Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Shradha- no worries hon, take a look at your ticker-- it too states you should be 13 weeks 5 days, unless you adjusted it?? Anyway I have had scans with jumps high and low like that, no worries!! :thumbup: Re: the low lying placenta. Mine is low this time also but doc reassured me that the placenta also "moves" as it were, in an upward direction as your pregnancy progresses. What happens is the uterus expands and grows, yet the placenta cllings to the same portion of uterine wall- during the process of growing and stretching the placenta ends up much higher than it initially was :thumbup: So give it time and will move up.

Emma- yep, probably a result of the epi, so take advantage when you need to but yeah, I'd waker her at 5 for sure to eat! Poor little hungry tummy! :haha: Lol. It's so cool to hear you talk about feedings now when it's been "the bump" for so long :hugs:

Laura- I agree 100 percent on the aspartame. The test is a requirement here in US though :( But if we give th ekids anything sweet it is natural. Which reminds me, choclolate milk lovers- Nesquick makes a corn-syrup-free chocolate syrup for milk and ice cream :cloud9: and at least locally it is comparable if not cheaper than Hersheys :shrug: Oh, and yes, we start brushing as soon as baby's first tooth pops out. They sell little finger pad style brushes with baby tooth paste :)

Ashley- where are you?

Akshu- you are MIA! :nope:

Msperry- you are MIA also :nope:

Steph- !!!!:shrug:!!!

You forgot Alicia! LOL :dohh:

I've been here, nothing really much to update on just yet until now. Had to go get a nursing bra because for some reason my regular bras have been KILLING me. My bazongas grew! LOL. :blush::cloud9::cloud9: Also got these horribly ugly maternity sweat pants but they were on sale for cheap so I couldn't pass it up! :happydance::cloud9::blush::haha::winkwink:

I can't believe I'm already in the 4th month. Seriously, wasn't it yesterday that I was like, what? 6 weeks pregnant?

Steph mailed me/borrowed me her doppler. I haven't been able to find the heartbeat just yet. :nope: Hopefully soon. Getting a wee bit paranoid :shock::confused: because this time (gestation wise) in January is when whatever caused my miscarriage started to form (they are pretty sure it was a blood clot in the umbilical cord and my placenta was starting to detach).
Ashley- I wouldn't worry about the hb at this point, but I know that you will :hugs: I was so worried remember? The doc couldn't even find it and scheduled that crazy us...only to discover that babes was hiding behind one of my major arteries and all we could pick up was my own hb :dohh: But if you are really worried tell your doc to have a look. That's what I would do otherwise I would worry myself insane, I know how it is :hugs: When is your next appointment?

AFM- can't believe I am down to my 2 week check ups already! wow, time seems to have flown--and yes the same for you, I remember when you posted your bfp pic! Now here you are second tri!
coy - thank you for the reassurance :) I know I probably sound like a broken record but it's something I can't get off my mind, really. Coy, 32 weeks :) in a few weeks the countdown begins!!
Ashley- I can understand.....all the memories coming back.....but don't worry everything will be fine.....I am telling you to be strong and here I am so scared and worried....I just pray that my placenta comes up.....I don't want any complications or a C section...I want a normal vaginal labour.....my next scan is after 2 months and check up after 1 month.....
I can't wear a bra......it's hurting my nipples.... Mom will be going for 4 days to visit my dad....so I am going to miss her......

Thanx Laura, Coy, Emma ...... I hope the placenta moves up.......really worried......
Shradha- no worries! Unless it is actually covering the opening of the cervix by edd you should be fine- try not to worry!
Hey everyone! Nothing really to update here, just wanted to pop in and say hello!
Ummmm, I had cat & child craziness last night, it was very random. My cat was sprinting round & round the house, jumping on the bed waking us, wanting feeding at 3.30am then Xander refused to be put down for most if his first 5 hour sleep, after this he woke up 2 hours late & after being fed was seriously fighting sleep & beating me up in the process!! After getting him back to sleep he has proceeded to wake up hourly!!!! Totally exhausted Mummy.

It's a full moon tonight, I wonder if that had anything to do with it & what delights they have in store for me this evening, typically DH is on his late & night shifts so I'm up all night!!
Ummmm, I had cat & child craziness last night, it was very random. My cat was sprinting round & round the house, jumping on the bed waking us, wanting feeding at 3.30am then Xander refused to be put down for most if his first 5 hour sleep, after this he woke up 2 hours late & after being fed was seriously fighting sleep & beating me up in the process!! After getting him back to sleep he has proceeded to wake up hourly!!!! Totally exhausted Mummy.

It's a full moon tonight, I wonder if that had anything to do with it & what delights they have in store for me this evening, typically DH is on his late & night shifts so I'm up all night!!

Awww, Laura... that's a bummer! I know how it is not having sleep because of a cranky baby. Definitely one of the downsides of having an newborn is the lack of sleep for SURE! Less than six months and I'll be dealing with it too.
Gotta say hats off to you ladies who do it with older children!!

Feeling terrible tonight, a complete wreck like pms on steroids, in fact similar to when my milk came in, thinking af may be making an appearance soon! Feel quite poorly as well, prob from the exhaustion but I'm paranoid that I've got some new clots as felt generally rubbish then & had a few pains in my lungs recently. Nothing like before though & some pain as the lung heals is common. Sounds silly but I'm terrified of dying, always have been but even worse now i'm married & have Xander. I've not been taking my iron tablets recently so im prob just anaemic. Typically DH is on a nightshirt so I've got to get to for all the night feeds when I could really do with a longer stretch of sleep. Hopefully Xander will be better tonight. Sorry for the moan, feeling a bit sorry for myself tonight, stupid really I'm sure other Muns cope fine.

On a positive we met our nephew Samuel today, he is a real cutie & almost the same size as Xander!! They look totally different though as Xander holds his head fully & is alert & interactive, it actually really highlighted how much he has developed in 2 months!! Only downside is sil issue with not being the first to have a baby. We were only there an hour & during that time when Xander had a small grizzle twice she said to him, are you not liking not being the centre of attention, are you jealous!! My calm response was don't be silly he doesn't understand & he's happy to just watch, which he really is, he's quite a thinker sometimes! I really want them to grow up friends but think sil & mil are going to be a challenge, everything's a competition for them :(
6 hours between a feed!!! Heaven :D

What a difference 24 hours make!! I've been thinking if waking up Xander for a dream feed but not dated do it yet in case it back fired but last night he woke himself up at 9.30. He took aost the full 4oz plus booby then slept until 3.30!!! Normally didn't have been up twice around now. Please please please please let this be a regular thing, not just teasing me with what I could have!! I also feel loads better after some quality sleep! Hopefully I'll get a bit more, he's asleep on booby now but I give him 15mins to make sure he's properly asleep before I put him down.
Laura- Congrats on being an auntie! That's great Xander will have a cousin so close in age-- lucky for you though, probably means you'll be spending a whole lot of time with your SIL!! :haha: That's too bad she makes everything into a competition. Don't let it get to you, don't play the game. But I can see how annoying that would be.

Sorry you feel awful, I would assume it is hormones? Maybe AF is coming back? If you're not EBF, this would be about the time. I know how you feel though about being scared of dying-- I'm a hypochondriac and always have been (hence the panic attacks) and I always think I have every illness in the book. When is your next GYN check up? Are they following up with you to make sure no clots come back?

Ashley- Have you found the HB yet? Or scared to check again? I wouldn't worry, I couldn't find mine with the doppler at 12 weeks, then the MW couldn't find it either... very scary... then they got out the u/s machine and finally saw the heartbeat... in between it was the worst 2 minutes ever. Turned out that the baby was implanted in the back of my uterus.

Shradha- I told this to Coy when she mentioned she had a low lying placenta, but it often moves up through the course of the pregnancy. In fact, in most cases it does. Don't worry! You are still so early in the pregnancy.

Coy- How are you? Maybe I missed any updates, but did they find that your placenta moved up?

Emma- At this stage, you'd still want to wake her up to eat... no more than 5 hours... after a few weeks to a month, if she is gaining well, let her sleep as long as she wants! Boy, I would have loved to have sleepy babies, ones I'd have to actually wake up. Maybe it's because I didn't get any epis... haha...
Laura- Ha! Just saw your post. I hadn't refreshed the page in a while. That's great news!! Hoping it IS a regular thing. Are you swaddling him at all? I just swear by the miracle blanket now. He will almost always sleep 6-7 hour nights now, with the occasional off-night. But even his naps during the day... we choose a time for him to have his long nap of the day and he will sleep 3-4 hours like that! If we don't wrap him up, it's 30-45 min max. So, I'm all about this miracle blanket!
Laura- I was just thinking about how our due dates were exactly 2 weeks apart, and our babies birthdays turned out to be exactly 1 week apart :)
Yay for lots of sleep! Now come and get Xander to give Phoebe a few pointers!
steph: I'm almost 14 weeks and still can't find HB on the doppler. My next OBGYN appointment is Sept 6th but i'm getting little nervous :/
Ashley- Dont worry....All the best for the appointment.

Steph- I just am worried coz something keeps popping up....first the thyroid....thank god it came to normal in 1 1/2 months....my BP is always showing high when the doc checks me.....last time it was 160\80, this time 150\80...i freek out.... the doctor always says not good BP high and Sugar fasting is in 90's be careful. Now the placenta..... I just want to enjoy my pregnancy......but I guess something will always worry me....

Coy - if your placenta is low how come you are doing so much of work like clearing garage and washing the floors.....didnt the doctor tell you not to walk too much or lift heavy things and not to exert.....:hugs:.... you are mentally very strong......how are the kids?

Laura- does your cat try to be friends with xander? I have heard that pets are very loving with kids:flower:

Emma- thanx for changing your avatar....Phoebe is a cutie:happydance:....You must enjoy this phase....she is not worrying you....good girl:happydance:
Friends is this normal..... I am originally 13 weeks according to my 1st scan....I have adjusted the ticker accordingly to my second scan. Last two days i feel a lot more things in my lower belly. When I sleep in the night I feel uncomfortable althought I lie on my back..... I am scared coz till now I never had any problems sleeping....but now I take a lot of time to get sleep..coz the uneasiness after a few mins it goes......
One more question- how should I sleep? Can I sleep sideways too? apart from on my back?
Doctor has finally given me iron, calcium tablets..... till now I was only on Folic tablets....
Shradha- I know, there is always something to worry about, huh? I was the same way. I felt like if it wasn't one thing, it was another. And unfortunately with kids, it never ends. Constantly worrying about everything, every little ailment (in addition to stuff that goes on with myself) so it gets very overwhelming. I think part of being a parent is learning to let go... well, I know that's the case for me. I just haven't quite learned it yet... but it's a process. Re: sleeping, I started sleeping on my side quite early on, just because I could feel my little bump already so stomach sleeping was out, and I was never a back sleeper anyway. And as you get farther along, back sleeping is out too, so that only leaves side. Do you have one of those body/pregnancy pillows for support? It's a must for side sleeping in my opinion... if not, you can put a pillow between your legs and one you can cuddle onto or place near your belly for support.

Ashley- Aside from not hearing the HB, are you feeling different at all? I'm sure everything is fine although I know it's hard not to worry about it, given the past situation. But I truly think our instincts know... if you feel something is not right, listen to it and get checked out... but it sounds like, deep down, you know that everything is ok. I think the fear of your last m/c is powerful and tends to clouds your instinct. Those dopplers though-- as much as they are reassuring, they can end up just creating more doubt when you can't find the HB yourself.
Shradha- I know, there is always something to worry about, huh? I was the same way. I felt like if it wasn't one thing, it was another. And unfortunately with kids, it never ends. Constantly worrying about everything, every little ailment (in addition to stuff that goes on with myself) so it gets very overwhelming. I think part of being a parent is learning to let go... well, I know that's the case for me. I just haven't quite learned it yet... but it's a process. Re: sleeping, I started sleeping on my side quite early on, just because I could feel my little bump already so stomach sleeping was out, and I was never a back sleeper anyway. And as you get farther along, back sleeping is out too, so that only leaves side. Do you have one of those body/pregnancy pillows for support? It's a must for side sleeping in my opinion... if not, you can put a pillow between your legs and one you can cuddle onto or place near your belly for support.

Ashley- Aside from not hearing the HB, are you feeling different at all? I'm sure everything is fine although I know it's hard not to worry about it, given the past situation. But I truly think our instincts know... if you feel something is not right, listen to it and get checked out... but it sounds like, deep down, you know that everything is ok. I think the fear of your last m/c is powerful and tends to clouds your instinct. Those dopplers though-- as much as they are reassuring, they can end up just creating more doubt when you can't find the HB yourself.

I'm feeling still "pregnant", although MS comes and goes, and so far, when it "comes" it's usually only bad for about five minutes and than it goes away. Today I went to subway for lunch, and for some reason when I requested mayo on my sandwich, I started to gag. Instantly the place felt really warm (it's been windy and cool outside today...my guess the warmth is from their oven) so when he was like "did you ask for Mayo?" I just waved my hand like "never mind" LOL. But once I went to pay I felt fine. Strange how it can hit me like a ton of bricks for a moment and than go away.

I was at the mall after, and had an embarrassing moment. As I was walking out of the store, I passed an employee and as I did, within a snap I let out a huge, smelly fart as I passed her. She ran away laughing, I pretended not to notice. LOL :blush: I have been VERY, VERY gassy lately. :loo:

If anyone lives near a Toys R Us, and need toys for a birthday or if you want to start Christmas shopping early if you celebrate Christmas, they are having a HUGE clearance sale. I was able to get all my kids birthday gifts (multiple ones!) for about $70.00. We are not rich, so to pay about $23.00 per kid for their birthday was a great deal. I was able to get board games for $2.00, originally $19.00! A game for $5.00, DVDs for $5.00/each, etc... Walked away feeling good - that now I don't have to "think" or "worry" about getting birthday gifts. My youngest birthday is coming up soon here. He will be turning 4! Than my other two are both November babies, and they will be 8 and 6.

I seriously have forgone my jeans now. I can still squeeze into them if I don't button them and just wear a longer shirt, but they are tight and uncomfortable. I'm not "big" enough for maternity really, but i'm too thick-in-the-middle for my regular pants AND some of my shirts are starting to become too short. Went to Motherhood Maternity today and took advantage of their buy one, get one free shirts. Hate spending money we don't have, but I've gotten so crabby because my clothing feels uncomfortable, so it was almost an evil necessity.

Today is dark, cloudy, windy, 70 degrees (but feels more like 63 degrees) and I LOVE IT! I makes me less crabby!! The Utah heat kills me, I get moody, crabby, sick, etc (when pregnant). I wish it would stay like this until winter. But nevertheless, this is a one-day thing. *sigh* I can't wait for fall! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE fall. I love the cooler weather (I HATE WINTER!!!), pumpkin pie, cinnamon scented candles, being completely comfortable in jeans and long sleeve shirt, Apple cider, School pictures for the kids... :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::blush: The only thing I do miss though, is in Utah there isn't as much "color changes" as there is in the Midwestern (especially Minnesota state) or New England areas of the USA.

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