Losing my mind

Happy Friday!!!

I have a lot of relaxation planned and maybe a little shopping. Went for an ultrasound this morning and I have one follicle at 9mm which is great for CD8, the other ones are all smaller than 9...she's just keeping an eye out to make sure I am on the right dosage, so I continue the 75 iu until Sunday night and then I go back on Monday morning for another ultrasound. They also took bloodwork today for estrogen levels but she said my uterine lining looks great.

It was funny though, as soon as I sat on the table for the u/s, the machine died...so they had to switch out machines and then the RE couldn't make it work, so my hubby tried to help since he's in IT..and there I was hanging out on the table.

Hubby went for another SA after this appointment at a special clinic since the results we had before weren't quite as detailed as she wanted them to be. Poor thing had to call me from there because he was in a room with an old tv and vhs with a lady sporting a huge bush on the cover of what was offered for him to watch...yuck.

Excited for Monday and so far so good on the injectibles. I asked the RE about the hcg trigger shot (pregnyl) and she said it has to be intramuscular and apparently in my butt. Great. Looking forward to that!

Just want to say I appreciate you all so much...and couldn't be doing all this without you :hugs:

Let me know all your week-end plans and how you are all doing. Love, any other news?

Lmao thts so funny about hubby! Glad your follies are growing :)

AF just finally decided to show up how nice of her.

Well, isn't that nice of her! What's the plan after that? I'm always sort of happy when she shows up on a Friday, that way I can just relax and stretch out if I need to.
Happy Friday!!!

I have a lot of relaxation planned and maybe a little shopping. Went for an ultrasound this morning and I have one follicle at 9mm which is great for CD8, the other ones are all smaller than 9...she's just keeping an eye out to make sure I am on the right dosage, so I continue the 75 iu until Sunday night and then I go back on Monday morning for another ultrasound. They also took bloodwork today for estrogen levels but she said my uterine lining looks great.

It was funny though, as soon as I sat on the table for the u/s, the machine died...so they had to switch out machines and then the RE couldn't make it work, so my hubby tried to help since he's in IT..and there I was hanging out on the table.

Hubby went for another SA after this appointment at a special clinic since the results we had before weren't quite as detailed as she wanted them to be. Poor thing had to call me from there because he was in a room with an old tv and vhs with a lady sporting a huge bush on the cover of what was offered for him to watch...yuck.

Excited for Monday and so far so good on the injectibles. I asked the RE about the hcg trigger shot (pregnyl) and she said it has to be intramuscular and apparently in my butt. Great. Looking forward to that!

Just want to say I appreciate you all so much...and couldn't be doing all this without you :hugs:

Let me know all your week-end plans and how you are all doing. Love, any other news?

Lmao thts so funny about hubby! Glad your follies are growing :)

AF just finally decided to show up how nice of her.

Well, isn't that nice of her! What's the plan after that? I'm always sort of happy when she shows up on a Friday, that way I can just relax and stretch out if I need to.

Explains why I felt like such crap this morning wasn't feeling well I left work early. Well my RE appt isn't until feb 12 so I will be doing another natural month and see what I will do the following month. Hoping he does a laporoscopy and I will either do more IUI's or I'm on the verge of IVF. Not sure if I should just yet.
Conceive that's great news! And funny about hubby lol. Poor guy.

Chris- milk AF and just relax and be lazy all weekend!

Well today started out great. It actually was raining her in San Diego (I love rain) so I was going to have a relaxing day.well my husbands older brother (he's 27) texted me to let me know that his 17... Yes I will say it again 17 year old girlfriend (who he's been dating for 1 month) is pregnant!!!! I didn't know he was dating anyone, especially a 17 year old! Well we got into it and I told him pretty much that it was disgusting that he was dating a child... And he had the fucking nerve to tell me I'm just jealous of her because she's pregnant and I'm not! This is what we get for sharing information with our family, I get it thrown back in my face. I couldn't help myself I started bawling. Of course I'd never admit to him that I'm jealous, but yes secretly I am and I resent them both slightly. Yet another person who has no want and certainty doesn't need a baby gets blessed with one. I wanted to call my husband and tell him about his fucktard brother but he's at the gun range (no phone) today. I'll have to wait for after work. He's going to be in Los Angeles this weekend for a wedding so ill be without him.

Still waiting on AF to come and doctors to call and schedule my baseline.
Conceive that's great news! And funny about hubby lol. Poor guy.

Chris- milk AF and just relax and be lazy all weekend!

Well today started out great. It actually was raining her in San Diego (I love rain) so I was going to have a relaxing day.well my husbands older brother (he's 27) texted me to let me know that his 17... Yes I will say it again 17 year old girlfriend (who he's been dating for 1 month) is pregnant!!!! I didn't know he was dating anyone, especially a 17 year old! Well we got into it and I told him pretty much that it was disgusting that he was dating a child... And he had the fucking nerve to tell me I'm just jealous of her because she's pregnant and I'm not! This is what we get for sharing information with our family, I get it thrown back in my face. I couldn't help myself I started bawling. Of course I'd never admit to him that I'm jealous, but yes secretly I am and I resent them both slightly. Yet another person who has no want and certainty doesn't need a baby gets blessed with one. I wanted to call my husband and tell him about his fucktard brother but he's at the gun range (no phone) today. I'll have to wait for after work. He's going to be in Los Angeles this weekend for a wedding so ill be without him.

Still waiting on AF to come and doctors to call and schedule my baseline.

Wow. It's so unfortunate that we are at our peak in fertility when we can not even handle a baby. Your brother in law sounds like a champ. Why was he calling you about it anyway? Did he think you would have a solution?

You're allowed to be upset at his irresponsibility. Honestly, the poor girl. I get that both are responsible but he's past that age. He needs a reality check.

Just focus on yourself and don't let all this noise come in, because that's all it is...noise.
Yeah he's a fucktard. I always knew he was an idiot, but this just goes way past it. I guess he's excited and thought I'd be excited too? He goes through women like crazy... He's going to be done with her in a month and she's going to take him like crazy on child support. I'm done with him, I don't need this, especially from family. The whole family thinks what he is doing is gross but I have the balls to say it and I'm the one who gets the lowest blow.

In Texas the legal age is 17 so yes she is legal but she's still a child. He is a man (kinda lol) and she's a teenager. He should see what's messed up about this. Lets lay it out like this...

His oldest daughter is 6... 11 years younger than his gf
He is 27 .. 10 years older than his gf
Seriously, how is that not fucked up in his eyes!?
"His oldest daughter.." How many kids does he have?

27 and 17 is disgusting.. even if it isn't illegal.. they are at two totally different places mentally. I don't blame you for being upset. My littlest cousin is prego too, and it is irritating.

Conceive - Glad to hear your follicles are looking good!!!

Had my follow up appt today, and my uterus got a clean bill of health. So waiting for AF to go and DH to get home from his mini vacation..
"His oldest daughter.." How many kids does he have?

27 and 17 is disgusting.. even if it isn't illegal.. they are at two totally different places mentally. I don't blame you for being upset. My littlest cousin is prego too, and it is irritating.

Conceive - Glad to hear your follicles are looking good!!!

Had my follow up appt today, and my uterus got a clean bill of health. So waiting for AF to go and DH to get home from his mini vacation..

Yay!! Good news! Now we wait for AF together.

He's got 2 daughters from his a previous marriage and now this one on the way. I agree, she's not anywhere near mature enough... But apparently he isn't mature either. I don't know where they met or even what they have in common. It's gross to me and everyone else. He said her mom is ok with them being together, I told him that's because she doesn't have to take care of her daughter or the baby financially if he's around. Ugh, it's just annoying gross and unfair. As soon as my husband hears what his brother said to me he is going to tear him a new asshole. And I couldn't be more excited about it.
"His oldest daughter.." How many kids does he have?

27 and 17 is disgusting.. even if it isn't illegal.. they are at two totally different places mentally. I don't blame you for being upset. My littlest cousin is prego too, and it is irritating.

Conceive - Glad to hear your follicles are looking good!!!

Had my follow up appt today, and my uterus got a clean bill of health. So waiting for AF to go and DH to get home from his mini vacation..

YAY! So happy to hear that your uterus is looking good :)
"His oldest daughter.." How many kids does he have?

27 and 17 is disgusting.. even if it isn't illegal.. they are at two totally different places mentally. I don't blame you for being upset. My littlest cousin is prego too, and it is irritating.

Conceive - Glad to hear your follicles are looking good!!!

Had my follow up appt today, and my uterus got a clean bill of health. So waiting for AF to go and DH to get home from his mini vacation..

Yay!! Good news! Now we wait for AF together.

He's got 2 daughters from his a previous marriage and now this one on the way. I agree, she's not anywhere near mature enough... But apparently he isn't mature either. I don't know where they met or even what they have in common. It's gross to me and everyone else. He said her mom is ok with them being together, I told him that's because she doesn't have to take care of her daughter or the baby financially if he's around. Ugh, it's just annoying gross and unfair. As soon as my husband hears what his brother said to me he is going to tear him a new asshole. And I couldn't be more excited about it.

LMFAO...your hubby is going to lose it on his dumb ass. I don't know about you guys, but we get sooo frustrated with younger cousins, siblings, etc, these days. Seems like they just don't get it. Maybe that's the key to fertility? Being absolutely CLUELESS?

Well ladies, I just shut my work laptop down and I'm D-O-N-E. Gearing up for injection at 6:30 then a nice hot shower and out for dinner with the hubby. Have to make up for that horrible experience he had today. Thank GOD I was able to um, 'help' him along....otherwise I don't know how it would have happened, he was so freaked out.
Lol we shouldnt have to lower ourselves to the "clueless" level but if thats what would do it Im game!

I hope yall have a wonderful, fun night! Im about to bust out some wine. :wine:
Lol we shouldnt have to lower ourselves to the "clueless" level but if thats what would do it Im game!

I hope yall have a wonderful, fun night! Im about to bust out some wine. :wine:

Aw..Jealous. I'd love a glass :(
Ok. So this morning, hubby had taken the time off to come with me to my appointment and he still wasn't up at 8:20 and my appointment was at 8:45. He finally got up and starts taking a long shower. Then he tells me to go and he will meet me there. When I got pissed he couldn't understand why and blamed my hormones. I wasn't even going to say anything until he said "are you going to be touchy again" to me just now. I swear I love this man but there are moments I could slap him. Him not being able to wake up is not about my hormones. Aaaaaarggghh!!!!!
Yeah he's a fucktard. I always knew he was an idiot, but this just goes way past it. I guess he's excited and thought I'd be excited too? He goes through women like crazy... He's going to be done with her in a month and she's going to take him like crazy on child support. I'm done with him, I don't need this, especially from family. The whole family thinks what he is doing is gross but I have the balls to say it and I'm the one who gets the lowest blow.

In Texas the legal age is 17 so yes she is legal but she's still a child. He is a man (kinda lol) and she's a teenager. He should see what's messed up about this. Lets lay it out like this...

His oldest daughter is 6... 11 years younger than his gf
He is 27 .. 10 years older than his gf
Seriously, how is that not fucked up in his eyes!?

That's just sick! Sounds like molestation to me
I really Might need to get a flight to Texas and go kick his ass for dying that to you!
Ok. So this morning, hubby had taken the time off to come with me to my appointment and he still wasn't up at 8:20 and my appointment was at 8:45. He finally got up and starts taking a long shower. Then he tells me to go and he will meet me there. When I got pissed he couldn't understand why and blamed my hormones. I wasn't even going to say anything until he said "are you going to be touchy again" to me just now. I swear I love this man but there are moments I could slap him. Him not being able to wake up is not about my hormones. Aaaaaarggghh!!!!!

Of course you get the blame! It's all our fault, always! That sounds exactly like my husband and what he does. He knows it pisses me off so much and yet he keeps doing it late for everything!
Well I woke up, still no AF, no cramping, no bloating, no headaches, no nothing that indicates the withc is coming and I decided to test again. CD36, 15dpo... If there was going to be a late positive it would be now. Well of course it was negative. Not sure what I was thinking. It's always negative, it will always be negative.

Well a friend of mine wants me to go with her out tonight. She wants to do dinner, drinks, a tattoo, and getting her fortune read. I told her I'd go, just not getting a tattoo or my fortune told. Lol I gave up on that after that last psychic said 6 weeks til I get pregnant.
Lol, sounds like a fun night. I went to see a psychic a year of so ago cuz I had always been curious and she told me I had a curse on me. Best part? For $1000 she could get rid of it for me. Ppl will kick you when ur down, fuck psychics.

Now as for the tatoo, I think j may even get one to symbolize all the shit I have gone through in the past few years. A medal around my vajayjay, perhaps.

Sucks that AF hasn't arrived for you yet Love, I hear you on how frustrating that may be...
Ok. So this morning, hubby had taken the time off to come with me to my appointment and he still wasn't up at 8:20 and my appointment was at 8:45. He finally got up and starts taking a long shower. Then he tells me to go and he will meet me there. When I got pissed he couldn't understand why and blamed my hormones. I wasn't even going to say anything until he said "are you going to be touchy again" to me just now. I swear I love this man but there are moments I could slap him. Him not being able to wake up is not about my hormones. Aaaaaarggghh!!!!!

Of course you get the blame! It's all our fault, always! That sounds exactly like my husband and what he does. He knows it pisses me off so much and yet he keeps doing it late for everything!

Ugh, it's just getting so old. Worse part is I can't say anything because I'm the nag when I do...why are women not allowed to react to the shit men do? Oh and forget being upset on your period or now in my case, injectibles. All sense of rationality goes out the door for us in their minds.
I know, when we get upset we are the most irrational people in the world, but they do and it's supposed to be ok because they are logical...? No not at all. I don't understand men. He asked me how I can keep getting upset over the same subject... Because it keeps upsetting me! I didn't realize you were only allowed to get mad at a subject once in your life. Men are stupid. My husband was out drinking with friends all night and now he's getting ready to go to a friends wedding. He's having a blast this weekend.

I literally lol'ed on the medal around the vagina tattoo!! :haha: yeah I needed that. If I had money I'd get another tattoo. I have a bible verse that helped me through my husbands deployment. I had it written and kept it on me at all times and so did he. Yeah as for the psychic, I used to believe in this sort of stuff because in the past I had some really weird coincidences that went along with a reading... But now I'm thinking just full of shit.

Oh did I tell you ladies about this "magic tea" my sister sent me? I can't remember if I did or not...
I know, when we get upset we are the most irrational people in the world, but they do and it's supposed to be ok because they are logical...? No not at all. I don't understand men. He asked me how I can keep getting upset over the same subject... Because it keeps upsetting me! I didn't realize you were only allowed to get mad at a subject once in your life. Men are stupid. My husband was out drinking with friends all night and now he's getting ready to go to a friends wedding. He's having a blast this weekend.

I literally lol'ed on the medal around the vagina tattoo!! :haha: yeah I needed that. If I had money I'd get another tattoo. I have a bible verse that helped me through my husbands deployment. I had it written and kept it on me at all times and so did he. Yeah as for the psychic, I used to believe in this sort of stuff because in the past I had some really weird coincidences that went along with a reading... But now I'm thinking just full of shit.

Oh did I tell you ladies about this "magic tea" my sister sent me? I can't remember if I did or not...

No, pray tell
Well my sister told one of her close friends about my TTC difficulties (even though I told her not to). Anyway my sisters friends family is from Mexico and her grandmother believes in no modern medicine, but only natural herbal remedies. Well of course her friend took it upon herself to tell her grandmother my sis tuition, so her grandmother made me up some "fertility tea" that she swears by. They swear by this stuff apparently. Sister friend told me that everyone who's had trouble or a long time TTC drinks this and then that cycle get pregnant... I don't know how much of that I believe, but at this point ill try anything. She also told me I can't use anything in the tea (no lemon, no honey) and its got special instructions on how to prepare it and drink it. View attachment 556155

Looks shady eh? The rock salt is all I'm allowed to put in it... And yes those are sticks of wood in the baggies :shrug:

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