Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Coy- nice pic :happydance:....yea the bump looks big...I guess last pic was 1 1/2 months before so your bump was looking smaller......cute bump........:hugs:
Wow you cleaned the girls room and painted.....must have been exhausting for you....... Glad that the doctor fixed an appointment for next week. He must be calculating you going to labour soon......
So now it's going to be me alone here waiting............ Soon you will be busy with baby...... I will totally feel lost......

Laura and Steph - you both should keep me company coz Emma and Coy will be busy...........
Coy- nice pic :happydance:....yea the bump looks big...I guess last pic was 1 1/2 months before so your bump was looking smaller......cute bump........:hugs:
Wow you cleaned the girls room and painted.....must have been exhausting for you....... Glad that the doctor fixed an appointment for next week. He must be calculating you going to labour soon......
So now it's going to be me alone here waiting............ Soon you will be busy with baby...... I will totally feel lost......

Laura and Steph - you both should keep me company coz Emma and Coy will be busy...........

Lol, no you won't be totally lost OR alone on here--bnb is my addictiona nd I have a very big interest in your pregnancy! I remember your ttc days :thumbup: I feel like I know you and your baby too! There's no way I would miss your journey Shradha! This is a very important part of your life I am glad to be involved in it even to this extent :hugs: I have always appreciated your posts and your encouragement. Once I have the baby- well, one of my computers is right next to my bed and the baby's bed, so I will beon it ALOT! Not so easy to get rid of me! :haha:

Yep, I am so pleased to finally be done with The Room :haha: I still need to bring my diaper genie (diaper garbage can) into the room...oh, and set babes tub up, but plenty of time for that even if babes is born tonight. The dd's are getting excited especially T as she is a bit older and understands a bit more than Kat does. On fact, somehow she got hold of one of my L & D books :dohh: so understand a BIT MORE than I would have liked LOL! Tonight I had to explain more to her.....when Kat was born T was 4.5 years old so was satisfied with the explantation "a door opens and baby comes out". Not any more :nope: Nope, I had to explain what a cervix and vagina is :dohh: LOL! Oh well, that's what I get for having inquisitive and intelligent daughters! :rofl:
That's cute that the girls are so excited & T's taking a really keen interest. I guess it's a big thing when you start telling kids the truth, does she understand how bubs got in there as well?!?! My friend was going to tell her 3 year old the truth which I though which I thought was a little young but he didn't end up asking. He was more interested in being able to get into Mummys tummy after the baby had come out!!

So glad everything's sorted & you feel ready. Gotta say the only good thing about being induced is being able to prepare properly. I'm going to through a new prediction in that she comes next Friday!

Shradha - don't worry, I'll still be around. I may have quiet days when we're busy or munchkin is being a pain but I would never leave this site fully. :hugs:
I wouldn't leave either... I read this thread every day, I just don't have time to post most of the time :dohh:
Friday? Yay! Great prediction, dh is thinking along those same lines :) That'd be awesome :thumbup: Yes, it is so awesome to finally fel relaxed as far as preparation. I even went and got the granny panties today just in case :haha:

No, T never asked how babes got in there- phew! I still think she is too young for that! :rofl: I think I am too young to tell it to her :haha: But I did tell her that little girls do not possess the same possibilities that adult women do- there is nod oor or opeing for little girls I told her 8-[ lol! O my gosh! I'll have to tell dh...the other day he gave me a heads up that T knew what "gay" meant...which is fine, but we never told her because we sort of want our little girls to stay little girls and have no carnal knowledge of the world whatsoever until they reach, say, middle-age! :rofl: I love watching them grow but it can sure be nervewracking! I told dh if we have a little boy he's "on his own" lol!
Ha ha! I also told my DH before we were even pregnant that if we ever had a boy he will be a modern man & talk about all the birds & the bees. I will as well but I also expect him to talk about everything specifically male when it come to teenage boys. Having grown up with just my Mum & sister I'm a little nervous that I'll have an adolescent boy one day!!
Ha ha! I also told my DH before we were even pregnant that if we ever had a boy he will be a modern man & talk about all the birds & the bees. I will as well but I also expect him to talk about everything specifically male when it come to teenage boys. Having grown up with just my Mum & sister I'm a little nervous that I'll have an adolescent boy one day!!

I know, right? I have my hands full just keeping T apprised of what she "needs" to know, lol!
Where is everyone tonight?? I am pooped so think I will get a bite to eat and go to sleep! :haha:
I just got a call form my SIL:happydance: she has delivered her boy....:happydance: her DD was 7th Oct....but suddenly her water bag broke.....so she had to be rushed to the hospital.....Dh is very happy....I am an aunt now:flower:.....
Yesterday from afternoon was feeling very uncomfortable.... I mean sometimes some poking, heaviness, sudden pull and push.... It was coming and going....every once in 3 hours or so....I was getting worried..... Actually after hearing about Ashley I have been very worried lately.... Just waiting for my scan on 16th Oct...... I keep telling the baby pls tell me that you are fine...show me some movement....but :dohh: nothing......
Today touchwood I feel a lot better.....but feel tired.....
Coy, Laura, Emma and Steph - thanx. I dont know why sometimes I feel lonely...... I need you all.....oh these hormones..:dohh:

Feel hungry in every 4 hours.....I guess appetite is increasing.....have to keep going to the loo every 4 hours......or else my lower belly starts getting heavy.....baby is already pushing......isn't it early?

I have a lot of questions........sorry....:dohh:

Do our boobs start releasing milk during pregnancy or only after birth?
Do we bleed and need pads after giving birth?

I thought we get AF after a month......
Coy- yea..... You all have been my support..... I cant even think what I would have done without you all......:hugs: I was so ignorant.....knew nothing... Yea..Coy, I am sure my baby must be knowing you too...

You all have been so sweet and the best friends that I never had....... Love you all:hugs:..

Coy - you are doing the right thing by telling your darlings everything.......my mom never told me anything ..... I guess she thought I would come to know as time passes.......but it is important to tell your children. I too will tell my child the reality of life...... Laura - you are right.
Coy, Laura, Emma and Steph - thanx. I dont know why sometimes I feel lonely...... I need you all.....oh these hormones..:dohh:

Feel hungry in every 4 hours.....I guess appetite is increasing.....have to keep going to the loo every 4 hours......or else my lower belly starts getting heavy.....baby is already pushing......isn't it early?

I have a lot of questions........sorry....:dohh:

Do our boobs start releasing milk during pregnancy or only after birth?
Do we bleed and need pads after giving birth?

I thought we get AF after a month......

Shradha- :hugs:

Totally normal for an increasein appetite--your body is working overtime even in sleep to form this beautiful baby! That's a lot of hard work :thumbup: And not necessarily early to feel babes moving...most first time moms won't feel this early but some do :)

Yep, our boobs can leak colostrum before birth...if you manipulate your nipples in a milking fashion it will probably come out and appear clear, yellowish, or whte. NORMAL :) Re:bleeding. The bleeding that happens at birth and after is normal. It is called after-birth and happens to all moms. The bleeding is the body's way of flushing everything out that is no longer needed...placental tissues, thickend uterine lining, et cetera. This continues for several weeks then wanes. After a month or so your normal AF will begin. Oh the joys, right?! :haha: In fact, the last few days I have been socking up on maternity pads, very heavy AF pads for after babes is born. I got lucky and found some on super sale- just 2 dollars a case! :shock: So I bought what they had! :haha:
Xander slept for 9 & half hours straight!!! :happydance: :happydance:

I'm sure he'll make us pay for it tonight though!!

It was kindof accidental as we normally dream feed at 11.30 but I went to bed earlier & set an alarm to get up but DH turned it off when it went off instead of hitting snooze so I never woke up & Xander slept all the way through to 6.30!! We won't be doing the dream feed again I think & he'll be staying in his own bed for the night now!
Xander slept for 9 & half hours straight!!! :happydance: :happydance:

I'm sure he'll make us pay for it tonight though!!

It was kindof accidental as we normally dream feed at 11.30 but I went to bed earlier & set an alarm to get up but DH turned it off when it went off instead of hitting snooze so I never woke up & Xander slept all the way through to 6.30!! We won't be doing the dream feed again I think & he'll be staying in his own bed for the night now!

Oh, I can't wait for the day (or should I say night) that that happens for us! Good boy Xander! :happydance:
It really is bliss!! I'm sure it won't last though, think he's hit the sleepy part of his growth spurt as he's sleeping a lot this afternoon.

From your journal it looks like Phoebes making a good start to sleeping. A bedtime routine works great for us too.

Forgot to mention earlier the dreaded hair loss has started, it was coming out in handfulls this morning!! It's so random what hormones to do our hair. My underarm hair actually stopped growing after I gave birth!!! It's only just started again, random!!
Laura- awesome that Xander slept through for you! I hope you got some good rest out of it :) Hopefully he will continue this routine for a while :thumbup: It is bliss isn't it?

Shradha- how are you today? Sleeping now no doubt :)

Emma- won't be long and Phoebes will be sleeping the night too! Then you'll just wake up and wander the house bereft! :haha:

AFM- well...I stayed up til 1 a.m. finishing up my class final assignments :thumbup: I figured best to get it done though it's not qute due yet! That way I won't have to stress about it. Plus now I have until October 2nd- at the very least- OFF from school :happydance: YAY! I may twist my academic advisors arm and get an additional week depending on how impending labor looks. Atm it feels like she is going to just pop right out! She has been like a little battering ram against my cervix, so :shrug: But I hope she waits at LEAST til tomorrow as my doc is out of town until then 8-[

Last night I had really vivid dreams...wonder if that is a sign? :huh:
Shradha- are you on tonight? :huh: The thread has been quiet lately :shrug: How are you feeling ? Almost 17 weeks now! :happydance: Yay! I bet you are getting excited, it walways seems like time is dragging but in reality its moving very fast...before you know it you'll bei n third trimester :thumbup: When did you say your next apopintment is? Ia m wondering...if they do not perform gender scans in India do they at least perform a growth scan at about 20 weeks? If so, yours is coming up soon, I can't wait!

Today was just a strange day it seemed. To start the really vivid dreams I woke up with, strangness there...then not having to do any major assignments in school....As I did everything early I actually get 10 days off instead of the 7 they proposed :headspin: So I am happy about that. Then I scrubbed up the baby's bathtub and diaper pail and got those installed, cleaned house, did laundry (always, right?!), took a walk (by myself! :shock:) bathed the girls, cooked dinner...tried to take a nap and even with dh fending them off the girls wouldn't let me sleep :growlmad: He even got tough with them but I figured what the heck? Might as well get up! Aaargh! lol! Tonight I have nothing to do so I am at a loss...I guess I should just go to bed! :cloud9: lol!
Hi all... how's everyone doing? Not much going on over here, I have to say that Brandon has been such a good baby. I never knew it could be like this. He hardly ever cries (unless he has good reason- hungry, tired... and even when he cries it's like just a little whine and that's it)... he sleeps so good, all through the night and in blocks of like 2-3 hours during the day. We have a good routine going. When he wakes, he nurses, plays for about an hour or even less, then gets tired again and goes for a nap... that's our cycle all day-- when we're home that is. And he goes down SOOO easily for his nap. I think I attribute a lot of this to his thumb sucking, it really is such a good self-soothing thing for him. Nicholas wasn't a thumb sucker, he took a paci, but sometimes even a paci couldn't calm him down. He barely took naps too... he would do like 20 minute naps just a few times a day (until he was a toddler, then he took really LONG naps that would interfere with his nighttime sleep schedule... catching up I guess?). Anyway, it's just so interesting how every baby is different. I thought they were all difficult!! Anyway, I should knock on wood here before I brag too much!!

Laura- 9 1/2 hours... wow! Is it safe to say it's the end of his growth spurt, now he's settling back into routine again? Hope that's the new normal! Brandon will now go about the same, sometimes 10-7 or 10-8, other times if we have a late night he do 12-7 or 8. We are very lucky to have babies who sleep through the night at this age!

Shradha- Do you really have to wait until Oct 16 for an ultrasound? What about listening to the heartbeat with a doppler (either at dr's office or at home)? Just for you own reassurance, I know you are worried-- although you shouldn't be. You sound like you're having all the right symptoms! And yes, Coy explained everything right about the colostrum leaks and postpartum bleeding...

Coy- Enjoy your time off from school!! Maybe she will pick this time to come. Maybe as you're now resting more something will happen. What's going to happen with your schooling while you're in labor/giving birth and taking care of a newborn? Are you allowed to take some time off or set your own deadlines? I know it's an online school right?

Emma- Can't believe Phoebe is now a month old! Things should start to get easier, as far as the sleep and getting into more of a routine.

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