imready4it, I totally get what you are saying. From ds2 being born right up until January last year I was never again. I'm lucky to have my boys, I worried about a mc and I worried about Group B Strep ( I had it with ds2 and labour was so fast I never got antibiotics, Ds2 tested positive but thankfully had been on IV antibiotics from just after birth for several days, so all ok.... But it still frightens me).
But last January something changed and I wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do and how I would cope with 3. But we did decide to give it a go as I figured if I was thinking about it chances are I'd regret not trying in years to come. I'm 38 this year so really don't what to wait much longer. Unfortunately we have been unlucky and I'm scared something is wrong or it's my age... but it's maybe just bad luck?
During this last mc I saw a heart beat and it really affected me, I was sure I didn't want to ttc again. No number 3 and it's been sooooooo hard. I've prepared for them and I have made a space for them in our lives. The longing is immense. I thought perhaps it would fade but when I saw the BFP last week I realised I wanted it to be a new pregnancy but in my heart I knew it must be left of hormones. My body is a bit slow.
I will leave testing again for as long as I can. I don't know if this has been a proper af or not as still had a faint BFP on Monday after heavy bleeding. I passed a few bits of tissue (which I thought were lining) but I'm wondering if maybe a bit of retained pregnancy tissue that the scan missed? So I will try and wait till Monday or longer, and hopefully we are back to bfn. My ic's are very sensitive.
I do think if you are thinking of another child then you have to decide if you will regret not trying in the future? And I read something that said you will never regret them when they are here. I worry about space and money but we will manage
My friend was 39 when she had her 4th, my sil was also 39 when she had her 2nd.
Sorry for long post lol, I'm a bleather!! Xx