Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Shradha- I agree with Laura on how soon you'll show. Every woman is different and geenrally the first pregnancy does not show as early. But if you feel above pubic bone just below your belly button you will feel the start of bump there! :)

Hope oyu get feeling better soon, totally normal though :thumbup:
Not sure about the let down feeling Ashley. Tbh I've only just kindof noticed it on myself!!

Coy - how are you feeling? You've been quiet again, are your girls keeping you in your toes? Hope you're managing to get some rest.
Ps, still not an Auntie, poor sil is having a terrible induction experience. They put in a pessary Sunday morn, she contracted to 1 - 2cm over 20ish hours. They've now taken it out & she should have her waters broken but L&D is closed because it's full so she's been left on the ward & her contractions have stopped!!
Laura, I really feel for your SIL. Long drawn out labours are not fun! Make sure you let us know when she has her little man! :cloud9:
I'm an Auntie!!! :D :happydance:

it's a good job she was induced when she was, he's 3 days early & weighs 10lb 1/2 oz!!! Xander only weighed 10lb 10oz last Thursday! I wouldn't be at all surprised if he's already longer than Xander!! Can't wait to see him.
I'm an Auntie!!! :D :happydance:

it's a good job she was induced when she was, he's 3 days early & weighs 10lb 1/2 oz!!! Xander only weighed 10lb 10oz last Thursday! I wouldn't be at all surprised if he's already longer than Xander!! Can't wait to see him.

:shock: It'll be interesting to see him and Xander in a picture side by side for comparison :haha: Congrats on being an auntie! Is he your first nephew?
Yep first time Auntie! I think they'll prob look about the same size. I've never seen a 10lb newborn!

I always worried that my mil would compare the 2 & piss me off, well it took her 20 minutes!!!!!!

We gave my sil Xanders small baby clothes in case he was small & said with her being induced early she may need then even more. I got this message in Facebook from my mil within about half hour of her hearing if the birth.

*I don't think J will be able to use those baby clothes you gave me!!!*

That is directly copied, she didn't say anything else, no thank you for lending them, it was purely a show off that sil had a bigger baby!! This women is unbelievable.

On a seperate note Xander had his first jabs today. I thought I'd be fine as he had so many blood tests in the first week but it was horrible :cry: he was asleep & about jumped out my arms with shock after the first, he look on his face was heart breaking. He did however settle back down then cried more for the second but that 1 stings apparently. He's actually been fine since then, not really overly fussy but I have had him attached to me since then!!
Help!! Xanders taken to waking every 3 hours at night. He's not done this since he was about 4 weeks. Any idea how I can get him to stretch out his feeds? He has a bath time routine now where he has bottle, massage, bath then booby which he usually falls asleep on. He was doing 4 - 5 hours after but isn't any more. Although DH & I share the night feeds we still wake each other up when we take our turn & we're getting more & more tired!!
Laura- Xander is just having a growth spurt. Believe it or not the growth spurt is an almost continual thing! :shock: He's gonna sprout and inch over night, watch! :haha: Yep, they have a schedule for a bit then change it up for you....pretty soon he'll settle again and give you a respite! I understand how you feel when they get poked :sad1: Dh and I choose to wait on immunizations until they are bigger but still gotta get that little cut on the foot to check for allergy to aspartame--do they do that in UK?

And yep, my girls are keeping me on my toes. Kat let me sleep for mostpart but still wakes up at least once a night. Hopefully she sleeps tonight through. It's the heat and third tri and getting this whole house ready for babes! :wacko: Still in the garage just trying to be super good about it this time and dh hauled off a full suburban truck load of garbage today :happydance: Hope to drag another one out of there. Course he came home lugging a painting he decided to keep :growlmad: and some other htings. Guess I'm gonna have to start breaking stuff when I load it, huh? :grr: lol!
Laura we have the complete opposite problem... Phoebe never wakes for her feeds! I let it reach 5 hours since her last meal but if she's not woken on her own I have to be cruel mummy and get her up! Currently sat here waiting for her to realise it's been 5 hours since her last bottle but no joy, she's zonked bless her.
Emma.. Phoebe is so cute:happydance::happydance:......beautiful little princess:kiss:.......

Laura- hurray and congrats on being an aunt:happydance:....

Coy- the third trim seems to be bad......you really need to take rest. Dont exert too much..keep some energy ....

Ashley- even i too feel the same way......
oh god i am so worried.............. just got back from the scan..... my scan shows 13 weeks 5 days...funny though coz according to the last scan today i am 13weeks only..... saw the scan......but couldnt see baby clearly.......the doc said my placenta is low lying.....so not good...have to be very careful.... should not bleed...I am sad, worried........whats going on ......:cry:
Shradha - don't worry that the scans put you 5 days ahead, at 13 weeks babies start growing at different rates. If I remember correctly Emma's due date was moved forward by a week at her 12 week scan as Phoebe measured bigger. However I think Phoebe ended up coming on her first due date in the end, I'd that right Emma?
It's a shame you weren't happy with the pics from your scan, unfortunately it's down to the skills of the sonographer as to the quality. Take comfort that everything is ok though as they would have said if there was a problem. When will you get another scan? A low lying placenta usually moves out the way by the third trimester so hopefully it won't be a problem.

Emma - babies are quite sleepy for the first few days & more do after an epi so make the most of the 5 hour stretch! Xander needed to be woken to eat but as I was breast feeding he then wouldn't latch very well, barely eat anything , get bored & go back to sleep!! Lazy boy!!

Coy - my DH would do do that, trying to get him to throw anything away is a nightmare!! Great idea to break stuff next time!! Hope Kats being good & letting you sleep properly tonight.

Babies aren't tested for aspartame allergies but I am intolerant to it & all sweeteners & I've decided I'm not giving Xander anything with sweetners in. In the uk it's in a lot of drinks to make then less calorific & kinder to teeth but it is evil stuff, adds an after taste & is a carcinogen. I'd rather give him the full sugar things in moderation & brush his teeth properly!!
Shradha - don't worry that the scans put you 5 days ahead, at 13 weeks babies start growing at different rates. If I remember correctly Emma's due date was moved forward by a week at her 12 week scan as Phoebe measured bigger. However I think Phoebe ended up coming on her first due date in the end, I'd that right Emma?
It's a shame you weren't happy with the pics from your scan, unfortunately it's down to the skills of the sonographer as to the quality. Take comfort that everything is ok though as they would have said if there was a problem. When will you get another scan? A low lying placenta usually moves out the way by the third trimester so hopefully it won't be a problem.

Emma - babies are quite sleepy for the first few days & more do after an epi so make the most of the 5 hour stretch! Xander needed to be woken to eat but as I was breast feeding he then wouldn't latch very well, barely eat anything , get bored & go back to sleep!! Lazy boy!!

I'd never even thought of the epi being the culprit, got to say I'm relieved though! That 5 hour stretch turned out to be more of a 7 hour stretch... to say I was fretting would be an understatement :nope:

Shradha - Laura's right, at this stage babies have all sorts of little growth spurts. At my 12 week scan I was put forward 8 days! Phoebe ended up being born the day before what would have been her original due date if my first scan hadn't changed it :thumbup:

Oh and Laura, you won that little sweepstake we had a few months back. You got the gender and birth date spot on, and were just a few ounces off her weight! Shame I don't have a prize for you :haha:
Shradha - don't worry that the scans put you 5 days ahead, at 13 weeks babies start growing at different rates. If I remember correctly Emma's due date was moved forward by a week at her 12 week scan as Phoebe measured bigger. However I think Phoebe ended up coming on her first due date in the end, I'd that right Emma?
It's a shame you weren't happy with the pics from your scan, unfortunately it's down to the skills of the sonographer as to the quality. Take comfort that everything is ok though as they would have said if there was a problem. When will you get another scan? A low lying placenta usually moves out the way by the third trimester so hopefully it won't be a problem.

Emma - babies are quite sleepy for the first few days & more do after an epi so make the most of the 5 hour stretch! Xander needed to be woken to eat but as I was breast feeding he then wouldn't latch very well, barely eat anything , get bored & go back to sleep!! Lazy boy!!

I'd never even thought of the epi being the culprit, got to say I'm relieved though! That 5 hour stretch turned out to be more of a 7 hour stretch... to say I was fretting would be an understatement :nope:

Shradha - Laura's right, at this stage babies have all sorts of little growth spurts. At my 12 week scan I was put forward 8 days! Phoebe ended up being born the day before what would have been her original due date if my first scan hadn't changed it :thumbup:

Oh and Laura, you won that little sweepstake we had a few months back. You got the gender and birth date spot on, and were just a few ounces off her weight! Shame I don't have a prize for you :haha:

Lol!! I'm quite proud of myself! My skull theory has been working well in gender guesses recently!! I also thought my sil would have her little boy on 28th which she did so him & Xander share the same day of the month!

Finally seen a pic of him & he's gorgeous, doesn't look as big as 10lb on his picture.
How weird is that... Phoebe and I share a birthdate too. Both born on Sunday 26th, except I was April and she is August.

When will you get to see your new addition?
How weird is that... Phoebe and I share a birthdate too. Both born on Sunday 26th, except I was April and she is August.

When will you get to see your new addition?

It depends when she gets home. She thought she might go home last night but she only gave birth at 3pm with forceps so I doubt it. Didn't have the heart to tell her they keep you in for 48 hours if you go to theatre, in our hospital you're taken to theatre to use forceps. I think they'll also want to do tests on them both to make sure the toxins have gone from their blood. I think it'll prob be the weekend before we see him. Hopefully he'll have a name by then as well!!
Hi ladies :hi:

AFM- Wow, what a day! Started early, about 5 am for dh and I…well, okay, while he showered I sorta dozed…:blush: Anyway, huge stress reliefs today, on a few points. 1) We now have our winters worth of fire wood, which is a huge relief to us, especially since we wanted it before babes is born. Here’s the thing- we always end up paying at least $680-700 a year for wood, and this year we only had to spend $300! What an amazing blessing! :thumbup: Also we got it delivered by dump truck so no hand-unloading! :thumbup: Also instead of dumping it in piles that we had to hand stack we got it in huge wooden crates :thumbup: So no stacking :cloud9: lol, anyways, I am really happy about that :)

Then I contacted my Academic counselor and got my college all straightened out for the next 25-35 weeks, and I am doing an average of 400 scale courses and these next 30 weeks I am at 100 level- all electives which hould be both fun and easy. We did it this ay because it will be so much easier for me to keep up once babes is born! No hard concentrated courses for the first few months of “new-born-ness” lol! Also, spoke with my finance counselor and managed to rework finances to save about $2,000 in the next year! Wow, it pays to double check things….

Also, got the girls started on school and have managed to set a fairly easy method of scheduling so I can handle a days worth of schooling in just a couple hours :thumbup: Phew!

And I found a pair of comfy air-cushioned sandals for a $1.00 :shock: So I can ditch the heeled boots that are currently killing my feet and back :haha:

Wow, anyway, that’s enough amazing good news (especially the shoes :haha:). Now I am cooking pork steaks for dinner and thinking rice or salad? I have had rice the last few days as my energy seems to have bottomed out :shrug: and I thought it might help. Don’t want my, um, back end growing though :blush: so gotta be careful :rofl:
Shradha- no worries hon, take a look at your ticker-- it too states you should be 13 weeks 5 days, unless you adjusted it?? Anyway I have had scans with jumps high and low like that, no worries!! :thumbup: Re: the low lying placenta. Mine is low this time also but doc reassured me that the placenta also "moves" as it were, in an upward direction as your pregnancy progresses. What happens is the uterus expands and grows, yet the placenta cllings to the same portion of uterine wall- during the process of growing and stretching the placenta ends up much higher than it initially was :thumbup: So give it time and will move up.

Emma- yep, probably a result of the epi, so take advantage when you need to but yeah, I'd waker her at 5 for sure to eat! Poor little hungry tummy! :haha: Lol. It's so cool to hear you talk about feedings now when it's been "the bump" for so long :hugs:

Laura- I agree 100 percent on the aspartame. The test is a requirement here in US though :( But if we give th ekids anything sweet it is natural. Which reminds me, choclolate milk lovers- Nesquick makes a corn-syrup-free chocolate syrup for milk and ice cream :cloud9: and at least locally it is comparable if not cheaper than Hersheys :shrug: Oh, and yes, we start brushing as soon as baby's first tooth pops out. They sell little finger pad style brushes with baby tooth paste :)

Ashley- where are you?

Akshu- you are MIA! :nope:

Msperry- you are MIA also :nope:

Steph- !!!!:shrug:!!!

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