Hi Aussie
I'm very sorry for your loss, I totally understand how you feel. I have this constant burning, unsettled feeling in my stomach and my head is a mess, thinking about my lost babies or if we should ttc again. At the moment it's just mostly frustration and worry over my hcg not dropping after my mc in Dec. it's holding me back.
There is no right answer if any of us should ttc again. I had a mc in July and I was sure it couldn't happen again....but it did. I think it's just bad luck though. There is no right time to ttc either. For some it helps to get right back on it again, the focus of trying helps. After 2 of my losses I got pregnant again within 2 cycles, one of those was successful with DS2. It really helped me being pregnant again, but I worried the entire pregnancy. Long gone is the oblivious first pregnancy bubble!!
I never thought I could cope with a mc, but here I am just after my 3rd. It doesn't get easier but it's not as scary from the point of view that you know you are strong enough to get through it and you know some of what to expect.
Anyway, I'm not much help really. But I think I will regret not trying again while I have the chance, I'm 38 this summer so time to get on with it.
As for my OH, well he admits he doesn't really understand, he never went through it although he is sad. He's scared for me. He feels a bit useless. But all I need from him is being able to talk openly and not feel silly, to be able to cry when I need to and for him to allow me to take as long as I need to get over it (you know what I mean).
So like I said, maybe not much help. But we are here if you need to talk xx