Monae-Congrats to starting the process!
AFM, im cd39 today. My temp went up but I think it was a fluke. I was drinking yesterday so I think that's why my temp went up today. We will see what tomorrow's temp looks like. DH comes home today so im happy about that also. Well, that's it for me for now.
yay Ashleyhappy 6 months!!!
Patrice- Dh must have enjoyed your dinner. Enjoy the weekend!!
Monae- Glad things are moving good from your end.
shradha-yes dh loved it! How are you?
monae-hop on the no ov train. im on cd40 and have yet to ov still. Don't think its going to happen.
AFM, im on cd40 today. Looks like this is going to be another long cycle. I picked DH up last night and as you can tell by my chart...we have been dtd since he has arrived homeMy theory was right, yesterday's temp was a fluke and due to me drinking. In a way I am happy because atleast now I can catch ov if it happens because dh is here
Well that's all for now.
FXed for you Monae. I have no pains or anything so im counting this cycle as a lost cause. I did ov on cd45 in 1 of my cycles so we shall see if that happens. If not, then im pretty sure im out this cycle.
My gynecologist appt. is September 4th
Monae-thanks. Im just hoping we get the ball rolling in finding options for us to conceive.
AFM, im cd41 today and my temp took a complete nose dive todayHopefully its ov time finally. But once again, will have to wait until to see what the next 2 days' temps look like. Not getting my hopes up this time so we shall see. If it is ov..then we bd'd enough to try and catch the egg. If it's not, then I will be waiting for my appt. to see what happens. Well that's it for now.