Welcome Laura and gagrl! :wave:
Gagrl we definitely understand, it is so scary thinking that the weight could be the reason and it causes a lot of guilt it is great to have people that can relate
Laura it is different for everyone, for me exercise has never taken it off I always have to follow a healthy meal plan.
Ali I'm glad you got it! Warning although it is probably too late

the stuff stinks to high heaven. I used mine tonight and I was thinking oh yea forget to mention that lol. The stuff that stinks is made to make it antibacterial, if I remember correctly, since it is a rolling ball and that would make it unsanitary without something like that. But within 15 seconds it dries and doesn't smell so that's great! Just leave it on while you sleep and wash it off in the morning and be amazed

You can put it on your elbows and the heels of your feet as well without worry because of the antibacterial, it won't start to peel off until the skin underneath is hydrated.
Krissie I'm sorry you are feeling down. Last cycle was super rough it's totally understandable.
Over the last couple weeks I decided to really get serious about my eating and lost 9 pounds! I am eating like crud this weekend though because I have a nasty cold and don't want to cook so I have been ordering out and over eating so I'm sure the scale will not be my friend on Monday. But knowing that my body will so easily get rid of it is super reassuring! I am 1dpiui and feeling very optimistic. I had really bad O pains and stomach cramps yesterday which sucked but they are gone today and I got my temp rise. My ultrasound showed 4 follicles 1 on the left at 17mm and 3 on the right at 15, 13, and 11. They weren't sure if the 15 would make it but O pains were on both sides so I am hopeful that I got two eggs this month!! And DH's sample was awesome, his count was 275 million after the wash with 98% motility. He was so mad about having to produce the sample and now that he heard the numbers he is like a peacock showing his feathers

He couldn't be more proud!
Ali how is your cycle coming along??