Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Coy- I know-- the talking, the questions!!! It's "why why why" all the time!! And he's been having major meltdowns, but I attribute it to trying to turn the attention back to him. We do spend a lot of time with him, help him with things, etc... but the fact of the matter is that he is a big boy now and most of the things ha CAN do on his own but acts like he can't or doesn't want to try because he's afraid to fail... typical first born thing I guess. If it's not perfect, he gets soooo frustrated!! Is T like that too?

So are you having any BH yet? I haven't yet heard you say you've really had any this whole pregnancy. When's your next cervical check? I guess what they were also saying with 2nd, 3rd babies etc is that you can literally go from 0cm to active labor in minutes, seconds! I know you're already 2cm, but yeah, it could happen tonight or weeks from now. That's what was both frustrating and exciting at the same time... I wanted a "time fram" of some sort but they couldn't give it to me... but also it was exciting and reassuring that even though I had made no progression, they said it could happen really fast at any time. And it kind of did! Not as fast as your labors, but fast for me!

Shradha- So at your 20 week scan do they tell you the gender? I remember you saying that in India you cannot find out, but I don't recall if you have to wait until later in the pregnancy or when the baby is born. Don't feel self conscious about weight, don't even listen to the doctor as far as what is "normal." There is such a large range of normal when it comes to weight gain and even when it comes to the baby's growth. Whether it's "too much" or "not enough," your body and the baby knows what to do. Just make sure you are eating healthy, taking your vitamins, and taking care of yourself. That's all that matters.
Steph- yep, I have been getting the BH for weeks now just forgot to mention it :blush: and getting really hard ones at night almost painful- woke me up! The topof my uterus was so sore this morning, felt like had done tons of crunches :shrug: It was the very painful pushing aorund she was doing! Yikes! One second there I almost woke dh up because I seriously thought she was going to just forgo all the labor stuff and just tear oughtta there :rofl: But she got tired and went to sleep :) My next cervical exam is this Thursday so- if babes isn't born by then we'll see what's going on :shrug:
Steph- yes we had some similar trouble with Teagen. Before Kat was born she was a very loving kid, you know? She played by herself and got tons of everything! Being the only and first child she was horribly spoilt :blush: so that was our fault...After Kat was born Teagen did a bit of reverse growing iykwim...she started to throw the terrible-two's tantrums again, I mean real whizzers...the big thing was she started to challenge MY authority- daddy was golden but she would challenge me and she started to do just rotten naughty stuff :haha: Almost seemed like she wanted to get into trouble- I think you are right she did it for the extra attention. But she is so smart, I would talk to her straight and tell her "I know that you think this will get you extra attention but it is not really the kind of attention that you want. You have a baby sister now and of course our lives are going to change because of that. But it's not a bad change. We still love you very much but we have to give Kat some of our attention also. " She fussed about that for a bit but as we continued to just spell her fears out for her she stopped acting out so much. Now she is just a very normal and very rebellious 7 year old- well, 8 year old in another 2 weeks :shock:

Has N challenged your authorty yet? T would respond to me by saying something like "I don't have to because I don't want to!" or if I'd tell her it's time to take a bath she'd spout "It's MY BODY and I like it dirty! I don't have to bathe it if I DON'T WANT TO! HUMPH!" LOL!
So I am wondering if it is safe for me to take abath...Apparently my plug is gone :shrig: and I am dilating and effacing but doc never said not to take a warm bath....I am wondering if it would help my muscles to relax tonight. Hm.
My belly is pulling and pricking a lot today..... I am finding from the time I entered the 2nd trim every last day of the week and the first day of the new week I feel some pricking and pulling in my lower belly... Is it normal?

I am feeling hungry at regular intervals.... I try and eat fruits. Sometimes feel like eating spicy and tangy...:winkwink:...

Steph- they never say the gender. We can be put in bars if we ask. So it's like a mystery till the end. The doctor keeps telling me don't eat sweets and don't eat that.....I have stopped eating all fried stuff....and have restricted my sugar intake too.... It's not that I am a good eater. In fact I am a poor eater but I have a big bone structure..... Which I have inherited from my fathers side.

Nicholas wants your attention..... He is still small.... It must be difficult to make him understand that you love them both equally...but since Brandon is small he needs little extra care....they both are like your two eyes:hugs:...
Coy- so our little princess is dancing around....it must be hard for you to sleep....:hugs:

.....:thumbup: for the appointment.... So near to hold her in your arms.....:happydance:......

Sweetheart don't trouble momma.....come out quickly........
Sorry not been on for a while. I have been reading & had lots to say so was waiting to get into laptop as its easier than phone. Well it hasn't happened yet & now I can't exactly remember what I was going to say & don't have time to read back!! :dohh: so please forgive me if I don't respond to things!!

Coy - you have seriously eating your study break. Make the most if it! Yay for 2cm already. I'm still betting on home birth and soon!! It's that full moon soon isn't it!!

Steph - no iPhone 5 yet but it has been despatched. Hoping to get it by Friday as we're away for a week after that. Brandon sounds like such a wonderful baby. So happy & contented. You're a fab Mummy. Are you finding it easier second time round? I think it's hard for first borns after having Mummy to themselves for so long so understandable the attention seeking. Maybe when Brandon becomes more interactive I.e crawling around Nicholas will be able to spend more time with him & feel less jealous?!

Shradha - cramps & pulling are all normal. I had a lot of that in the second tri. I actually thought I was having contractions one night!!

Ashley - how are you doing? How are you feeling now you have Malachi's ashes? I guess it's closure which must be hard. Are you recovering ok from the induction?

Afm - poorly sick :( just a cold but feeling sorry for myself all the same!! I also think Xander may have it as he's been very fussy & not eating a lot even though he seemed hungry. I think he may have a sore throat as my cold started that way. He also had his second lot of jabs today. It was really hard deciding whether to delay them due to the cold but I'm so worried about him getting whooping caugh (there's been a huge increase in cases in the uk this year) he didnt have a temperature & everything I read & the nurse said it was fine for him to still have them. It was even worse than last time. He's too smart for his own good & started crying as soon as he was put in position & clothes pulled up, it was like he knew what was coming!! I'm making DH come next time. I'm a shaking quivering wreck after them!! Ive given him some calpol which has settled him & he's now fast asleep & hopefully wint get a fever on the second day like he did last time. I also had to take my cat for her annual injections last night so feeling like a mean Mummy but it's for their own goods!!

We're going away for a whole week on Friday & I cannot wait. It's the same place we went to in March. Just love it down there, so peaceful & pretty. DH is feeling all emotional about taking Xander as its where he used to go on holiday as a kid!! He's such a softy! It's a good 5 hours away in the car though so our plan is to go after Xanders bed time routine so he should sleep for all of it & we'll miss the traffic. We'll just have 1 toilet stop to take Xander out of his car seat for a bit. We have full wifi access down there so I'll still be checking in!!
update about me...prepare yourselves lol: Well, I have went on a vacation to Connecticut to visit my DH from the 15th-18th of this month. I had a proper AF on Sept. 11th and it ended on the 17th. DH and I dtd from the 15th-17th like normal because AF just doesnt stop our fun lol. Well, now ovualtion for me is all over the place like usual. I have bee ntemping or anything i just let mother nature take its course. Im currently on cd16 and starting around cd11 i think (havent been keeping track) i had quick sharp cramping and it was on and off for like 3 days and then around cd14 (the day after i tried to check my cervix)..i had light spotting so I thought great another AF right after this but then it stopped the same day (was there for a few wipes and mixed with discharge) and well it is now cd16 and i have yet again spotting mixed with LOADS and I do mean watery LOADS of cm. Its kind of like the aftermath you dtd. So i have been leaking like crazy since around cd12 on forward, along with cramping, bbs hurt for a day, my cm was a yellowish tinge for some odd reason and now im having on and off spotting. It would be just my luck that we ended up conceiving on the vacation and it would be great because im moving up there in November which means if i did conceive, I will be almost 3 months so thats great. Well now its just a wait and see. Oh and i have no clue when the next AF is do. It seems like my body is getting more normal AFs because they are not as long.
update about me...prepare yourselves lol: Well, I have went on a vacation to Connecticut to visit my DH from the 15th-18th of this month. I had a proper AF on Sept. 11th and it ended on the 17th. DH and I dtd from the 15th-17th like normal because AF just doesnt stop our fun lol. Well, now ovualtion for me is all over the place like usual. I have bee ntemping or anything i just let mother nature take its course. Im currently on cd16 and starting around cd11 i think (havent been keeping track) i had quick sharp cramping and it was on and off for like 3 days and then around cd14 (the day after i tried to check my cervix)..i had light spotting so I thought great another AF right after this but then it stopped the same day (was there for a few wipes and mixed with discharge) and well it is now cd16 and i have yet again spotting mixed with LOADS and I do mean watery LOADS of cm. Its kind of like the aftermath you dtd. So i have been leaking like crazy since around cd12 on forward, along with cramping, bbs hurt for a day, my cm was a yellowish tinge for some odd reason and now im having on and off spotting. It would be just my luck that we ended up conceiving on the vacation and it would be great because im moving up there in November which means if i did conceive, I will be almost 3 months so thats great. Well now its just a wait and see. Oh and i have no clue when the next AF is do. It seems like my body is getting more normal AFs because they are not as long.

Wow, Patrice, I was thinking about you the last few days wondering where you were! So you are gong to move? Is it permanent or will you be going back to FL? I hear it gets cold in Connecticut in winter- brrr! Quite the change for you maybe? :) So great to hear from you, I am glad that your cycles are becoming more regular. Will you begin charting as soon as you are settled back with dh?
Coy-Right now the Connecticut move is permanent. He is currently stationed there because he is in submarine school on the Naval Submarine Base and his schooling is more than a year long so we decided that I'm going to move up there so we can be together. After he graduates, then we will pick up and move to his 1st command station where will be stationed for the remainder of his contract so bye bye Florida. And yes, I have never been in snow so this will be quite the change for me. And when I get settled in with DH, we have already planned that I go in and do all the proper tests I was suppose to do with my ob/gyn but I ended up going to boot camp. So here's to seeing what will happen.

And also a little update about the spotting, it is off and on and mostly discharge :shrug: Here's to confusion. DH already thinks I'm pregnant because of the cramps and then the spotting and then the spotting after i checked my cervix. It has not increased neither which is keeping my hopes high. It has been getting lighter if anything.
Coy-Right now the Connecticut move is permanent. He is currently stationed there because he is in submarine school on the Naval Submarine Base and his schooling is more than a year long so we decided that I'm going to move up there so we can be together. After he graduates, then we will pick up and move to his 1st command station where will be stationed for the remainder of his contract so bye bye Florida. And yes, I have never been in snow so this will be quite the change for me. And when I get settled in with DH, we have already planned that I go in and do all the proper tests I was suppose to do with my ob/gyn but I ended up going to boot camp. So here's to seeing what will happen.

And also a little update about the spotting, it is off and on and mostly discharge :shrug: Here's to confusion. DH already thinks I'm pregnant because of the cramps and then the spotting and then the spotting after i checked my cervix. It has not increased neither which is keeping my hopes high. It has been getting lighter if anything.

Ooooooo, check your temp in the morning! :happydance: Your dh may be right :winkwink: And exciting about the snow for you! You can have mine this winter too :haha: Good to have you back on bnb- I missed you! :hugs:
Shradha- are you on tonight? I spoke with my doc today about taking baths thi slate in the third tri and especially with dilation happening...he said it was okay :shrug: so I think after I get my dd's to sleep tonight I might take along relaxing soak! :thumbup:
Coy, I carried on having baths when I was having contractions, even though I'd started to dilate. It was fine :thumbup:
Coy-Enjoy your bath and seeing snow for the first time is very exciting but I don't know how I'm going to manage in the cold especially since Florida is summer all year round.

Update about spotting: Spotting has stopped. Discharge is clear...(ewcm type of clear) and if it was AF...it should've became heavier by now and started properly.
Patrice- hi...... I was thinking you are busy with dh and traveling. :thumbup: for a :BFP:

Coy- did the doctor say when you will be going in for labour? I think it must be very close.

Laura- enjoy the break. You definitely need one. So it was all injections today... Poor Xander :hugs:.....

I love the snow.......but it never snows here:nope:..... Today I finally took a step out of the house and had a nice walk outside. It was good...I am getting fed up of resting. Getting all aches and pain in back and tailbone....I am lack of movement... Dh blood sugar has gone up.... I have to take him to the doctor. A little worried. Rest things are going on as usual.
Emma- that's pic in your avatar is so cute:kiss:..... She is a stunner..... Does she give you enough sleep now?
Shradha-Yeah I was busy but now I am resting a little before I have to do the big move. How's the pregnancy going? Do you get to find out the gender?

AFM, cd17 and just went out on a whim and temped even though I have no clue what my other temps are but just was curious as to what my temp would be and well my temp is 98.79 :shock: So its pretty high for now. The spotting is still gone and there's only discharge now and I even checked the thermometer to see if there was any bleeding on it but nope it was clean. So its all a wait and see game i guess. I might just test next week and see what happens.
Thanks Shradha :flower: She's usually quite good when it comes to sleeping, we just had a rough night a couple of days ago because we both have colds. I think mine has almost gone now and Phoebe isn't too bad when she's had her saline drops :thumbup:

Welcome back Patrice, looking promising for your :bfp:!
Phoebe is soooo adorable Emma. She looks like you most definitely and thanks. Im hoping a bfp is near for me soon. The thing that gets me is that I have never had ovulation spotting so seeing that I had spotting twice and 3 days apart from each other along with cramping and everything and now nothing and also i put a pad on yesterday since the spotting was a little heavier thinking that I was getting an early AF and it was like a drop of two of pink spotting and thats it...nothing ever since. So this time around this spotting is wayyy different than all the other times I had spotting. Remember how every day i had spotting but now it has only happened twice so i guess thats good.

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