Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Oh yeah, btw, I forgot. This morning as I was getting dressed I noticed something odd with my clothes. It took me a few moments to realze I kept trying to put my bra on feet first....:blush:......LOL!!

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hugs:
:rofl: you have the funniest baby brain Coy!! It's about time for another bump pic isn't it Coy?

My darling boy was a total nightmare yesterday. Not so bad in the morning but barely napped at all yesterday & was very very grumpy & cried most if the day!! He did manage to sleep ok last night though so hoping it was just a blip & he'll be back to his normal cherpy self today, so far so good!

We saw his consultant yesterday following up on his health probs at birth. DH & I don't have incompatible blood so they think the low platelets was either due to him being small or the aspirin I took. The low blood sugar was also due to him being small & not having enough reserves. There is now a concern over his development as he had symptomatic low blood sugar. The consultant however checked him over & has no concerns now, we don't either as he's hitting all of his milestones. He's going to see him again at 6 months for follow up.

Ashley/ Shradha - 12 weeks already, time flies! Looking forward to some scan pics from you both!

Ashley - will you not get an earlier scan considering what happened last time?

Pics to follow.

Laura - I seen your pictures of Xander. He is a dollie! I've already had a few scans, I won't get another one until 20 weeks unless there seems to be a problem are an underlying reason to get another one. Technically, that's less than 8 weeks anyway anyways. :)

I seen that you now have a TTC countdown! Yay!
Laura- Cute pics!! He's smiling so big now! It's funny, Brandon has the cutest smiles and is so interactive, yet the moment I put the camera on him he tunes out. :( He is so communicative already, cooing and vocalizing so much! He's going to be an early talker I think. I don't remember Nicholas doing this so much at this age.

Ashley and Shradha- Moving right along huh? 2nd tri already!! How's the MS for both of you?

Coy- You do have such a funny baby brain. You should put together a book of all your baby brain moments. Pregnant ladies would love to read them!

Speaking of books, I've been reading that book I told you guys about, "Do Chocolate Lovers Have Sweeter Babies." It is so interesting, and I probably would have loved it even more while I was pregnant. But it does have a lot of interesting facts about post-birth, babies and breastfeeding, so I am enjoying it.
Those 8 weeks are going to go so quickly! Are you going to find out the gender?!

I'm excited to put up a ticker. I was fairly traumatised from the birth & a little unsure about a second or at least starting ttc for it as early as May which we planned before having Xander. Now however I can't wait to be pregnant again & have another!! Hormones are wonderful things how they make you forget the detail of how hard labour & the early weeks are!!

Need some help from the Mummy's. It appears the Dr was right & Xander has just cut his first tooth!! I can see a little white line where his bottom left tooth would be & after having a feel I can feel something sharp there. I'm not sure if it's fully through yet but guess they'll be others coming through now. I guess it explains the fussiness over the past few days, he's also been dribbling lots & wanting to munch booby or a bottle all the time but choking on & spitting out the milk. Are there any tips you can give me on helping to relieve his discomfort? He's not really putting things in his mouth yet so I don't think teething rings are going to work.
Laura- Cute pics!! He's smiling so big now! It's funny, Brandon has the cutest smiles and is so interactive, yet the moment I put the camera on him he tunes out. :( He is so communicative already, cooing and vocalizing so much! He's going to be an early talker I think. I don't remember Nicholas doing this so much at this age.

Ashley and Shradha- Moving right along huh? 2nd tri already!! How's the MS for both of you?

Coy- You do have such a funny baby brain. You should put together a book of all your baby brain moments. Pregnant ladies would love to read them!

Speaking of books, I've been reading that book I told you guys about, "Do Chocolate Lovers Have Sweeter Babies." It is so interesting, and I probably would have loved it even more while I was pregnant. But it does have a lot of interesting facts about post-birth, babies and breastfeeding, so I am enjoying it.

Bless him, he's obviously camera shy!! I have found it hard to properly catch Xanders smile. He just kept on smiling though this morning so I had time to get my phone out & get that pic. He smiles at me now every time he wakes up, or if I get him out of the car, it just melts my heart that he chooses to smile at me now, I don't have to coax it out if him!

It's a shame it's so hard to get video on here, I'd love to hear Brandon cooing away. Xanders taken to cooing as he drinks! There's an ah or oo with every gulp!!
Laura- there is a teething gel that is totally safe for babies and it works wonders! Just use your fingertip and rub it all over his gums where the teeth are cutting through. He won't like the taste but in a matter of about 60 seconds his whole mood will change :thumbup: Dh is always nominated for the hard part- finger chewing, lol! He just gently rubs the gum after putting the gel on and it helps the tooth break through. No fever though? Awesome! And I have heard of babies teething early! Lucky mummy, right?! Watch those nipples! :rofl:

And yes, I have been thinking of a bump pic soon, just gotta see if I can download to this dumb conmputer:growlmad: Will give it a shot soon! :thumbup:

AFM- doc appointment went well, we all went in...Bump is measuring 32 centimeters, perfect for my 32 weeks. In the last 2 months I have only gained 2 pounds total so not bad:shrug: Will have to see, doc said everything is perfect. And babes is still high :thumbup: so she must just be kicking my cervix hard :growlmad: lol!

One crappy night last night- Kat started waking me up 1/2 hour after I laid down and I was literally awake until 6 am again. Little poop, she is trying to force me to let her sleep in my bed which I am adamantly against. I told dh that's all I need- one infant and one 3 year old forcing my up and out. NO WAY! lol! So she is currently as sleep deprived as I am and promising not to behave that way again. We'll see :roll: I did sleep from 6:30 to 8:30 then got up to make breakfast for the fam. Ah well.......Motherhood! :)
That's great the appointment went well & alls looking good with bubs. How often will you being having appointments now?

Thanks for the tip. I'm not sure what I can use on his gums this early though. Will pop into the health visitor drop in next well.

I am now worried about the nipples!! I always said once he had a tooth the breast feeding stops but I'm not ready to give it up yet!! :(
Yes, def check with your doc or pharmacist (chemist) first.

My appointments are every two weeks (fortnight :haha: How about my English lingo :smug: lol) now. Feels too soon, but nope, right on schedule...where is time going?? :huh:?
Arrrrgggggghhhhhhhh men!!!! Bank holiday Monday this week & DH had the day off giving him 5 days off in a row which he's been looking forward to. Work call him at 8.30 this morning asking him to work, he asks me while on the phone & I say it's his decision but make it clear from my facial expression the answer should be no. He only bleeping agrees to do it!!!!!! He recons he'll be able to get a different day off later in the week but only if they can do it staffing wise & we won't know until tues. I make plans when he's working to get us out the house & so he can sleep better on nights but now that's up in the air until we know when he's off. Can't believe how stupid he was to agree to it, he even said to the person on the phone I gave him a disapproving look. He has been looking forward to 5 days off why the hell would he give that up??!!! So so f***** off right now. We never get bank holidays together, ever. Arrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Laura- I don't blame you for being upset! especially when he asked you point blank then makes out like you're the bad guy ! :shock: MEN is right :growlmad: I hope he manages to get things arranged so you can still get the time off :hugs:
You know what irks me?! Is when you join a talk about pro-formula and you just HAPPEN to mention breastfeeding is best, and that sending out samples (I've got three months worth of formula samples already from ready to go to powder) is pushing formula but that you are for either or, and that you have personally formula fed yourself and you get jumped on! Geez!! I never said formula was the anti-Christ! I don't understand why just because my feelings are to "at least try to breastfeed" is justifiable to be rude and have a backlash? My opinion is: If you don't want others to respectably state how they feel, than don't talk about it on a public form.
Ashley- I agree. I always say, to each their own. Yes, I believe bf'ing is important and that it IS the best... I personally wouldn't give my babies formula unless I absolutely had to, but that is what I choose. Everyone chooses what is best for them, and many women have to formula feed or supplement because of low supply or medical issues. Am I going to bash them for it? Of course not! I'm not them, it's not my child, it has nothing to do with what I think or choose. I love bf'ing, I've never even considered formula feeding, but I'm not
going to go around saying that everyone should BF or that they are wrong to FF. But I'm not really one to force my opinions down anyone's throat either!
Laura- Have you heard of Camilia? It's a homeopathic teething medication. I used it when N was teething. Do you have it in the UK? I like it because it's gentle and all natural. It works too! It contains Chamomila which is the homeopathic version of chamomile, which is particularly good for irritability and fussiness due to teething or digestive discomfort in infants.

Don't worry about not being able to BF. Amazingly, the teeth don't get in the way. They instinctively suck without biting down... occasionally they might clamp down (by accident or because they want to play around with the nipple or test your reaction) but if you say "Ouch!" or pull away they quickly learn not to do it anymore!
Ashley- I agree. I always say, to each their own. Yes, I believe bf'ing is important and that it IS the best... I personally wouldn't give my babies formula unless I absolutely had to, but that is what I choose. Everyone chooses what is best for them, and many women have to formula feed or supplement because of low supply or medical issues. Am I going to bash them for it? Of course not! I'm not them, it's not my child, it has nothing to do with what I think or choose. I love bf'ing, I've never even considered formula feeding, but I'm not
going to go around saying that everyone should BF or that they are wrong to FF. But I'm not really one to force my opinions down anyone's throat either!

Exactly! To each their own! :hugs:
Steph- thanks for mentioning the teeth and bf'ing. My dd's were always good about it but there were times when they instinctively bit down to soothe their gums and YOW! :haha:
Steph- thanks for mentioning the teeth and bf'ing. My dd's were always good about it but there were times when they instinctively bit down to soothe their gums and YOW! :haha:

I've never nursed long enough to deal with that, but I want to BF for a long time this time around.

What the heck do you do when that happens? I'm afraid my initial instinct would be to yelp and than throw the kid off the sofa! LOL :haha::blush:
Steph- thanks for mentioning the teeth and bf'ing. My dd's were always good about it but there were times when they instinctively bit down to soothe their gums and YOW! :haha:

I've never nursed long enough to deal with that, but I want to BF for a long time this time around.

What the heck do you do when that happens? I'm afraid my initial instinct would be to yelp and than throw the kid off the sofa! LOL :haha::blush:

:rofl: my thoughts exactly!! I'm going to keep going though & hope I can teach him not to bite!!

Thanks for the advice Steph. I'll see if I can get the remedy you suggested. My mum had a feel around yesterday & doesn't think the tooth is through yet, it did seen rediculously early!!

Re the forum Ashley. A lot women who choose to formula feed for whatever reason, feel guilty about it & are frowned upon by a lot of people. They prob would have got some grief from health care professionals & family. You therefore find them to be defensive. The pro threads you see are a pick me up for them to feel better about themselves. Therefore your innocent & well meant comment probably hit a nerve with them, don't take it personally. I choose to combi feed & it works brilliant for us.
I'm going to be a first time Auntie very soon, my sil is being induced today! Going to have a little nephew!! It's going to be great Xander having a cousin so close in age. Hopefully they'll be good friends!! (it will also keep the mil occupied so she won't be so obsessed with Xander!!)
Steph- thanks for mentioning the teeth and bf'ing. My dd's were always good about it but there were times when they instinctively bit down to soothe their gums and YOW! :haha:

I've never nursed long enough to deal with that, but I want to BF for a long time this time around.

What the heck do you do when that happens? I'm afraid my initial instinct would be to yelp and than throw the kid off the sofa! LOL :haha::blush:

Ha! Yeah you would think. It's actually not as bad as it sounds though. Our nipples can handle a lot... lol... then again, maybe I'm just not as sensitive or something, but I've never had any nipple pain or soreness from BF'ing. Never had to use that lanolin stuff or had cracked or bleeding nipples... which I hear about a lot... but anyway, in my opinion it might hurt for a split second when they clamp down but it's not horrible... not like the pain of childbirth or anything... LOL... and like I said they learn fast not to do it again!
I'm going to be a first time Auntie very soon, my sil is being induced today! Going to have a little nephew!! It's going to be great Xander having a cousin so close in age. Hopefully they'll be good friends!! (it will also keep the mil occupied so she won't be so obsessed with Xander!!)

Congrats new Auntie!! Seems like its been a big baby boom this year!

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