Losing my mind

No he is barely on his laptop and they don't have the full report so we won't know for a few days about his motility, all they have is his count. Normal is 20 million, last time his was 18.5 and this time is was only 11!

DH was like "seriously do these fucking issues ever end? I'm so tired of this shit. How much more of this do you want to subject the 2 of us to before we stop?" I'm guessing he's butthurt that he had bad results but I'm already feeling low I don't need more negativity. And I don't like that he's putting this all on me like I'm forcing him. He wants kids too...

Oh hon, I'm so sorry. Life can get really tough sometimes...and when shit hits the fan, it seems to never end. I have a few suggestions. I think that seeing the urologist is a good idea. My hubby had prostatitis twice, not sure if it affected his sperm count, because he was already cured of it once we had a SA done. They had to do a strong round of antibiotics both times.

Also, sometimes there could be something else hindering that process, I'm assuming with his job he has to have general check ups, but has he had his thyroid check and Testosterone? I'm sure the urologist will help here too.

If it's any consolation, the longer I'm married, the more I hear from other women the same things I go through. In general (I know I'm stereotyping her) men don't deal with these things the same way...and since women are essentially the ones that carry and give birth, it's easier to look to us with their complaints sometimes. Seems like he's just being a big baby right now, I would let him ride that wave but make sure he goes to the uro...

I went through a really rough time with hubby when he had his prostatitis as it effected, er, other things. He was a royal pain in the ass and was NOT nice at all. You wouldn't believe to what extent he let his pride get in the way. I've had to put my foot down several times and because of that, he did go, he did get help and he is now fine.
Oh, one more point I wanted to ask, did he abstain for 5 days prior? If I remember correctly you guys just had sex recently right? That doesn't help...my RE wants hubby to abstain for 5 days prior to his IUI sample.
LOL so many curse word :)

love: They should have informed you about it but anyway did you talk with the new doc before?Hope he is good.

Chris: Your doc told you that you will ovulate soon so maybe late ov this cycle.

aknqtpie: Glad to know that you are feeling better.Just ignore your co workers.

Conceive81: FXed for your IUI

Angel: Don't worry much and 23rd is not that far.

Yea but this is very unusual for me and plus I have no breast pains which I always get! I'm going to call the fertility clinic tomorrow and see if I can go get blood work done Friday. You think they will let me being that I didn't cycle with them this month? Ugh I should have just asked my gyno the other day but I forgot

I am sure they would let you do a test, talk with them.You want to do CD21 blood test right? Just explain them your situation i am sure they would understand.

Yes, but tomorrow is cd21 I will hopefully be able to go Friday
Fuckitty fuck shit fuck! Lol

It's at San Diego Airport for an Admin Asst position. The stupid doctors office still hasn't called me back about my CD 21 test... I'm annoyed. I just called again a couple minutes ago.

Good fucking luck! Lol ::happydance:
No he is barely on his laptop and they don't have the full report so we won't know for a few days about his motility, all they have is his count. Normal is 20 million, last time his was 18.5 and this time is was only 11!

DH was like "seriously do these fucking issues ever end? I'm so tired of this shit. How much more of this do you want to subject the 2 of us to before we stop?" I'm guessing he's butthurt that he had bad results but I'm already feeling low I don't need more negativity. And I don't like that he's putting this all on me like I'm forcing him. He wants kids too...

The man will always act like that just ignore it! It's always OUR fault!
Love, Chris,

The state of CA requires the sperm donor to have an infectious disease panel prior to an iui...so most likely yes. It only takes a few minutes though.

They are going to be giving me bravelle, menopur, antagon and hcg trigger.

Just made a huge mistake and told my mom about the injectables, didn't have the heart to tell her about the iui, since I felt she would judge...she said my problem is 'I'm thinking about this all too much' and that when I stop thinking about it, it will happen. Whatever. Tried not to pick a fight but was soooo close to it. I barely even spoke to her about this...it's always a mistake for me to tell her anything at all..

What bothers me most is that I was NOT thinking about it too much at first..after about a year I did start thinking about it and RIGHTFULLY SO! Geez. I hate it when people who got pregnant right away talk like that.

Ah sometimes the less you say the better. Our mothers are always going to say that! They just don't want s to have to go through this which is understandable. Sometimes I feel like I've let her in on too much. Just do what you need to do and that's all! That's a lot of different things. What exactly is your fertility issue?

Thanks, Chris..you're right, I'm sure it hurts them to see this. Sometimes I just get so frustrated with her...especially when she starts comparing herself to me.

They aren't quite sure what I have. The fact that I have hashimoto's may be part of the issue, but my HSG and hormone levels came out ok. I have regular periods and LH surges and everything. The cycle I was on clomid resulted in a bfn, and it looked like I had produced about 6-7 follicles but they weren't quite mature..although we did not do IUI (that cycle was with my previous ob-gyn).

It's a mystery...

Being undiagnosed (unexplained) is the worst! :( I want a damn answer. The RE I was going to was so against multiples so therefore even with the injectable cycle I still only produced 1 follicle because it was a low dose!

Just thinking, maybe that's why it didn't work? I would switch instead of going to the same RE if you have had 4 failed IUI's.
Love, that picture makes me :( ... it is exactly how I felt just over a week ago ... I know you will get out. <3

Conceive, sorry you are sick but I'm glad you got some good meds! I saw you asked about me a few pages ago and I didn't have a chance to reply til now. I'm feeling pretty okay, except for fatigue hitting me and my stomach is a little queasy. Just trying not to worry myself to death until my scan on the 23rd which feels like 4EVER from now.

I hope everyone is having a good day. :) I'm pulling for all of you!!!

I hear you, time goes so slowly on the waiting game. I'm thinking of you every day and crossing my fingers. You've got this.
Love, Chris,

The state of CA requires the sperm donor to have an infectious disease panel prior to an iui...so most likely yes. It only takes a few minutes though.

They are going to be giving me bravelle, menopur, antagon and hcg trigger.

Just made a huge mistake and told my mom about the injectables, didn't have the heart to tell her about the iui, since I felt she would judge...she said my problem is 'I'm thinking about this all too much' and that when I stop thinking about it, it will happen. Whatever. Tried not to pick a fight but was soooo close to it. I barely even spoke to her about this...it's always a mistake for me to tell her anything at all..

What bothers me most is that I was NOT thinking about it too much at first..after about a year I did start thinking about it and RIGHTFULLY SO! Geez. I hate it when people who got pregnant right away talk like that.

Ah sometimes the less you say the better. Our mothers are always going to say that! They just don't want s to have to go through this which is understandable. Sometimes I feel like I've let her in on too much. Just do what you need to do and that's all! That's a lot of different things. What exactly is your fertility issue?

Thanks, Chris..you're right, I'm sure it hurts them to see this. Sometimes I just get so frustrated with her...especially when she starts comparing herself to me.

They aren't quite sure what I have. The fact that I have hashimoto's may be part of the issue, but my HSG and hormone levels came out ok. I have regular periods and LH surges and everything. The cycle I was on clomid resulted in a bfn, and it looked like I had produced about 6-7 follicles but they weren't quite mature..although we did not do IUI (that cycle was with my previous ob-gyn).

It's a mystery...

Being undiagnosed (unexplained) is the worst! :( I want a damn answer. The RE I was going to was so against multiples so therefore even with the injectable cycle I still only produced 1 follicle because it was a low dose!

Just thinking, maybe that's why it didn't work? I would switch instead of going to the same RE if you have had 4 failed IUI's.

Yea, my appointment with a new RE is feb 12 which is a hundred years away. I did 3 IUI's so far.
Angel - It is only 2 weeks away.. not that long :) It will be here before you know it! The fatigue is the worst part.. all I wanted to do was get home from work and go to bed.

Conceive - I love what you said about comparing yourself to others. I have to try and remind myself NOT to do that.

AFM - Today I feel way better than yesterday. I probably should not of gone into work. I felt like shit all day, not to mention I felt like no one cared at work. Only one person of the 4 or 5 people who knew that I had a procedure done on monday asked me how I was doing/feeling. Felt kind of shitty. I am over it today.. I guess I know where I stand. I think they are mad at me for taking a day off to have this done (we have some deadlines looming).. and instead of just being upfront about it, they took the passive aggressive cold shoulder stance.. which in my books is not cool. Sorry for the long vent...

I'm sorry about your day yesterday. I know the feeling you're talking about all too well since I had to go on leave for some back issues and could feel the resentment when I returned. It had really hurt me at the time.

Let them be passive aggressive, just don't let them change you. Continue being kind but firm, you don't need any extra shit on top of what you are going through.
Yeah we abstained. His SA was back on the 2nd, I have no idea why it takes so long to get results back from the naval hospital! It's infuriating.

Personally I think the urologist is a good idea, im sure its all his pride. I mean I don't expect to fall pregnant anytime soon, so what's it going to hurt if he has to see the urologist and get on antibiotics or have a procedure or whatever? He's just not seeing it that way.

I don't need him giving up and being negative when I'm so close to giving up myself. But maybe it would be for the best.
Love, Chris,

The state of CA requires the sperm donor to have an infectious disease panel prior to an iui...so most likely yes. It only takes a few minutes though.

They are going to be giving me bravelle, menopur, antagon and hcg trigger.

Just made a huge mistake and told my mom about the injectables, didn't have the heart to tell her about the iui, since I felt she would judge...she said my problem is 'I'm thinking about this all too much' and that when I stop thinking about it, it will happen. Whatever. Tried not to pick a fight but was soooo close to it. I barely even spoke to her about this...it's always a mistake for me to tell her anything at all..

What bothers me most is that I was NOT thinking about it too much at first..after about a year I did start thinking about it and RIGHTFULLY SO! Geez. I hate it when people who got pregnant right away talk like that.

Ah sometimes the less you say the better. Our mothers are always going to say that! They just don't want s to have to go through this which is understandable. Sometimes I feel like I've let her in on too much. Just do what you need to do and that's all! That's a lot of different things. What exactly is your fertility issue?

Thanks, Chris..you're right, I'm sure it hurts them to see this. Sometimes I just get so frustrated with her...especially when she starts comparing herself to me.

They aren't quite sure what I have. The fact that I have hashimoto's may be part of the issue, but my HSG and hormone levels came out ok. I have regular periods and LH surges and everything. The cycle I was on clomid resulted in a bfn, and it looked like I had produced about 6-7 follicles but they weren't quite mature..although we did not do IUI (that cycle was with my previous ob-gyn).

It's a mystery...

Being undiagnosed (unexplained) is the worst! :( I want a damn answer. The RE I was going to was so against multiples so therefore even with the injectable cycle I still only produced 1 follicle because it was a low dose!

Just thinking, maybe that's why it didn't work? I would switch instead of going to the same RE if you have had 4 failed IUI's.

Yea, my appointment with a new RE is feb 12 which is a hundred years away. I did 3 IUI's so far.

Ah, a month can feel like a long time. That's how I felt when my RE couldn't pencil the first IUI in December. I was like "but I'm ready to make a baby NOW!" Haha...ya, I'm glad to hear you're going to a new RE and also happy that you are taking a bit of a break. Something different will work, it just takes the right combination...having multiple follicles does not always result in multiples, that's why they have the other injectables to prevent that from happening! Some RE's are such a-holes..it's almost like they have no compassion at all.
And while we are on the venting wavelength this evening, I FUCKING HATE the Brady Bunch. What a warped group of people.
Yeah we abstained. His SA was back on the 2nd, I have no idea why it takes so long to get results back from the naval hospital! It's infuriating.

Personally I think the urologist is a good idea, im sure its all his pride. I mean I don't expect to fall pregnant anytime soon, so what's it going to hurt if he has to see the urologist and get on antibiotics or have a procedure or whatever? He's just not seeing it that way.

I don't need him giving up and being negative when I'm so close to giving up myself. But maybe it would be for the best.

There will be no giving up! He will go to the urologist don't stress that! They have so many things now to help him.
Yeah we abstained. His SA was back on the 2nd, I have no idea why it takes so long to get results back from the naval hospital! It's infuriating.

Personally I think the urologist is a good idea, im sure its all his pride. I mean I don't expect to fall pregnant anytime soon, so what's it going to hurt if he has to see the urologist and get on antibiotics or have a procedure or whatever? He's just not seeing it that way.

I don't need him giving up and being negative when I'm so close to giving up myself. But maybe it would be for the best.

No, no, no! Disagree. Not for the best, you do NOT give up. Ever. You are allowed to fulfill your dream, and if he's not on board, I'd fix his ass. Lol, just saying.
Yeah we abstained. His SA was back on the 2nd, I have no idea why it takes so long to get results back from the naval hospital! It's infuriating.

Personally I think the urologist is a good idea, im sure its all his pride. I mean I don't expect to fall pregnant anytime soon, so what's it going to hurt if he has to see the urologist and get on antibiotics or have a procedure or whatever? He's just not seeing it that way.

I don't need him giving up and being negative when I'm so close to giving up myself. But maybe it would be for the best.

There will be no giving up! He will go to the urologist don't stress that! They have so many things now to help him.

:thumbup: Ya!
Love, Chris,

The state of CA requires the sperm donor to have an infectious disease panel prior to an iui...so most likely yes. It only takes a few minutes though.

They are going to be giving me bravelle, menopur, antagon and hcg trigger.

Just made a huge mistake and told my mom about the injectables, didn't have the heart to tell her about the iui, since I felt she would judge...she said my problem is 'I'm thinking about this all too much' and that when I stop thinking about it, it will happen. Whatever. Tried not to pick a fight but was soooo close to it. I barely even spoke to her about this...it's always a mistake for me to tell her anything at all..

What bothers me most is that I was NOT thinking about it too much at first..after about a year I did start thinking about it and RIGHTFULLY SO! Geez. I hate it when people who got pregnant right away talk like that.

Ah sometimes the less you say the better. Our mothers are always going to say that! They just don't want s to have to go through this which is understandable. Sometimes I feel like I've let her in on too much. Just do what you need to do and that's all! That's a lot of different things. What exactly is your fertility issue?

Thanks, Chris..you're right, I'm sure it hurts them to see this. Sometimes I just get so frustrated with her...especially when she starts comparing herself to me.

They aren't quite sure what I have. The fact that I have hashimoto's may be part of the issue, but my HSG and hormone levels came out ok. I have regular periods and LH surges and everything. The cycle I was on clomid resulted in a bfn, and it looked like I had produced about 6-7 follicles but they weren't quite mature..although we did not do IUI (that cycle was with my previous ob-gyn).

It's a mystery...

Being undiagnosed (unexplained) is the worst! :( I want a damn answer. The RE I was going to was so against multiples so therefore even with the injectable cycle I still only produced 1 follicle because it was a low dose!

Just thinking, maybe that's why it didn't work? I would switch instead of going to the same RE if you have had 4 failed IUI's.

Yea, my appointment with a new RE is feb 12 which is a hundred years away. I did 3 IUI's so far.

Ah, a month can feel like a long time. That's how I felt when my RE couldn't pencil the first IUI in December. I was like "but I'm ready to make a baby NOW!" Haha...ya, I'm glad to hear you're going to a new RE and also happy that you are taking a bit of a break. Something different will work, it just takes the right combination...having multiple follicles does not always result in multiples, that's why they have the other injectables to prevent that from happening! Some RE's are such a-holes..it's almost like they have no compassion at all.

Seriously though he would always look at me like I was stupid that was just the impression I got! I told him I will sign something saying that multiples are fine with me he said its dangerous especially triplets and the fact that I'm pretty skinny but who cares at this point. many other people told me also that he's very anti twins.

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