Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Not silly, it's understandable. In the uk a male Dr can't physically examin a women's torso or private area without a female nurse present which makes it a little easier. I'm not bothered by a male practitioner going down there as long as its not one I know really well. My go who I'd had since a child had to have a rummage once, it was the most uncomfortable I've ever been!!
Laura- yeh we do massages.....actually we massage the baby with oil and then give bath.......
You are doing right by giving Xander a massage, it's good for his bones....
Do you put nappies or diapers at home?

Nappies & diapers are the same thing. We call them nappies in the uk. I was going to use cloth nappies but Xander was too small to start with & I've got so used to & comfortable with disposables I'm too scared to move to cloth now, they seem like far too much hard work!!

We use organic sunflower oil for Xanders massage. It seems to work really well without making him really greasy!
Laura, yeah that is why it is hard with this doc--he has been my dd's pediatrician since birth for both of them and he wears these silly ki-ties, you know? Mickey Mouse, Humpty Dumpty- silly things- that just highlight how he loves kids and works with them. Having him peek down there is like pure moral torture for me!! Oh well...I guess it beats driving 240 miles every 2 weeks...lol!

I hope I aven't gained too much weight! Not a clue at this point :shrug: Guess I will find out this afternoon :shhh:
Yuk, I have to call a plumber and hope I have the funds to pay him...our bathroom shower has started leaking again - hot water naturally. It did this once about 6 years ago and blew out our hot water heater so guess it's cheaper to fix the leak! :haha:
Here's my day: so I leave a msg. with 2 other counseling agencies for my interview, and one is looking good for tomrorrow FX'd! It'll be a day late but :shrug:...

Then I get a call from my daughters online school teahcer saying we have to drive nearly 200 miles to get her tested! :saywhat: And on top of that we are talking such supreme advance notice as day after tomorrow! Not happening. :growlmad: Especially in late pregnancy and in my cruddy car :haha: LOL! So they were kind enough to excuse us and schedule her for the spring testing :thumbup: Huge stress relief at this point!

Doctors appointment went excellent! I didn't even gain a pound this time :smug: YAY!! My BP was perfect, urine perfect (tmi), etc, and babes heartbeat was (while sleeping) 130 bpm, so- perfect! Plus- and here's the biggy- she is head down and beginning the engagement process!! :thumbup: :headspin: And doc told me anytime now is okay as far as going into labor! So no stress there. I am so glad that she is head down, that explains all the pressure lately :thumbup:
Coy- wow that's wonderful...all going good:happydance:.... Our little princess is getting geared up:hugs:.....

Regarding doc- well I am basically a very shy person. I am not very comfy going to any doc....but now I have to go...I have choosen a lady doc who was my doctor when I was born but still I feel odd:dohh:.....I am like that.
Laura- we use cloth while at home only while going out we put the disposable ones.... I know it's going to be real work washing and drying....here the humidity is high and the climate is hot so the baby can develop rashes easily.....
Massage oil- everyday different oil- almond oil, mustard oil, coconut oil and a herbal one.... I know all these are greasy that's why they are applied before bath :)
Today is my youngest "baby's" birthday. He is four today! Not really a baby though, huh? Time flies so quickly. We are going to go bowling as a family as soon as DH gets home from work, than I'm going to go and pick up the cupcakes that I ordered.

(Peanut Butter & Jelly. I'm a little nervous, as I have never had any different flavoring of a cupcake than just your basic chocolate, vanilla, etc . But this was one of their "daily" flavors and PB&J sandwiches is the birthday boys FAVORITE food (lol ) So I figured, why not?)

I'm technically gluten intolerant, but it hasn't been bothering me since I was about 7 weeks pregnant. So, I'm seeing if maybe I can build myself back up to eating gluten all the time. I was even able to eat Fiber One bars an I didn't get any kind of "reaction". My "muscle soreness" is much down and diarrhea is no longer. The only symptom I still have is muscle twitches.

Also, I'm kinda...well, irked! (not really). I have RCIA (catholic class) tonight, but my favorite show is premiering it's new season tonight!! Do you all see the sacrifices I do for God?? LOL!!!! (totally kidding) I totally LOVE Charlie Hunnam. I didn't think at 25 I could "develop" a crush on an actor but he is incredibly sexy. He is 100% British but living in America (State of California) for now. My guess is he will be here until everything with the show is over. In the show he plays an American from California, so he doesn't carry his sexy british accent! LOL!!!! I tried to watch the UKs "Queer As Folk", (because he played on that show, too) and while I'm not homophobic or anything, the sex scenes were too graphic between him and another character so I had to shut it off. I won't describe the particular scene, but I started gagging pretty bad. :(

Anyways, have a great day!
Queer as folk was huge in the uk & caused such a stir due to the graphic man on man scenes. I watched the whole series & loved it but do know what scene you are referring to & yes it was uncomfortable to watch, especially with my Mum in the room!! The overall story was good. The series kick started Charlie Hummans career as a heartthrob but I'm not entirely sure what happened to him afterwards. The series is pretty old now, must have been mid 90's, I was in my teens.

It's interesting that your intolerance is better. I have ibs & even cutting out intolerant foods I still had symptoms until I was pregnant & it vanished, I wasn't brave enough to try my intolerable foods. I thought it would come back as soon as Xander was born but it hasn't. I've since tried caffeine & appear to be ok & am having a few bites if wheat here & there & so far no nasty reactions. I've just got my noisy tummy back. I'm really hoping I can build some tolerance back as well. I often wondered whether my job exaggerated my symptoms which may also explain why things are better.
Interesting re:gluten ....I have noticed here locally they are beginning to carry a ton of gluten-free stuff. A bunch of it went on sale so I tried it and it is actually very good! :thumbup: Just a bummer there isn't more of it, I am sure it makes shopping quite difficult!

Not familiar with the , er, man on man show you are all talking about :haha: Glad I missed it :rofl:

How are you all today?? :hi:
I have been getting some pretty strong Braxton Hicks lately...that's what I am guessing they are anyway, but they are cramping hard enough to be painful and now the muscles along the top of my uterus are killing me! It hurts to laugh or cough now :growlmad: lol Now that my doc has told me what position she is in I can recognize certain things...today I felt her head and she has her hands up by her face playing around :cloud9: And of course, there is never any doubt where those pointy sharp strong little feet are at!!
I've read that Braxton hicks generally get stronger with each pregnancy so it may well be what you are feeling. I always used to feel Xanders hands by his face, it actually freaked me out slightly, the only movements that would as it felt like he was stroking my pubic bone from inside, a really weird and almost ticklish feeling!!

I was actually just thinking about movements today as Xander wasn't really much of a kicker in the womb so I thought he would have a calm placid personal jusy like DH. Well he turned out to be the complete opposite!! He doesn't stop moving!! He is so alert and into everything which is going on around him, his arms and legs are constantly on the move. He is a complete live wire just like me!! We met up with all the couples and babies from out anti natal class last night and it really highlighted even more how into everything Xander is. He was the only baby who had to be held upright so he could look at everyone and was giving people lots of smiles!! DH finally now agrees that we have a hypo baby and far more like me in personality!!

Re the gluten free food, I always used to have to drive at least 10 mins away jst to get a loaf of bread which was fairly annoying however now my local mini supermarket which is behind my house now sells gluten free products, and the nice stuff! I was over the moon when I saw it. In the past couple of years the quality and range of glute free products have increased loads.
I've read that Braxton hicks generally get stronger with each pregnancy so it may well be what you are feeling. I always used to feel Xanders hands by his face, it actually freaked me out slightly, the only movements that would as it felt like he was stroking my pubic bone from inside, a really weird and almost ticklish feeling!!

I was actually just thinking about movements today as Xander wasn't really much of a kicker in the womb so I thought he would have a calm placid personal jusy like DH. Well he turned out to be the complete opposite!! He doesn't stop moving!! He is so alert and into everything which is going on around him, his arms and legs are constantly on the move. He is a complete live wire just like me!! We met up with all the couples and babies from out anti natal class last night and it really highlighted even more how into everything Xander is. He was the only baby who had to be held upright so he could look at everyone and was giving people lots of smiles!! DH finally now agrees that we have a hypo baby and far more like me in personality!!

Re the gluten free food, I always used to have to drive at least 10 mins away jst to get a loaf of bread which was fairly annoying however now my local mini supermarket which is behind my house now sells gluten free products, and the nice stuff! I was over the moon when I saw it. In the past couple of years the quality and range of glute free products have increased loads.

lol, that would be a weird feeling! With this one if I put my hand over my tummy I can feel tiny little movements down low, I am assuming as her back is on my left side and head down that she is (obviously) facing right. So the low massive movement I am taking to be hands...dh is getting excited thinking she'll come early :)

Aw, your Xander (sorry about the fb tagging incorrectly...how embarassing for me, lol! :blush:) sounds like a live wire for sure! I remember those days...hold them upright so that they can kick and thrash with their feet and bounce bounce bounce! I can tell by his pics and those snapping bright eyes that he is a mover and a shaker!
I've read that Braxton hicks generally get stronger with each pregnancy so it may well be what you are feeling. I always used to feel Xanders hands by his face, it actually freaked me out slightly, the only movements that would as it felt like he was stroking my pubic bone from inside, a really weird and almost ticklish feeling!!

I was actually just thinking about movements today as Xander wasn't really much of a kicker in the womb so I thought he would have a calm placid personal jusy like DH. Well he turned out to be the complete opposite!! He doesn't stop moving!! He is so alert and into everything which is going on around him, his arms and legs are constantly on the move. He is a complete live wire just like me!! We met up with all the couples and babies from out anti natal class last night and it really highlighted even more how into everything Xander is. He was the only baby who had to be held upright so he could look at everyone and was giving people lots of smiles!! DH finally now agrees that we have a hypo baby and far more like me in personality!!

Re the gluten free food, I always used to have to drive at least 10 mins away jst to get a loaf of bread which was fairly annoying however now my local mini supermarket which is behind my house now sells gluten free products, and the nice stuff! I was over the moon when I saw it. In the past couple of years the quality and range of glute free products have increased loads.

lol, that would be a weird feeling! With this one if I put my hand over my tummy I can feel tiny little movements down low, I am assuming as her back is on my left side and head down that she is (obviously) facing right. So the low massive movement I am taking to be hands...dh is getting excited thinking she'll come early :)

Aw, your Xander (sorry about the fb tagging incorrectly...how embarassing for me, lol! :blush:) sounds like a live wire for sure! I remember those days...hold them upright so that they can kick and thrash with their feet and bounce bounce bounce! I can tell by his pics and those snapping bright eyes that he is a mover and a shaker!

DH could well be right, that is optimum engagement position!! Xander was the opposite side & ended up spending most of my labour back to back, he did turn in the end. I think he went full circle in the end, he chose the hard way, my punishment for kicking him out early!!

No worries bout the Facebook tagging!! :)
Lol, who was it ( ---Steph's Brandon?---) that came out Super Hero style? :haha: One arm outstretched! When my first dd was born she came out face first but with her chin cupped in her hands and her elbows sticking out to the sides! I think she was pushing for more room or something :shrug: I hope this one is an easy slide, I am actually getting eager for labor to start and end now, want my baby and want my body back :)

P.S. Is tagging just naming a pic? or does it signify something else possibly not good???
No that was Xander who came hand first, he's our little super hero!! His name is very fitting I think!

Sounds like T was swimming out! :haha: the last few weeks are tough on the old patience! I really can't see you making it to 40 weeks. A friend of mine gave birth to her 3rd in her bathroom after an 8 minute labour at 35 weeks to a perfectly healthy baby! Make sure you have plenty of towels washed!! Could you choose a home birth if you wanted one & a mw could be sent out to you?

I think the tagging just put the picture on the fan page for Xander Harris, from what I could tell along with other babies named Xander!!
You know a home birth is something dh and I have discussed through sheer possibility! OMG I can't imagine an 8 minute labor! Well, I can imagine, that'd be AWESOME! :haha: We have considered investing in a waterproof coverlet for our bed, etc, just in case, and absorbent large pads for extra. Plus the clean towels are always present and just across the hall if we need them :) I am pretty comfortable and confident if we have to do this at home because dh has taken midwifing classes and helped deliver both our girls. If we had to go by ambulance or drive the hospital is just one block West of us! :thumbup: However, we don't have a mid-wife in this area :sad1: so it'd be take us to the hospital or have her alone at home :haha: I am hoping dh will listen to me better this time around. Last time I kept insisting that we wouldn't make the 120 mile drive and he would pat my shoulder, tell me to calm down, and reassure me that we wouldmake it. Then, despite my yelling and threats he took a leisurly shower, etc...when he got out of the shower I was laying on our bed and babes was crowning! OMG, I remember his expression! Hilarious now :haha:
Hi everyone! Time for my weekly (or bi-weekly post!) LOLOL!!! I wish I could come around more. Sometimes I start to type and then I have to run off because someone is calling me or waking up. Sometimes I save/copy my posts depending on how much I've written already... but I do wish they had a save draft option on here. Sometimes I want to write a long post but just don't have time. Yes, my kids (and DH) are verrrry needy. :haha:

Coy- I really think things are going to happen soon... with her being engaged and everything, and all your other symptoms! And if it does, it's probably because dd#3 is just ready to come out-- was it Kat or Teagen that came at 34 weeks? And you said that she was very healthy even though premature? So I'm not worried for you if it happens early again, I trust that baby knows what she is doing! But yeah, as soon as labor strikes get to hospital asap! But it's good that you're prepared and dh is experienced with delivering babies!

Laura- I've been enjoying all your pics of Xander on FB. He's such a happy baby with a huge personality already! Reminds me of when Nicholas was a baby, everyone called him a happy baby (they'd say, does he EVER cry?), smiled all the time, so alert, active, social and would laugh and giggle at everything. He's still the same!

Ashley- Re: the gluten thing... that's great that you're not having symptoms of intolerance, I've heard that a lot of allergies go away during pregnancy and sometimes it stays away even after the pregnancy... almost like in some cases pregnancy resets the immune system (my naturopath explained this to me, very interesting). But I know that gluten, even for people that are not "intolerant" to it, is good to cut out of your diet anyway. I have always tried but it's just one of those things I can't (I have a mild intolerance). I love my bread too much. I AM somewhat allergic to cow's milk protein, and I think Brandon is too, so I've had to cut that out. BUT milkshakes are the one thing that keeps calling my name and sometimes I just can't stay away... even for the baby's sake... I'm so bad...

Shradha- Are we going to see a bump pic soon? :winkwink:
Here's a recent pic, for some reason it won't let me upload some others because it says the files are too large!


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