Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Definitely your mucus plug. Usually labour starts within a week of losing it & from your other symptoms i'm inclined to think that will happen for you. Some people however do loose it long before labour, my friend lost hers at 36 weeks but didn't have her baby until 42!! if there's was no hint of brown or red blood it prob doesn't signify dilation, prob just softening of the cervix. With this being your 3rd though I'd stay near a car & the hospital as much as possible!!

Ashley - that's great news that all is well, you can relax a bit now. It won't be long before you will feel movement!! We had the genetic testing. It's at 12 weeks in the uk & involves blood tests & a scan. They are only looking at trisomy generic conditions I think & you only get a ratio of how likeky the baby Is to have something. We were 1:3500 i think with Xander. There is an option to have bloods taken later than 12 weeks as well but not sure if they test for more things. Once you know your chances you can choose to have an amnio to find out for certain but there is then a small risk of miscarriage. We decided to have the scan & bloods for hopefully reassurance but would not have had the amnio after already having 2 miscarriages, like you we would never have aborted should he have had anything anyway.
We did the testing, but them again, I'm also older... but I could have easily gone without the testing though. We DID pass on the nuchal screening ultrasound but did do the bloodwork portion of it. Honestly though, you are young and there aren't any genetic disorders in your families (right?), and like you say, you would love (and obviously keep) the baby even if something was wrong... so I don't think you need to do it, UNLESS it's going to be something that is going to bother you throughout the pregnancy as something you wish you would have done.

Also re: EDD, I knew exactly when I ovulated and even though they kept telling me my EDD based on my LMP, I went by what I knew and they didn't seem to care. They finally went by my own EDD. Especially after the ultrasounds showed exactly my calculations!

Coy- are you ok now? Didn't hear back from you. Do you still have all the early labor symptoms?
I have green breast milk!! :rofl:

Im wearing a green top & thiught it was just the reflection of it while pumping but nope, it us very much green!! having referred to Dr Google I understand it is normal, it's funny to look at, it's almost a snot colour!! I've just changed iron tablets so think it may be that. Apparently blue is also quite normal, the body is a weird thing!!
Yeah breastmilk always seems to have a blue tint to it... especially the foremilk. I've never seen mine green before though! Maybe it was the iron or something you ate.

I know Coy has her deposition today which is probably why she hasn't been on today, but I hope that she is ok and didn't go into labor!
Hi ladies! :hi:

Nope, didn't go into labor- Phew! I was okay when I asked the question and still having all of the same symptoms :shrug: weird, right? I am not too worried as the cervical pressure has not increased but def keeping an eye on it :thumbup: Dh doesn't want me to walk anymore :growlmad: but I am going to anyway :haha: When I feeeel like it :smug: lol

Ashley- we were offered the testing but have always refused it based on the same reasons you gave- we would keep the baby no matter what. The way we figured it was- if we are going to keep the baby then it doesn't matter and a surprise would be a surprise, be it now or later, so :shrug:

Deposition went great! The officiating guy totally lost his cool more than once, lol, and my attorney threatened to close the whole operation down. Oh well, lasted for hours, almost 7 hours long, but I am glad it is over with :thumbup: Now I am home and contemplating what to fix for dinner. The girls abused their dad all day and made him cook pizza for them and skip a healthy breakfast :roll: and let them watch cartoons ALL DAY LONG lol! :haha: Anyway he broke down and finally made them go do school- it doesn't take long to realize your kids are pulling a fast one! Soon as I got home I kicked them outside to play. Poor dh is exhausted :rofl:
Coy- Good to hear you're ok and baby is still cookin'!! Glad your deposition went well too. 7 hours though? Wow! Hope you got some pee breaks!! :haha:

The thread hasn't been to active lately is looks like. I guess everyone is busy?

I think Brandon is teething early... I hear teething can happen months before an actual tooth breaks through? I don't remember with Nicholas, he didn't have any straightforward symptoms of teething. B is chewing on his hand (actually just discovered his thumb, so cute), really fussy, wants to nurse constantly, and bubbling drool at the mouth. He salivates so much that he chokes on it and gets congested. Oh, and a few days ago it seemed he had some diarrhea. I don't think it was anything in my milk, didn't eat any differently, so I don't know. I've heard that it is a symptom of teething, but I don't know if there is actual proof to that...? Speaking of green, we had some green poop for a while but I guess that is normal. Could be a teething thing too? I've heard that dark green poop can be a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance, but the poop was light green so I don't think that is the cause.

Nicholas has his first AYSO soccer game/practice tomorrow. His first organized sports game... well it won't be too organized seeing that this is the youngest group! He will be older than most of the kids though. But it should be interesting, to see how he does! Following rules, playing with others, cooperating, staying focused... he's never really had to do those things before! He started school yesterday (this is his last year of preschool) and he is doing really great. He is also one of the oldest there which is good because he is kind of the "leader" of the class and it's a confidence booster for him. He runs the whole show there! (Typical first born though...)
Steph- lol, that is one thing I learned very quickly when I had first dd...poop is an every day conversation topic! :haha: Seriously! It matters...yep, I have heard that the milk can be the cause of it. Teething could be an issue now, from what Laura said she thinks Xander also :shrug: Mine never teethed that early but it does happen. :hugs:

And yes, I got pee breaks when I wanted them! :rofl: And lunch too which was nice, justa half hour, but :shrug:
Where is everyone?

Shradha? Haven't heard a peep lately hope you are okay! :hugs:
Steph - sounds like teething to me Xander has had the same symptoms. Poo being the most recent. We were looking for a venue for a gathering after the christening yesterday & he did the biggest liquid poo ever, all over him & his car seat!!! He's been attached to my booby for the last few days & more fussy. Like to be on someone all the time. We'be bought him a Sophie giraffe to chew on but he'll only put his hands in his mouth at the minute. I did think a tooth was coming through but I'm beginning to think its an Epstein pearl.

Coy - glad your deposition went well, what exactly is it? Im going to take a guess that you'll go into labour at 37 weeks & have a 6lb baby. Are you still getting the same symptoms?

We went out for the first time last night & my Mum & Sis came to look after Xander. He's got a good bedtime routine now. Bottle, bath, massage & booby. He always falls sleep on the booby & goes down in his cot in his room for at least a couple of hours. So we did his routine yesterday, put him down & went straight out thinking he'd stay asleep while we were out. Well nope, Xander had other ideas & woke up after 45mins & screamed the house down wanting a booby :( I had expressed a bottle for contingency but he wouldn't take it. He is such a determined boy & it took Mum awhile to calm him down but she did & he was fast asleep on her when we got home. We were only gone 2 & half hours but clearly it was too soon to leave him, bad Mummy :( my Mum however has now seen his high pitched ear piercing scream he saves for when he's really angry, Mum didn't believe me when I told her about it!! She also said he's even more determined than I was as a baby & I was pretty bad, a predict he is going to be a challenging 2 year old!! He may look like his Daddy but he is certainly my son in personality!!
Hi......I guess either we are suffering from MS or are busy with new born .......
Coy soon you too will get busy with our Princess:happydance:....... For me.....it's like one day is ok the next day is bad......I am suffering from cold and cough....... I am tired of sneezing....... When I start....I sneeze for at least 35 times in one go continuous.....then my whole body starts to tremble:dohh:...... My home remedies r my only saviour........ Sometimes I can't sleep at night.....my belly feels heavy and uncomfortable.......if I sit for long my tail bone starts paining...":cry:....

Coy- how are you? Just read about the plug........ Oh....you must be worried... Don't exert much....if you want to walk..walk very slowly.......

Ashley- we don't have any medical insurance here....so all the expenses have to be made by our pockets..... You guys are lucky in a way.... Genetic testing.....that's also new for me......here no one does that...... Regarding the due date....when I had gone for my scan in 9th week the due date was 7.3.2013 next scan in 12 th week...they told me I was 13 week and DD was 2,3,2013. Can't really say when the actual dd is:shrug:
Laura- green color milk.....oh...is it ok now? Why did that happen? How is Xander?

Steph- how is Brandon? How are you?

Emma- how are you?

Patrice- busy?

While I was typing this dh comes and tells me oh....you are becoming....curvy and fat....... I said What? He comes near to me and said.....your dress is getting tight......I got wild......I said it's normal......my boobs are getting fuller and by belly is getting ready....it's not in my hands...:cry: he said you are going to become a football soon.....:haha:......Men........:growlmad:
Shradha - you might have your lo on my birthday, 1st March! You may start to feel a bit of movement in the. Ext week or 2. Don't worry if you don't though it can be past 20 weeks for some. I really concentrated on feeling something. I'd lie in my bed focusing on my tummy. I felt the first flutters at 15 weeks & the first light kick at 16 weeks. I didn't feel regular kicks until prob 19 weeks & DH couldn't feel them until about 22 weeks & even then not very well! You are entering the best stage of pregnancy I think, around 16 weeks other than the growing bump things start to feel better, less tired, not so sick. More obviously pregnant as the bump starts to pop. I miss my bump & despite all the health issues I have & how my next pregnancy is going to be a risk I really can't wait to be pregnant again! I'm already monitoring my cycles in preparation for when we start ttc again!!
Laura- just read about Xander....... Awwww....cutie......
How was your day yesterday? Did you MIL toss Xander to everyone? He is definitely momma's boy......
I'd have gone mad with DH if he'd said that, although was he serious? My DH did refer to me as a whale on a couple if occasions however that was after I had done the same & it was just teasing me! I'm still a whale now :(
Laura- really...... I will look out as you have said...... You have made it sound so lovely...... I am feeling happy....thanx......I sometimes feel crampy in the lower belly.... I am just waiting and counting days........:hugs:
I'd have gone mad with DH if he'd said that, although was he serious? My DH did refer to me as a whale on a couple if occasions however that was after I had done the same & it was just teasing me! I'm still a whale now :(

Yea...he was serious....I started :cry:....... He even called me a buffalo....:growlmad:...... I just marched to his room and told him that he has no right to call me so.... Why do you have a belly? Are you pregnant.... I am....what excuse do you have:growlmad:......stop teasing me..... And I walked away.....
Wow Laura you are already planning for second:happydance:......... I really need to think about my second.....let's see how this pregnancy is.....if everything goes good....then may be.......but then when I think about my TTC I feel reluctant....coz I really had to push dh sooooo much everyday...... :dohh:
I'd have gone mad with DH if he'd said that, although was he serious? My DH did refer to me as a whale on a couple if occasions however that was after I had done the same & it was just teasing me! I'm still a whale now :(

Yea...he was serious....I started :cry:....... He even called me a buffalo....:growlmad:...... I just marched to his room and told him that he has no right to call me so.... Why do you have a belly? Are you pregnant.... I am....what excuse do you have:growlmad:......stop teasing me..... And I walked away.....

That wasn't very kind of your DH. :( Sorry sweetie. :hugs:

I know a girl who was 8 months pregnant, she's real tall for a women, and wore a yellow dress. She fell. Her husband said "Oh! Look! Big Bird took a spill!" Men can be horribly insensitive. :nope:
Shradha- yeah, you dh shouldn't say crap like that. It is hard enough for us when our bodies are completely hormonal and out of our control--they may mean it teasingly but it really does hurt. My dh gets that now and tries hard not to say anything even light teasing as I take it so bad. Then I am mad at him forever :growlmad: lol! When I was preggo with first dd he commented my thighs had developed "glob-ulars" I am guesisng of fat? Anyway really hurt and ticked me off. Now it is a teasing word but I still don't like it. My huge comfort comes from knowing it will come off and I am determined and can work hard. If your dh was really serious about it please let him know how mad and hurt you are- put him in his place. Yes, calling him a fatty (if its applicable :haha:) is definately the thing to do :rofl:
Hi ladies-

Huh, one of those days again! I think I spun in circles all day and I am not sure what all I got accomplished :headspin: . I did get some budgeting done :sick: lol, and some grocery shopping, found a pair of shoes for Kat for $2.00 :thumbup: and dh and I bled out the hydraulic clutch on our Suburban in the HOT HOT sun :haha: Somewhere in the weirdness I ate leftovers for lunch and caught the tail end of a looney tunes movie :shrug: I cleaned the kitchen, did dishes, and set everyone up with their dinners, but something tells me that my absence means the kitchen is going to be a mess when I go back in there..:huh: lol!
Aargh. Anyway, right now I am gearing up to write out my portion of a team assignment.

Laura- wow, you and dh got out for 2.5 hours? See, you are a total mom now! You mentioned that you and dh went out for a few hours but all you really talked about is how Xander got on when you weren't there :haha: I bet that is all you and dh could think and worry about too! :rofl: True parenthood. Did you go see a show?

Shradha- please do not worry about your figure! I know from experience you are in the worst stage right at this point. You are at that point in pregnancy just before you start to show- this means your clothes don't fit, you feel fat, you've lost your waist completely by now and just generally feel unattractive. Then comments from anyone just makes it seem worse. Plus hormones piled on top of it :hugs: Trust me - it gets better! From what you have stated you have actually lost weight since controlling your thyroid. So all of this is pregnancy lady! Pregnancy really is a beautiful thing but you will feel different: I joke to dh that I am a host now :haha: Soon you will understand the connection only mom's can have with their babies :hugs: Look forward to it and try not to worry about your body- you're doing awesome!!

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