Ashley-I think as long as these temps are looking good, im going to wait until atleast 10dpo to start testing. so sunday or Monday.
AFM, im on cd23/4dpo and my temp is still increasing

This is actually a very high temp for me. I don't know what the spotting was all about but hopefully it has ended. It only comes if something goes "inside". But other than that, I don't see it. So I guess that is a good thing

Im hoping this is my bfp in the making. I also woke up sweating and with a stuffy nose which hasn't happened. But I thought maybe it was because we had the heater on so it was hot but DH wasn't hot at all. And when I took my temp after waking up, that's when it was 98.03. I thought maybe I was getting sick but nope. Not hot anymore, my nose isn't stuffy but I still got a headache and I think its because im hungry. But like DH says, we just got to wait it out now to see what happens. Usually, I have a fall back temp around 4-5dpo so let's see if I get it tomorrow. Actually, out of all my ov charts, this one looks pretty good right about now so we shall see.