Looking for official TTC buddies!!

I like the sound of no periods! The last pill I went on which was supposed to do that caused me to spot everyday for 3 months!!!
The last BCP I was on was Ortho Trycilene Lo- a lo dose and no periods with that either :shrug:
Laura-I too like the sound of no periods because that will give dh and i ample amount of dtd time :haha:

Coy-I was on Ortho and thats what had me very sleepy and not wanting to eat and sick to my stomach.
The last BCP I was on was Ortho Trycilene Lo- a lo dose and no periods with that either :shrug:

I'm feeling,well other than tired during the day..yes I told sh I gave him a small gift box with tiny baby shoes in it and told him I was prego..he's excited..went out and bought a new camera so he can snap random pics of me all the time now..haha..he's already gotten a few I'd like deleted and he's already taken a belly pic even though I'm not even showing yet lol he's gonna be such a proud papa..I broke down today and told my mother she wanted a test to prove it but she's happy for us..funny thing she said about me loosing weight lately because both times previously when I got prego I was only 116lbs or less and thats what I was on Oct 26th when I weighed myself..maybe a coincidence idk..but when I weighed on Tuesday I was 118 which still makes my BMI under weight but I'm ok with that I'm sure I will make it up here real soon..another thing kinda weird is sometimes I don't even feel prego which kinda worries me not that I like my tummy doing flip flops and the nausea but it is a little reassuring any thoughts..
Hi ladies! :hi: Ok, seriously this time-who wants to trade towns with me? :huh: So had a fairly pleasant day, the dd's played outside, etc, and dh and I enjoyed the ridiculous adventures of Austin Powers :haha: Then I decided to return our not-so-great Sherlock Holmes movie...Yeah. I returned the movie, ran int he store for about 4 minutes to buy spices for our dinner and when I stepped back outside- you guessed it.

Someone had repeatedly stabbed my truck tire.


So my dh (my hero :cloud9:) used his awesome new air tools and put a new tire on, we called pd, etc. The officer was "perdy sure" it must be crack from the weather, until my dh showed him how to determine (using his awesome investigator skills) that it was repeat stabs with a screw driver :roll: The cop (this is the same guy who yelled at me and called me a liar :growlmad:) thanked him for the lesson and ashamedly slunk back to his patrol vehicle and did nothing :roll: Typical.
Coy - OMG. Are you serious? Can you and DH move? Your town is ridiculous!
Hi ladies! :hi: Ok, seriously this time-who wants to trade towns with me? :huh: So had a fairly pleasant day, the dd's played outside, etc, and dh and I enjoyed the ridiculous adventures of Austin Powers :haha: Then I decided to return our not-so-great Sherlock Holmes movie...Yeah. I returned the movie, ran int he store for about 4 minutes to buy spices for our dinner and when I stepped back outside- you guessed it.

Someone had repeatedly stabbed my truck tire.


So my dh (my hero :cloud9:) used his awesome new air tools and put a new tire on, we called pd, etc. The officer was "perdy sure" it must be crack from the weather, until my dh showed him how to determine (using his awesome investigator skills) that it was repeat stabs with a screw driver :roll: The cop (this is the same guy who yelled at me and called me a liar :growlmad:) thanked him for the lesson and ashamedly slunk back to his patrol vehicle and did nothing :roll: Typical.
Coy you should def relocate..sounds dangerous and crazy that the police did nothin but yet typical..sad..hope your family is ok..and didn't cause too much stress..
I m back from meeting my new doctor. She is good and her clinic is far much better than earlier. I will have to spend a bit more on my bills but it's worth it. Good facilities. I saw the rooms. Nice. After the delivery I will have to stay in the hospital for 4 days. It's common in India. We do not get discharged in a day. My doctor had a Doppler ....wow I could hear the heartbeat 144....it was amazing.... She wanted to check the baby movement so had a scan done. But only to see movements so no reports..... But there was a plasma tv on the wall which was linked to the monitor....I saw my baby..... So nice:happydance:...so happy....I wish I had changed my old doctor earlier....only one bad thing....I had to spend the whole day.....she doesn't come on time..... And she doesn't let anyone other than the patient in. Right now m really hungry and tired will catch up later....
Today is eclipse so I won't be getting up from bed. Pregnant ladies have to be very careful.....well I know these are all superstition but I have to follow them..... Hope you all are doing good.....
Today is DIWALI here....the festival of lights and fire works....... Dh has already put on fancy lights outside our house..... Planning on bursting some fire crackers......
Shradha-Sounds like everything is going good for you :hugs:

Coy-Oh my my my. You definitely need to relocate :hugs:

AFM, im on cd24 today and day 3 on the BCP. I must say I feel pretty darn good. I even did a 1.5 mile jog just now :shock: It felt pretty good to work out. I am starting back on the exercising just so if weight gain does happen..my body wont have a problem going back to my pre-BCP figure :thumbup: The only thing that happens with the BCP is that I get sharp pains in my ovaries that lasts around 30 mins-1 hour and then goes away but comes on and off throughout the day. I guess that means its doing what its suppose to do :thumbup: 8 more days left before i see DH :happydance: Im super excited now!!
Happy Diwali Shradha. Some people I know say Diwali Mubarak as well. We celebrate it in the uk and in Leicester were I live we have the biggest street celebrations, I think, in the country. About 20,000 people attend and there is a huge fireworks display. I hope you and your famy have a lovely day. Your new Dr sounds fab, really trust worthy and does her job thoroughly.

Coy - OMG! It just never ends for you. I really hope you can find some way of moving & soon. It sounds like such an awful place for your kids to grow up in.
good morning ladies...not much here to update..hoping my little bean is doing well can't wait for my first appointment on the 30th..i'm getting antsy..wish i was seeing the dr though..and will be very excited to hear the heartbeat for the first time still wondering if my due date is going to be mid july probably wont know until the ultrasound though which right now seems like forever away..morning sickness has gotten better though i never did throw up just had nausea..very tired today didn't get home til about 430am and had to get up at 730 and get kids ready for school just finsihed my breakfast yogart and rasin toast yum now i'm ready to go back to bed but have a friend stopping by and have to run an errand too but really just want to go back to sleep..at least it's my day off though..maybe i can get dh to cook dinner..and me just relax..
Hi ladies.

I decided to start a journal so I had a central place to record my journey as a Mummy.

If you'd like to stalk here's the link. I need to figure out how to get it in my signature.

Hi ladies. Sorry I've been MIA, hope I haven't missed too much. I've been so extra tired as both my boys have been going through their own little "growth spurts." Brandon's fighting sleep again, and N is having problems at school; focusing and keeping his body to himself. We realize he has some sensory issues that need to be addressed and looking into getting him into OT, as long as our insurance will cover it. His birthday is also coming up, party at chuck e cheese this Sunday. And seems like a lot of Novmber bdays as we have been to so many parties this month already. Busy month as we head into the holidays!

We've been seriously thinking lately of moving. Where to? Dunno yet. But we just can't afford to live here much longer. It's been a struggle for a few years and its just getting harder to keep up with paying our mortgage. Only thing is, our credit isn't that good anymore, so getting another loan for a house would prove to be difficult. Thinking of renting, but that is also expensive, but at least we wouldn't have to come up with a down payment. But, we don't really want to have a landlord either, who could decide to sell at any time. I would hate to get up and move again after being settled somewhere. Another tough thing is our family is all here. I would LOVE to move out of state but I don't want our kids to be so far from their grandparents and cousins. Ahh what to do...

Coy- you definitely need to consider moving, the stuff you have to deal with is crazy scary! Maybe we can both find the perfect spot to move to, lol...

Shradha- yay for seeing the baby! Do they give you pics?

Msperry- Congrats again. Glad you're feeling well and everything is fine. I too, have always been underweight, I was 116 lbs (5'9") Pre-pregnancy and didnt start gaining until late 2nd tri really-- for both my sons-- but babies were healthy! I ate whatever I wanted too, until I was diagnosed with GD in 3rd tri.

Patrice- how's the pill working out for you? No periods huh? I've heard of those but never was bold enough to try. I used Zovia. I don't even know if it's around anymore?

Laura- I have yet to check out your journal. Will do so!

Ashley- have you started your testing yet?
Laura-I will check out your journal soon.

Steph-The pill is working wonders I must say. I have energy and my libido is through the roof. I know dh will enjoy that when i see him :haha:

AFM, im on cd26. I will be taking my BCP at 6:15am. I dont have a clue why im up right now. I have to wake up at 5am to book dh's ticket to come here for christmas break. Dont want to miss out on the ticket that we've seen and he ends up not being able to come. Well, i've noticed that with these BCPs I have alot of energy and my libido is through the roof :thumbup: Also, the downfall is that I get loads of creamy cm throughout the whole day with them. Normally, i get creamy cm but then eventually it dries up. But ever since I've started the pills, the cm just never goes away. So i have to stay with a panty liner just in case. Also, so far no spotting or bleeding while taking the pills so I guess thats a good sign. Next week sunday will start week 2 on BCPs which is a huge milestone because when i was on BCP previously after the m/c, i couldnt even get through week 1 without deciding to stop taking them. AF is due in 9 days so lets see if i still have a bleed or the BCP will stop AF from arriving. Im hoping it stops AF from arriving because i dont want to have another AF while im on vacation. Well, im pretty much done packing finally :happydance: So now its just time to wait for the 22nd to come so I can see my wonderful DH and we enjoy our 2 weeks together :happydance: Also, later on this morning, Im going to help a friend exercise so im feeling pretty good about this. I finally can be a physical trainer to somebody :haha: I just want to thank the Navy though because they did work me out so now im stronger and more toned and I finally got my abs back :happydance: It took alot of hard work but it worked although my abs like to disappear when I eat etc :rofl: But now I got to keep myself in shape because weight gain is a symptom and I just dont want to let myself go because im on BCP and try to get back into shape once I stop them. Better now when I have the energy than later. Well, let me wrap this up because if I keep talking, I will have enough to write a book :haha:
That's funny, I do remember my libido being quite high when I was on the pill, not sure exactly why! Glad that it's working for you, hopefully it will reset your cycle, if anything at least you are feeling normal and you probably won't have to deal with the painful, long periods anymore.
Steph-the crazy thing is when i first started getting my AFs at 10 years old, I had a 28 day cycle and it was always right on time but once I was around 16...that all changed for me. I hope it resets my cycles too. Knowing that im going from painful, long,heavy, random periods to routined, short, painless, spotting and maybe no periods at all....means a major improvement. I just hope when I get off the pill that i dont go back to the random bleeds etc. Also, the only thing I have noticed is the sharp pains in majority the right ovary. Dont know why but it always happens when i take the pill.
Hi ladies! Sorry I have been MIA also- lots going on just to keep up eith the dd's and all the junk here. My attorney is actually requesting through motion of discovery the bag of chicken! :rofl: You knw, the bag the store manager declares had a missing tag that I alledgedly removed and used :roll: I think it is funny my attorney is demanding that evidence :haha: Pre-trial conference is set for a couple weeks away now. Always something, huh? :huh: Anyways...

Patrice- what, another 3-4 days then you get to see your dh? :happydance: I bet you are getting excited!

Shradha, yay, I am glad you got to see babes! :cloud9: You are doing so well, I am really proud of how you are handling this first pregnancy! It can be tough, especially when you haven't been throguh it all, it is all new and exciting can be scary sometiomes :hugs:

Msperry- I know how you feel about wanting to hurry the doc appointments! If you really feel that antsy give'em a call and move it up! :hugs:

Steph- I hear ya on the renting! I hated renting! Sooo much better having our own home :thumbup:

Laura- def going to check out and stalk your thread! :hugs:

AFM- :hi: What a night! The last 2 nights Kat has decided to start her stuff again, waking me every 30 minutes or so. I am taking a different bent with it this time round and not tolerating it at all. As soon as I ascertain there are no bad dreams or itchy's or hurts anywhere--mean mad mama appears! :growlmad: After 4 times in less than an hour last night I left it up to Papa though...He dealt with her twice and she decided to stay in bed! :haha: Aeryn is awesome though, letting me sleep several hours ata time :thumbup: T is on a new antibiotic for this crazy throat infection- I hope this one does the trick :thumbup: Poor kid :nope: Today- some school, pack some wood, chill out...

Ohh! And I am excited! It didn't take much talking at all to convince dh to just leave my car outside in the yard this winter :haha: I told him I want to pull out my weight bars, my exercise unit ( a big machine with weights, etc) and put up the big bunching bag for boxing :thumbup: He jumped on the idea and told me he would get a car cover and leave it at that! :haha: Great news, means we don't have to clean in the garage anymore or throw anything else away lol, and I get my mini-gym :happydance:
Coy-In 6 more days I will be with DH cant wait :thumbup: And :rofl: about the attorney wanting the chicken as evidence. Hoping T will get better soon and yay for the mini gym :happydance:
Coy- Wow you have lots going on hope the case goes well but i must have missed something about that story..hope your little one is doing better..and yay for the gym..wish i had some motivation to work out.. not sure if that's gonna happen hehe..

AFM- today has been pretty productive so far got kids off to school..ran some errands and now laundry and dye my hair and a nap..only thing bothering me today is since i woke up this morning i have a metallic taste in my mouth like I've been sucking on pennies..yuck but i know that's a common symptom of pregnancy just hope it doesn't last too long..also went a head and got a refill on my prenatal and got a 3 month supply instead of waiting to go to the dr. and waiting on my insurance..glad it only cost me $10..and i'm set for the next 90 days.

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