Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Laura- I love the pics of Xander! I still say he has a gorgeous little face! Kissable :) And yes, they love the high chairs! Makes them feel bigger and grown up :hugs: Re: tummy bug....honestly it just sounds like he is adjusting to food again. The rash on his chin is probably fromt he lactic acid in the breast milk- I always had to clean their faces aftetr they ate or burped up so they didn't break out. And yes- it affects their bowel movements too :thumbup: If he doesn't seem uncomfortable you can probably scratch bug off the list!

And no problem being dissappointed in no baby yet! I am dissappointed too :sad1: lol!

AFM- well, doc was shocked yet again when he went "in" to check. He got his fingers in to the first knuckle and there was baby's head :haha: He said I am at 3 cm dilated and still about 85% effaced- which he said is extremely thin. As far as induction method he told dh and I to have a whole bunch of :sex: lol and nipple stimulation :growlmad: Now wouldn't I feel funny playing with my nipples? :rofl: lol, aw well.....anyway he said he'd be surprised to see us in another week as he thinks she'll come sooner but a big fat :shrug: !! Aaargh! I had to laugh at your sneeze comment! Doc actually said the same thing :rofl:

Oh yeah :sad1: I weigh 149 now! :sad2: Nuts! I have this mental block of 150...I don't want to hit that before she is born so she better hurry the heck up :growlmad: Maybe it was the jug of water I had just drank ...(excuses excuses) lol! I don't think I eat bad on general...Morning is a slice of toast. Afternoon I usually don't eat anything then for dinner I may have half a steak or some steamed chicken breast with vegetables. .. Oh and I eat a cup of ice cream every other day, maybe that's the problem....:sad1:
AFM- I had so many bad muscle cramps last night but skipped my warm bath so I am contemplating taking one tonight. For some reason my calf muscles on one side are killing me and threatening to cramp all the time :growlmad: Btw, I thought it was funny we were approached my two separate doctors today (one mine, one dh's) and told that the hospital staff is on full alert and readiness :rofl: and could we "please call before we come in" lol just to give them a heads up? :rofl: I thought that was funny! My dh had a doc appointment today too and his diabetic doctor was reassuring him that the hospital staff was nervous but ready! Do I LOOK like a troublemaker? :huh: I didn't think so...:nope: lol!

...Dd's want to watch a scary Halloween movie (re: scary = Scooby Doo :haha:) so maybe I'll take a bath while they watch that. Then maybe I'll just go to sleep! :sleep:
Oh yeah. Horrible, mortifying story....:nope:.....

While I get my check ups I want dh there because doc is a guy you know? Just my comfort level...any way, my 3 year old usually stands by my shoulders by the exam table and chats up the nurse. Not today. Nope, she happened to be at the foot of the exam table.

:roll: Yes. She saw everything :roll:

Then as doc is moving my cervix around and I am concentrating against the discomfort I hear this hesitant little voice asking daddy:

"Why is the doctor touching mommy's P.P. ?"

........:blush:.....:help:...:blush: ..:wacko:.. :blush:..:help: :help:

The doctor just snorted and sniggered of course and didn't say anything! :blush: Anyway her dad explained the baby comes out there (I explained that earlier but she must have forgotten) :dohh: :blush:
Haha Coy that's too funny. Well, she's learning early... AND she's a girl, so she probably "gets it" more.... Nicholas came to almost all my dr appts and he never got anything... LOL... he's still confused why I sit down to pee, and he and daddy stand up!

Like Laura, everytime I log on here I expect to see a post saying she's here! Or voila, a picture or something! Haha, no pressure though, really... I remember what that's like!

Laura- I would attribute that to either teething, growth spurt or just his digestive system working out something that was in your milk. Nothing bad or anything, just maybe a new food or something. B has those days where he has more poopy diapers, and it's more runny and yellowish greenish looking... and he's a bit more fussy and tired and all of that. And babies skin is so delicate and new that it's easy to get a rash. I wouldn't worry about it, unless he had a fever or something. I see you have him in a high chair already, does that mean you'll be starting solids soon?

Oh and B also has the Lamaze firefly. We just got it a few days ago, he loves it!

Coy, re: Ash's RE appt, the main reason why I suggested holding off on it is because once you see them it is their job to do whatever they can to get you pregnant... and they like to start right away... so if she doesn't plan on getting pregnant again soon then it doesn't make sense to see them yet. And if you're on the pill, they won't be able to get a baseline of what your normal cycle is. And not to mention, seeing an RE can get very expensive!
Brandon also has the cycle of eat, play, nap, eat, play, nap! All day! He cycles through them fast too. I think he has about 5 naps a day. Is that a lot? LOL
Question- Have any of you heard of a condition called "diastasis recti?" I know, sounds like a type of dinosaur or something. Ha!! No really, it's where the muscle in the middle of your abdomen stretches out and splits open during pregnancy or postpartum? Causing weakness in the muscles and lower back pain? I came across this and after talking to my chiropractor it seems that I have it. It causes your tummy to pooch out more and you can feel a large gap between the muscles in your tummy. Having that muscle open and loose weakens your core strength causing your back to work harder and even puts stress on your organs. Yikes! I have a really hard time carrying B around and especially using a baby carrier. After 10 minutes or so my lower back is so incredibly sore, and my whole body just hurts. Anyway, there's supposedly this treatment for it developed by this lady named Julie Tupler, she has a program using different exercises so I might try some of them. This is new to me, never heard of it, nor have any of my doctors even mentioned it before. Supposedly it's common in pregnancy and it gets worse with each subsequent pregnancy until you treat it. Sometimes it resolves after giving birth and sometimes it doesn't. Looking back, it all makes sense because I was so huge this time around and my abdominal muscles stretched beyond belief, creating the extra lower back pain that I did not remember having at all with Nicholas.
Today I am back from the endo.....he was very happy with my progress.....Thyroids level well maintained...touchwood:happydance:.... now I have to go only after 2 months. He checked my weight and i found i have already gained 3 kg in 2 months.... he said you must only gain 1 kg per month...so far good..... today day was better.

Laura- I really loved Xander's pics.....he is seems to be very happy with his chair :happydance:now he feels he is growing big:hugs:.....Welcome to the same old AF:wacko:.... Your body is getting back to the normal
Was very tired yesterday....road was very bad...I had to soak myself up in hot water.
Coy- yea will call before starting tom......
Your little one must be shocked seeing all.....poor girl. I cant imagine myself in your position .....to expain to her....
Steph- This is the first time I am hearing about diastasis recti......you had this.....so sad.....it must been very painful.....
Steph - I've heard of that condition when I read up on the linea nigra. I dont know a lot a out it though. Must be awful still having terrible back ache. Gotta say I dont miss that. I do however still have aching knees & ankles & STILL wake up with swollen hands everyday!! I reay did not appreciate how long it takes your body to go back to normal. I honestly thought I'd just have the weight to shift, how stupid was I?! :dohh:

It's funny how many people have that firefly. Xander's been eyeing up his friends a lot so thought I'd buy him his own. He just loves it. His little face lit up when I gave it to him!!

Xander has 4 - 5 naps a day as well. He's actually recently upped his naps & his afternoon ones have got longer. I'm wondering if its because he's processing more of what's going on around him now.

I'm planning to start weaning in 3 weeks however for the first week it will be nothing more than baby rice at lunch time in addition to his normal formula & breast milk as I don't expect him to actually eat a lot. If he isn't at all interested I'll try again a week later. Xander hates everything new we try to start with so by starting quite early I'm hoping we can get him liking & able to enjoy solids by the time he needs them at 6 months. I'm worried that if I leave it until 6 months & he's slow to take solids he'll end up anaemic. I'm just getting him used to the high chair & I'm also starting him on a sippy cup with water so he's already adjusted to it by the time he has baby rice. Day 2 on the sippy cup, it got about 1 cm further into his mouth before he spit it out!!

Coy - bless Kat. I can imagine her concern!! Are you still planning to have them with you during the birth?

Shradha - 3kg is a good weight gain. Not too much at all I would have thought. Mind you I'm not a great judge I put way too much on!! Speaking of which I have finally started to loose weight again. I lost nothing for 2 months & have now lost 4lb!! My BMI is finally under 30 & I am no longer obese!! :happydance: still got a long way to go though!!

Had to share this article about our rubbish weather I'm always whinging about!! It is officially "weird"!! Not impressed by the possible 10 - 20 years of wet summers :(
That's interesting. Seems like everyone is experiencing weird weather. Today here it was hot and sunny, yet very windy... a very strange combination, especially for October.

Coy, I thought you might have been having a baby until I saw your FB post talking about the weather... I'm like, uhh I guess she's not in labor, otherwise she wouldn't be talking about how it's a nice sunny day! LOL
Hi ladies!

Steph and Laura...nope, no baby yet! :nope: Still waiting :coffee: EDD is tomorrow :shrug: maybe she'll be punctual lol! Yes, today was sunny so got a walk or two i before the wind picked up :growlmad: I got my school assignment done, dishes washed, watched "Person of Interest" with dh :cloud9:, brought in wood for the night and morning, and then read a Donald Duck book to my dd's...they are blissfully asleep now so maybe I'll take a warm relaxing shower and :sleep:

Laura- yes, def plan on having the dd's with us during the labor. There is no one that we trust to watch them, especially with that pervert eyeing them....we will keep them close! :hugs: They are quite settled about the matter though and getting pretty impatient to meet their new sister :) So cute about Xander and the firefly! What IS a firefly btw? :huh: Oh before I forget-- are they having the same problem in UK as in US with the rice? Some US rice growers slipped strictnine (sp) into the rice as a cleansing agent or some dumb thing and it is killing folks...so we have to be really careful where we get our baby rice cereal and our own adult rice :nope:
Oh ladies, before I forget... I started having shooting pains in my nipples last night :shrug: Any idea what this is about? :huh: Labor coming on maybe? :haha: That'd be awesome....
No idea about the nipples Coy :shrug: I don't know what time it is where you are but happy due date!
It is 16 minutes past midnight here....I am just up finishing a load of laundry :growlmad: Thanks btw! I actually thought babes would be here before now! :rofl:
We've been having similar weather Steph. It was 16 yesterday, warm for this time of year but its also quite windy.

Not heard anything about problems with rice here, not sure where we import ours from.

Here's the firefly, Xanders flutterby as we call it. It's got lots of different textiles & colours.

Oh...no ..my whole reply disappeared......so I have to start again
I am just back after the scan......I couldn't see it.....when I yelled they said the baby is hiding now...how mean:growlmad:
Well mom and dh are very happy coz they could see the baby so clearly.....dh was so engrossed in looking at the face that he didn't see the hands and legs....he said the baby was making all sort of faces.... Mom never had a scan when she was having me....those days scan was rarely done.....so my scan was her first experience....she was excited seeing the butt, legs and hands.....of the baby....
Today after a lot of argument I got the baby's HB...140. The scan showed 1 week more so the DD is now 27th feb.....
The scan pic is bad however I will post it....in the screen it was clear...when I asked the doc she said we don't want o show the clear pic as we don't want people to know the gender.......so sad....

The measurements
BPD- 54.1 mms
A.C- 152.8mms
F.L- 36.7mms

Fetal weight- 410gms

Good news is placenta has moved up from low lying it's now fundal left lateral
I was just looking for information on net .they were saying if placenta is on left then it's a girl...and if on right is a boy......is it correct???

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