Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Yeah, it's just strange that he can do tummy time no problem, but can't hold his head up yet. He has a big noggin (like Daddy!), so I guess it's just going to take a while longer. But, I'm just looking forward to the day I don't have to hold it anymore. And being able to keep him in upright positions in the carrier will be easier too.

Laura- Re: tummy time, just make sure you get some time in each day, several times a day. Even if he doesn't last more than a minute, if you do it multiple times a day it will help. I wasn't good about doing it regularly until he was about 10 weeks or so, mostly because I hated that he hated it! No one wants to see their baby suffer! LOL But once I started having him do it, he just started to catch on. Oh, and only put him on his tummy when he is fresh and awake, not at the end of his awake cycle when he is tired, because he will just hate it more. Brandon just started being able to roll from his tummy onto his back (just on one side)... which comes in handy for him because after he's frustrated with the tummy thing he can turn over himself. Sometimes right when I put him down on his tummy, he's like, "forget this!!" and turns over right away. :haha:
Yesterday I had trouble at night sleeping.....some pulling in belly....so I thought of taking a break.....I got up didn't wake anyone......went to the balcony.....started walking and talking to the baby...... I started humming...after sometime the pulling stopped but then I wasn't feeling sleepy....couldnt on the tv .....it would wake everyone....so I thought of knitting.....by the time I finished one booty I was tired....it was 4 in the morning.....so I went to sleep..... The Last two days I am finding the pulling and pricking is happening often.....do you think the baby is starting to get a bit active......I hope the kicking starts soon.....I am just waiting to feel my baby......

Patrice- keeping finger crossed for you.....

Coy- how are you? I am waiting to see my princess......

Steph- at what age do you put kids in play school ? Before L.KG?
Is it same everywhere or different......
Coy- when did you put Kat and T?

Laura- must be enjoying her trip.....
Just saying hello.

A few nights ago, I heard an infant cry in the middle of the night in the apartment below us. I just laid there and wished so bad that was my baby.

I'm starting on birth control in a few days. (Alesse, pill). Mostly for medical reasons - as my OB doesn't want me to get pregnant until we find out what is going on, and for emotional reasons. I have mixed emotions - but I do want to be on the birth control for now, too. I told myself I wouldn't go on BC, but that was assuming i'd have a baby and not all these issues. Right now I'm at a point in my life where I just don't know where the next step is as far as having a biological child with my husband. (He adopted my boys who were from a previous relationship).

I don't know about much of anything anymore.

Hope everyone is doing good. xx
Re the tummy time, funnily enough we put him down today & he lifted his head fine but only as part of his tantrum!!

I came across an interesting thread about tummy time & a case against it. It talks about babies actually being ready for tummy time when they learn to roll over to the tummy themselves. Have any of you seem the clip baby Liv on you tube? It shows the devopement babies go through learning to roll. It's fascinating. Xanders got to the slamming his feet on the floor part!! He does it that hard in his cot we hear it on the monitor. It's good to know its a step on the development ladder!!

Ashley - hopefully you'll have some answers soon. I guess you're in limbo at the mo. I think bc is a good decision for now.

Shradha - I think you've got the start of some pregnancy insomnia there. You did the right thing in embracing it & finding something to do. I think it does go someway to prepare you for the sleepless nights of a baby.

We had a lovely trip to an Aquarium today & Xander loved it. He was fascinated by all the fish. He didn't cry once but I think it was hard work. He drank 10oz of formula plus breast milk from me within 2 hours & has slept for almost 4 hours after we left!!
Lol, Laura! Hard work for Xander to not cry or hard work watching the fish? lol, these LO keep us guessing! :rofl: He sounds so sweet and I love his little face! Glad you are getting some out-of-the-house time! :thumbup:

Patrice- wheer are you?

Ashley- glad to see you online, I understand re: the BC. Just do what your heart says is best for now. When do you suppose you'll hear back from your doc as far as the cause of your mc's?

Shradha- you're doing awesome, and it is a wonderful feelign when babes starts to move!

Steph- how are ya lady?
Where is everyone ? :nope:

AFM...had a fairly good day, busy as always :) but not complaining. Usual heavy pressure in my cervix but no new pains yet :shrug: My doctor's appointment is tomorrow so we'll see how things are -hopefully- progressing :thumbup: I am off to take a shower and :sleep:

Shradha- :hi: :hugs:
Coy- all the best for the appointment. Happy that you didn't have much trouble yesterday...... I think our princess wanted to give momma sow rest:happydance:...

Ashley- hi...... I am sure everything will be fine.....

Laura- Xander must be having a great time as well......:happydance:
I too was wondering if the pregnancy insomnia has kicked in but thank god:happydance:...... Yesterday night I was very happy and could sleep well..... The reason..... I felt my baby move...hurray....not just me but dh and mom as well. It was like a vibration .... :cry:I am so happy...... While I was preparing to sleep suddenly I felt very uneasy.....so mom she put her hand on my belly.......suddenly I felt something going inside and then dum....one mild vibration like ...... I asked mom did you feel that? She said yea...... So I called dh....when he put his hand ....another one.......he got so excited...he started talking hello baby hello....then suddenly everything stopped..... I guess baby got scared...... And hid..... But I was very happy......this new feeling is so cool........
I too was wondering if the pregnancy insomnia has kicked in but thank god:happydance:...... Yesterday night I was very happy and could sleep well..... The reason..... I felt my baby move...hurray....not just me but dh and mom as well. It was like a vibration .... :cry:I am so happy...... While I was preparing to sleep suddenly I felt very uneasy.....so mom she put her hand on my belly.......suddenly I felt something going inside and then dum....one mild vibration like ...... I asked mom did you feel that? She said yea...... So I called dh....when he put his hand ....another one.......he got so excited...he started talking hello baby hello....then suddenly everything stopped..... I guess baby got scared...... And hid..... But I was very happy......this new feeling is so cool........

Shradha- it is very cool isn't it? :hugs: And baby probably didn't get scared but I am sure dh's voice caught attention! :thumbup: Awesome!
Coy- yea...it was the most amazing feeling of my life.......now I feel I am going to enjoy my pregnancy...... I have already forgotten all my problems..... Let's see if I can feel her/him today too:hugs:
Update ladies...Not a whole huge lot to tell -- still about 2.5-3 cm dilated and the same effacement--80-85%. BUT doc said she has moved down the 5 cm and is now at 0--so just right at the vaginal edge :happydance: She is now technically engaged so doc told us when she comes she will prob come very fast! Yay! He did send us for an U/S to measure size and fluid. Fluid is excellent at 14 where 7 would be decision time...Babes is only measuring at 35 weeks though instead of 38 but the tech said that is based on average stat size so what he is assuming is she'll be int he full-grown-baby 5 pound area just like T and Kat--so good news too as I don't want to try squeezing out an 8-9 pounder! :haha: So all in all ...we are looking at any time :coffee: Funny though as I have had a couple contractions the tech said that news spread through the hospital like wildfire and they are all on high alert in case I go into labor :haha: They know it'll be fast :rofl: I hope! :thumbup:
Ok, minor update on other life stresses...

I'ts cold out. :huh: I'm not caring too much for the shivers, so I am going to bring some wood in for the fireplace tonight :thumbup: It's not THAT cold but they are saying we may freeze so- there goes my flower garden :haha:

My court case. We have now agreed to settle. Not sure if all ya'll :) are up to speed on it but in a nutshell I got fired for being prego with Kat and have embroiled in a 3-year long law suit :roll: Anyway we are not getting a huge settlement, kind of like getting a dollar when you expected a thousand but the way we figure it- it will be over and we'll be in a better place than before, at least not have to worry so much about minor purchases and things for the dd's and after babes is born, etc. And I have to trust in God- I can't keep asking Him to help me and keep saying no to money :haha:

Hm, what else? Everyone ate early and no-one is hungry so I won't have to stress over making dinner :rofl: It's the little things in life :blush: lol!

Re: school. I started my new college course yesterday-- o my gosh I am so glad I chose to take my electives now! They are so much easier than my in-depth criminology stuff...not as interesting but I'll be able to take care of the dd's and new babes and still keep up. In fact, where it took me all week to crank out my assignments on my last course and stressed over them a lot I started yesterday and got 2/3 of my week finished...tonight I should have my last assignment finished for the week and it's not due until next Monday :happydance: So I can get ahead and save my assignments...that way when babes is born I won't fall behind :thumbup:
Ashley-I hope you get your answers soon.

Coy-Cant wait for your labor story.

AFM, i am in PAIN!!!! Well, i started having TERRIBLE cramps last night and ended up releasing ALOT of blood. This morning, it was heavier than normal and I passed a HUGE clot the size of two thumbs . Didn't know i passed it until I went to change my pad and I was shocked to see it. This is day 2 of the super heavy bleeding and terrible pain. I have no clue whats going on but im just ready for it to end. Also, i shall be checking out apartments in Connecticut in November and most likely move that same month but we should see because we had a minor setback so just patiently waiting. DH heard me explain whats going on with me and he thinks im going through a m/c but i just think Im having one weird cycle but of course he begs to differ because this happened with the last m/c but i never took a test so i cant really base it on his theory but who knows. Im just ready to go to Connecticut so I can be with DH and also be able to go to the doctor and get all the proper tests ran. We might wait for baby until he goes on shore duty so he can be part of the whole pregnancy but we shall see what the Lord has in store for us. So here I am in cd2, super heavy bleeding, passing HUGE clots and with 20 times worse cramps. It shall get better soon.
Ashley-I hope you get your answers soon.

Coy-Cant wait for your labor story.

AFM, i am in PAIN!!!! Well, i started having TERRIBLE cramps last night and ended up releasing ALOT of blood. This morning, it was heavier than normal and I passed a HUGE clot the size of two thumbs . Didn't know i passed it until I went to change my pad and I was shocked to see it. This is day 2 of the super heavy bleeding and terrible pain. I have no clue whats going on but im just ready for it to end. Also, i shall be checking out apartments in Connecticut in November and most likely move that same month but we should see because we had a minor setback so just patiently waiting. DH heard me explain whats going on with me and he thinks im going through a m/c but i just think Im having one weird cycle but of course he begs to differ because this happened with the last m/c but i never took a test so i cant really base it on his theory but who knows. Im just ready to go to Connecticut so I can be with DH and also be able to go to the doctor and get all the proper tests ran. We might wait for baby until he goes on shore duty so he can be part of the whole pregnancy but we shall see what the Lord has in store for us. So here I am in cd2, super heavy bleeding, passing HUGE clots and with 20 times worse cramps. It shall get better soon.

Patrice, I would consult with your doc at this point if you feel comfortable doing that. I know once in a while AF offers up some minor clots but this sounds a bit more seriouse and concerning! If you are passing clots that big then I'd say your doc or FS needs to know and find out what's going on. Can you go in tomorrow? I guess I'm just concerned because of the pain and excessive bleeding. Check it out if you can hon! :thumbup:
Thanks Coy and Im as concerned as you. But unfortunately, I have to find a new doctor because my current ob/gyn doesn't accept TriCare :cry: Also, i just sent off the paperwork for our new health insurance because we changing the policy so now I have to wait until that is processed and done :growlmad: So its all a wait but I WILL consult a doctor about it because it threw a huge red flag up for me.
Yesterday again had problem sleeping but now because of my belly but I just wasn't able to sleep....after a lot of tossing in the bed I could sleep....baby didn't move....we all were waiting....:shrug:....it rained a lot so it's cool today.....

Coy- so anytime......:happydance:Yeaaaaaa!
Hopefully you'll be seen soon Patrice because that doesn't sound right at all :nope: I hope you're feeling better now though!
Shradha-hope you will be able to catch up on your missed sleep.

Emma-Yes im feeling much better today. The medicine and hot shower worked.

AFM, this is one weird cycle going on because for the past 3 days i have been passing bubbly...yes BUBBLY blood :shrug: Like when it comes out it looks like red suds (sorry tmi) It is sooo weird to me. It doesnt come out normal so thats another thing that is putting me in straight confusion. My body just isnt acting right at all.
OMG, it is only 430 here and I feel like I could sleep for hours! I am totally exhausted as though I didn't get any rest at all last night--I only had to get up 2-3 times, which is still al lot but better than 5-6! :thumbup:

I think the stress of everything you know? Waiting for baby, wrapping our case, etc. Plus T's birthday is day after tomorrow so I am trying to plan that...plus the mechanic was supposed to be here no later than Monday to finish getting our pickup roadworthy for when babes is born and it's now Thursday evening and not a word! So I am stressing on wth we are going to drive to hospital in...:shrug:

Hoping this little baby is born soon so I can stop stressing over when THAT will happen! :haha:
Hi ladies! :hi: Just found this cool site online that tells me all about "station". The doctor told me that babes is at "0 Station" so here is a link to an image that shows where that is...



I'm going o go power walk and see if I can't jug her lower! :haha: The lower she is the quicker labor should be, right? :huh: I hope?.....8-[

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