Looking for official TTC buddies!!

P.S. Thanks, dh and I were trying to determine if she's dropped yet and dh couldn't tell....It sure feels cramped and tight! Sleeping at night has become a challenge unless I am just totally wasited as I was last night. Kat only woke up once for a drink of water- Thankk God! :haha: Then I had my 3 trips to the bathrooma nd woke up at 4 am hungry...other than that, nice restful night :rofl: We are thinking maybe (with any luck :)) she'll be born during this month's full moon!
When's the full moon Coy? It's worked for you in the past hasn't it? So excited to see your little girl.

Random thing for me, I've started leaking milk!! Never have I leaked but a couple if times now I've noticed patches on my clothes. Going to have to dig out my breast pads I've not had to use yet. Why would they suddenly start leaking now?!
When's the full moon Coy? It's worked for you in the past hasn't it? So excited to see your little girl.

Random thing for me, I've started leaking milk!! Never have I leaked but a couple if times now I've noticed patches on my clothes. Going to have to dig out my breast pads I've not had to use yet. Why would they suddenly start leaking now?!

Next full moon is September 29, so only just over a week away...:shrug: Guess we'll see :)

Ah yes, leaking milk! I had a constant problem with this. I would say you are right in line with Xanders little growth spurt! Funny thing...nipples interact with baby's saliva to naturally generate what baby needs and also with his milk consumption--as he grows and his body starts to require new stuff you will naturally begin to produce new and differently..Thus the leakage #-o LOL! Yep, pads is the only way to go, I constantly soaked through :shrug: very annoying!
Laura and Steph- I was going to ask--did you buy regular heavy flow pads to take to L&D with you? That's what I have but can't remember if that is sufficient or not :growlmad: Should I get something heavier?
I bought maternity pads which in the uk are as thick as the night time pads for a heavy flow, think pillow!! They worked well for me but my post partum bleeding wasn't very heavy until I was on the blood thinning meds!! It's silly how heavy they make me. Second af came yesterday & I'm back to soaking pads every couple of hours. However i'm not getting af cramps any more, yay!! They used to be really painful.

Have you got loads of pairs of knickers? I bought cheap black ones a size bigger which were really comfy & held my pillow pads comfortably!!
I bought maternity pads which in the uk are as thick as the night time pads for a heavy flow, think pillow!! They worked well for me but my post partum bleeding wasn't very heavy until I was on the blood thinning meds!! It's silly how heavy they make me. Second af came yesterday & I'm back to soaking pads every couple of hours. However i'm not getting af cramps any more, yay!! They used to be really painful.

Have you got loads of pairs of knickers? I bought cheap black ones a size bigger which were really comfy & held my pillow pads comfortably!!

No I haven't gotten the "knickers" yet :haha: but thanks for reminding me - it had totally slipped my mind! Mine say for "heavy flow" overnight but they are thin :shrug: so I am nervous...Think I'll get some of the others. can't go to waste as the bleeding usually lasts for a while after. I'm gonna shop knickers this afternoon! lol, I hope I find some of those "bag'o'knickers" you know- 10 for a dollar bit :haha: The kind gramma used to wear :rofl:
We have a lot of thin pads on the market for heavy flow. I'm not too keen, they realy don't seem to last as long as they promise!! Granny pants are exactly the way to go!! I actually now love the knickers I bought. They didn't get covered in blood like I expected & they're so comfortable. My poor DH!
We have a lot of thin pads on the market for heavy flow. I'm not too keen, they realy don't seem to last as long as they promise!! Granny pants are exactly the way to go!! I actually now love the knickers I bought. They didn't get covered in blood like I expected & they're so comfortable. My poor DH!

LOL! I know, I have taken to wearing boxer shorts because they are so comfortable :haha: And here my dh went and bought me these beautiful lacy boy-short types...I think he's trying to tell me something? :shrug:
Having another one of those nights!! Xander is in his 3rd set of bed clothes & second bed sheets. Wee got the first lot & projectile vomit the second & the sheets!! Still can't get mad with him as he thought it was hilarious giving me a very cheeky grin & giggling. (he's just starting to giggle as well now) its 1am and I think I can finally close my eyes and sleep, for maybe an hour or 2!
Blokes boxer shorts are the best!! I took to wearing Steve's along with his t shirts towards the end as I actually started to grow out of my maternity clothes!!!
Aw, I remember those nights- I am sure they are coming up again :) Yep, I learned to have a couple sets of sheets, blankets, clothes and diapers on the ready. Plus a big bag to toss the other stuff into. I got to where I could do it all in the dark in about 3 minutes :haha: Unless babes needed a quick bath, wel,, that's another story :)

Cute, he's giggling now?! Awesome, I love his dimples btw :cloud9: Hope you get some sleep, it is already 0130 in the morning there isn't it?
Love your bump Coy. It actually doesn't look like she's dropped yet. But I know that everyone was always telling me that with 2nd, 3rd, etc babies they drop right before or during labor... not weeks before, like with the 1st.

I definitely used heavy flow pads... the hospital had great ones and used theirs (took the rest home with me) for a while. Then I bought myself some, but after several weeks I was using regular ones... then after 6 weeks I was just spotting so used the thin ones.

Laura- Ahhh growth spurt time! Don't you love it? Just when they get settled into a routine it gets thrown off. And yes, the leakage is due to him probably nursing more, so you're making more milk. I have a major leakage problem, all the time, can't go without breast pads ever!
Steph- aha! I had never heard that about second and third babies causing the drop to be different! :shrug: Good to know! Dh seems pretty confident she'll come before the end of the month, but :shrug:

I am super pooped now. I finally FINALLY finished the girls room! Yay! Now just clean my own room a bit and finish the garage. Not much in the garage either as dh has been helping and I am breakin gmost of everythng to throw away :haha: Their room is cute though, very spacious now with little chinese lanterns dotted along the ceiling for anightlights, a huge Whinnie the Pooh, Feival, and Piglet (stuffed) laying in the corners, a cute little bookshelf, and shelves for their Breyer Horses, plus a toy box with pull-out drawers. The closet contains literally ALL of their things, nice and organized, with individual dressers, and I am putting a lock so they can't get intand throw it everywhere! :haha: They are naughty-butts and like to do stuff like that :roll: Oh, and I need to paint the doors, but other than that- all finished.

Tomorrow is my apopintment with the doctor, he has to do the cervical exam 8-[ which I am a bit nervous about. I am sure he will use that stupid duck-bill thingy and last time the idiot doctor (different doctor) got int in upside down and hurt super badly...plus he is going to do the strep test. :roll: Nice, right? So I have all that to look forward too! I am sure it won;t be too bad and dh is going to be there. I wish my doc was a woman that'd make it sooo much easier for me lol!
I'm so proud of my left booby, leakage has gone up a notch to dripping!! How it has taken them so long to catch on is beyond me, it never happened when I was ebf. I've never really had a proper let down until now, the slowest in history at 3 months perhaps??!! Xanders loving all the milk he's getting a lot easier this morning!!

Sounds like you've done a fab job in the girls room Coy, can we see some pics? A lock on the door is a great idea. I wonder if I should do that with my rather messy DH?! Or put everything on elastic so they go back to we're they belong!! Hope your appointment goes well Coy. Just think, there's not many more left now!!

Xander I think had finally tired himself out & finally slept for 6&half hours from 1am. I think he would have slept for longer but he woke up when I moved him from our room to his room do DH can get undesturbed sleep. He's got some silly work patterns coming up & needs as much sleep as he can. He finished at 7 thus morning then is working from 6 tonight through to 3, unless he can get a few hours off. He's then on a course from 9am tomorrow & Sunday!! All rubbish timing as its his 30th bday tomorrow so we can't celebrate it. He needs the course though as its to help him pass the second part of his police sergeants exam which he failed last year. It was after the second miscarriage & he wasn't in a good place so hoping he'll do a lot better this year & if he gets a promotion it makes it a little easier for me to not go back to the job I was doing but find a far less pressured one part time.
LOL I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has kept my black granny pants :haha: I'm still bleeding on/off though... Can't wait to be free of sanitary pads again!

So will you get to find out if you're dilating today then Coy?

I'm glad Xander is a little easier this morning Laura :thumbup:
Hi ladies! Lol, I haven' taken pics of their room...it's just so clean and tidy I amazed at it :haha: They are some very messy girls...Laura, I love the elastic idea :haha: This is the first time I have managed to get them so organized...a different drawer for each girl and for each kind of clothing, and for some reason they love to open drawers to "see" what's in there...and then pull it all out and toss it over the shoulder :growlmad:
Yep, I think doc will be checking for dialation and effacement today :shrug: Have to do the stupid swipe thingy to check for strep...I had another appointment out of town this afternoon but dh is worried this one might cause me to cramp or bleed so he's making me cancel it :hugs: Hopefully we hear great news that we are dialting:thumbup:

Laura- lol @ the leaking left boob! :rofl: Totally normal though as Xander is having a growth spurt. Now you can settle on the idea of having leaking boobs for months now :roll: lol
ok, run down of my day. (i admit in hinde sight I shouldn't have let half of them get to me but as af is here ratonale is no longer something I have!!)

* Day starsts with mr trying to locate my songs which have vanishedfrom my itunes library. They ae totally gone and silly me hasn't been backing up to myard drive. It's going to be a whole lot of hassle sort it out.

Was going to expain further but nowe my keyboard has broken on my compute so it's taking for ever to type this. Technology hates me as well today.

I give up, I'm going to find myself some chocolate to go with my glass of wine!!
ok, run down of my day. (i admit in hinde sight I shouldn't have let half of them get to me but as af is here ratonale is no longer something I have!!)

* Day starsts with mr trying to locate my songs which have vanishedfrom my itunes library. They ae totally gone and silly me hasn't been backing up to myard drive. It's going to be a whole lot of hassle sort it out.

Was going to expain further but nowe my keyboard has broken on my compute so it's taking for ever to type this. Technology hates me as well today.

I give up, I'm going to find myself some chocolate to go with my glass of wine!!

Atta Girl Laura!! You go girl! Wine and chocolate, and lots of it! Then a nap :haha: My computer crashed too a few weeks ago and I lost all my music, downloads, programs for college, and photo's :sad1: So now I am scrambing to recover what I can :roll:
Hi ladies :hi: Well, dh and the girls and I went to our appointment...I actually got a call just as we were getting set to leave. The receptionist tells me "Well, we accidentally booked you twice, once for today and once for Monday. Since we're so busy today I am going to cancel your appointment and have you come in next week."
:saywhat: 'Scuse me bee-otch, but I don't think so! :growlmad: I want to know what's going on with my body and my baby! I am coming in today! LOL! So she had to grudglingly allow me to come in anyway. Anywhoo my doc was glad- I am measuring at 35 cm now which is a growth spurt as I had sort of stalled at 33 last week and a half ao :thumbup: And my weight is at 145 :shhh: so I am a proper fatty now :haha: (in my mind anyway). And he did the cervical exam and I was worried about it, right? Well, he is so much better at it than my MW was! She used the duckbill thing and was really rough and used to prod really hard...Not this guy, he was very careful and no duckbill Phew! Maybe because dh was in the room? :shrug: At any rate just took a few seconds and we were done. On to the GOOD NEWS. :haha: Doc was shocked when he felt as he said my cervix is already extremely low-lower than he expected- and I am 2 cm dialated and effaced 75%!!! Yay! :happydance: He said she could be born literally any time now. So then he was irritated at his staff for scheduling me 2 weeks out and he forced them to change it to next week :smug: and made the comment "Try to make it another week" in regard to going into labor. Last time I was told that babes was born 2 days later :haha: We will see!

So I finished up painting the doors on the girls room, now on to the hallway closet an bathroom doors too--crayon seems to have made the rounds :roll: lol. Then I will clean up my room in prparation and focus on my final assignment. Come Monday I get a week off and if babes is born I can request another week :thumbup:
Ok, mission accomplished! I have gone and bought huge maternity pads :thumbup: and they were on sale for like 2 dollars! :shock: Then I went and got the black granny panties :haha: So I think we are all set now. I have packed an older glucometer for dh's blood sugar montioring, all he has to do is remember to grab a quick pen on the way out the door when it's time. And I am about finished with our room, so babes bed is all set. Ah. Feels nice to be ready :haha:

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