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I really hope your worst fears aren't realised Ashley. Did they take a good look at the placenta & do an umbilical Doppler? If all that's looking good then that may be a good sign. Did they also take a good look at the heart for any possible problems? Something obvious would show up at 16 weeks. The fact that it went up to 158 then down again is hopeful as that shows a reaction. Did they measure him & is he on track growth wise? I'm trying to remember what his previous heart beats have been, I'm sure I noticed they were slower than Xanders, not bad slow though, just slower end of the normal spectrum. Perhaps he's just naturally got a slow heart beat. My DH does, something silly like 45/50bpm! You'll be in my thoughts, really hoping for a positive outcome. :hugs:
Shradha- one thing that keeps coming to my mind is you gotta start asking your doctor bold questions! Doctors won't tell you a darned thing if you don't ask :thumbup: Your abby's hb is probably jsut fine, I would def ask at your next appointment, maybe make a list of all the questions you have. Your doctor is getting paid to be there for you- make her work for it :haha: Oh, and about feeling your baby move- you are 16 weeks now. When I was 20 weeks I could once in a while feel movement, but I was stunned when we went for our 20 week scan and saw baby doing flips in there! She was literally moving so much and so fast the tech got the giggles because he couldn't measure anything! And I didn't feel any of it at the time :shrug: So your baby could be a real gymnast in there and maybe you don't feel it. I do know that the position of the placenta has a lot to do with it. Oh, and I wanted to mention also- we ladies talk a lot (and we complain a lot :haha:) about the pains of pregnancy and labor. But ti is a good pain- yes, there is good pain! :thumbup: I am yelping around the house all day now as babes kicks me hard or does these incredible stretches that feels like she's going to pop a foot out my side! But it is a good pain because it shows me how determined and strong she is. She needs to be strong in this world so those are all good things. Little things for mom to suffer in the scope of everything else :hugs:

Ashley- I agree with Steph and Laura and Shradha- try not to worry too much. Like Laura stated, the way the heartbeat popped up there to 158 then back down- if there was an issue causing slow heartbeat then reactionary would not cause it to change really. I would say babes got disturbed form his sleep from all the prodding and movement but said to hell with it and dozed off again :haha: Also- I think Laura has some good points --what all did they check? Cord, placenta, etc? How did babes measure?

AFM- wouldn't you know it. The dd's slept peacefully and fever-free ALL NIGHT LONG and silly mom had to set her alarm for every two hours just to check on them! :haha: So, the night I could have slept I woke myself up :dohh: Dd's are feeling better today, Kat with no fever at all yet and T just at 99.6 and a short cough :thumbup: Dh is exhausted though as he stayed up almost all night checking on them too, we are worry-warts! So he is spent the night recording old cartoons for the girls like Gumby and He-Man! (He says it's for the girls but I secretly know he loves to watch He-Man :haha:) He's a big kid with them :) Today- I plan on doing some school and then tackling the last stages of The Room closet....Wish me luck ladies, I hope I come out :hah:
OMG, I forgot to mention. Yesterday I did something I haven't done for at least 11 months...I drank a glass of iced Coke! :cloud9: Omg, that tasted so good!
K, I have this thing I do. Now that my belly is so big I use it as a coffee table :coffee: LOL! That just means whatever I am holding in my hand while sitting down gets rested on top of my belly. Well, babes has decided the outside is her territory too and kicks the hell out of my cup! The other day I rested the edge of my coffee cup there while dh and I were talking and she darned near kicked it out of my hand! Dh laughed so hard. Then again last night with my ice water :growlmad: Now, I can't cross my arms or she batters me! lol, she is very determined. Good. Maybe she'll get crowded and decide to come out soon :)
I have 2 words for you Coy - BUMP PIC!!!!

Seriously we need one before she kicks herself out of there!! She does sound like she has a lot of attitude already, love it!! Where T and Kat the same?

My little munchkin gave us a treat last night, he slept for 7 & half hours straight!!! Only prob was he woke us up half way through having a sleepy comversation with himself and kicking around lots to pass a lot of gas!! :dohh: Tonight he will be sleeping in his room!!
Lol, I know, I have been meaning to take one...I have my digi camera loaded with pics but need to load them to my computer....gotta put batteries though :sad1: and I am so darn lazy lately :haha: Will try to take a pic today! Since my computer crashed and we had to wipe the drive we losta ton of photos but I am sooo glad I reposted almost all of my favorites to either facebook or photobucket (mostly of the girls) so not all lost! And yes, both girls were different but very active in utero- T used to do these awesome stretches that would have me freaking out! :rofl:

Xander sounds so cute talking to himself! Was it sleep-talking? :haha: Silly little man, he sounds like a live wire! :hugs:
He mainly makes a whe load if grunting & gurgling noises. Totally sounds like he's awake but his eyes are usually shut! Sometimes they'll be open but not for very long! Have a problem though that DH doesn't want him in his own room yet & as its his turn for the night feed I just know he'll feed him if Xander does the same again tonight. I've told him to wait until he cries but he just won't. The problem is that DH quite likes the night feeds when he doesn't have work as its bonding time for him, but he brings him down stairs, sticks the tv on & Xander will be awake then for an hour +. I really need Xander to be sleeping through if he's ready & last night showed he isn't waking out if hunger. I think a week if leaving him & he'll stop waking at all, well unless there's other reasons such as growth spurt, teething. DH won't have it though. *sigh* it is good that DH is a keen Dad but perhaps a little too keen sometimes.

And yes, he completely is a live wire!

Glad you've got back ups of your pics. We've recently bought a hard drive to back ours up to just in case!
O my gosh, my dh used to do the same thing- when I'd try to get them in a routine of rest he'd be like Play Time! lol! :haha: Aargh, men :roll- what can you do? One thing though- babes does eventually learn who is the push-over and who is not. So when it's mommy-time he'll behave and go to sleep :haha:
He mainly makes a whe load if grunting & gurgling noises. Totally sounds like he's awake but his eyes are usually shut! Sometimes they'll be open but not for very long! Have a problem though that DH doesn't want him in his own room yet & as its his turn for the night feed I just know he'll feed him if Xander does the same again tonight. I've told him to wait until he cries but he just won't. The problem is that DH quite likes the night feeds when he doesn't have work as its bonding time for him, but he brings him down stairs, sticks the tv on & Xander will be awake then for an hour +. I really need Xander to be sleeping through if he's ready & last night showed he isn't waking out if hunger. I think a week if leaving him & he'll stop waking at all, well unless there's other reasons such as growth spurt, teething. DH won't have it though. *sigh* it is good that DH is a keen Dad but perhaps a little too keen sometimes.

And yes, he completely is a live wire!

Glad you've got back ups of your pics. We've recently bought a hard drive to back ours up to just in case!

Haha!! Brandon is the same way!! He makes so many noises at night- grunting, moaning, little coughs... he never cries when he wakes up, so it's hard to tell exactly when he is waking up and is hungry. He will literally make noise all night long and my mommy ears are so tuned in that I cannot get any sleep at all. Which is why he actually has to sleep with DH in the other room (in his co-sleeper still)... both of them make noise, DH with his snoring as well (he's had to sleep on the couch for a while, until there is a solution to it!!) I am such a light sleeper, especially with the baby, that they have to sleep in the other room otherwise I am a mess on no sleep. I feel better with Brandon sleeping with him as opposed to him being in the crib by himself. I just don't think he's ready for it yet (or maybe I'm not ready :shrug:) But there are times I wish Brandon could sleep next to me because I miss having him close :cry: and I have him do it occasionally, but I realize the next day it's not worth getting no sleep over... besides, he's asleep, he could care less. He sleeps through the night pretty consistently anyway. And at least he's with Daddy, and not by himself. I don't remember if Nicholas made this much noise, as he was in his crib by himself starting around 2 weeks old!
K, I have this thing I do. Now that my belly is so big I use it as a coffee table :coffee: LOL! That just means whatever I am holding in my hand while sitting down gets rested on top of my belly. Well, babes has decided the outside is her territory too and kicks the hell out of my cup! The other day I rested the edge of my coffee cup there while dh and I were talking and she darned near kicked it out of my hand! Dh laughed so hard. Then again last night with my ice water :growlmad: Now, I can't cross my arms or she batters me! lol, she is very determined. Good. Maybe she'll get crowded and decide to come out soon :)

Wow you're pretty brave to balance a cup of coffee on your belly!! I hope it wasn't piping hot! :haha:
Oh yeah, gurgling noises... what is up with that? I thought it was just my child... it's almost like a congested gurgly sound but he's not sick.
Hi ladies, sorry for the AFM but thought I'd catch you up before I crash! I am about as exhausted as could be at this point. Had another trip to the emergency room with Teagen tonight :sad1: Poor little girl- she hasn't peed literally ALL day and can't hold even water down. She had oatmeal for breakfast but didn't drink her milk....then I noticed she wasn't drinking water and asked her too - she drank it then about 10 minutes later vomited it back up :shrug: A while later we tried sipping more room temp water and eating 2-3 saltine crackers. Again she vomited that up too. So a while after tried gatorade blended with ice and water which she liked and felt great but ended up vomiting that up too. The RN at emergency said to bring her in so I did. Dh kept Kat home so no unneded contact with ER germs :growlmad: Anyway she was bereft w/o her sister so was upset the entire time and put dh through he@@ :roll: At the ER they cheked her temperature and it had gone down, though she's had a temp all day and kept puking up her tylenol, etc. The doctor had to draw blood- poor little girl! Then they gave her a Zofran tablet to dissolve under her tongur to keep from getting nauseas and vomiting. Well, she drank some water and was fine. No infections, blood came back great. The put her on a breathing aparatus to clear her lungs as they were worried about pnumonia but nope, none of that :thumbup: Her chest felt better and she could breath better and no puking so they sent us home. No sooner than we walk in the door and she tell her big story, she drinks more water and ten minutes later puked at least half of it back up if not more :nope: So I called the doctor and he said to just giove her Tylenol to get her 101.3 temp down and let her sleep. So that is what we have done. She was exhautsed so I had to carry her to bed- 55 pounds! :haha: So far she has kept the tylenol down :thumbup: and her fever is reducing. I sure hope she is better by morning! Doc said to bring her in if not as they'll probably have to do IV drip for fluids :(

Anyway I am totally exhausted. I got to thinking with all the crazy kid stuff going on the only thing I've eaten today is toast this morning...I should probably eat something before bed but I'm too pooped! I'll stay awake to maker sure she doesn't vomit again, then go to bed :sleep:
He did it again!! 11.30 through to 7.15!!!! :happydance: :headspin:

I am a little more confident this is a routine now, not just an accident!! He didn't even wake us up at 3 again!! It feels so good to have had a full nights sleep!!

Steph - it amazes me the noises a tiny person can make. I think I'd prefer Xander in his room now as DH likes the tv on at night which disturbs Xander. Question in the breastfeeding. Is Brandon really active now when you feed him? Xander has taken to kicking his arms & legs about, grabbing my clothes or the booby (ouch!) smiling & falling off it then head butting it until he finds it again & the worst not latching properly or clamping down and pulling away on it!! (very ouch!!) I'm not sure if the clamping down on & almost playing with the nipple is due to the teething. It's making feeding him entertaining but not the close bonding experience I loved where he lie quietly staring me in the eye!!!

Coy - poor T. I hope she feels better after a good nights rest. Do you think it's a bad tummy bug she's caught. It must be awful her being so poorly. Now I have Xander I understand how it's easy to not have time to eat!! Kids really take up every second of the day!!
Awww poor T. You guys must be so exhausted. I know what it's like to have those middle of the night ER visits. It's exhausting to have a sick kid! Not just physically, but all the worrying just drains you. I worry at the very first hint of a sneeze, cough or fever or anything. And then I obsess over it, hoping it doesn't turn into anything worse! And especially when I was pregnant and now with the baby, I worry about sicknesses in the house. Hope she gets better soon, do you think it's just your garden variety stomach flu? Seems to me if it was food poisoning or something she'd have a higher fever. Weird, I have a lot my friends' kids have this stomach thing going on, some of them for weeks...throwing up, not eating... and they weren't able to figure it out. Definitely make sure she gets her fluids. Have you tried pedialyte?

Laura- Yes, Brandon "plays" at the boob more now. Especially when he is pushing a poopie or is trying to wriggle his gas through his tummy! He stretches out the nipple, pulls away, clamps down, moves around, smiles, makes faces... like the nipple is his play toy! It kind of is when you think about it, because they spend so much time there and have so much experience it at this point, that they just kind of play around now! He kind of massages it (or plays with my shirt/bra) with the top arm and I think it's very sweet. Sometimes he'll stop and we'll stare at each other, then I'll smile or talk to him and he smiles/giggles back, all while he's still flicking the nipple in his mouth. Nicholas used to do that as well... and his biggest thing was to pull and play with my hair. He still does that (not bf'ing), it's so funny! But my hair is so long now that it's pulled back all the time and Brandon can't play with it. Time for a haircut...I haven't gotten one since before I was pregnant. I'm very shaggy!!
Btw, YAY Xander for officially sleeping through the night now!!! :)
Hi ladies...not sure what T has (or had :shrug:) The doctor did a full blood exam and no infection anywhere, so not sure. He thinks it's just areaction to this virus going around. Kat is over it except for a runny nose ocassionally. Last night T went to sleep and I woke her twice to take water and medicine and she managed to keep it down- YAY! This morning no fever (yet anyway :thumbup:) and she has managed almosta full bottle of water and now eating plain toast with a bit of honey on it. I gave her a shower and washed her hair, etc, and she says she is feeling better. Phew! Hopefully the worst is behind. Another sleepless night for me though, I set my alarm for every now and then to check her. Dh got irritated with something I said this morning and boy did I tear hima new one! :haha: What made it worse is I got up, showered, checked T, made dh ad Kat steak and eggs for breakfast :)shock: I know, lol) and fresh coffee. I got so busy doing laundry (2 loads so far), sanitizing the house, changing bedding, feeding the dog, etc, that by time I reached for my coffee cup dh was pouring the last of it into his mug.....yes, I know, dangerous damned territory. :growlmad: LOL! I slammed stuff around and he tore out of the kitchen! :rofl: I just made myself some new, but still- I am trying not to be too much of a heavy :haha: I am not in the mood to be wooled around today as my glucose dropped super low last night too so I feel sort of crappy :shrug: , so everyone is just sort of backing away! :rofl:
Lol! at the boob stories :haha: Isn't it funny how babies interact? Even the interaction changes as they grow. I remember mine- one of the funniest things is when they get a tad older they will be suckling, stop, look you in the eyes, smile really big (with milk pouring out of their mouths!) and then start eating again...Too cute and funny :haha: Messy as all get out but very cute!
Glad things are looking better... boy, you sure have don't a lot today and the day is only half over! Thought that after last night, you'd take a load off... you sure are a busy bee! But slap on the wrist to your dh for taking that last cup of coffee... yeah i know, sure it's easy to make another pot, but when you're pregnant and not in the mood... lol! I get so bothered by the littlest things, especially when my dh takes the last of the chocolate bar or something! Especially because I'm off of dairy, and I am hungry and need to keep up my BS all the time from BF'ing... I get mad because he should know I need what I can get in the house, as far as food goes. He's a caveman, he can eat anything! Eat your ice cream, leave the chocolate bar to me! I also buy chocolate almond milk, which is a good substitute for me for regular chocolate milk... and ooooh it makes me so mad when he finishes it off!
Lol! at the boob stories :haha: Isn't it funny how babies interact? Even the interaction changes as they grow. I remember mine- one of the funniest things is when they get a tad older they will be suckling, stop, look you in the eyes, smile really big (with milk pouring out of their mouths!) and then start eating again...Too cute and funny :haha: Messy as all get out but very cute!

Mine do that too, Nicholas especially... but Brandon has just started doing that and I'm sure as he gets older he'll be just like his brother!
Ha ha, looks like all our DH have a death wish. I have lost it a couple if times when DH has eaten the last of something, usually something which is a treat & also isn't stocked in our local shops so I can't just pop out for some more!!

Xanders also done the milk smile, it's too cute!! Even when it was 1am in the morning when he was supposed to be going sleep the first time he did it!! Don't kids just melt your heart?!

Glad T's feeling better today. I hope you're resting for the rest of the day now Coy?!

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