Just popping in to say hi! Just for kicks I was reading posts from all the way back to December. Only made it to April so far!
Who is still here? I see Patrice and Ashley... Monae don't think we've met...
Things have been busy, we recently month so for the last 3 months or so been busy with selling our house, packing things, etc. Now just trying to get our bearings in the new house, new area... Nicholas starts school next week, had to get him registered... Brandon is doing well, he's been so good though the move, he just goes with the flow! The process of moving is still difficult with 2 kid though. Especially since we had soooo much crap, 8+ years worth of stuff and I never throw anything away, I am so sentimental about every little thing. It was really hard to leave the house we have been in for 8 years, where our kids were born, so many memories

Still have so many boxes to go through and unpack, it's gonna take a while before I feel settled.
How are all you guys doing?