Looking for official TTC buddies!!

I have recently re-discovered my Michael Jackson greatest hits cd :cloud9: You all should have seen my dd's dancing it up today! They were winded and exhausted by the time I turned the music off! :rofl: Some things in this world never change. :) "Beat It", "Thriller" and "Billy Jean" were - naturally- their favorites. I had to laugh at them. :haha: They must get their moves form their papa (he won dancing competitions, a regular John Travolta :growlmad:) Whereas I can't dance a single step :shrug: My parents told me "fun is dumb" lol! so I never learned. Funy how little kids are naturals!
Hi ladies,
I figured I'd better check in with you all since I haven't been on here in ages ( in internet time lol) I have taken the last two months off from ttc. SIL had her baby today. While joyous, it saddens me some to see my son so excited over his baby cousin. I wish he could experience that as a big brother. He adored seeing his new cousin and didn't want to leave.

On the ttc side, I've taken the last two months off from trying...mostly because my cycles have been off. The last month of ttc (early July) my cycle was 37 days instead of the normal 30-33. August was 30 days and I am currently awaiting AF that should have been here today. I know I need to see my doc but still have no health insurance thanks to too high premiums through hubby's work and still no response from state funded healthcare. Guess I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I think we'll be trying to get back oon the ttc train here after this cycle but I am not optimistic :(

Alicia - What a great surprise to see you post on here :) I think when you get some extra cash, you should give Vitex a try. TMI, but after you BD are you putting something under your tush and laying with your hips up for a little while? Next time, when Gabey isn't in the room, try laying like that for 20 minutes. Could it be your rolling over too soon so the magic seed goops out? LOL. Gross, I know...but I didn't know anyother way to ask that. I think you should invest in Vitex and good fertility POAS where it says "ovulating" or not. Or some kind of fertility monitor. :hugs:
Coy- hi.....I am online today........ Yea...I too miss all the chats...... Always think I should come online at night but feel so tired that I just can't make it:nope:...... I can understand the feeling of getting back into shape.....I feel so odd....most of my clothes are getting a bit tight...... I feel I am losing my glow..... They say pregnancy brings in glow...but I feel I have lost the glow I had:cry:......
Your girls have definitely inherited their dancing skills from their dad:flower:....I am sure their must have inherited a lot from you too..... You are so talented and a strong lady.....
Feel so bad hearing your symptoms...:nope:....it must be really tuff.....how are you coping? The countdown begins:happydance:......waiting to see our princess......
Have started knitting baby booties....will put the pics when I finish...first time I am knitting....mom taught me....dh keeps telling me why are you putting so much time in knitting we can buy....I told him the feeling of making something for your baby is different....
Snakes......nooooo....I am scared of them....how did your babies hold it....:shrug:...they are brave.....
Hi ladies,
I figured I'd better check in with you all since I haven't been on here in ages ( in internet time lol) I have taken the last two months off from ttc. SIL had her baby today. While joyous, it saddens me some to see my son so excited over his baby cousin. I wish he could experience that as a big brother. He adored seeing his new cousin and didn't want to leave.

On the ttc side, I've taken the last two months off from trying...mostly because my cycles have been off. The last month of ttc (early July) my cycle was 37 days instead of the normal 30-33. August was 30 days and I am currently awaiting AF that should have been here today. I know I need to see my doc but still have no health insurance thanks to too high premiums through hubby's work and still no response from state funded healthcare. Guess I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I think we'll be trying to get back oon the ttc train here after this cycle but I am not optimistic :(

Alicia- welcome back.... Don't worry about the cycles......when I started TTC...my cycles which were always regular 32-34 days suddenly became 38 days the first month, 42 days the second month, 46 days th third month....suddenly 26 days fourth and fifth month........I was getting scared coz when the cycles are not fixed it becomes difficult.....so don't give up......keep trying...... It is a difficult phase....we all have gone through that phase..... All the best....:thumbup: I am sure you will get your :BFP: soon...
Shradha - I'm sure you are in fact glowing more than you feel but I think it's hard for people to see in themselves. I was continually told I was glowing & looked well even when I felt terrible. I guess it's hard to believe when you're no longer feeling yourself.

Alicia - that's gear advice from Ashley. I held my legs up for 20 mins after dtd. Think carefully about positions, some are far better than others at keeping everything in!

Coy - I love Michael Jackson 80's & early nineties. Reminds me of a really happy childhood. My Mum has his greatest hits, I must borrow it to go on my iPhone. I totally remember how you're feeling. It was about 35 weeks for me when I was ready to go back to my old body. I'm sure you remember but these last few weeks really do go so quickly.

Afm - feeling pretty rubbish about my body at the mo. not losing any weight but really struggling to cut make on unhealthy food, specifically chocolate. I seriously crave it! Also struggling to do any excercise other than light walking. Not getting the pains in my chest so much now but am getting very tight chested a wheezy, a lot worse than it has been over the last free weeks. Even sat here typing this I feel like I am recovering from a sprint. I've been to the Drs & it's all part of the lung damage. I really really want my body back!!!

I also have a semi mobile little boy now!! He likes being left to kick around on his changing mat after being changed. I did this this morning & sat in the sofa where he couldn't see me as the coffee table was in the way. I spent a few minutes looking at bnb on my phone & looking up to see Xander half way down his changing mat beaming at me!! I can just imagine him thinking - found you Mummy!! It was so cute, he must have wriggled his way down the mat!

Here's a pic of where he got to, his head was at the top!!
Hi ladies! :hi: Forgive me, I am so excited I am AFM'ing first!! :haha:

OMG! I'm going to start off with great news today! Here was a predicament dh and I had- we have several vehicles, right? but only one of them was operational, my little 4-seater car, but the brakes are quickly going bad in it and we were concerned what we were going to do once babes is born. We will need a 5 seat vehicle at least. Well, we have a Suburban but a mechanic told us we needed throw out bearings, clutch plate, new clutch and that it had some other issues. Well, we didn't really trust the guy and had no additional finances to take it to another mechanic OR get it fixed. So this morning our adopted "Grandpa" came for a visit and just happened to bring a gentleman we had never met before that is a mechanic. (Grandpa had no knowledge of our predicament btw). Anyway the man asked about our Suburban and dh told him...the guy popped the hood and snorted. Come to find out he is an expert mechanic for these types of rigs and told dh all it needed was oil in the clutch pan- it is apparently a hydraulic clutch and simply sprung a minor leak that- over time- rendered our clutching useless. As it happened dh had the right kind of oil and we filled it up. Didn't cost us a penny and we have our perfect 5 member family vehicle. Phew! Wow! What an amazing blessing! :thumbup:
Laura- wow, he's on the move already! :haha: This is how he'll start to "crawl". It's never the classic crawl at first, usually a scoot one way or the other- Teagen actually rolled everywhere until she got the hang of it :rofl: Kat was a scooter.
Yes. I want my body back! I can't wait to start working otu! Last summer I was tight and tan and wearing a bikini and okay with it (for the first time in my life). Now...:nope: LOL! But I am totally cool with all of this because I know we'll have another awesome little life added to our family :hugs: It's all worth it :)

Alicia- I agree with Ashley and Laura! :thumbup: Stay positive! That's half the battle :hugs:

Shradha- no worries, I am sure you are beautiful! Ahem--bump pics please!!! (Are you permitted??)

I should put a bump pic on here but haven't had the nerve to see if my newly restored computer will remember how to download from my digi camera...
Oh, btw--tomorrow is supposed to be the start of depositions for dh and I. Dh first for a few short hours-- they want me alllll day the next day. Guess they think they will wear me down or something? That's not rough- 16 hours in their stupid company (per day) throwing freight and dealing with rotten customers was rough :rofl: I am toughened now. :) :thumbup:

Hm. I think I will go with a red maternity top under a black business suit - just gonna have to leave the jacket open or off- with my black leather heeled boots. Plus I am coloring my hair again today :happydance: to get rid of my, um, unpleasants :haha: GREY. There. I said it :blush: LOL! Going with a nutmeg dark brown this time....
Shradha - I'm sure you are in fact glowing more than you feel but I think it's hard for people to see in themselves. I was continually told I was glowing & looked well even when I felt terrible. I guess it's hard to believe when you're no longer feeling yourself.

Alicia - that's gear advice from Ashley. I held my legs up for 20 mins after dtd. Think carefully about positions, some are far better than others at keeping everything in!

Coy - I love Michael Jackson 80's & early nineties. Reminds me of a really happy childhood. My Mum has his greatest hits, I must borrow it to go on my iPhone. I totally remember how you're feeling. It was about 35 weeks for me when I was ready to go back to my old body. I'm sure you remember but these last few weeks really do go so quickly.

Afm - feeling pretty rubbish about my body at the mo. not losing any weight but really struggling to cut make on unhealthy food, specifically chocolate. I seriously crave it! Also struggling to do any excercise other than light walking. Not getting the pains in my chest so much now but am getting very tight chested a wheezy, a lot worse than it has been over the last free weeks. Even sat here typing this I feel like I am recovering from a sprint. I've been to the Drs & it's all part of the lung damage. I really really want my body back!!!

I also have a semi mobile little boy now!! He likes being left to kick around on his changing mat after being changed. I did this this morning & sat in the sofa where he couldn't see me as the coffee table was in the way. I spent a few minutes looking at bnb on my phone & looking up to see Xander half way down his changing mat beaming at me!! I can just imagine him thinking - found you Mummy!! It was so cute, he must have wriggled his way down the mat!

Here's a pic of where he got to, his head was at the top!!

What a brilliant little face! He looks so proud of himself! :)
Doing my best to stay positive but feel like I'm hitting road blocks at every turn :( I know this isn't the end for me. I know I'm meant to be a mom again, I'm just getting tired of the failure after 2 1/4 years.
Doing my best to stay positive but feel like I'm hitting road blocks at every turn :( I know this isn't the end for me. I know I'm meant to be a mom again, I'm just getting tired of the failure after 2 1/4 years.

We all get roadblocks, yes it is sooo frustrating! I am glad you are going forward though, that's all you can do. Try to think on the poisitve side, you are eliminating obstacles, pretty soon- :bfp:
MEN, right? Yesterday the girls were playing in the tub with tons of bubbles and all their crazy toys and dh took advantage of their being distracted and got all romantic and cuddly :cloud9: telling me how much he loved me etc, there I was in la la land enjoying it when all of a sudden I tune in again and he says something about bleeding it out...WTF? I sit up and look at him puzzled. "Bleed it out? Bleed what out?" He blinks at me. "The clutch" he reiterates slowly...

Ah. Yes. The clutch. :roll: Once again- MEN.
Where is everyone? I need advice!!

Who's the expert on mucus plugs? :huh: Here's my latest odd symptoms:

For the last 3 days loose stools at least twice a day

Diminished appetite

MS type symptoms

Increased vaginal discharge (extremely annoying having to change panties several times a day! :growlmad:)

Pains around the top half circle of my uterus

Cervical pressure when I walk

....and today I noticed when I used the restroom that there was a slight obstruction when I had to pee :shrug: then a "plop" and I noticed a mucusy white chunk in the toilet stool. It was total about 2 inches long with the majority of it an inch and as big as an index finger. Is this part of a mucus plug?

I am being deposed ALL day tomorrow so don't really want to go into labor yet, plus I am too early.....
Where is everyone? I need advice!!

Who's the expert on mucus plugs? :huh: Here's my latest odd symptoms:

For the last 3 days loose stools at least twice a day

Diminished appetite

MS type symptoms

Increased vaginal discharge (extremely annoying having to change panties several times a day! :growlmad:)

Pains around the top half circle of my uterus

Cervical pressure when I walk

....and today I noticed when I used the restroom that there was a slight obstruction when I had to pee :shrug: then a "plop" and I noticed a mucusy white chunk in the toilet stool. It was total about 2 inches long with the majority of it an inch and as big as an index finger. Is this part of a mucus plug?

I am being deposed ALL day tomorrow so don't really want to go into labor yet, plus I am too early.....

sounds like my mucus plug I lost at 36 Weeks with DS #1
OB appointment went great today. Heart beat via doppler was 170.

Kind of annoyed though, they have me as 13 weeks 6 days when my ultrasounds have shown im obviously farther longer. They decided to go with what they believe to be my LMP instead of the growth rate right now, and they said at my 20th week ultrasound if baby is still measuring a week ahead (where I think I am) then they will officially bump up my due date.

Oh well.
OB appointment went great today. Heart beat via doppler was 170.

Kind of annoyed though, they have me as 13 weeks 6 days when my ultrasounds have shown im obviously farther longer. They decided to go with what they believe to be my LMP instead of the growth rate right now, and they said at my 20th week ultrasound if baby is still measuring a week ahead (where I think I am) then they will officially bump up my due date.

Oh well.

Wow, well seeing as they have no real clue as to an exact date on yur LMP then I'd say go with your own dates! Bet you are a week or so further than they are projecting!
OB appointment went great today. Heart beat via doppler was 170.

Kind of annoyed though, they have me as 13 weeks 6 days when my ultrasounds have shown im obviously farther longer. They decided to go with what they believe to be my LMP instead of the growth rate right now, and they said at my 20th week ultrasound if baby is still measuring a week ahead (where I think I am) then they will officially bump up my due date.

Oh well.

Wow, well seeing as they have no real clue as to an exact date on yur LMP then I'd say go with your own dates! Bet you are a week or so further than they are projecting!

Yeah, i'm like 98% sure I truly am where my ticker says I am. I did some research online and I've read that a lot of doctors don't change official due dates if the discrepancy between LMP and Ultrasound are less than two weeks apart. I'm not too worried after finding that out. It'll probably be changed after I have my 20 week ultrasound :)
Ashley- this is an emotional milestone for you I am sure...I am so glad that your appointment went so well :hug: I look forward to the next 170-some-odd days for you! :thumbup:
So, next appointment in October we will be setting by the anatomy scan (yay!! :happydance:) and the doctor said he will discuss with me genetic testing. My insurance must of known that was coming up, because I got something in the mail from them saying that if I did genetic testing, it would cost me $90.00. Which, I thought...hey, that's not TOO bad. But, that's $90.00 i'm like...gritting my teeth over. DH and I are in our mid to late 20's, no genetic problems that we are aware of, and if we knew our child had something, like Down Syndrome, we would love the baby regardless and not abort. But, at the same time - I'm thinking if anything was wrong it would be nice to know so we are not put off-guard at the hospital when our baby is born. Were you given the option of genetic testing? [via bloodwork] and if so, did you go with the testing or no?

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