Losing Weight While TTC

I am so jealous you have bountiful baskets!! They closed all our sites about a year ago. :cry:

That acorn squash recipe does sound really good though.
Alli these two creamer ideas look pretty good https://www.thebewitchinkitchen.com/paleo-coffee-creamer-recipe-coffee-game-changer/ https://andreasoderberg.blogspot.com/2015/06/guilt-free-coffee-creamer.html?m=1 ....I use coffee mate sugar free italian swete cream. I usually don't like sugar free creamers but that one is really good! I am going to try to stay off the scale as well, I am guilty of being a daily weigher and I need to stop!

Krissie chicken salad does sound good! Yum. I second MFP to make sure you are getting enough calories.

I got an acorn squash in my bountiful basket this week and have never had acorn squash so I found a recipe that looks good just cut it into rings and cook it with sea salt and apparently it will taste like a combo of sweet potato fries and onion rings lol so I am going to have that and probably a chicken breast or a pork chop for supper.

I will have to try that Italian Sweet Cream one. I had the sugar free Vanilla and was not a fan.

Let me know how you like the acorn squash. I have wanted to try it but never got brave enough too lol.. I bought a spaghetti squash and want to try and make the noodles that I have seen before. Will probably do that some time this week.

Feel free to add me on MFP. AngelMommy13

For fun here is a pic of how the inside of my fridge looks right now. I am trying y'all lol.. I put all my fruits and veggies out in front to make sure I use them. I have a tendency to stick them in the drawers and forget about them till they are bad lol..


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Looking good Ali!! I have made spaghetti squash with a meat sauce before and it was so good. Even my DH liked it.
Looking good Ali!! I have made spaghetti squash with a meat sauce before and it was so good. Even my DH liked it.

Nice! I was a bit leary since I love pasta lol.. I will eventually include back some of these foods in moderation but not yet. Funny thing though, pasta is low on the glycemic index. I am not really sure how bad it is for you. Maybe I will try gluten free pasta when I am ready.
Looks good Alli! I am curious about the spaghetti squash for some reason I haven't been brave enough for that one :haha: I have done butternut squash a couple times and love that! I roast it with onions, garlic power, salt, pepper, and a little chili powder and it gets this combo taste of sweet and spicy..so good!

Krissie I would be so sad if they stopped doing bountiful baskets here! So much cheaper than buying it at the grocery store and much better quality

Edit to add: I have tried the gluten free pasta and was so scared it would be disgusting...actually very good! I couldn't even tell the difference.
Its a co-op program for fruits and vegetables. You pay $15 dollars and get a bunch of fruits and veggies. It forces me to try new things too since you don't get to choose what you get.
It looks like they have quite a few sites in Texas, not sure where you live but it would be worth it to look into!
Oh nice! $15 is pretty cheap compared to other similar things I have seen. I am way out in the country so I don't think I have anything like that around here. I do however have wild onion, dewberries, blackberries, and strawberries growing on our property! :) We just bought this house in March so we want to hopefully start a garden soon. I also want to get chickens for fresh eggs and maybe a cow or 2 for fresh milk to make cream, butter, ect.
Yep, if you have one near you it is a great deal. I always enjoyed getting new things to try.

So I put in my projected food for the day and I am sitting at 1372 for calories. I would like to get that up to 1500 so I will try to figure out a snack for this afternoon. I decided I really don't want to go to the store today so I figured out stuff I already have. :haha:
It looks like they have quite a few sites in Texas, not sure where you live but it would be worth it to look into!

I just checked and there weren't any close to me. I am all the way in Northeast Texas near the OK and AR border. I checked OK and not one there close to me either. That is one of the downfalls to living so remote.
Yep, if you have one near you it is a great deal. I always enjoyed getting new things to try.

So I put in my projected food for the day and I am sitting at 1372 for calories. I would like to get that up to 1500 so I will try to figure out a snack for this afternoon. I decided I really don't want to go to the store today so I figured out stuff I already have. :haha:

Haha I have done that many times. Grocery shopping is not my favorite. And it is not because I have to drive 45 mins to get there lol. I always plan it for when Justin is home so he can unload the car. :rofl:
Yep, I hate going after work and it is suppose to rain this afternoon too. I think I will make a more comprehensive list and go shopping Wednesday when my mom has DS.
Good idea. I never go without a proper list. I get all the wrong things then lol.. I try and meal plan too. I spend a lot less money when I do that.
So I am on CD45 with no AF in sight! I am getting so frustrated. For some reason my face is breaking out. I am hoping that is a sign the witch will show soon but never had that sign before. I just want it to show up already. I am seriously getting frustrated. I am hoping with better eating habits and losing weight my cycle will stay more regular than just a few months at a time. It is regular for a bit and then it throws out a wonky cycle like now.
I spend way less too when I make a list and meal plan. Sounds like a good plan to me Krissie..who likes going shopping? :haha:

Alli hopefully she will show her face soon, I broke out really bad before AF showed up this month which is abnormal for me as well...maybe there is something in the air haha. I think losing the weight will definitely help. The extra weight and junk we put in our bodies really throws things off.

I just used 21 points on lunch and am not actually eating anything :rofl: I was getting hungry but nothing sounded good so I decided to have a GNC total lean meal replacement shake. Cookies and cream (yummy!) but decided to go ahead and mix it with 2% milk since I wasn't having anything else...lots of points for 2% lol. The good news is I don't regret it one bit since it is delicious and I still have 11 points left for the day which is plenty for a snack and a hearty supper.
Irregular cycles are the worst! Since having ds they have ranged from 19 days all the way over 60. I've only ovulated a couple times too. It's been frustrating. I'm hoping with low carb I can ovulate and have a semi regular cycle (well really hoping for that elusive bfp!).

Fx the witch shows soon.
I spend way less too when I make a list and meal plan. Sounds like a good plan to me Krissie..who likes going shopping? :haha:

Alli hopefully she will show her face soon, I broke out really bad before AF showed up this month which is abnormal for me as well...maybe there is something in the air haha. I think losing the weight will definitely help. The extra weight and junk we put in our bodies really throws things off.

I just used 21 points on lunch and am not actually eating anything :rofl: I was getting hungry but nothing sounded good so I decided to have a GNC total lean meal replacement shake. Cookies and cream (yummy!) but decided to go ahead and mix it with 2% milk since I wasn't having anything else...lots of points for 2% lol. The good news is I don't regret it one bit since it is delicious and I still have 11 points left for the day which is plenty for a snack and a hearty supper.

Sounds yummy! I have gotten used to having my protein shakes with water. I am not a big milk drinker as it is. When I do buy milk I buy whole milk because of the lower sugar content. :)
Irregular cycles are the worst! Since having ds they have ranged from 19 days all the way over 60. I've only ovulated a couple times too. It's been frustrating. I'm hoping with low carb I can ovulate and have a semi regular cycle (well really hoping for that elusive bfp!).

Fx the witch shows soon.

It is very frustrating! I used to track ovulation and it was every month but recently my cycles are all over the place. I am going to start with my opks and bbt again to make sure I am ovulating now. I am sure eating healthier and losing weight will help.. I think me stressing over it is only making it worse.

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