Looking for official TTC buddies!!

AFM, well im on cd19 and the spotting has gone for now and to make matters worse i got diahrrea :blush: It has just randomly came this morning. The last time I had diahrrea, was when i was sick with the stomach virus. But my stomach doesnt hurt at all so its nothing to do with a stomach virus. This is all something new to me. It seems like im leaning more to pregnancy and dh keeps informing me that he KNOWS im pregnant. But i got to wait and see what happens.
Shradha- yes, babes will respond to papa singing! It's pretty awesome. Babes can be all still (I guess sleeping) and Dh or one of the girls will start talking or laughing and she starts going bonkers in there. A definate sign of intelligence! :thumbup: They want to get involved :hugs:

Patrice- hope you don;t get the 'flu! Not fun. And I hope your dh is right!
Coy-Actually i feel great and I only had the diahrrea twice but its gone now so i dont know what was up with this random bm :haha:
We are on holiday!! :D I am the most relaxed I've been since Xander was born I think!! We have a week of doing exactly what we want to when we want & we're all together. Bliss!!

Journey was pretty good. Took about 4 & half hours with 1 stop to get Xander out of his car seat. He then screamed for 20 mins when we set off again but eventually gave up & happily went back to sleep. Leaving at Xanders bedtime was definitely a good idea even though we didn't get to bed until 3.15!! We all needed a 3 hour nap this afternoon!!

Shradha - that's great baby's responding to dh. Xander used to stop moving for my dh!! I think it was him concentrating on listening to him, he does the same now, always turns & listens to Daddy.

Coy - full moon tomorrow, any twinges yet?

Here's a few pics.

Xanders first ever trip to the beach & outing in his carrier.
All 3 of us. Clearly Xander got more sleep than dh & I!!
Aw, Laura- gorgeous pics! I am so glad that you all have finally got some time to each other without all the sress! You deserve it :hugs:

Hm..twinges? Yes. I had what felt like ana ctual contraction cramp last noght but just the one. Each evening gets progressivly worse for some reason, total discomfot with the lower belly and pelvic region, like cramps but not all out full blown contractions yet. So maybe soon???
Aw, Laura- gorgeous pics! I am so glad that you all have finally got some time to each other without all the sress! You deserve it :hugs:

Hm..twinges? Yes. I had what felt like ana ctual contraction cramp last noght but just the one. Each evening gets progressivly worse for some reason, total discomfot with the lower belly and pelvic region, like cramps but not all out full blown contractions yet. So maybe soon???

I came online yesterday at night but couldn't see anyone.....for a moment I thought Coy you had gone into labour.....you weren't here the whole day......so was keeping fingers crossed for you......

Yesterday I was reading an article on google. Babies movements are in patterns and can be mistaken as heaviness, pricking and all....after 20 weeks or more the kicking start.... So I started calculating......every end and starting of a week I find pricking and pulling....it started from 13th week.....

It's getting hot here again....sweating and dry..... Sudden tiredness has come....full body is paining....aching... Just want to:sleep: the whole day.....
Laura- loved the pics.....the family pic was wonderful...Xander looks so cute..awwwww :kiss:.. You both needed a change.. Enjoy the trip..... :happydance:

I too want a vacation .....sick and tired of staying at home.... :dohh:
Oh gosh, it's been so long (well, long in bnb time), it's hard to go through all the posts I've missed.

Patrice, welcome back!!! I was actually thinking about you, and wanted to come on here to ask the others if they've heard from you. Good luck this cycle, looking good! And you're moving to Connecticut? So exciting that you get to move around and see the different parts of the country. I'm stuck in California for a looooong time!!!

Coy- Are you 5 cm already????!!! Wow. You might be in labor right now. Crazy. Don't they consider 5 cm ACTIVE labor??

Laura- Love the pics, the beach and coastline looks incredible!! I can literally smell the fresh air from my computer... haha... were those pics taken with your new phone? That's one thing I can't wait for, the new and improved camera... I still have a 3GS so the pics aren't that great at all. Yes, still waiting for my phone... argghhhh...

Can I ask you what kind of carrier that is? I would like to find one so that I can face Brandon out, but a lot of the ones I've heard about they say aren't good for their spinal development? I don't know if that's true?? But there are supposed to be a few that are good, just don't know which. I've had SUCH a hard time with finding the right carrier... one that is comfortable for both me and him. I have a moby wrap, a bjorn and an ergo. So far the Ergo works the best, but he starts to feel really restricted and fusses a bit. Nicholas never liked being in carriers so this is a new thing for me and I want to master the babywearing thing this time!! I hope that Brandon can get used to it.

Btw, hope Xander is feeling better??

Shradha- How are you feeling? Don't be scared hearing the labor stories or anything... the tearing/stitches you actually don't feel... when they stitch you up they use local numbing so you don't feel it... and you are enjoying your baby, so all of that after stuff you don't pay attention to... including the birth of the placenta. In India, what do they have available for pain management? Can you get an epidural?

Emma- Shradha's right, Phoebe is a stunner. I just love that pic in your avatar, so cute the way she's just looking right at you. I haven't gotten over to your journal yet, but hope that her cold is getting better!
COY!! I just saw that your last post was yesterday about 5pm!! Let's put my psychic skills to the test... I THINK YOU ARE HAVING A BABY!!
Steph- yea...how silly of me to worry:dohh:....I shouldn't think about all that. Re- pain relief....I have no idea...but I would definitely like one....will ask the doctor on my next visit...

Coy- I too feel it's baby time:happydance::crib:........:hugs:
LOL! Nope, no baby yet! ::growlmad: I WISH! :rofl: I have been doing a lot of jugging around trying to talk her into coming out...I spent the entire day trying to finish the garage as I have to start school again the the 2nd... (yik for now :( lol) I have noticed that the last 24 hours she is moving but not as much. I wonder if I should be concerned or is she just settling deeper? :huh: Dh and and I had a huge argument yesterday so maybe the anxiety? Idk...anyway not 5 cm Steph- the doc told me about 3 cm dilated so far and she is 5cm from crowning...I am like wth is that? What does that mean? He told me something about spinal meaasurement and what-not then stated she is 5 cm from crowning-- so he told me that when she decided to come be prepared because it will probably be very quick :thumbup: Yay! I am not looking forward to contractions of course but they are brief and then I have my babes :cloud9:

I am pooped tonight after the garage- FINALLY though I can see the end in sight. Tomorrow should finish it :thumbup: I have over 60 huge totes carefully sorted, labeled, and strategically placed in organized stacks by season-- kid clothes, holidays, etc. OMG, them my massive weight machine- it's set and ready for January :happydance: Now just a plethora of tools, odds and ends, baby stuff like walkers, beds, seats, etc, things to keep available and handy. I really am trying hard to break stuff as I throw it away! 2-3 totes worth of stuff got totally trashed today :smug: Nothing valuable of course just trinket suff we never look at.

My hips are killing me though! Got my fx'd she'll come soon...the mechanic is supposed to show up andcompletely fix our rig tomorrow so- yay for that if it happens! I'll buckle our booster seat, and two car seats in and place my suitcase and we're ready to go :thumbup:

Oh, we had a close-call/ scare yesterday evening. I was cooking dinner and dh was watching tv and had the living room door open and the girls were playing right out front by the steps....well we hear them scream and suddenly they come piling in the house! Dh and I go running--there is this man opening the gate and trying to enter our yard. Dh calls out to him and when he noticed dh he starts running backward and jumps into his still idling pickup and blasts off down the road. Teagen said he wanted to come talk to them about helping him find his lost little kitten :shock: Pervert! So we call the Sheriff's office and they send 3 officers looking for the guy. We gave a description and he exactly matches the descrip of a well-known and documented sexual predator of children in this area :sick: Right down to the color of his truck. So we looked online and I pulled up several pics for T to look at of different predators and she picked the guy out right away. O my heck! I am so proud of mmy girls for doing the right thing- screaming loudly for everyone to hear and running tinto the house! We have fixed the gate so it is a bugger to open now, just to slow freaks like that down! Scary...
So much for my prediction, I guess I can't moonlight as a psychic... darn... LOL

That is soooo scary about that guy!! My gosh, your neighborhood freaks me out. My worst fear is my children being abducted. I want my kids wearing those new ID alert thingies, where they have GPS wherever they go... LOL! Wow, I'm glad your girls knew what to do and screamed for help. Hope they find the guy and lock him away, if it's true that he's a known sexual predator... be careful until they find him...
And 5 "cm from crowning"-- never heard of that either...? Is that like where the baby is stationed? Like, -2, -1, etc...??
Laura- I meant to ask you... (and Coy too)... I've noticed that Brandon still cannot support his head when he's upright. I remember Nicholas being able to do it sometime between 2-3 months, even closer to 2 months. And it looks like Xander is already doing it. But Brandon is still unsteady and I have to support his head as I'm carrying him around. It's strange because he's really good with tummy time now, he can lift his head up really high and look around, etc... but just when upright he can't hold it. Seems like he is still very floppy, even though he is strong. Can't really explain it. Should I be worried?
Our pediatrician said something about it when I asked, like, yes by now most babies can do it... but she didn't seem concerned. She just says he's working on it... but this was a few weeks ago. Nothing has really changed yet. She DID say he has a big head though... so maybe it's just too much weight on his tiny neck! :haha:
OMG Coy, that's so scary that man going after your girls. Is he local? You've taught them well to scream & run. There really are some scary nasty people in your town. Sounds like you've done an amazing job with the garage.

Steph - Xanders the opposite to Brandon. He's still rubbish at tummy time. On his mat he just screams. I have to do it on me now, we play a lot if flying baby!! Even then he only lifts it to 45degrees. He's getting quite behind on it I think, I know babies a month younger who are better & i think it will prob delay him rolling over & crawly. His head control however is brilliant & has been from very young, we never really had to worry too much about supporting his head & by 6 weeks he could hold it up no probs. now I can sit him upright on my knee & hold him by his waist & he'll hold his back straight. I think he's going to end up being a strong sitter & bum shuffler rather than a roller & crawler. As good as his head control is though, when he's tired it's a lot more wobbly. I don't think you need to worry about it yet.

The carrier is a tomy one, do you have that brand over there? Xander prefers it to my Moby but it fits better on dh than me, tighter to his chest so Xanders more upright. He's leaning forward a little on me & I haven't figured out how to adjust the straps for me!!

Pics are from my new phone. They're so much better, especially for HDR. And you can upload straight onto Facebook without having to go into the app!! There's loads if cool stuff that I'm still trying to get my head around!!

Xander & I are so much better now, the sea air has made a world of difference. We live in the inner suburbs of a city so don't reay get a lot of fresh air. It's a small city though so it's only a short drive to the country. We're desperate to move out to the outer suburbs, a nice English village but we're stuck due to the housing crash. :(

It's dh & I's second wedding anniversary today. Not doing a lot special really, spent the morning out in a Cornish seaside village & have a bottle of bubbly, in fact the same bottle we had in our wedding car after the service!! We've been through such a lot in the past 2 years but finally got our baby, the only reason we got married in the first place!!
Coy - it's so scary....keep a look out...don't let your babies stay alone at home..... I wish he was behind bars:growlmad:....

Laura- Happy Anniversary to you and hubby :wedding: :cake:....... :happydance: hope you both have many many more to come and your life is filled with happiness:hugs:...

Steph- how is Brandon?
Happy Anniversary Laura!

Steph-I missed you and yes I get to travel so it is an exciting thing to do. I have always wanted to travel the world.

Coy-Proud of your girls and oh my goodness that was scary. That man is such a creep. I hope they catch him and lock him away.

AFM, so i have been having spotting on 9/23, 9/26, 9/28-today. It's on and off still and I have decided not to do the cervix check because I dont know if thats whats causing the spotting or not. I have been wearing panty liners and sometimes I see spotting on and but just lightly and not enough to freak out and say AF is starting and also sometimes nothing is on there at all. Its still pink also. Im not having any cramping neither. The last time I had cramps, was a day or two before I started spotting which usually if its AF, i get the cramps AFTER a flow starts. Also, no lining/clots or a flow has started yet. AF is due on the 16th (if my cycle went back to 35 days) so AF is due in 2 weeks. So just waiting to see what is going on.
Hi ladies- thanks for the encouraging words, yes that guy is a creep- I hate that they ler offenders like that loose :growlmad:

Steph- every baby is different and I think best not to worry too much if he is " keeping up" etc with baby stats...he'll get it! :thumbup: Sometimes it takes longer, development, etc. Laura- re: tummy time. You may have to just let him yell on the tummy mat! :haha: Sometimes it helps, otherwise he'll demand laying on you each time :winkwink:

Shradha- how ya feeling lady? :hugs:

Patrice- what's next on your calander? :huh: When do you make thie big ove? Are you planning to rent your home out while you are in Connecticut?

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