Sorry I have been missing! I am starting my clomid tonight, I am super excited with some scared added in

My ultrasound is on my birthday, in 9 days! I am so excited that I won't have to wait until around cd20 to ovulate but I am worried in general especially since it is on my birthday. If we have multiple good eggs that would be a wonderful birthday present! But if we get too many eggs my OB won't let us try and that would be a pretty sh*tty birthday. Hoping for the best right now!
I weighed myself this morning and I haven't lost any weight. I haven't gained any!

but still no loss. That was actually super motivating for me though, I have been half assing it and seeing the weight stand still really hit a nerve for me and made me want to give it my all. DS picked our route for our walk tonight and it ended up being a 2.5 mile walk which was great! He got tired on the way back and just stopped at one point and yelled "I want a muffin!!"

The struggle is real, even at 5! I really worked my plan today and felt more than full all day and stayed under my points so I am feeling super proud!!!

All is well!
Krissie I'm sorry your weekend didn't go as planned

I'm excited that you are thinking about trying this month!!!
Ali congrats!! Those pictures are great and I am so happy AF finally showed up for you! I say go for it as far as TTC. With being overweight we can still "diet" while we are pregnant too, that part motivates me. I know that I do not need to gain any weight during pregnancy and I will have a goal of gaining no more than 10 pounds. I wanna be that girl that 5 days postpartum they weigh less than their starting pregnancy weight