Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Wow Coy, from that picture it looks like she'd pop out with a sneeze!! Obviously having now 'popped' 1 out I know that's far from how easy it is!! Only took an hour & a half though to get him out from not at all engaged which I think is quite good for a first.

You must be getting so excited now although the total knackered feeling does take over near the end. Do you feel any of the apprehensiveness with a third that you did before you had T?

Great choice on your courses, it wouldn't have been good having to do all the work you were previously with a newborn. Are you still working in a team for these assignments or is it all you?
I'm not sure whether to br happy for you about the settlement. It sounds like you're not getting as much as you expected & I'm sure really deserved. But it's gotta be a relief that its all over with so you can concentrate on your girls.

Patrice - you gotta get yourself checked with clots like that. I don't really get your health care in the us. Is there a hospital you can go in emergencies without having the correct insurance?

Shradha - yay for movement!! :happydance: it's just the most amazing feeling & you never tire of it. Thinking back now it's hard to remember exactly what the early movement felt like. I can't wait to do it all again!!

Steph - how's Brandon? Any progress holding his head up? Finally got Xander to hold his head & shoulders up while on his tummy but only by rolling him from his back to front!! He still whiners though & won't stay there.

We're on the long drive home. Our week away has been fantastic. Relaxing & fun. Xander has been amazing. A wonderful happy little boy in every new place we've taken him. We took him to a national trust house yesterday & all the guides in each room loved him, chatting to him & holding his hand & he smiled & talked to them. He's slept through the night all but 1 night as well. Still had the usual grizzles in the late afternoon & evening but used to them now!! The sea air really did him some good. We're also both over our colds. Really don't want to go home but real life has to continue!! Dh is still off work for another week so we'll have more family time next week.

I've been reading up on weaning as I'd like to start weaning xander earlier rather than later & he's just starting to show a few signs that he's on his way to being ready. I think it'll be another 4 weeks or so. I'm wanting to do a combination of traditional & baby led weaning. Coy/Steph - what age did your wean yours? Do you have any tips?
Hi ladies! i just have time for a quick check in cause everyone is asleep and I need to be too!!

Coy- Wow, any day now!!! Even though I don't have time to post I keep checking in for any updates!!

Patrice- Do you think it's possible it may have been a chemical pregnancy? That can cause AF to have clots and bleed heavier than usual.

Laura- Glad you guys are feeling better and colds are gone! Re: weaning, I BF Nicholas until he was 21 months old (I LOVE breastfeeding), and the only reason why I stopped was because he had that accident and knocked his tooth out, which was a traumatic thing for all of us because he was pretty sore for a while and bleeding a lot so he couldn't nurse properly anymore :( I continued to pump what I could, but not having baby at the breast didn't help my supply. But even though I was heartbroken, the time had come. I am proud that i was able to do it that long, so no regrets. But because of that, I don't have the typical experience with weaning so I don't really have much advice/suggestions when it comes to that. This time around, I'm all for baby-led weaning, I will go as long as he wants/needs to, and just read the signs for when he's ready. So Xander could very well be ready if he's not showing as much interest at the breast anymore. Do you think you would try to keep pumping a bit just to give him some BM?
Shradha- Congrats on feeling baby move! Yes, at the beginning it does feel like a vibration or flutter, so yep, that's it! Soon you will feel actual kicks and rolls! Ahh, I miss that feeling already... hmmmm...
Hi ladies!

Laura- I am not realy apprehensive so much as dreading labor pain :shrug: and excited to see babes! :happydance: Yes I hope she pops out with a sneeze, that'd be freaking awesome! :haha: Lol...Re: settlement. Yeah, sorta leaves abad taste in my mouth but I have to trust God...I can't really make sense out of me always asking Him to help with finances and turning down money iykwim? Hopefully made the right choice. Sounds like you had an awesome vacation just the 3 of you- much deserved! :thumbup:

Steph- thanks for always checking in I know you are a busy lady! :thumbup:

Patrice- hope you are feeling better!

Shradha- where are you? Hope all is well! :hugs:

I am tired out tonight! lol! I shopped for T's birthday today, took a power walk hoping to jug baby down some more, washed 4 loads of laundry (where in heck does it all come from?! :shrug:) Cooked dinner, did dishes, cleaned the kitchen, wrapped presents for T and one for Kat cause she's little and doesn't undestand why she doesn't get one :haha: Then I vacuumed, bathed the girls, washed their hair, made them brush their teeth (somehow I ended up with one side of my t-shirt totally wiped in toothpaste :roll: KIDS.) scrubbed the bathroom, tub, and toilet, cleaned the living room, then I baked a three teir double fudge chocolate cake and decorated it. I made it sort of like gift wrap packages...green, pink, and ligth yellow with candies as polka dots and a big green ribbon on top. Now I am drying my last load of laundry and got towles in to wash, and I am thinking of...folding clothes? ...:nope: nope don't wanna do that! :haha: Maybe blow up a ton of balloons to leave all over the house and floor for T's morning...

Hope you ladies have a great night!
Coy- thanx for the info...... Hope you go into labour soon after the walk......:happydance:.... I am waiting for our princess....:hugs:

Steph- waiting for the kicks to start....I know it's early ...... But can't wait for it:happydance:

Laura- you all must have loved the trip:hugs:.......
I LOVE THE MOVEMENTS....:hugs:..you must be waiting to have one soon...

Yesterday was very tiring.....whole body was paining.....bad day...
Laura-We have emergency rooms that we can go to that would just bill you depending on your insurance. But I'm going to go to a ob/gyn doc about this whole situation. And figure out what caused that huge clot during the bleeding. Now, its like an AF type bleed with barely any clots and no pain.

Steph-I dont know if it was. I didnt take any pregnancy tests or anything because I was going to wait until the spotting stopped to do so but then this came along so never had the chance to.

Shradha-Yay for feeling the baby move!!

Coy-Hope she comes soon!

AFM, just waiting until the 8th to see if the bleeding will stop. So I only have 2 more days left to see whats going on. Also, im not moving to Connecticut as soon as I thought. DH and I decided to just wait until DH finishes his basic sub school which is only like 2 months and then I move up because if we do it now, then its on our expense but if we wait until he completes submarine school, they pay for everything to be moved to Connecticut and we get better housing so it works out for us. As for my cycle, still that darn foamy bleeding :shrug: All i want is the bleeding to stop and I will call the insurance company on Monday to see if they have changed our plan so I can look for a doc.
Hi ladies! :hi: Hope you are all doping well today...

Patrice- hope the bleeding stops soon and you are able to determine it's cause. How are you feeling? Remember if you are bleeding heavy you may need iron supps too--hows the injury from Boot Camp? :huh:

Shradha- so glad babes is kicking for you now!! :hugs:

AFM- I got to bed around0130 this morning, I was up getting Teagens B-Day stuff ready including decorating the cake.....Kat woke me at 230, 330, 430, 5:00 am, then the dog barked to be let out at 5:30 :growlmad: so then I got hungry and ate something. Dh was up by then...Then I went to bed again at 6 for some shut-eye and Kat woke me aghain at 730 crawling into dh's side of the bed. Then Teagen woke me up! :hissy: Anyway, I am exhausted today...Grampa showed up early with presents for T and Kat and the baby (when she comes out!) but hisd new wife is very jealous of his time and wouldn't let him stay to visit. She made him stand byu the door and just say "hello" before they left :roll:

Here is a pic of the cake. Simple and not too big but I thought kinda cute :) It has pockets of fudge throughout :cloud9: that's ALL I care about :haha:

Wow Coy. That looks fantastic. I wish I could make a cake like that!! I'm still working on my baking skills!! Hope T is enjoying her day so far. Bubs hasn't yet decided she wants to share a birthday then yet? I've got a really strong feeling its going to happen very very soon. I'm most likely wring though, I've been wrong every other time!!

Patrice - I've read something about frothy bleeding but cannot remember what or were. I'll see if I can find it. Don't think it was a sign of anything serious but it did mean something.

Steph - I want to continue breast feeding until 6 months I think if Xander allows it. I'm still working out how I will do this & wean. At the mo he has about 5oz of formula every 3 hours during the day then booby snacks really in between or before a bottle as its being made or re heated & always before bed. Sometimes for comfort to get him to nap. I really shouldn't be so inconsistent when I'm weaning as he'll need a much stricter feeding routine. My supply isn't good enough now for a full booby feed so just giving him a couple of full booby feeds a day isn't an option. I'm thinking that I may go down the route of breast feeding before every bottle feed or at least his morning 1 as I have the best supply then & then the night one. Do you think that will work? Xander really isn't into his milk. He has only just today drank properly from a number 2 teat which is meant for 1 month olds. I really think he's going to love the variety & interaction of solids. I think for Xander it's really important to wean quite early. I've read that by 6 months babies iron store from birth is running low so it's important solids aren't introduced any later than then as breast milk & formula don't provide enough nutrients at that stage. With Xander being small at birth at we know deficient in his glucose stores I think he's likely to have smaller iron stores as well.

Would you be contemplating another baby sometime soon??!! I think you could so be a Mom of 3!! You do make beautiful babies. Has Nicholas adjusted to being a big bro now?
Coy-That cake is awesome and looks delicious yummy. My injury is healing and improving. Im able to jog without it hurting as bad so thats good.

Laura-That would be great if you can find the info so I know whats going on.

Coy- yummy....cake looks delicious..... Convey my good wishes to T :happydance:...... Coy is it edible colour that you have used? I too would love to bake cake for my little one..... But I have to learn how to make one:dohh:..

Laura- yea it would be best if you breast feed your baby till six months. How is Xander?

Patrice- Hope you are feeling good....

Steph- are you planning for your no.3? Wow......
Ashley-I know when I was feeling down and out..I would exercise and I dont know why, but I would feel better after it. Maybe a nice walk or a jog will get your spirits up. Or try working on something you love doing like a hobby.

Shradha-Yes im feeling wonderful today actually thanks.

AFM, cd6 (if it was a whacky cycle) and bleeding stopped yesterday :happydance: Also, discharge/cm has turned back to normal :happydance: So everything went back to normal so far. Well its been on and off raining here and yesterday, I went to see my friend who gave birth to her daughter on Sept. 25th. She is sooo adorable. It just hasnt kicked in that she is a mom yet which I believe is normal. But had a great time with her and the baby. Also, yesterday, i made a major decision. I cut my hair yesterday :blush: I did it myself and I must say it actually came out pretty good. My dh loves it of course and so did my best friend so I guess I did a pretty good job :haha: I was always contemplating on cutting it shorter but was always afraid to do so but I finally did it. :thumbup: Well thats all the update I have for now. Nothing really to report on ttc wise as of yet but will get back into the mix once I move which would be when dh finished sub school in an estimation of 2 months because that way the Navy will pay for us to move house which is perfect. So all is well and just sticking it out here.


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Wow Patrice. You look gorgeous, short hair really suits you. That's amazing you cut it like that yourself!

Ashley - that's good advice from Patrice re the exercise. I'm sure there's herbal remedies, but you need the oracle Steph for that. Would you have access to a grief councillor?

Some of you will have seen a Facebook pic with Xander in the background eyeing up dh drink. Here's a better one of him eyeing up food!!


The bumbo is also finally a success!


There's a lot of concentration as he tries to pick up his toys!
Whoa Shradha, Laura... hold on a sec!! #3... you guys are getting ahead of me here! I don't know about that... yes I looooove babies and I am already getting sentimental about Brandon growing up... but is that a good reason to have another? I don't know, and I think I'll just hold off on that thought for a while. Yes, Brandon is a good baby... Nicholas, a tad difficult (more so now!)... so you never know what you're gonna get and not sure if I want to bring more chaos into my life! I AM a very sentimental person though and I can't watch old baby videos of N without crying like crazy.

Coy- Happy birthday to T! Awesome cake! So baby is going to have a birthday close to her huh?

Patrice- Glad you stopped bleeding, do you have an appt with your doctor soon?

Ashley- Even though it's completely normal that you'd be feeling some depression given your circumstances, you know I'm going to butt in and recommend some things anyway. Let's see.... besides exercising, sleeping well, eating well.... you could try something called 5-HTP... it increases the levels of seratonin in your brain and it's completely natural as opposed to any anti-depressant medications. I used to take 5-HTP combined with L-theanine (which helps with anxiety) and after getting my neurotransmitters tested my levels were much better. I know about this through my naturopath, but you can buy these types of supplements at Whole Foods or any natural pharmacy. Also, as far as what you're eating, try to make sure you are getting enough protein. If you are craving meats and things, that means your seratonin levels are low. And make sure you are getting your omega 3's. There are herbs such as St. John's Wort and Maca that might help too. Oh, and something called SAM-e, it is very popular and I would say that worked the best for me when I took it consistently. It is a mood stabilizer. All of these things you can get at a natural foods store, or online.

Laura- I guess I'll have to clarify myself. Even though I breastfed for 21 mos, I still started him on solids at 6 months.... sorry I thought that was understood! So technically, he DID wean as we started solids. So I wasn't BF'ing as many times throughout the day. I don't remember how much, but I know he gradually decreased the amount he was taking and by the time he completely stopped BF'ing (when he had the accident) he was only probably doing it in the morning and night. And he would still take BM from a bottle too. Have you tried feeding Xander with a faster teat? Maybe if he's ready for it if he's not having much interest, or getting bored with the slow teat. Other than that, sounds like a good plan to just continue to give him BM and supplement with formula but also introduce some solids or rice cereal, he will decrease his milk intake but he will figure it out himself how much he wants. Up until 6 months, he still needs the majority of his diet to be milk, whether it's BM or formula. But even if he's disinterested in feeding at the boob, I would say give him BM from a bottle as long as you can and as long as he wants it.
Laura-Thanks and yes i did it myself. It was my first time cutting my hair too. And awww cute pics of Xander.

Steph-No doc appt yet. still waiting on the insurance change update.
Hi ladies! :hi:

Patrice, the hair is gorgeous, I love that you did it yourself! :) Quite the talent and looks very nice :thumbup:

Ashley- I agree qith Laura re: exercise. It always picks me up too it is the release of endorphins. And I was waiting for Steph to mention something :thumbup: she is a wizard for natural remedy! :hugs: I hope you start to feel better soon, this is such a hard time for a woman to go through. Have you heard back from your doctor about the cause so you can work on preventing it again?

Shradha- hey lady, good to see you on here, awesome to feel babes move isn't it? :hugs:

Laura- I love the pics of Xander on FB staring at your dh's drink! You can see the "want" lol, babies are so adorable int heir curiosity! Soon he'll want to try everything!

Steph- I did that with my dd's also, re: BF'ing...At 5-6 months I start them on a thin baby rice cereal then slowly move up. But I keep bf'ing regularly too because I think it is so great for their development and health :thumbup: . Once they are getting a lot more solids I generally taper off to once in the morning, afternoon, then a night feed, then eventually just bedtime feed. After 15-18 months or o we wean totally.

AFM- my hips hurt! LOL! Feels like my cervix is going to rpess right out, she must be pressing down hard, which is good and I think will help with effacement and dilation too. She was at 0 Sattion last week, I am wondering if she has slipped down another cm or so? For some reason I managed to eat an entire large meal for dinner and wasn't just STUFFED beyone belief and I could still breath! :rofl: So I am wondering if I have more room in there? :shrug: Mornings are tough, my hips are so spread and relaxed they hurt like crazy, must be the hormones...I just wadle around all bent over until things shift back to normal :haha:
Coy-i get more and more excited for you because i feel you're going to deliver soon! And thanks my dh always said short hair will be perfect on me but i never thought it was true.
Coy-i get more and more excited for you because i feel you're going to deliver soon! And thanks my dh always said short hair will be perfect on me but i never thought it was true.
I have been reading all this stuff that says third time babies don't engage until active labor. ODD! This baby has been angaged for a couple weeks now! :haha: I am glad, hopefully that means L&D will be quick. And thanks Patrice- I am glad to have ladies like you cheering me, it helps a ton believe me! :thumbup: :hugs:
You're welcome Coy. That's what we're here for :hugs:

AFM, cd7 and bleeding is still gone so thats good. I just booked the hotel for next month so I can go see DH for thanksgiving. Im super excited and anxious to see him. Time is really flying fast I've noticed. I havent been taking my temp nor doing any opks etc because its no use at this point right now because we are just really into seeing each other and working out everything financially and moving etc. Also, so far i get to see him like once a month so i know we have a slim to none chance so i dont bother at the moment. Waiting until I move up there to really start anything because I will then be seeing him every day :happydance: Well, thats it for me for now.

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