Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Haha, that's funny your yoga teacher telling you that! :haha: When I had an accident and had to have surgery on my tooth I kept telling the dentist I could feel everything...By time he got done injecting me my whole head was numb :rofl: Good policy for pain relief! But my labors have gone so fast in the past that I never had time for any :shrug: It's olay though- and no way can I talk during a contraction, I can yell though! :haha: Gotta great handle on the yelling part lol...

I just got back from a walk with the dd's...nice and sunny warm with a crisp aumtun breeze :cloud9: Soooo nice :) I dread the drudgery of winter when the dd's can't play out as much :nope: Does it get super cold where you live in winter?
Hm. Well, I am making about 3 days worth of lasagna tonight...I can't seem to cook small when I want to :sad1: lol! Anyway great time for babes to be born so I won't have to cook! :haha: OMG I wish I knew of a way to hurry this process along!

Shradha- excellent fasting BS btw! I forgot to mention that, it sounds like you are doing so well :thumbup:
Well, scratch that thought....my family was apparently starving and 3 days worth of lasgana is...pretty much gone :rofl:
I'm like you Laura, my labour is pretty much all a blur now... However, the feeling of those contractions is still very vivid :haha: I had them in my back too, but my bump as well, and it felt as though I was being tightly squeezed, like a sharp pressure pain.

Coy you've just reminded me of when I had to go to the dentist to have two teeth taken out (I have a small mouth so two teeth have grown higher up on the gum which makes me look like I have fangs :haha:). Anyway, I was given the local anaesthetic, 4 shots of it, and when she started to get the first one out I felt EVERYTHING! Needless to say, I still have my fangs... I never went back!
I'm like you Laura, my labour is pretty much all a blur now... However, the feeling of those contractions is still very vivid :haha: I had them in my back too, but my bump as well, and it felt as though I was being tightly squeezed, like a sharp pressure pain.

Coy you've just reminded me of when I had to go to the dentist to have two teeth taken out (I have a small mouth so two teeth have grown higher up on the gum which makes me look like I have fangs :haha:). Anyway, I was given the local anaesthetic, 4 shots of it, and when she started to get the first one out I felt EVERYTHING! Needless to say, I still have my fangs... I never went back!

Yes, I lie my butt off and tell them I can feel everything when I can barely move my lips they are so numb! :haha: Makes me think your dentist didn't know her butt from apple butter since she gave you 4 shots :saywhat: and you could still feel it :nope: Keep those fangs! You may need them someday, lol
I wish I was lying about feeling the pain. On my third epi with 2 top ups they didn't believe me. Kept saying it takes time but was working. That was until they turned me on my side to push & saw a load of blood & fluid all over the bed as the line wasn't in properly & most of it had come back out!! Not that they told me that at the time, it was dh later!!

It doesn't usually get properly cold in the uk until January Coy, when its usually around 0degrees C. Autumn however I think is a little colder than usual this year, it was 4 degrees yesterday morning although did warm up to 10 as it was such a clear day. I would just love for it to be a white Xmas this year. We had one 2 years ago, the first in my lifetime I can remember. It was beautiful. Last year however it was pretty warm. Our weather really is just random!
Coy- thanx for the reassurance:hugs:.....hmmm I guess I should not get worried ....just go with the flow.......
I would definately post the scan pics.....really wish they are clear this time...one question....do you all drink loads of water for the scan.....first scan I drank almost 2 litres of water.....but you see I had a hard time controlling not to go to the washroom..... Last time I just drank 1 glass of water . I was feeling ok.....they make us wait for a long time before scan.....will this make any difference in the scan?
Laura- glad everything went good..... Xander was the centre of attraction.....it was his day. Waiting for the pics...:happydance:
It is 4 degree there...wow...here it's still 34 degrees....hottttt....In winters ... it is only 14 degree min.... nov end or dec it cools down. I wish I could see snowfall....

Emma- Phoebe is 7 weeks already....wow...time flies.....MS has 80% gone....but aches and body pains have started.....

Steph- how are you and kids doing?

Alicia- must be taking rest....I guess MS has got to her.....

Patrice- where are you?
Hello ladies. Sorry I have been MIA...I just been busy taking care of the household, helping my MIL, celebrating my niece's 10 yr birthday yesterday and planning for the trip next month whew. So i been a busy little bee :haha: Well im cd14 :shock: time flies i should say. And i've been pretty good at keeping my word about not temping etc until I move and am able to be with DH. I can't wait for the big move. Atleast DH would be able to live off base with me :happydance: So we really would be starting the ttc process. I'm patiently awaiting for the insurance to be processed, waiting for thanksgiving to leave to see DH and waiting to move. Also hoping that I get AF BEFORE i go on this trip and hopefully, in the back of my mind, have a chance to conceive during this trip but we shall see.
I don't think it's as important to drink water for the 20 week scan. It's needed at 12 weeks to lift the uterus & make it easier to see the baby but by 20 weeks everythings a lot bigger. It certainly wouldn't hurt though to drink some water but no need for it to be as much as 2 litres!! You poor thing must have been in agony! I was told a pint is plenty.
Hmm Coy, no baby yet? I would've thought by now that once you starte having stronger contractions that it would go fast, being that it's your 3rd! I know that things absolutely dragged for me with N.... ughhhhh..... contractions that kept me from sleeping for 4 days... and with B they only kept me up for 1 night and by next afternoon I was heading to the hospital. Have your contractions been getting regular yet?

Shradha, for 20 week scan (well it was 18 for me) I remember being told to drink 16 oz of water about 1 hr-30 min before. So not too much and not too little.

Re: pain, yes you kind of forget, it does become a blur... that's why we keep doing it again! With N it was more of a blur because I was delirious and lacking sleep. With B I was very aware that it hurt like hell... the one thing that helped was being in the shower and having the water run right on my tummy. It still was excruciating but somehow it took a little bit of the edge off, and it was a distraction. I had my dh, doula AND midwife with me so lots of support. BUT, at the time it did feel like too much, too many hands touching me. When it comes down to it, it was like I really wanted to be by myself as I was totally in my own head. Having others there was annoying at times. It's like people trying to help your pain but there's nothing they can do about it, so it was like-- STOP! Shut up!! :haha:

I sooooo remember the ring of fire this last time... did not feel it first time for whatever reason. But, yeah..... ring of hell!!!!! That's the point where you're like, sh*t there's no going back now, what do I do?!?! Help me!! But go away!! No help!! :haha: I screamed at the nurse "I am NEVER doing this again!"

No but really... not to scare some of you... it was ALL worth it. The endorphins and the oxytocin kick in and you are suddenly in bliss!
Laura- do you have pics from the christening? I'll have to check fb.

Patrice- so are you skipping this cycle then? Sounds like you are busy and I guess that's good so you can get settled with your move. And also cause your waiting for insurance right?

Afm, I have a cold and so does N (but giving him some saved BM is really helping!) Hoping B doesn't catch it but because we're in such close quarters all the time I don't see how I can prevent it. But hopefully bf'ing will either stave it off or lessen the severity.
Steph-Yes i am skipping this cycle. Im waiting for the insurance to get processed but right now, Im pretty much waiting until I go to the doc before going back to opks, temping etc because I feel that hey if i go to the doctor, they can do all the tracking for me :haha: So it's going to take alot of stress off my back and also i've been pretty busy to keep up with my cycle and with dh changing schedule..temping would be hard to do so im just waiting to get settled in with everything. Also, hoping you all feel better and Brandon doesnt get sick :thumbup:
Thank god that is a relief..... Specially now I can't hold my bladder for long as could earlier.......
Today baby was very active.....suddenly I could feel continuous fluttering.... Or else I have to wait and keep talking to get a small response.....:happydance:...
Steph- you take care...I know you are worried about Brandon....sometimes things are not in our hands.....
Laura- re:lying about pain. I lied at the dentist office is all...:blush:...I couldn't possibly lie about labor pain :haha:

Steph- lol, I love oyur descriptive of labor pain :rofl: Pretty spot on if you ask me! Yes, it is difficult to concentrate on handling the pain when you have folks trying to make it better. There really is nothing they can do :shrug: but get out of the way :haha: BTW the cramps I have been having are just the BH I think, nothing at all like my active labor cramps that's why I haven't even called the doc about it. They get strong enough to wake me up which is why I am getting nervous and prepping my room for labor :haha: Just in case 8-[ lol. I get an occasional painful cramp but nope, nothing regular :shrug:

- as Steph mentioned not really neccessary to drink tons of water as babes will be plenty big to see :thumbup: The first scans are toughest because oyu have to hold so much liquid! What date is your scan? :huh:

Patrice- hope your move happens quick and easy for you so you can get set up at "home" and settled in :thumbup: before winter hits hard!

AFM- twiddling my thumbs here waiting. New moon is tonight but now I am not so sure how it affects cycle :shrug: T was born on a half moon, Kat was born on a crescent moon, so....I have no clue at this point :haha: My BH are pretty steady which is good for toning and strengthening the uterus. I have been walking alot but thinking of stepping that up too just to see if it helps. Dh thinks it will but I'm like "I can't just walk walk walk forEVER!" :rofl: I honestly don't think it's my fault she hasn't been born yet. I tried everything with Kat and she was almost two weeks late :sad1: but she was born perfect so :shrug: *sigh*
I can't believe you are oy 5 days away from your due date Coy. I was so certain you were going to be weeks early!!

Steph - hope you & Nicholas feel better soon. I think Xander got off lighter than me with his cold which I hope was down to the little bit of breast feeding I do.

I've lit 2 candles for my angels this evening. We did it last year as well & little did I know I had actually conceived Xander by then!! I am so grateful now to my angels for giving me my precious rainbow baby Xander.

Thinking of all of your angels too.

Ashley - you are hugely in my thoughts today with the devasting loss of Liam & Malachi. I know how hard I found my early losses so can only imagine your pain. I'm sure they are looking down on their Mummy, Daddy & brothers & sister & know they are loved & missed. :hugs: :hugs:
I thought I would be weeks early too! :shrug: I mean, she has been super-engaged for weeks now! Aaargh! :argh:
Coy-I hope she comes soon :hugs:

AFM, im on cd15. I finally got the new health insurance processed and that's going to be effective November 1st. But Im going to wait until I'm with DH to go to the doctor so we both can find out and I dont just go by myself. I really need my support system. For some odd reason, DH and I both have that "prepare for the worst mentallity" in which we both said was pretty bad to do, so we are just going to go in and find out what's wrong. I have been tossing and turning all night so not really any sleep for me. Also, a tooth that has been causing pain, popped out on its own :shock: I think something hit it when I was eating but atleast I dont have to deal with pain :thumbup: Now if only my wisdom teeth would pop out on their own..would save me a trip to the dentist :haha: 36 more days until Im on vacation in Connecticut with DH :happydance: Im super happy. And then DH graduates on Nov. 30th and I move to Connecticut around the beginning of December after I come back which is Dec. 3rd! Atleast I will be up there before Christmas and my birthday. My DH already bought me my gift and its an IPOD eeeekkk :happydance: I needed a new one so he bought me a 160GB IPOD Classic :happydance: He knows just what to buy me. Now I got to think of what to buy him for Christmas. Im hoping to atleast be able to ttc during the trip if not then December definitely. And the funny thing is...if we conceive December (my birth month)...beanie would be due in September (DH's birth month) which DH was always hoping would happen secretly :haha: But we shall see. As for as my body goes, I just been taking the prenatals but I get too much cm. Yes, I know it sounds weird to complain about cm but seriously, I either have to put a panty liner on or end up changing underwear in midday because it leaks out as if its the after result of dtd :shrug: Don't know whats going on neither. Thought it could be like early ovulation or something :shrug: My cycles are being all over the place. The earliest for my cycle to start was I think 16 days and the longest 52 days so thats my new range instead of 35 days now. So now we just :coffee: Also, today, I have to enroll in dental insurance so getting all the enrollment etc out the way so I can start the health and dental process. Most likely going to do the dental work before the health because I want to be pain free before ttc but we shall see.
Coy- scan is tommorrow..... Had a tough time before. Now will only drink one cup......

Laura- yes your angels are always looking out for you....they love you too...

Steph- hope your cold has reduced.....how is Nicholas?

Patrice- keeping fingers crossed

I keep hearing from you guys about health insurance..... Here we don't have one..... I feel because we don't have insurance the doctors just want to make money....

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