby even now as he just can't get a good mouthful!!

I forgot to tell you guys this, but we had Brandon's tongue tie clipped a few weeks ago. I also researched a lot and thought this might have been a possibility as to why he was not sucking/swallowing properly. Even though in most cases, the problem is poor suck/low supply, I thought that maybe his swallowing mechanism may have been hindered by the tongue tie. So when we saw the ENT we mentioned it, and she said he had a mild one and that she could clip it right there... from what I read it is an easy procedure-- much harder actually for you than the baby, it is really fast-- but I just couldn't be in the room to hear the cries, so DH handled it all... but I was waiting right there to BF right away after she did it. They do bleed a lot right after, but it stops immediately when you start nursing. I think it is worth a shot, sounds like it could really improve things in Xander's case. It is hard to get it diagnosed and find someone who will do it, especially with posterior ties, but stick to your guns.
Coy- What rude people!! But after all these incidents with your neighbors you must be desensitized by now!! It's good you are able to just laugh it off. You should have DH go up to here and say, excuse me, but I am quite capable of taking care of children, unlike you!
Seriously, how messed up are the people in your town??!! Like its any of her business!!

I think I have made a significant discovery as to why Xander wasn't a very efficient breast feeder & is an incredibly messy bottle feeder!! I think he has a mild posterior tongue tie.

I've wondered for a while as he never sticks out his tongue, something I thought was a basic reflex from birth. I've done lots of research this morning & taken a good look in his mouth & he has classic signs. Firstly being he doesn't stick out his tongue, when he cries its the rim of the tongue that curls up, it never seems to fully touch the roof of the mouth & sometimes looks heart shaped. As he can feed its likely just mild but it can make their latch too shallow to get enough milk, again I've always suspected his larch is shallow as I've always seen a lot if my aeriola (sp?) when he's latched. Explains his little weight gain when exclusively breast fed & why he gets very frustrated on the booby even now as he just can't get a good mouthful!!

I forgot to tell you guys this, but we had Brandon's tongue tie clipped a few weeks ago. I also researched a lot and thought this might have been a possibility as to why he was not sucking/swallowing properly. Even though in most cases, the problem is poor suck/low supply, I thought that maybe his swallowing mechanism may have been hindered by the tongue tie. So when we saw the ENT we mentioned it, and she said he had a mild one and that she could clip it right there... from what I read it is an easy procedure-- much harder actually for you than the baby, it is really fast-- but I just couldn't be in the room to hear the cries, so DH handled it all... but I was waiting right there to BF right away after she did it. They do bleed a lot right after, but it stops immediately when you start nursing. I think it is worth a shot, sounds like it could really improve things in Xander's case. It is hard to get it diagnosed and find someone who will do it, especially with posterior ties, but stick to your guns.

By the way, it didn't help in our case with the swallowing issues-- but it did improve his latch and he can open his mouth a lot wider. He was always able to suck efficiently and get the milk out, but with an even better latch I think he is able to stay on better and swallow less air.
Laura-- Have you checked for a lip tie too? Those are often overlooked, but could also contribute to the problem. Our ENT said that Brandon has one but that she wouldn't do anything just yet... I don't think it's as easy to get those clipped...
Laura-- Have you checked for a lip tie too? Those are often overlooked, but could also contribute to the problem. Our ENT said that Brandon has one but that she wouldn't do anything just yet... I don't think it's as easy to get those clipped...

Thats interesting that Brandon had one too. I've looked into lip tues & based on pics on google he does have one but so do I, DH, my mum & sister!! I've always thought it was normal to have the bit of skin from your gum to your lip!! Do you think having the lip clipped will help even more with Brandons feeding?

I'm intrigued now as to whether any of you ladies also have it?
Tongue and lip ties are usually genetic. I heard if often comes from Dad. Neither of us have them though, definitely no tongue tie but maybe an ever slight lip tie... nothing like how Brandon has it though. I think he has quite a significant lip tie, so it may help to get it corrected... but we'll see... not too many doctors that do lip ties. If we continue to have problems or if his weight gain slows down, then we will look into it again. They do say that about 10% of the population have tongue ties, so it has a high incidence but I guess that
doesn't mean that it could cause problems. For many people it creates no problem at all, but for some I know it can lead to speech issues when the child is older, especially if it is a more sever one. I know there are different grades of severity. I would have Xanderms checked out to see. Even if it is a mild one, there is no harm in getting it clipped, it can't make things worse. If anything, there may be a transition period where Xander would need to relearn how to BF correctly. Usually though, from what I've read, mothers have noted an instant improvement. It's just hard to watch them do it, I had to leave the building, didn't want to hear any crying!!
Hi ladies- just thought I'd pop on and read all your posts :hugs: I am seriously exhausted lately :shrug: Third tri catching up to me you think? :huh: All I know is the couch and I have become best friends and I am still tired...so trying to increase my activity level a bit and see if that helps...
Coy - I think perhaps your body is telling you to slow down? I know normally being active helps increase energy levels but it seems to be the opposite when pregnant. Think how hard your body is already working & how much nutrition your 2 - 3lb baby is taking from you.

Shradha - hope you're feeling a little less sick today. Your Mum sounds lovely coming to look after you. I have a similarly close relationship with my Mum & sister. They can't do enough to help since being pregnant & having Xander.

Steph - I've made an appointment with our dr for next week & I'm going to take Xander to see out health visitor on Monday to see if Xander does have tongue & lip tie. I think if he does I'm going to have a challange to get anything done about it quickly though. It takes months to get a referral to an ent consultant in the uk but I think it needs to be clipped before 3 months otherwise he'll need to be anesthetised.

I had my first gym session this week & it was great, had to take it pretty slow though, seriously lacking in stamina now & can really feel my reduced lung capacity, but it should get better. I was about 70 points off normal on my peak flow reading. I was ou away from Xander for about an hour & a half but I missed him terribly!!

I'm also having real issues with my mil. Everything she says & does drives me crazy. I know it's more my problem as ive become far more opinionated & defensive in my decisions but can't actually have an adult conversation with her which frustrates me & I just snap. Shes used to being right & her children not questioning her so if yout opinion diffets she simply says no, it drives me crazy. I take a lot of things personally as well. We make a lot of effort for them to see Xander but they then make 3000 other plans on the same day giving us no flexibilty & making then rush. My Mum leaves the whole day free to see as much of him as possible. They love Xander to bits & I guess I should be grateful that they take an interest as if they didn't really care I wouldn't be happy either!! I guess I'm very attached & protective over Xander and she doesnt do things the way me or my Mum would & has stupid ideas & opinions (in my opinion) which I don't have any tolerance for. How do I get over feeling like this? I need to let things go over my head but just can't. My blood boils thinking about her & the thought of leaving Xander with her ever terrifies me. I just know she'll do things in a way I wouldnt then tell me how much better it is for him & just show off to everyone what a wonderful grandmother she is like she already kind of does to my Mum. In fact that's part of the issue I think. Her & my Mum are friends. They are very comfortable money wise whereas things are tight for my Mum & mil shows off about what they have & can buy. She actually said to my mum once that as they have a car & my mum doesn't they'll do all the babysitting at our house!! My mum was furious, as if there aren't other ways if getting to me such as buses & taxis!!

Sorry long rant but needed to get it out of my system. I've written it on my phone as well so may not make sense in parts!! Any advice greatly appreciated!!!
That's interesting about the lip tie... my Mom and I both have one, but we thought it was normal :shrug: We've never had any problems though.

Laura, your MIL sounds like a nightmare :dohh: I don't have much advice because I've never had in laws, but maybe talk it through with your DH and see what he has to say? He might be able to talk to her?
i am back for right now. Well, im currently still in boot camp but i have bad news (well bad news for me). I am leaving boot camp :cry: I ended up getting a muscle tear in my right knee and then not long after i got really sick to the point I had to go to the E.R. since they didnt know the cause....they are sending me home on a medical discharge. I guess everything happens for a reason though. I must say boot camp was pretty easy up until this point when I got injured and sick. My DH will be graduating on the 31st of this month so im proud of him and will make it to his graduation...hopefully. I think I am leaving boot camp next week but not too sure because I have to wait until my name is on the departure list. I have to admit, I am ready to be home and Im ready to see my DH. My plan now is to be a Navy wife and just let my DH do the military work. Atleast it will work out better for us in the long run. I will continue school and also working but now i can be home with the kids (when they come) so this is my update!! And......I MISSED ALL OF YOU LADIES!!! :hugs:
Ouch, Patrice that muscle tear sounds nasty :nope: But... Welcome back!! :happydance: xx
Ah, Patrice- I was thnking of you!! :hugs: I posted the other night wondering when you'd be back on! Sooner than I thought though, sorry to hear about the muscle tear-- it happens though! :hugs: You are one tough lady and will make an excellent Navy wife :thumbup: Welcome back to bnb! :)
thanks Coy. I will have to wait until my next AF to start back into the mix of things for 8 1/2 months until dh and I can actually try. Also, atleast now i get free healthcare so i can get all those tests done yay. And also i had 2 AFs in July because everyone got in sync with each other...such a headache lol. But I believe I will make it through this.

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