Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Hmm. sugar is dropping off so am cooking some chicken for protein. Maybe that's what I need :haha: Something is telling me I'm gonnnnna gain weight :haha:
Hm. The last two days I have been craving milk. Like when I go past the refrigerator I have to stop, get the milk jug and I guzzle (yes, shamelessly straight from the jug). Just a few huge swigs, then I put it back :shrug: What the heck is this all about? I have never been a milk drinker really except in pregnancy. What gives? :huh:
YES large glasses of cold milk. Craved that too in both pregnancies!! I don't know why... maybe it's cause our bodies need the extra calories, protein and calcium??
Right you preggers ladies, it's about time we had some bump pics please!! :D

Welcome back Patrice, love the pics, you're clearly a very proud wife!!

Coy - that is terrible news about your friend. I hope he gets caught, I've also been in a violent relationship, I saw sense when I woke up with bruises on my face, his violence was more subtle. When I moved back home Mum told me she feared for my life with him, so glad I saw sense although really it should have been sooner. Glad you've got your super computer back, it's quiet here without you!

Steph - I looked into the miracle blanket after you mentioned it in Facebook. Unfortunately it's a little late for Xander as he won't be swaddled any more. He likes to kick about in his sleep too much. The sleeping bags work great for that. He's always liked his hands over his head as well so when we did swaddle I just kept them out.

Ashley - are you trying the doppler low enough? I used to find Xander right down by my bakini line well into the second tri.

Afm - we've been out all day today & Xander has been so well behaved. His naps got a little out if synch but he did sleep & didnt have any over tired melt downs. It has been a lovely day. The only thing which spoiled it a bit is my god dam mil, again!!

We went to the family service at their church this morning for the first time. After the service I let her take Xander off to show him off to her friends. It pained me to do it but it is nice that's she's proud of him & he is her Grandson so I trusted her. DH went with her for a bit but I kept my distance. After a little while I look around to find them & she's not just showing him off she's passing him around!!!!! I was livid, I was sat with sil & fil & totally lost it. Thankfully fil was very understanding that he's our first & we are protective & want to know the people who are holding him & sil thought we were mad to let her go off with him in the first place!! My very wonderful husband retrieved our son without making a scene! She's going to be the death of me!!

That would make me sooo incredibly mad...my mommy "instincts" would show face! I make everyone wash their hands before they hold the baby (that is IF they even get to hold the baby) and I'm not afraid to say something. Some people just know that they should do it, and some get all offended when I ask them. Sorry, but he's still little and I'm not having him get sick! Your MIL should know better than that to pass him around. I'd have a little talk with her about that, so she doesn't do it again! She must have some sense that you just don't do that with someone else's baby.
Ashley- Try moving the doppler very slowly and almost stopping in different areas. Sometimes if you go a little too fast (like I sometimes did when I would freak out if I couldn't find it) you'll pass it up before the doppler can pick up on it enough to register.
Yep I also craved a lot of milk. We had to buy it 6 pints at a time!! I was easily having at least a pint a day!! Go with it, I really believe the body will crave what you need (with exception of sweets & chocolate that I seem to be craving at the minute!!)

Ashley - we are church of England. DH famy are anglican but I used to attend a Methodist church. We're getting Xander christened next month, although mil almost ruined that with her big gob by saying the god parents needed to be confirmed & christened & some of them aren't. We then asked her to clarify this with the victor which he didn't do so we had to yesterday & she was wrong!! so she delayed all our arrangements by 2 weeks!!!

I don't know if you all recall some of the comments my mil has put on Facebook? She simply doesn't think. She's also a huge show off & very competitive. On the way back from church & I was pushing th bugger & she just waltzes over with her arms out & says "my turn" actually no, we don't take turns I allow you to push my baby. Well I refused. I only ever push him when its just the 2 of us, everyone else does otherwise which I didn't mind to start with as it was new for them but now i wanted to be the proud Mummy & push him, plus they don't talk to him if he's awake when they push him whereas I do. As he's they're first & they really do adore him we've made a lot of effort for them to see him & be involved but I think mil is now taking that for granted. I think shes also over stepping it with us as she knows her daughter will not be letting her do half the stuff we will, she won't even let them put 1 pic on Facebook whereas she shares my pics of Xander with her knitting groups on Facebook that I can't even access!! thankfully I think my fil is more understanding & took her off walking ahead yesterday & I think possibly had a quiet word!! She isn't all bad & as mil go she could be a lot worse. I think she genuinely likes me & is happy I married DH & she's always cooking lots of wheat free food for me, she's just a bit (well quite a lot!) thoughtless with her comments & actions.
Laura- MIL's can be infuriating! I think what it is --this part of their life (the part you are now fully engrossed with) is over and 1) they think they know it all 2) they think you know nothing 3) they think you can't live without their superior knowledge and wisdom. Yes- age and experience brings a lot of knowledge and wisdom but I have to say that there are times when we have to stumble all on our own. and naturally there are just some God-given position Rights that we have as moms. Being a "first-time-mum" does not mean you are at the mercy of older women nor does it mean that you are clueless! I think you are doing a fab job with Xander and just need to speak oyur mind very openly to your MIL. Maybe give her a call and spell it out. :shrug: I avoid my mom like the plague! Not a nice lady :nope: I imagine the first thing she would do if she saw my beautiful girls all dressed up in their princess dresses is (as she did with me) Snort rudely,scoff, and say "well, ARENT YOU THE PRETTY LITTLE THING?(e.g. sarcasm) Go take that dress off! WTF can you do in a dress? What an ugly idea! This is why your dad and I like having boys!" LOL! My poor girls would be crushed and would end up hating her.

As mums we have to protect opur children the best we know how- whatever it takes. So I think it is awesome that you are taking such a stand :thumbup:
Shradha - have you considered getting a Doppler? Once the baby is a little bigger & the heart beats easier to find they are so reassuring to have.
Can I purchase it on net? I would love to hear the baby's heartbeat:hugs:.....from where did you get yours?

Xander is so cute.....:kiss:.....
I too am a bit worried coz MIL has already started making plans....she wants to invite the whole family.....all the relatives.....my poor baby will be tossed all over.....I don't want that.....
Coy- you must be counting days...:happydance:...

Patrice- it must have been fun with dh....graduating.....must be really proud of him :happydance:...cool pics....

I am waiting for the belly to be officially out....will post pics soon...now it's just bloated up....Suffering from frequent cold.....worst part is that I tend to sneeze a lot....whole body starts shaking:dohh:....
My girls :roll: There they are in their princess dresses right? With their hair all fixed and looking gorgeous and what do they do? You guessed it. They come dragging a snake into the house! And it pooped everywhere :growlmad: (I guess snakes poop :shrug: who knew??) They were arguing over who got to hold it :sick: LOL! Anyway I made them take it back outside and put it down on the rocks and grass.

And go wash. :haha:
Yep I also craved a lot of milk. We had to buy it 6 pints at a time!! I was easily having at least a pint a day!! Go with it, I really believe the body will crave what you need (with exception of sweets & chocolate that I seem to be craving at the minute!!)

Ashley - we are church of England. DH famy are anglican but I used to attend a Methodist church. We're getting Xander christened next month, although mil almost ruined that with her big gob by saying the god parents needed to be confirmed & christened & some of them aren't. We then asked her to clarify this with the victor which he didn't do so we had to yesterday & she was wrong!! so she delayed all our arrangements by 2 weeks!!!

I don't know if you all recall some of the comments my mil has put on Facebook? She simply doesn't think. She's also a huge show off & very competitive. On the way back from church & I was pushing th bugger & she just waltzes over with her arms out & says "my turn" actually no, we don't take turns I allow you to push my baby. Well I refused. I only ever push him when its just the 2 of us, everyone else does otherwise which I didn't mind to start with as it was new for them but now i wanted to be the proud Mummy & push him, plus they don't talk to him if he's awake when they push him whereas I do. As he's they're first & they really do adore him we've made a lot of effort for them to see him & be involved but I think mil is now taking that for granted. I think shes also over stepping it with us as she knows her daughter will not be letting her do half the stuff we will, she won't even let them put 1 pic on Facebook whereas she shares my pics of Xander with her knitting groups on Facebook that I can't even access!! thankfully I think my fil is more understanding & took her off walking ahead yesterday & I think possibly had a quiet word!! She isn't all bad & as mil go she could be a lot worse. I think she genuinely likes me & is happy I married DH & she's always cooking lots of wheat free food for me, she's just a bit (well quite a lot!) thoughtless with her comments & actions.

#1) Sorry about your MIL. She seems over bearing, ya know? A little too much....:nope::growlmad: Sorry about that hun, just stick to your guns and she will get the hint. lol!

#2) That is so cool! I've always wanted to meet someone who went to Church of England/Anglican! I know that sounds really weird, LOL :haha: :winkwink: But it's true. I LOVE researching and watching documentarys on how different Christian sects got started, when, why, how, etc... And I love learning about different kings, queens, etc... from different areas and there conflicts, etc... I know, that probably sounds very boring and maybe a little crazy. My father (although, a jerk...ran off when I was two and haven't seen him since) majored in history in college and I think I got that interest from him. It's very, very, very fascinating to me! I could go on and on how who started the Church of England, why, about his family..etc....but either you already know or i'd bore you to tears. :haha: But, it's similar to the Catholic church, and I think that's pretty neat. Methodist, IMO has gotten way too liberal (at least here in the USA) which is the same reason why my DH didn't like the Lutheran church. There are different branches of both denominations which are more conservative, but DH said he didn't feel comfortable in a church unless it was all "one body/one set denomination" So whenever anyone brings up church, faith, etc... (Christian or not) and I ask "what faith/sec are you?" It's not because I want to be crucial or anything. It's honestly because I am super interested in all that kind of stuff. I even like to study some psychics who have their own church and believe fairies and monsters are real ;) Of course, I personally don't believe that, but it's still interesting to learn about other people and their faith. I think the most fascinating is learning about the Jewish faith because it really, REALLY gives Jesus Christ SO much more depth! You say "Oh yeah!! So THAT'S why he said THAT!" or "So, that's why he did THAT!". Before I really wanted to learn per se, I just took things for face value. Okay, the last supper means [this], but didn't know that it derived from the Jewish "shabbat". SIMPLE stuff like that...that makes you go..well, DUH!! :dohh: It is just really super fun, I think anyways. It gives me such a deeper understand of not only my faith, but just being more open minded without unraveling my own convictions. My husband and I are actually taking RCIA, not sure if I've mentioned this... basically, they are classes to become Roman Catholic. :happydance: It really makes me feel good that DH and I have been able to agree on a religion to raise our family in, and I'm happy we found it before the children got too old. My oldest has been baptized Lutheran, and since I was as well as an infant, my "classes" won't be as long unlike my husband. So, I will be able to become a confirmed member and take the full eucharist this fall, while my husband - who has never been baptized will have to wait until Easter. My daughter, who is almost 8 was also taking RCIA but it was too boring for her :haha: so they are putting her in a class called "growing up catholic" since she's already been baptized, she can... and she will take first communion with all the other 2nd grade children, but she will have to be confirmed at that point as well, instead of 16. (Every area is different, in Mexico babies are confirmed during baptism). My boys will probably be baptized before Christmas too. I think it's exciting Xander will be getting baptized! :hugs: I have been feeling really uneasy not having a "home faith" for my children, and not having the other two baptized. I will be getting my baby baptized probably within a month after he/she is born. :baby: :cloud9:
I'm fascinated by religion as well Ashley but don't know anywhere near the stuff that you do!! Funny, i prefer Methodist because of how liberal they are. My sister & I were welcomed into their Sunday school even though we aren't christened. The only reason we aren't christened is because the Anglican church who were going to christen us refused to as my mums chosen god parents aren't christened themselves. I'm still pretty annoyed about it as surely it's the parents judgment as to who should qualify for the role. My family are actually a good example for how narrow minded some religious people have been over the years. My Grandma was Irish catholic & my grandad English Anglican. My grandmas parents pretty much disowned her for marrying my grandad. She then refused to step foot in the Anglican church where they lived so neither my mum or her sisters were christened which is why my sister & I aren't christened!! Thankfully the vicar at the Anglican church where Xander is being christened is realistic & understand a lot of adults haven't been christened nowadays therefore we don't have that restriction on who Xanders god parents are! I didn't realise you were becoming catholic. They are a lot more stricter in the uk than church of england, a bit too strict for me but we aren't really practicing Christians only going to church a few times a year.

Coy - OMG I would have freaked out good & proper. I dread Xander getting into creepy crawlies & bringing them into the house. Yuk yuk yuk!!

Shradha - my bump started as bloat!! I'm now left with a massive lot of bloat! :dohh:
Lol, I didn't freak out over the snake, I actually held him for a second :blush: but he was pooping everywhere! O my heck, that part was gross. So we put him outside. Icky, right?!~ :haha:

On the religion aspect of everything. My family has always believed in God and Jesus, you know, Father, Son, Holy Spirit....it's my mom and dad (and sister) that totally went kind of berserk about things. When I went to visit back in 2001 my mom picked me up at the airport and then started to scream and cry hysterically and gtrab at my sister. I was stunned and asked what's wrong?! She and my sister backed away from me shaking their heads and exclaiming "you brought problems with you! It's back, the demon is BACK!" Sounded like something out of a horror movie! :shock: I am not sure what demon they were referring to :shrug: but I ended up paying extra to have my ticket changed and I left early. Dad called and said that my getting married indicated to them all that I was selfish and "living in the flesh" and couldn't love God or be loved by God ever. Weird, right? Anyways, I am pretty sure God loves me :cloud9: I think that how we live shows a lot, and I agree with you ladies- what is important is that you and your dh see eye-to-eye on things. Everyone else's judgement is besides the point.
Did my ticker change? Yesterday, I swear, it said "33 weeks 6 days" but it is different today. Wth? Am I going backwards? Did I dream it maybe? :shrug:
Laura: That is how it is here with the Catholic church, godparents have to be baptized and practicing Catholics. It's standard in more of "traditional" Christianity, and more of the liberal protestant denominations that baptize infants (many of them do not) see it as anyone can be a Godparent, of any (Christian) denomination as long as they believe that infant baptisms are okay (and many protestant Christians believe baptizing infants is wrong, I say it's the parents choice). I am glad that the people at the Angelian church you went too are being more realistic and understanding of your situation. Even though it's the "rule" each "region/area" and head "bishop/priest" are different, some are stricter on tradition than others. It really just all depends :)

Coy: Geez...that's...weird! I don't blame you for leaving early. What faith are they? lol
Coy: Geez...that's...weird! I don't blame you for leaving early. What faith are they? lol

Which faith are they? ....:shrug:...I'm not sure. But it doesn't matter at this point. Dh and I are I suppose what some would call Christian but I so hate to put a label on it because I have seen so many call themselves that and turn out to be pretty darn evil :shrug: I caught my pastor and the assistant pastor (both, um, married separetly) :sex: in the church the morning of prayer meeting. :roll: Sheesh, anyway.......I used to actually preach :shock: on stage and in front of tons of people. I organized huge crusade events for ministers, etc...I volunteered tons and tons of my time, built television studios for huge religious networks, bla bla....Anyways, I am happier now :haha: Does that make me lazy or just tired of being taken advantage of? :haha: I still understand the good and the need for church though, it is very important for humanity in my opinion.
Coy: Geez...that's...weird! I don't blame you for leaving early. What faith are they? lol

Which faith are they? ....:shrug:...I'm not sure. But it doesn't matter at this point. Dh and I are I suppose what some would call Christian but I so hate to put a label on it because I have seen so many call themselves that and turn out to be pretty darn evil :shrug: I caught my pastor and the assistant pastor (both, um, married separetly) :sex: in the church the morning of prayer meeting. :roll: Sheesh, anyway.......I used to actually preach :shock: on stage and in front of tons of people. I organized huge crusade events for ministers, etc...I volunteered tons and tons of my time, built television studios for huge religious networks, bla bla....Anyways, I am happier now :haha: Does that make me lazy or just tired of being taken advantage of? :haha: I still understand the good and the need for church though, it is very important for humanity in my opinion.

Oh my gosh...that's disgusting!!!!!!!!
Hi ladies :hi:

Shradha- how are you today, we don't hear much from you anymore :nope: I miss our chats! :hugs: Hope you are getting your energies back!

Ashley- how are you? Getting the kids settled in school?

Laura- hope babes is sleeping on a great schedule for you now and not just giving you a teaser the other night!

Steph- how are you feeling since labor? Back to normal I bet, or pretty darn close!

Emma- has Phoebe started her terrible 2's (2 weeks :haha:) yet? That's where your sweet little sleepy angel turns into a sleepless nightmare. It won't last for long but be prepared! :rofl: :hug:

AFM- As far as how I am feeling. Definately pregnant right now :haha: Here are some pretty typical week 33-34 symptoms:

~Tummy stretching beyond belief
~Back muscles stretching- and protesting
~Feeling of over-all fatness :haha:
~A longing for a good workout
~Little sick if I do (or don't) eat anything...
~Acid indigestion all on it's own (baby pushing my stuff around!)
~I am the recipient of painful sharp kicking from my infant...she likes to hit the same spot over and over :growlmad:

I am at that familiar point now where I want my body back. I want t ram and jam and run, you know? I want to be able to put on my sweat pants and go work out for a couple hours and just sweat and hyperventilate like crazy :rofl: And go box on my punching bag til my arms fall off. And be okay with it...I want to get stitches in my sides and be pleasantly exhausted and just not eat if I don't want to. And on a cold day I might drink a cold beer....

Yep. Def ready to have this baby. Few more weeks :happydance:
O my gosh, I just looked at my ticker again- only 45 days to go, that's just a little over a month! Yikes!
Hi ladies,
I figured I'd better check in with you all since I haven't been on here in ages ( in internet time lol) I have taken the last two months off from ttc. SIL had her baby today. While joyous, it saddens me some to see my son so excited over his baby cousin. I wish he could experience that as a big brother. He adored seeing his new cousin and didn't want to leave.

On the ttc side, I've taken the last two months off from trying...mostly because my cycles have been off. The last month of ttc (early July) my cycle was 37 days instead of the normal 30-33. August was 30 days and I am currently awaiting AF that should have been here today. I know I need to see my doc but still have no health insurance thanks to too high premiums through hubby's work and still no response from state funded healthcare. Guess I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I think we'll be trying to get back oon the ttc train here after this cycle but I am not optimistic :(

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