Looking for TTC buddies after MC

Good luck Imready! Got my fingers crossed x
My last pregnancy I got a faint bfp 2 days before af due, then it was quite clear on cd28.

My cycles have always been weird, hard to know whats going on when, could be anywhere between 14-34 days. (Still got pregnant easily enough first 3 times though...)
Last year I did start to notice that I got quite nauseous around ovulation, that and the ewcm were my clues but I used opks too.
After my mc last July the next few cycles were bang on 28 days which was not normal for me at all!! Its crazy how a mc can really change your cycles.

I feel so down at the moment and so angry too. Tomorrow the 11th, is my due date for the little one I lost in July. :cry:
Been trying to keep myself busy with a project for OH for valentines day but struggling a bit.

Anyway hugs all round, try and stay positive :) xx
Thanks girls...I guess it’s just the dreaded waiting game now. Last night I had a dream of a baby. It was such a sweet dream. This morning I feel like I have a UTI starting. Last time I was pregnant I got a UTI the day after I tested positive. It really sucks since it’s Saturday and I can’t get any meds till Monday from Dr. Maybe I can flush it out with plenty of water till then.
:hugs: babybrain should have been due dates are so difficult. I lost a baby in July as well and my due date is in just over a month and its already playing on my mind. Even though Ive come to terms with my loss it still gets to you. Even the losses I had 4 and 5 years ago still get to me on significant dates. Take care tomorrow. I will be thinking of you and your little one xx
Babybrain, just wanted you to know I am thinking of you today....
I hope everyone is doing ok. xx

I am still waiting for things to get back to normal. Two weeks tomorrow since d&c. I took a hpt yesterday and it was a really faint line on a 25miu one. How hard is it reading a hpt and wanting that line to not be there when all you've wanted the months before was to see it?? My temps have lowered so that's good too so hoping AF comes in the next few weeks. Emotionally struggling a bit today, back to work and exercise class and it really killed me that our trainer is about 14 weeks pregnant (thankfully someone had told me about it last week, so it wasnt a surprise), but she was showing off her little bump, lots of pregnancy remarks about herself etc. She doesn't know about my situation as classes didnt run over christmas / january and I didn't go last week. I held it together for the class but lost it on the way home :cry: just too hard as she's only a few weeks ahead of where I would have been. I am going to stop going Monday nights now.
I’m so sorry, those situations are so unfair and cruel and hard. Go ahead and cry when you need to. I had to take more time off work eventually because its just so hard to function. Our bodies think they gave birth, no matter how early, it takes time for all that to right itself. Thinking of you and sending hugs xxxxx be kind to yourself xxxxx
Oh Poppie :hugs: I'm so sorry and totally know how you feel xxx
As you might now I'm still getting positives on 10miu ic's.....almost 8weeks after my natural mc. I do think a bit was left over even though my scan was clear, hopefully it shifted at the last bleed 2 weeks ago. I hope you get that negative very soon and can move on. It's so hard to see it but so hard not being able to move on. Major hugs xx
:hugs: poppie. When I was going through my first miscarriage a colleague at work announced she was pg. Every day I watched her belly grow knowing that I should of been only 4 weeks behind her. It was so hard. Even now when I see her DS I think about the what if and that little boy will be 5 in June. It still breaks my heart.
Poppie, I had faint lines till I started my first AF....about 5 1/2 weeks after D&C. Those were the longest days of my life and I cried every day. It will pass though I promise.
So I caved and tested yesterday...BFN. If I had ovulated early I didn’t catch then I think. So I’m kinda hoping i O’ed last week and that I’m not out this month. I’m still having to wake to use the restroom during the night. Don’t think it was a UTI. If it was, I must have flushed it. Been having some weird sensations in one of my BBs today as well. Hoping It is not all in my head....been a real crappy month. Just today my DD doctor said she thought my DD has torn her rotator cuff so we’re off to the children’s hospital tomorrow for a MRI. This would really suck because she wanted to swim at the collegiate level and this may sink all of her dreams.
Aww Imready, I do hope it's not that bad, let us know how your daughter gets on. Sorry about today's bfn too, fingers crossed you are just too early!

I was out with my mum today and I was talking a bit about babies and my mc. I got a little upset and she said that she had been a bit more upset about this last one as she had been at a scan with me and seen something (a wee heart beat).....but she's over it now! Wtf?! Oh good for you mum! Then the usual crap....lucky to have 2 boys already, some people go on for years with none....*sigh*. My dad is better at talking about this stuff.

Anyway sorry, it just got to me a bit. Really all I needed was a hug and her to say something like yes it's rubbish.... Oh well. Xx
Babybrain sorry for your mum not giving you the hug and support you wanted. Im sending you hugs over the internet. I think some people mean well but really don't get it. I remember my MIL after my first loss asked me 4 weeks after if I was all better now. As if I had just had the flu or something! Not sure if she meant it like this or not but in my emotional state I definitely took it like this. I do think you have to focus on what you do have. I know I am blessed to have DH and DS in my life and I wouldn't change it for the world. I find it gets me through some difficult times. But it doesn't stop me grieving my lost babies and me not wishing I had them too!
Hey ladies, I have been a little quiet on here as I have been super busy helping my brother with his new baby! I tried to help out for the whole week but I got to day 3 and couldn't do it... I was literally guiding them on how to do certain things like bath breastfeed ect.. I was like did you guys not YouTube or go baby classes!! After day 3 of me bathing baby I was like you guys I'm not around forever you need to learn this for yourself smh!

I also found out my best friend who has been going through the toughest fertility investigation ever and drs telling her she won't ever have a natural pregnancy is pregnant!! To top it of her due date is 3 days off what my one would have been. What the hell are the chances of that?? I'm so close with her and so so happy for her after everything she's been through but her pregnancy will always be a reminder of what I lost. I'm like God give me a break man. Whenever I try to push mc to the back of my mind something drags it back again like a cruel joke!

How are you all in your cycle?? I think I may have o'd on the 8th but not sure. I took a test last week yesterday and today. All blazing negatives. My boobs dont hurt like they usually do in a cycle so not sure if everything is ticking correctly. I've got the thick cm so hoping af cones soon. I told DH we have to keep BD as that can sometimes bring AF on! I just want my body to restart because I want a 2018 baby so badly I only have until mid April for the seed to stick!!
So I caved and tested yesterday...BFN. If I had ovulated early I didn’t catch then I think. So I’m kinda hoping i O’ed last week and that I’m not out this month. I’m still having to wake to use the restroom during the night. Don’t think it was a UTI. If it was, I must have flushed it. Been having some weird sensations in one of my BBs today as well. Hoping It is not all in my head....been a real crappy month. Just today my DD doctor said she thought my DD has torn her rotator cuff so we’re off to the children’s hospital tomorrow for a MRI. This would really suck because she wanted to swim at the collegiate level and this may sink all of her dreams.

Fx for you girly. When do you think you may have o'd?
Aww Imready, I do hope it's not that bad, let us know how your daughter gets on. Sorry about today's bfn too, fingers crossed you are just too early!

I was out with my mum today and I was talking a bit about babies and my mc. I got a little upset and she said that she had been a bit more upset about this last one as she had been at a scan with me and seen something (a wee heart beat).....but she's over it now! Wtf?! Oh good for you mum! Then the usual crap....lucky to have 2 boys already, some people go on for years with none....*sigh*. My dad is better at talking about this stuff.

Anyway sorry, it just got to me a bit. Really all I needed was a hug and her to say something like yes it's rubbish.... Oh well. Xx

Brain just let it go in one ear and out the other. My mum told me I need to keep my mind stronger... I'm like whatever as people that have never been through it would never understand
So I caved and tested yesterday...BFN. If I had ovulated early I didn’t catch then I think. So I’m kinda hoping i O’ed last week and that I’m not out this month. I’m still having to wake to use the restroom during the night. Don’t think it was a UTI. If it was, I must have flushed it. Been having some weird sensations in one of my BBs today as well. Hoping It is not all in my head....been a real crappy month. Just today my DD doctor said she thought my DD has torn her rotator cuff so we’re off to the children’s hospital tomorrow for a MRI. This would really suck because she wanted to swim at the collegiate level and this may sink all of her dreams.

Fx for you girly. When do you think you may have o'd?

Not really sure. Maybe last Tuesday. I took a cheapie HPT late yesterday afternoon and there was a vvvvfl at the 3:00 mark. I walked away for a few minutes and when I returned the line had gotten darker but it was still vf. Going to test again when I get home from work and probably again with fmu tomorrow morning.

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