LOST: The Final Chapter - discussion/theory thread! **May Contain Spoilers!**

Yeah, that is just another regular guy who watches the show too. He's been doing posts like that for EVERY episode of Lost, its insane!

He always does a list of questions that arise from the newest episode and then will put if anything has been answered. That one is SUPER long, but I'll see if I can copy/paste it. Its a great read!


When you see something in brackets with numbers, that's the episode that the answer came from

* Questions are ordered by the episode in which they first came up.
* Only the most recently discovered answers are still listed. Answered questions will get removed from the list after they're a week or so old, to save space.
* Notes in italics below a question indicate the most recent episode in which the question has been referenced or hinted at, and sometimes include speculation that might help answer the question.
* Questions pertaining to the direct outcome of something we expect to see in an upcoming episode are not listed here. This list is here to track questions that have been left unanswered for several episodes, or that we expect to remain unanswered for a while after being introduced.
* Official Lost podcasts, other definitive statements by the creators/writers, and the Lost Experience/Find 815 online games are considered to be canon source of information. Fan speculation is not considered sufficient to answer a question, unless it's a common sense thing that makes the question cease to be a major issue.
* Since blog entries imported to Facebook lose all formatting, it might be easier to click to read my original post on Xanga.


1.1/1.2 Pilot

* Was the pilot telling the truth about the plane losing communications somewhere past Fiji?
(6.1 - The same pilot is flying Oceanic 815 in the alternate reality. The plane lands safely at LAX.)
* What is the "monster"? How and when is it related to the visions of animals and people that various characters have on the island?
(ANSWERED IN 6.15 - The Man in Black was a human being before Jacob threw him into "the source" Entering "the source" turned him into the black smoke, able to take on various human and animal forms.)
* Where was the island when the show started?
(5.6 - Mrs. Hawking, as well as any previous occupants of the Lamppost Station, presumably knows how to calculate this information.)
* Does Walt have the ability to make people/animals appear?
(3.19 - Ben indicates to Locke that "the magic box" is only a metaphor, but seems to indicate that John's thoughts were what brought Anthony Cooper to the island.)

1.4 Walkabout

* Why does the island heal certain people and not others?
(6.2 - The Temple's spring is believed to either heal the wounded or bring the dead back to live. Sayid "dies" after being immersed in it, but is later "resurrected".)
* What did Locke see the first time he encountered "the monster"? Is it different than what viewers have been shown?
(4.11 - A drawing Locke made as a child seems to indicate that he had some sort of a dream/vision/subconscious awareness foreshadowing his encounter with the monster.)

1.5 White Rabbit

* What happened to Christian Shepard's body?
(6.13 - Since Smokey has been appearing to people in the guise of Christian, it makes sense that he may have removed the body to prevent its burial.)

1.6 House of the Rising Sun

* What's so important about the watches that Jin was supposed to deliver to Sydney and L.A.?
(6.10 - In the B-timeline, this is part of Mr. Paik's payment to the mobsters for bumping off Jin. This doesn't seem like it would make sense in the A-timeline, though.)
* Who are "Adam and Eve"?
(ANSWERED IN 6.15 - The Man in Black and his mother.)
* What's with the black and white stones?
(ANSWERED IN 6.15 - They were pieces from a game that Jacob and the Man in Black played as children.)

1.8 Confidence Man

* Who raised Sawyer after his parents died?
(5.16 - Sawyer appears to be in the care of his Uncle Doug at the time of his parents' funeral.)

1.9 Solitary

* Why did Sayid tell Rousseau that Nadia was dead?
(6.6 - B-Sayid visits Nadia, who is his sister-in-law in this timeline. Her children know his as "Uncle Sayid".)
* What is "the sickness"? Why are there "Quarantine" labels on the inside of the Dharma stations?
(6.6 - The sickness does not appear to be the same thing as being inhabited by the smoke monster, since Claire and Sayid can still cross the circle of ash.)

1.10 Raised by Another

* How did Hurley get his nickname?
(2.18 - He is referred to as "Hurley" by Dave, but "Hugo" by the doctor.)
* Did Shannon lie to Hurley about her age?
(2.6 - Shannon claims to be 18 - which goes uncorrected by her own stepbrother - in a flashback, which takes place before the beginning of Jack and Sarah's 3-year courtship. In Hurley's census, she claimed to be 20.)
* What did Richard Malkin know? Did he intend for Claire to be on a doomed flight?
(6.13 - Smokey indicates to Jack that due to Jacob's plans, Jack was "stuck" on the island before he even arrived. If this is true, it may explain how other characters' lives were manipulated to get them to the island, particularly Claire's.)

1.13 Hearts and Minds

* Was Shannon ever really married?
(2.6 - Shannon flashback in which she is supposedly 18. No apparent presence of a husband or lover at this time.)

1.15 Homecoming

* Why did Claire lose her memory? How is she managing to gradually get it back?
(5.11 - When Ben is handed over to Richard, he implies that Ben will have no memory of being shot.)

1.16 Outlaws

* What is the history between Sawyer and Hibbs?
* Why did Sawyer hook up with Mary Jo (the Lotto Girl)?
(1.18 - Same girl Sawyer was with is seen announcing Hurley's Lotto numbers on TV.)

1.18 Numbers

* Why do the Numbers from the Valenzetti equation match Hurley's lotto numbers?
(6.4 - Smokey tells Sawyer that Jacob had "a thing for numbers", after pointing out the survivors' names on the ceiling that have not yet been crossed out, which are numbered 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42.)
* Who was broadcasting the numbers before Danielle changed the radio tower broadcast, and why?
(5.4 - Rousseau's team is able to pick up the broadcast immediately after arriving on the island.)

1.19 Deus Ex Machina

* Why was Emily Locke in a mental institution?
(4.11 - Emily was in a car accident as a teenager; this could have caused brain damage of some sort.)
* What made Yemi's plane crash?
(5.1 - Locke witnesses the crash firsthand. It could have been caused by the island's electromagnetism.)

1.23 Exodus, Pt. 1

* Why did Sayid leave his bag with Shannon at the airport?

1.24 Exodus, Pts. 2 & 3

* Why was Walt kidnapped?
(Missing Pieces - Walt is apparently making strange things happen from within Room 23.)


2.1 Man of Science, Man of Faith

* Do the injections that Desmond was taking serve any real purpose?
(4.5 - If "the sickness" is related at all to the time jumps, then it makes sense that he'd need the injections shortly after arriving on the island.)
* What is the purpose of DHARMA and the Hanso Foundation?
(5.1 - DHARMA is aware of the properties of the island that allow time to be manipulated - however, the "frozen donkey wheel" chamber predates them.)
* How was Sarah healed?
(6.2 - In the B-timeline, Jack tells Locke "nothing is irreversible", implying that Sarah's miraculous healing happened in this timeline as well.)

2.4 Everybody Hates Hugo

* Why was Eko on the plane?
(2.21 - We know Eko had planned a trip to L.A. from Australia, possibly as a delegate of his church or parish, but we have no further details.)
* Why was Libby on the plane?
(6.12 - If A-Libby was seeing visions of another timeline just as her counterpart was, then she too may have been trying to track down Hurley.)

2.5 …And Found

* Why, when asked whether he was married, did Eko say ‘worse'?
* Who was Jae Lee's American woman?
(2.16 - Jae explains that the relationship didn't work out, so he came back to Korea.)

2.7 The Other 48 Days

* Who did the glass eye that they found in the Arrow Station belong to?
(3.11 - The man with an eyepatch turns out to be Mikhail, an Other posing as a DHARMA worker at the Flame Station.)

2.10 The 23rd Psalm

* Where was Yemi's plane supposed to be headed?

2.11 The Hunting Party

* Who did Sarah cheat on Jack with?
(3.22 - Sarah is very pregnant when she is seen in Jack's flashforward, but it's unclear who the father is.)

2.14 One of Them

* Did Ben allow himself to get caught? If so, why?
(3.14 - Ben and Juliet were seen by Paulo in the Pearl, plotting to capture Jack, Kate, and Sawyer, and to use Michael in the process.)
* What is the significance of the hieroglyphics on the Swan timer?
(5.12 – The chamber beneath the Temple is filled with hieroglyphics.)

2.15 Maternity Leave

* How did Ethan's face get scratched?
(3.1 - Ethan is briefly seen in Juliet's flashback, which takes place the day of the crash. His face is not yet scratched, nor did it appear to be during his time spent infiltrating the Midsection Survivors. Hard to tell whether it was scratched during his fight with Jack in "All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues".)
* Why do The Others have costumes, a fake camp, a fake hatch, etc.?
(5.14 - The "Hostiles" actually did live this way before overthrowing DHARMA.)
* Where does the "Escape Hatch" in the Staff lead (labeled in Claire's flashback, but with the lettering removed when she returns there)?

2.17 Lockdown

* Who/what triggered the lockdown that trapped Locke and Ben? What ended it? Why did the blacklight go on if it doesn't normally?
(2.23 - Desmond is able to manually trigger a lockdown, but this doesn't explain why one was triggered independent of anyone's actions.)
* Why did Radzinsky and Kelvin feel the need to draw a map only viewable by blacklight? Who were they hiding it from?
(5.15 - Radzinsky claims to take charge of the DHARMA group on the island when interrogating Juliet and Sawyer. Since Horace dies in the Purge, Radzinsky may have been the last person alive with specific knowledge about Dharma's secrets.)
* What's with the supply drops?
(4.3 - The existence of some sort of "time anomaly" around the island could feasibly explain why nobody heard a plane or helicopter even though the food was clearly dropped from above.)

2.18 Dave

* Was Dave a real person?
(Assuming Dave was real and died at some point, Hurley's visions of Dave would be consistent with his later interactions with characters known to be dead.)

2.21 ?

* Why were some DHARMA team members let to believe that the experiment going on in the Swan was fake?
(5.14 - The Swan is apparently far more dangerous than the Orchid. After "The Incident", there could have been attempts to cover up what really happened.)
* How did Eko end up in Australia?
(3.5 - We know that he leaves Nigeria for London, and presumably cannot come back to his brother's old parish. Not a definitive answer yet, but he may have simply gone wherever the Catholic church, who had no knowledge of his illegitimacy as a priest, needed staff.)
* What really happened to Charlotte Malkin?
(6.6 - Miles tells Sayid that he was dead for two hours. This is the same length of time that Charlotte Malkin was in the water before waking up at the start of her autopsy.)
* Who was in the Pearl Station not long before Locke and Eko found it?
(3.14 - Paulo had been in there at least once, and he hid in the bathroom while Ben and Juliet were down there, plotting to kill Jack. It's not clear which one of them left the cigarette ashes, but it could have been Paulo since he was trying to quit smoking.)

2.22 Three Minutes

* Why did The Others specifically ask Michael to bring Hurley, Jack, Kate, and Sawyer with him?
(3.20 - Ben's plan, as confirmed by Juliet, is to abduct any pregnant women in the camp. They specifically suspect that Kate may be pregnant.)

2.23 Live Together, Die Alone

* Assuming Kelvin's story is true, why did Radzinsky shoot himself?
(5.10 - Radzinsky is a very paranoid and neurotic fellow in general.)
* Who built the four-toed statue? What is its significance?
(6.15 – Possibly the 2,000 civilization that Jacob and MIB's mother came from, but we haven't been shown this for certain.)
* Why did the sky turn purple when the magnet in the Swan discharged?
(4.13 - The sky also changes color to white when the island moves through time. It's unknown whether the two events are related.)
* What were Penny Widmore and the Portuguese research team looking for in the ice?
(4.13 - Penny and her team find Desmond and the Oceanic Six near the former location of the island. She was able to trace his call from the freighter. It's still unclear why they were once looking in an arctic climate.)


3.1 A Tale of Two Cities

* Where did Karl come from? Was he born on the island?
(5.9 - Ethan is born on the island, so it is possible that Karl could have been as well.)

3.2 The Glass Ballerina

* Were The Others expecting a specific plane to land on their runway?
(6.4 - The names on the wall of Jacob's cave suggest that he had planned to bring these people to the island. A previous podcast clarified that Jacob ordered the Others to build the runway.)

3.3 Further Instructions

* How did Eko know to carve a clue to The Others' location on his stick?
(3.11 - Locke, Sayid, Kate and Danielle follow the heading of 3.05 north and find the Flame.)
* How did Locke, Eko, and Desmond survive the hatch implosion?
(6.11 - Desmond is also able to survive the high exposure to electromagnetism from the device that Widmore's people built, even though such exposure is shown to be fatal to a normal person.)
* Is there any connection between the various people who have been noted as fans of Geronimo Jackson (Desmond, teenage Locke, Eddie's father, Charlotte, etc.?)
(5.9 - Geronimo Jackson's music appears to be loved by several within the DHARMA community.)
* What makes Desmond able to see the future?
(6.11 - Whether Desmond saw an alternate timeline or a true future by being exposed to extreme amounts of electromagnetism is a matter of debate.)
* What does Boone mean when he tells Locke that Desmond is "helping himself"?
(5.6 - Desmond refuses to return to the island, despite being told by Mrs. Hawking that the island isn't done with him yet.)

3.5 The Cost of Living

* What did Eko end up doing in London?
* Is there any significance to Ben's observation that Juliet looks like Sarah?
(4.6 - Harper mentions that Juliet looks like "her", someone from Ben's past.)

3.6 I Do

* Does the Tampa fugitive case that Kevin is working on have anything to do with Sawyer's "Tampa Job" (mentioned in Outlaws)?

3.7 Not in Portland

* Why did Juliet and her ex-husband separate?
(5.16 - Juliet's parents divorced when she was a child. This may have affected her view of marriage and the likelihood of a relationship working out, as it later did with Sawyer.)

3.8 Flashes Before Your Eyes

* Who was the man with the red shoes?

3.9 Stranger in a Strange Land

* What does Juliet's mark signify?
(3.16 - The tree near which Juliet finds the "vaccine" for Claire has a mark similar to the one on her back.)

3.11 Enter 77

* Why did Mrs. Klugh tell Mikhail to kill her?
* Why was the Flame rigged to explode when 77 was entered, indicating sabotage by "The Hostiles"?
(5.10 - Given that Radzinsky worked in the Flame and was paranoid about being spied on, this may have been to protect information about DHARMA from falling into the wrong hands. Note that Sayid showed up in 1977.)
* What caused the conflict between DHARMA and The Hostiles that led to the Purge?
(5.15 – Sayid is convinced that Eloise is only helping Jack because it will annihilate the DHARMA Initiative.)
* Did Sayid really torture Amira?
* If Sayid worked in Paris, why did Shannon have to translate the French distress call for him?
* How did Mikhail lose his eye?
(6.10 - While not causally related, it's amusing that Jin shot Mikhail in the same eye in the B-timeline.)
* Was livestock being kept at the Flame for food, or for some other purpose?
(4.2 - A bull is seen wandering around the island, near the site where Frank landed the helicopter.)

3.12 Par Avion

* Who is on "the list" that Mikhail referred to, and why? Is it the same thing as "Jacob's list"?
(6.5 - The lighthouse's wheel contains yet another "list".)
* Are the birds actually migratory, or did they just fly back to the Others' Barracks?
(A bird was briefly seen in the wide shot in the teaser from "A Tale of Two Cities", when zooming back from the Barracks to show the entire island after The Others witnessed the crash.)

3.13 The Man from Tallahassee

* Did Locke's dad really kill Peter Talbot, or was that simply part of the con?
* Was the room where Locke's dad was being held the "Magic Box", or is that something else?
(4.13 - Locke brings up the "Magic Box" again, and Ben states that the Orchid isn't it.)

3.15 Left Behind

* Why has Juliet's shoulder been dislocated so many times?

3.16 One of Us

* Why does the island wreak havoc on the immune systems of pregnant women?
(5.8 - Juliet is able to successfully deliver Amy's baby, Ethan, in 1977.)
* What horrible deed did Sayid commit in Basra (which Juliet referred to when criticizing Sayid and Sawyer for not trusting her)?

3.17 Catch-22

* Why did Naomi's helicopter crash?
(4.2 - Dan mentions an electrical storm giving Frank's helicopter problems.)
* How does Brother Campbell know Mrs. Hawking? Or was this an artifact of Desmond's "flashes" changing his past memories?
(5.14 - Eloise Hawking has apparently spent most of her life manipulating the timeline. This may include attempts to make sure that Desmond meets Penny.)

3.18 D.O.C.

* Why did Naomi say, "I am not alone" in Portuguese? Why did Mikhail mis-translate it?
(3.22 - Since Naomi is not who she claims to be, it seems likely that she'd try to communicate with one of The Others in a way that the Losties couldn't understand.)
* Why were the ultrasound machine and the items from Claire's nursery stored in a hidden room?
(4.10 - There are also other medical supplies in this room.)

3.19 The Brig

* What is the origin of the column that The Others tied Anthony Cooper to?
(6.15 - We now know that the island has been inhabited by outside civilizations for at least 2,000 years.)
* Was Locke previously aware of his father using the name "Tom Sawyer" (prompting him to ask Sawyer about his choice of nickname at one point)?
* How could Sawyer's letter still be intact and readable after being waterlogged due to the destruction of the raft?

3.20 The Man Behind the Curtain

* Is anything related to Mittelos Bioscience actually located on the mainland? Are they related to DHARMA at all?
(4.11 - Teenage Locke is given a brochure for a summer camp run by Mittelos that is located in Portland.)
* What makes Jacob invisible/inaudible, and why doesn't he like "technology"? Is his cabin another illusion caused by "the monster"?
(5.16 - Jacob either doesn't live in the cabin any more, or never did. Ben admits to the cabin being a ruse, but to being surprised at what happened when he brought Locke there. Ilana and her group later burn the cabin.)
* Why did Alex feel the need to give Locke a gun?
(3.21 - Ben used her gun to shoot Locke, but Alex clearly isn't on good terms with Ben.)
* Where did "The Hostiles" come from?
(6.9 - Jacob's recruitment of Richard may have been the beginning of these people being gathered on the island with the purpose of protecting it.)
* What happened to Annie? Was she killed in The Purge?
(5.15 - Most of the DHARMA folks were evacuated before "The Incident". So Annie likely survived.)
* Did DHARMA continue to operate in any coordinated fashion after The Purge? Were the people in the Swan and other stations aware of what happened?
(5.16: Radzinsky survived the Purge, and attempted to take charge of DHARMA in a crisis situation, so he was likely the one who recruited Kelvin.)

3.21 Greatest Hits

* Why does Charlie claim to be a great swimmer, when in White Rabbit, he claimed to not know how to swim?

3.22 Through the Looking Glass

* Who is the father of Sarah's baby?
(Julie Bowen was pregnant in real life when this episode was filmed.)
* How did Hurley manage to start the DHARMA van all by himself?
* Why did Ben choose not to have Sayid, Jin, and Bernard executed?
(6.7 - In light of Richard's reveal about Jacob's touching him, it's worth noting that Jacob also touched Jin and Sayid. However, his interaction with Sayid was after this point.)
* If Locke is "not a murderer", and can't bring himself to kill his father or Jack, why did he kill Naomi?
(5.3 - Locke hesitates to kill one of the "Others" in the past because they are now "his people".)


Missing Pieces

* Why is Juliet glad that Michael wants to get Walt off the island?
* Was Walt really in Room 23?
* Who was Ethan's wife? Is the story that he tells Jack actually true?

4.1 The Beginning of the End

* Can any of the island's illusions be made to disappear through concentrated mental effort?
(Hurley manages to make both the cabin and Charlie disappear this way. He did this to Dave earlier on.)
* Why is one of the other mental patients able to see Charlie?
(6.12 - The island's ghosts are said to be spirits of the dead who have not yet moved on. Only certain people can see them, and it's conceivable that mental trauma might be one thing that enables a person to see them.)

4.2 Confirmed Dead

* Why is Daniel saddened by the news of 815's discovery?
(5.14 - Daniel himself doesn't know why. He is suffering from extreme memory loss at this point in time.)
* How is Miles able to communicate with "ghosts"? Does it have anything to do with magnetic disturbances?
(6.7 - Ilana is aware of this ability - she presumably knew about it before her arrival on the island.)
* How did a DHARMA polar bear make it all the way to Tunisia?
(5.7 – Locke comes out at the same "exit" that Ben did, which is where Charles Widmore expects him to. So the real question is, how did they get a polar bear to turn the Frozen Donkey Wheel?)
* What did the freighter crew want with Ben?
(5.12 - Ben was directly responsible for Charles Widmore's exile from the island.)
* What's with the light scattering differently on the island?
(4.13 - The light gets extremely bright when the island is being "moved".)

4.3 The Economist

* Who is the "R.G." on Naomi's bracelet?
* What causes the time delay when physical objects travel to or from the island, and why doesn't it affect communications?
(4.13 - The Orchid video mentions doing experiments involving the Casimir Effect.)
* Why are there passports and foreign currency in Ben's secret room? What has Ben been doing off-island?
(6.7 - Ben indicates to Miles that he has a vast network of people and resources off the island.)
* Who is the Economist, and why does Ben want him killed?
(5.10 - Ben has apparently been using Sayid to knock off various people who work for Charles Widmore.)
* What happened the last time Sayid "thought with his heart instead of his gun"?
(4.9 - This may refer to Sayid's hasty choice to work for Ben after killing Bakir.)

4.4 Eggtown

* How is Ben able to come up with 3.2 million dollars?
(6.7 - Ben indicates to Miles that he has a vast network of people and resources off the island.)

4.5 The Constant

* What is contained in the Black Rock ledger that was being auctioned off? Why did Charles Widmore want it?
(5.7 – Charles Widmore wants the same thing that Ben Linus does – to return to the island.)
* Which is the correct bearing that will allow someone to leave the island - 305 or 325?
(5.1 - Daniel Faraday insinuates that this bearing changes with respect to time, which would make sense if the island is always moving.)
* Did Desmond actually change his past? Did his blackouts due to time travel cause his discharge from the army?
(5.2 - Daniel believes that "the rules" don't apply to Desmond and that his past can be changed.)
* Does Daniel remember meeting Desmond in 1996? Did he decide to use Desmond as his "constant" back then, or just recently, on the island?
(5.14 - Daniel has had the journal since his graduation from Oxford, so he could have written "Desmond Hume will be my constant" in it while still teaching there.)
* What time was Minkowski traveling to?
(6.11 - Minkowski is seen in the B-timeline, as Desmond's driver, under the employ of Charles Widmore.)
* Why was the freighter crew under orders to not answer Penelope's calls?
(4.6 - Likely because they were working for her father, and he didn't want her to know what he's up to.)

4.6 The Other Woman

* Why does Charles Widmore want to return to the island?
(5.12 - Charles Widmore was banished by Ben. Presumably he feels he should still be in charge.)
* Who shot the video of Charles Widmore that Ben has? How recently did this take place?
(It has to have been after Ben showed Jack the final game of the 2004 World Series, since Ben taped over the game, so it's likely from late November or December 2004.)
* How is Ben able to give orders to Harper or any of his other people while in captivity?
* Who from Ben's past does Harper think Juliet "looks like"?
(5.11 - Possibly Juliet herself. She operated on Ben after he was shot by Sayid.)
* Why did Juliet ditch Jack and Kate on her way to the Tempest?
* How was Goodwin's chemical injury caused, and why did he lie about it?

4.7 Ji Yeon

* Why did Regina kill herself, and why was she reading upside down?

4.8 Meet Kevin Johnson

* Is the island really preventing people (such as Locke and Michael) from killing themselves?
(6.15 - "The rules" seems to dictate that certain people cannot kill themselves or one another. This dates back at least as far as Jacob and MIB, with the rule set by their mother, but how this was accomplished is unknown.)
* Which members of the Kahana crew are on Ben's "good list", that he doesn't want Michael to kill?
(5.16 - Like other lists that Ben and his people used, this list likely originated from Jacob.)

4.9 The Shape of Things to Come

* Why can't Ben kill Charles Widmore?
(6.15 - Jacob and MIB's mother made it impossible for them to kill each other.)
* Ben says that "he changed the rules". What were those rules, who changed them, and what changed?
(6.15 - These rules, or a variant of them set by Jacob, seem to have been around at least 2,000 years.)
* What's with the hieroglyphics on the entrance to Ben's secret room?
(5.16 – These hieroglyphics can be found in the tunnels beneath the DHARMA barracks. The four-toed statue also appears to be Egyptian in origin.)
* Why does Ben think that the freighter people won't hurt him?
(4.13 - Ben is apparently aware that Keamy and his men have been ordered to take him alive.)
* Why does Daniel lie to Jack about the Morse code received from the freighter?

4.10 Something Nice Back Home

* How is Christian still able to appear to Jack off-island?
(5.16 - Jacob also visits several people off-island.)
* Why does Hurley feel that Jack shouldn't raise Aaron?
(6.5 - Claire tells Jin that if Kate had taken her baby, she would kill her.)
* Who buried Danielle and Karl?
* Why would Claire go with Christian if she only met him once and disliked him greatly?
(6.13 - We now know that this was the Smoke Monster's doing.)
* Why did Claire leave Aaron behind?
(6.5 - Claire clearly wants Aaron back, and believes that the Others took him.)
* Why does Charlotte know Korean?

4.11 Cabin Fever

* What was the purpose of Richard Alpert's test that young John Locke failed? What items were the "correct" answers, and why?
(5.3 - Richard is aware that Locke has his compass. This item is one object in the test that young Locke does not take.)
* How is it that the island can be "moved"?
(5.6 - According to Mrs. Hawking, the island has always been moving.)
* Why are Christian and Claire in Jacob's cabin?
(6.13 - Since we know Christian was really Smokey in this instance, it's quite likely that this Jacob was not here. We later see that the circle of ash has been broken, and Jacob's followers burn the cabin.)
* Why does Christian not want Locke to tell anyone where Claire is?
(6.13 - Smokey may realize that if the others leave the island with Claire, they will be less likely to have a reason to return.)

4.12 There's No Place Like Home, Pt. 1

* Why were Richard and the rest of the Others wearing their ragged costumes when they encountered Kate and Sayid?
* Who was Ben communicating with at the top of the hill using the mirror?
(Note: He was flashing Morse code at this person, sending the message "Seise", which is French for "Sixteen".)
* Did Sun buy a controlling interest in her father's company for any reason other than revenge? Is Paik Heavy Industries involved in some way with Dharma, Charles Widmore, or the Hanso Foundation?
(5.1 - Sun tells Charles that they have the "common interest" of killing Ben Linus.)
* What caused Carole Littleton to come out of her coma? Why did she choose Christian's funeral as a good time to tell Jack he had a step-sister?
* Does the island of Membata really exist in LOST's universe?
(SEASON 4 DVD - "The Oceanic Six: A Conspiracy of Lies" video shows Membata on a map, but indicates that Drive Shaft fans wanting to erect a memorial there for Charlie Pace were given the run-around when they inquired about how to reach the island. "Membata" is Indonesian for "doubt" or "uncertainty".)
* Why is Hurley still hearing whispers after leaving the island?
(6.12 - These "souls who haven't moved on", as explained to Hurley by Michael, may have died on the island, but could be able to follow him off the island somehow.)

4.13 There's No Place Like Home, Pts. 2 & 3

* How does the "frozen donkey wheel" actually work, and why is it so cold down there?
(6.15 – MIB and the ancient civilization on the island discover its the magnetic properties and begin to build the wheel. How it works is only sort of explained.)
* Why does moving the island "banish" the person who does it, and how does Ben know this?
(6.15 – MIB is aware that turning the wheel will allow a person to leave the island. This apparently was not always considered a punishment.)
* Why must everyone who left the island (including Locke's corpse) go back together?
(6.10 - It's interesting to note that the smoke monster now wants to leave the island with many of the same people. Most of them are candidates to replace Jacob.)
* What are Richard's plans for The Others now that Ben is gone?
(6.9 - Richard presumably wants to continue his original mission - to recruit people for Jacob and keep the smoke monster from leaving the island.)
* Did Daniel know ahead of time that the island was about to be moved or that the freighter was going to explode? Why was he so final in his goodbyes to Charlotte?
(5.1 - Due to his own travels, he seems to be aware that the island can be moved, and probably expected Ben to move it.)
* Why doesn't Claire (or the island, the monster, whatever) want Aaron to return to the island?
(6.5 - "Feral Claire" wants Aaron back. This version of Claire and the one Kate saw in her dream are apparently not the same individual.)


5.1 Because You Left

* Why do some of "The Others" remain in their present time when the island moves, but Juliet, the 815 survivors, and the Kahana's science team do not?
(5.9 – Sun, Frank, Ben, Locke, and most if not all of the other passengers from 316 remained in the present when Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Sayid flashed back to 1977.)
* Why does Locke have to die in order for the Oceanic Six to return?
(6.1 - Since the smoke monster is manifesting as Locke, this was likely a ruse on the monster's part to ensure that Locke would return to the island dead.)
* Why are Daniel and Desmond an exception to "the rules"?
(6.11 – Desmond is able to survive exposure to extreme amounts of electromagnetism.)
* Who are the men who have been stalking Hurley and Sayid?
(5.10 - Ilana may be working for the same person or people that these men did.)
* Does Ethan remember his encounter with Locke?
* Why does Desmond not remember his encounter with Daniel at the Swan Station (presumably between 2001 and 2004) until several years later (2007/2008)? Does Desmond, at the time of his on-island encounter with Daniel, remember meeting him at Oxford in 1996?
(5.3 - Penny also questions why this memory came back to Desmond years later.)

5.2 The Lie

* Who is Jill (the butcher), and how does Ben know her?

5.3 Jughead

* Why do the Others speak Latin?
(ANSWERED IN 6.15 - Jacob, their leader, learned this language from his "mother".)
* Are any of the remaining Others "ageless" like Richard Alpert?
(6.9 - Seemingly none of the other candidates were given this gift, since they are all crossed out due to either death or leaving the island. But we don't know for sure.)
* Locke and Richard both gave each other the idea for Locke to be recruited as the Others' leader. So where did this idea truly originate?
(5.16 - It's notable that Locke is dead, and possibly being impersonated by the smoke monster. However, the real Locke was the one who told Richard to recruit him, way back in the 1950's.)
* What happened to Theresa, the woman Faraday experimented on?
(5.14 - Daniel makes it clear that he tried the experiment on himself, which caused his memory loss, before trying it on her.)

5.4 The Little Prince

* Does the "time sickness" directly correlate to how long a person has been on the island, as Daniel suggests?
(5.5 - Sawyer begins to get nosebleeds, but Jin and Locke are not getting them yet. Jin and Locke are both people who have been "healed" by the island in some way.)
* Who ransacked the beach camp in "the future"? And where did they get the canoe that the Losties had taken from the Others?
(6.13 – With most of the candidates now on Hydra Island, and Jack back with Smokey's group, this casts doubt on my previous assumption that it was Ilana's group.)
* Will Jin's interactions with Rousseau's science team change the past, or was he always there? Does Rousseau remember Jin 16 years later?
(5.5 - Rousseau is aware that Jin has mysteriously appeared and reappeared.)
* Who did Sun hire to watch Ben and to send her the package with the gun and surveillance reports?
* Is it a coincidence that Carole Littleton is in L.A. to collect her settlement from Oceanic, or did Ben orchestrate this as well?
(5.11 - Kate explains the lie to Carole, and entrusts him with the care of Aaron.)
* Given the public life that the Oceanic Six have lived, how could Carole Littleton not know who Jack was talking about when he mentioned Aaron?
(5.11 - Well, she knows now.)

5.5 This Place Is Death

* Had the members of Rousseau's team actually been afflicted with the "sickness", or was Danielle the one who went insane?
(6.3 - Claire's experiences seem to have mirrored Rousseau, which makes Rousseau more likely to be the insane one.)
* Who built the well that led down to the "frozen donkey wheel" chamber before the Orchid was built?
(ANSWERED IN 6.15 - It was built roughly 2,000 years ago, by the same civilization that Jacob and MIB were descended from.)
* Why is Charlotte suddenly so concerned about Jin's wife and/or daughter being brought back to the island?
(5.14 - Daniel warns young Charlotte about the Purge.)
* Why did Danielle's team carry guns? What did they expect to find when tracking the source of the radio signal?
* How does Sun know that Ben was responsible for the boat exploding?
(5.7 – As far as we know, Locke never visited Sun after leaving the island.)
* Why did Locke specifically need to move the island, instead of Ben? And why did Ben send Locke away and move the island by himself?

5.6 316

* How does Mrs. Hawking know so much about the circumstances surrounding Locke's death?
(5.7 – Ben made the death appear to be a suicide. He may have told this version of events to Mrs. Hawking.)
* How did Mrs. Hawking end up in charge of the Lamppost Station?
(5.14 - Eloise was on the island before the Purge, and may have gained information about DHARMA after the fact.)
* Why isn't the island "done" with Desmond yet?
(6.11 - Charles Widmore exposes Desmond to his electromagnetic device, causing Desmond to "flash" to the other timeline.)

5.7 The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham

* If Widmore was watching "the exit" in Tunisia, was he aware that Ben left the island before Ben showed up in his bedroom?
* How did Sayid end up doing charity work in the Dominican Republic?
(5.10 - After Sayid had killed off all of the people Ben wanted him to, Ben basically set him free. The charity work may have been motivated by guilt or a desire for personal redemption.)
* Why were Caesar, Ilana, and Bram on the plane? Do they have any history with the island?
(6.7 - Ilana tells Sun that it is her job to protect "the candidates". They may have learned about members of the Oceanic Six booking the Ajira flight, and decided to take that same flight as well. This would also explain why Ilana arrested Sayid.)
* Who found Locke's body and his suicide note?
* How did Rousseau's and Faraday's maps of the island end up at the Hydra Station?

5.8 LaFleur

* What are the terms of the truce between DHARMA and the Hostiles?
(5.15 - Daniel's appearance in the Hostiles' camp is seen as a violation of the truce.)
* Why did the Hostiles kill Paul and attempt to kidnap Amy?
* What did the Hostiles want with Paul's body?
(6.4 - Ilana mentions that the monster will be "trapped" in Locke's body not long before they bury Locke. It could be possible that the monster can only take the form of unburied dead bodies.)
* Why did the Oceanic Six have to return to the island if Locke was able to "save" it by turning the wheel?
(6.10 - If many of these people are candidates, the smoke monster may have wanted them on the island because he knew they would be able to escape, or so that he could eliminate them.)

5.9 Namaste

* Did Sun, Ben, Frank, Locke, and the rest of the 316 passengers travel backwards or forwards in time at all?
(They are in 2007. They apparently left the mainland in January 2008. It's possible that they could have been displaced by less than a year, given the sudden change from night to day when the plane landed.)
* Why didn't Sun or most of the 316 passengers flash back to 1977?
(Sun was the only adult O6 member who Locke did not ask to come back to the island.)
* Why is Radzinsky so protective of the plans for the Swan?
(5.14 - According to Daniel, the Swan's electromagnetism is far more powerful than the Orchid's.)
* Does Ben have any memory of meeting Sayid as a child?
(5.12 - Ben seems genuinely surprised to learn that members of the Oceanic 6 were in the DHARMA Initiative.)
* How did Ethan and Radzinsky survive the Purge?
(5.15 - The Swan is located in Hostile territory. Radzinsky may have been able to lock himself inside while the rest of the island was under siege.)
* If Danielle changed the radio broadcast from the Numbers to her distress call in 1988, and later turned off the transmission altogether in 2004, why are the Numbers being broadcast in 2007?
(In "The Long Con", Sayid postulates while sitting on the beach and listening to the radio with Hurley that the radio signal could be bouncing off of the ionosphere and could be "from anywhere", to which Hurley jokingly responds, "Or any time".)

5.10 He's Our You

* Did Sayid change the timeline by shooting Ben?
(5.15 - Sayid expects the timeline to have changed, but Kate explains that Ben didn't die.)
* What threat did Widmore's people pose to the members of the Oceanic Six?

5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened

* Have Cassidy Phillips or Carole Littleton exposed the truth about the Oceanic Six to anyone else since they returned to the island?
* How can the Hostiles and/or the monster erase a person's memories?
(6.1 - The monster retained all of Locke's memories, even up to the point of his death. It's possible that the monster can also erase a person's memories and leave them alive.)
* How did Juliet know that Richard Alpert would be able to save Ben's life?
(6.2 - The Temple's spring is the apparent source of the island's healing power.)

5.12 Dead Is Dead

* How does the drain beneath Ben's house affect "the monster"?
(6.2 - After Jacob's death, the water in the Temple's spring turns black.)
* How did Ethan become one of The Others?
* Why did Widmore send Ben to kill Danielle?
(This is consistent with Widmore's later attempt to wipe out everyone on the island, using the Kahana's mercenary team.)
* How was Ben able to be active among The Others while still living with his father as a member of the DHARMA Initiative?
* How much does Ben truly know about the island's ability to heal/resurrect a person?
(6.2 - Ben likely knew about the spring.)

5.13 Some Like It Hoth

* Why did Alvarez' body need to be brought to the Orchid for Dr. Chang to study it?
* Who killed Felix?
(In "Meet Kevin Johnson", Tom apparently shows the documents to Michael that were once in Felix's possession.)

5.14 The Variable

* Why was Charles Widmore not around during Daniel's childhood?
(OFFICIAL LOST PODCAST - If Widmore was still on the island and Daniel was born off-island, that might explain it.)
* When and why did Eloise leave the island?
(OFFICIAL LOST PODCAST - Giving birth to Daniel may be a possible explanation, since the island generally kills pregnant women.)
* How did Faraday deduce the cause of "The Incident"?
(6.11 - Daniel Widmore, in the B-timeline, is able to deduce, from the equations he saw in his brief flashes of the A-timeline, that he played a part in detonating a nuclear bomb.)
* How did Eloise and/or Charles come to learn enough about future events to be able to guide the course of Daniel's life and ensure he returned to the island?
(6.11 - It's interesting to note that Widmore has his whole family together in the B-timeline, Daniel presumably won't go back in time and die, and Penny is estranged from the family, using the last name "Milton".)

5.15 Follow the Leader

* Where else do the "Tunnels" under the island lead?
(5.16 - One shares a wall with a DHARMA house's basement.)
* If what Richard says is true, how did he watch Jack, Kate, Hurley, Jin, etc. die back in 1977?
(6.1 - Jack, Kate, etc. all travel back to their own time after Jughead is detonated. From Richard's perspective, they have all disappeared. However, Richard did not witness this firsthand.)

5.16 The Incident

* Why did Jacob visit some people before their first trip to the island, and others after they left the island?
(6.6 - Jacob visited Dogen and brought him to the island in exchange for saving his son's life.)
* Did Jacob actually change the past, or did Kate, Sawyer, Locke, etc. always have memories of his visits?
(6.5 - The lighthouse mirrors seem to indicate that Jacob has been able to watch his "candidates" at various points throughout their lives. This suggests that he has intervened and changed the timeline.)
* Was Jacob trying to get Nadia killed, or to save Sayid?
(6.4 - Either way, it seems likely that his interference was meant to put Sayid on a course that would bring him back to the island.)
* How does Jacob know the future?
(6.5 - He is likely able to see it in the lighthouse's mirrors.)
* What is Ilana's history with Jacob?
(6.7 - Ilana tells Ben that Jacob was like a father to her.)
* Why was Ilana's face bandaged up when Jacob visited her in the hospital?
* Why didn't Jacob try to defend himself when Ben stabbed him?
(6.15 - Jacob and MIB's mother actually thanks MIB for stabbing and killing her.)
* How much of the island was destroyed/damaged by the Jughead explosion? How many people were killed by it?
(6.8 - In the B-timeline, despite being near the Swan site at the time of the destination, Dr. Chang apparently makes it out alive, according to B-Miles, who as an adult mentions his father to B-Sawyer.)
* Did Ilana and her group know that Locke's body was in the crate before Locke's impersonator left Hydra Island?
* Who broke the circle of ash around the cabin?
* Why did Ilana and her group burn the cabin?
* Why is Frank a candidate for joining Ilana's group?
* When Jacob says, "They're coming" right before he dies, who is he referring to?
(6.7 - He could be referring to Charles Widmore.)


6.1/6.2 LA X

* In the B-timeline, were Michael, Walt, Ana-Lucia, Libby, and Eko on the plane?
(6.12 - It seems that Libby was not on the plane, since she was in the mental institution and didn't leave much.)
* Assuming Sam Toomey and Leonard Simms never discovered the broadcast of the numbers due to the island being submerged, and thus B-Hurley never heard "the numbers" from Leonard, did alternate Hurley play the Lotto using different numbers?
(6.12 - Leonard Simms is not seen at Santa Rosa.)
* Did the spring truly resurrect Sayid, or is he now being inhabited by Jacob or the smoke monster?
(6.14 - Sayid is apparently dead now, so we may never know.)
* Why would the Others be in trouble if Sayid dies?
(6.14 - Sayid is now dead; it is unknown how this would affect the remaining scattered Others.)
* What were the spring's effects on young Ben?
* Why must a person be immersed in the spring until the hourglass runs out?
* Where did Dogen, Lennon, and the Others living at the Temple come from? How long have they been there?
(6.6 - Dogen once lived in Osaka, Japan, and was brought to the island by Jacob. Given his son's age, he cannot have been there for more than a few years.)
* Assuming the Jughead blast was responsible for sinking the island, was anyone able to escape before it capsized? Are Others such as Richard Alpert alive in the other timeline?
(6.12 - Pierre Chang is alive and well in the B-timeline, though he mysteriously appears to be the same age he was in 1977. If he made it out alive, it's probable that most of the DHARMA folks did. Most prominent Others are accounted for, with Richard being one notable exception.)
* How did B-Jack get a cut on his neck?
* How did A-Juliet know that "it worked"? What was she referring to?
(6.11 - Now that we know for sure characters can see "across timelines", and that near-death experiences can trigger this, it's possible that Juliet may have become aware of the other timeline right before she died.)
* Why did B-Kate leave the Halliburton case behind? Was she responsible for Tom Brennan's death in this timeline as well?
* How did A-Kate end up high in a tree after the time flash, when everyone else was on the ground?
* Where are B-Christian's body and coffin? Is this disappearance related to the loss of B-Locke's knives?
(6.5 - Jack was told that the coffin may have been mistakenly routed through Berlin.)
* What was on Jacob's list contained inside the wooden ankh?
* Why does the smoke monster want to go "home"? Where (and possibly when) is this?
(ANSWERED IN 6.15 - He knows that he is descended from people who are not from the island, but he himself has never been allowed to leave.)

6.3 What Kate Does

* Why did The Others want Jack to give Sayid a poison pill? Why couldn't they kill Sayid themselves?
(6.14 - Sayid is killed when Sawyer's actions set off the C4.)
* What was the nature of the torture or "test" that Sayid was subjected to? Is it in any way related to Rousseau administering electric shocks to Sayid when they first met?
(6.5 - Claire shows that she has been "branded" by The Others in a somewhat less violent manner - on the shoulder.)
* What happened to Claire during the three years that she was missing? Is she really Claire, or just another manifestation of the smoke monster?
(6.6 - The fact that she can cross to circle of ash seems to indicate that she and the smoke monster are separate entities.)
* Why is A-Ethan's last name "Rom" and B-Ethan's last name "Goodspeed"? Is B-Horace (Ethan's father) still alive?
(6.11 - Other characters, such as Daniel, Eloise, and Penny, have different last names in the B-timeline. This may be the result of family relationships playing out differently.)
* Did Aaron's would-be adoptive parents split up in the A-timeline? Did the psychic know about this before putting Claire on the plane?

6.4 The Substitute

* Why does Ben admit to killing Locke at his funeral? Why does no one (particularly Sun) ask him about his reasons for doing this?
(Smokey, in the form of Locke, had previously told Caesar that Ben was the man who killed him. It is unknown whether Caesar shared this information with anyone before his own death.)
* What is the significance of the boy that Smokey and Sawyer see in the jungle? Why can't Richard see him?
(6.15 - This boy is Jacob.)
* What is the "inside joke" between Jacob and Smokey involving the scale with the black and white stones?
(ANSWERED IN 6.15 - They are pieces from a game the two used to play as children.)

6.5 Lighthouse

* How does Claire know her "friend" isn't the real John Locke?
(6.8 - Smokey is very straightfoward about this with Sawyer. He may have also told Claire.)
* Why is Jacob protecting Jack and Hurley, but doesn't seem to mind the Others at the Temple being in danger?
(6.7 - Richard insinuates that this isn't really Jacob.)
* What does Jacob want Jack to do?
* How does the lighthouse enable Jacob to see the future/past, and will it still work with the mirrors smashed?
* Is there any significance to the differences between the list on Jacob's cave wall and the one on the lighthouse wheel?
* Who is "Wallace"? Why does Jacob want to bring this person to the island?
* Will "Wallace" still be able to find the island with the lighthouse's mirrors destroyed?
* Why doesn't B-Jack remember his appendectomy?
* Who is David Shepard's mother? Why did she and Jack separate?
* Why was Claire named in B-Christian's will? Did this happen in the A-timeline as well?
(6.14 - Jack and Claire met up again in the B-timeline; Christian has left Claire a music box that plays the song "Catch a Falling Star".)

6.6 Sundown

* Was Sayid in Australia for the reasons he stated to Nadia? Was it for the same reason as the original timeline (being brought there by the CIA to stop a terrorist plot)?
* Why can Jacob be killed with a knife, but Smokey cannot?
(6.15 - MIB killed his mother with the same knife. He himself has suffered a fate worse than death by entering into 'the source".)
* Are Dogen and Lennon truly dead, or will the spring resurrect them as well?
* Why did Dogen's death allow Smokey into the Temple?

6.7 Dr. Linus

* How did Charles Widmore find the island?
* Why are B-Alex and her mother living in Los Angeles instead of France?
* If Jacob's touch makes people "immortal", why have some of them aged, and why can certain people not kill them?
(6.15 - There seems to be a link between drinking the wine and becoming immortal, and 'the rules" stating that certain people cannot kill each other.)
* Why did Jack want to return to "where it all started" (the beach camp)? Who/what was he expecting to find there?
* If Ilana and her team were supposed to protect "the candidates", does this mean that they were on the island during the three months the candidates spent there in 2004?

6.8 Recon

* Is it notable in any way that A-Charlotte is an anthropologist while B-Charlotte is an archeologist?
(Lost Slapdown - Damon and Carlton humorously write this off as a difference in the alternate timeline. it may have been a continuity gaffe.)
* What was the turning point that made B-Sawyer decide to become a cop instead of a conman?
* What caused B-Sawyer's parents deaths to happen a year later than in the A-timeline?
* If an event before 1977 (the death of Sawyer's parents) happened differently in the B-timeline, what was the true point of divergence?
* Is B-Miles dating anyone of significance?
* How did the remaining Ajira survivors die? Did Widmore's team kill them?
* Who was Smokey's "mother", and what were the issues that caused his "growing pains"?
(ANSWERED IN 6.15 - MIB and Jacob had the same birth mother, who was killed by their adoptive mother right after they were born. MIB rebelled against her and wanted to leave the island.)
* How can Smokey be killed?
* Is Widmore allowed to set foot on the island?
(6.10 - He is seen walking around on Hydra Island, but not the main island.)

6.9 Ab Aeterno

* Does Richard exist in the B-timeline? Would he have died of natural causes well before the island's destruction if Jacob never recruited him?
* If the Black Rock was last seen in 1845 before being lost at sea, how was it able to set sail from the Canary Islands in 1867? And how was its log recovered in 1852?
* If Jacob was once a mortal man, who was protecting the island (or the world) from the smoke monster before him?
(ANSWERED IN 6.15 - His mother. The smoke monster apparently didn't exist yet, or else was trapped inside "the source", but she had to keep "the source" hidden from people who arrived on the island.)
* Were Richard and Hurley's visions of Isabella a manifestation of the smoke monster?
* What would be the consequences of letting Smokey escape the island? What does Richard mean by saying "We all go to hell?"
(6.10 - Charles Widmore asserts that the smoke monster escaping the island would cause certain individuals off the island to cease to exist.)
* Was the ship that Jacob and the Man in Black saw on the horizon in "The Incident" the Black Rock? If so, why was it daytime when the Black Rock crashed on the island at night?

6.10 The Package

* Is B-Jin the father of B-Sun's baby?
* Who shot Sun - was it Jin or Mikhail?
* Why can't Sayid "feel" anything? Is this also true of Claire?
(6.14 - Sayid seems to snap out of this unfeeling state with his decision to disobey Smokey by not killing Desmond, and later by sacrificing himself to shield the others from the C4 blast.)
* What event is "coming", that Smokey allures to when telling Sayid it will be easier to endure it due to his lack of feeling?
* Has Widmore always been aware that some of the 815 survivors and his own crew from the Kahana were on the island in the 1970's?
* Why did Widmore bring Desmond to the island with him? Why does he refer to Desmond as "the package"?
(6.14 - Sayid tells Jack that he will need Desmond, which is why Smokey wants him dead.)

6.11 Happily Ever After

* Who is Penny's mother, and why is Penny's last name "Milton" in the B-timeline?
* Are the "flash-sideways" a true look at a separate timeline, or is there a linear connection, such as one timeline being the other one's past or future?
* Why doesn't Eloise Widmore want Desmond to look for Penny? Why does she tell him he's "not ready yet"?
* Where did Eloise Widmore gain her knowledge of the original timeline? Does she have Daniel Faraday's journal?
* Why does Desmond follow Sayid right after telling Widmore he'll cooperate?
(6.12 - Desmond seems to have no fear, despite it being obvious that "Locke" is likely to push him into the well.)
* What sacrifice does Widmore expect Desmond to make?
(6.12 - Smokey seems to have had no qualms about sacrificing Desmond, but we don't know if he's dead.)

6.12 Everybody Loves Hugo

* Why does B-Desmond run over B-Locke with his car? Is it for revenge, or to cause a near-death experience that will induce visions of the A-timeline?
* Why has Hurley never seen Libby's ghost? Has she "moved on"?

6.13 The Last Recruit

* Does B-Ilana work for, or have any knowledge of, Jacob?
* With Keamy and his goons dead, are B-Jin and B-Sun finally free from her father's control?
* Why did Widmore renege on his deal with Sawyer?
(6.14 - It seems strange that Widmore knew not to be around when Smokey attacked Widmore's people at the cages, freeing the candidates.)

6.14 The Candidate

* Do B-Locke's murmurings when waking up from his operation indicate that Desmond was successful in showing him visions of the A-timeline?
* Why doesn't B-Claire realize the significance of the music box? Did her father never sing "Catch a Falling Star" for her in this timeline?
* How does Widmore know who the candidates are?
* Are Smokey and Widmore working together behind the scenes to con the remaining Candidates?
* Is Frank Lapidus dead?
* Will Claire face consequences from Smokey for having joined up with the Candidates?
* Was Jack right in guessing that the C4 would not have killed anyone if left alone?
* What caused Sayid to change his mind and/or start to "feel" again?

6.15 Across the Sea

* How did Jacob and MIB's mother prevent them from killing each other?
* What is the origin of the wine?
* How were "the rules" determined, and when/why does someone such as Jacob get to change them?
* Why did MIB's mother thank him for stabbing her?

Sky has announced it will broadcast the conclusion to the sixth and final series on Sky1 and Sky1 HD at 5am on Monday, May 24, the same time American viewers will be settling down to watch it.

The Lost finale will also screen on Sky1 at 9pm on Tuesday and its original timeslot of 9pm on Friday.

Couple of bits from the article above for those who have Sky :) Good job I don't - I'd be getting up very early to watch it!
Charlotte lol, I'm sky plussing it haha, I'm still lost, but looks like jack is the new Jacob :)
ARGH boss wouldnt give me day off, looks like im recording it and watching it Monday night :)

Not seen tonights ep yet, waiting for OH to finish work x
omg omg omg i am nearly pissing my pants with excitement.

that concert is gonna be one hell of a concert isnt it,

i think the mother of jacks son david is gonna be a shocker or is it that spinal victim. or maybe juliet

i'm sky plus'ing it but it'll be the first thing i watch when i get up (sorry rhys handy manny is gonna have to wait :haha:)

and widmores dead hmmm didnt see that one coming i reckon he's the mystery i dont get
i still want to know what was special about walt

i think its the heart of the world the beginning of life good/evil the opposite of everything or something like that. it heaven and hell balance or something like that lol

I dont think Jacob made Jack like him

I think he just needs him to think he is
tiff can you put the link to that lost blog up please? TY xx
Sure! Here it is: Murlough23's Xanga Page

His latest commentary is up too regarding this weeks episode. :mrgreen:
sorry havent been near this thread cos i had 5 episode to catch up on!! Just did though ! So what is everyone thinking?! im confused!!!!! and scared it is going to be a let down :(
i think it might be good, i think the whole episode will be telling us why the island exsists, i hope they tell us about walt, he was a huge part of it and they just put him on a boat and sent him in a direction. that part baffles me

i still think juliet will be jacks sons mum, we'll see though

yeah i think julliette is jacks sons mum too!

Are you all getting up to watch it at 5am?! UK folk!
eeee!! I can't wait til 5am tomorrow morning!! I was watching a special on sky1 after the episode on Friday and I can't help thinking now that they aren't gonna explain it all.... I hope I like the ending, I don't want to be disapointed!
It seems there's some sort of connection between the island reality and the flash sideways reality. How do you think they'l explain the 3 year gap?

I also think we'll see Juliette again, even if she isn't David's mother. Can anyone remember where she was "recruited" from? Because if it wasn't LA what reason is there for her and Jack to have met?

Still looking forward to seeing Vincent!

Hmmm just realised I've sort of been talking to myself there! Excuse my ramblings :)

Bit excited... :)
lol littlepne, I know the feeling!! I can't wait to get up at 5am tomorrow, how sad am I!!!

I have no clue what's gonna happen :)

I just don't want it to end...
i think the alternative reality is just the future, they have had their memories of the island wiped and been put pack into real life and slowly they are all meeting up again.......

They could be on the same flight number months later!

wonder why desmond has taken it upon himself to get them all meeting up again.........

and the song in the music box claire got from her dad played the same song that Kate was singing to Aaron when she was leaving town with him when she returned to the island!!!!

catch a falling star......

i juts dont know how they are going to tie it all in, there was never an explanation about the polar bears!! or Walt!
I think the polar bears were trained to turn the wheel, because there was the skeleton of one in tunisia, and the losties shot one (only two cages).

I don't think we'll get much of an explanation about Walt. I doubt he'll appear because he's all grown up now!
think ill go to bed early and get up and watch it!!! i was just gonna sky+ it but i want to know!!!! is it 2 hours long?
i have series 1,2,3 &4 all poised waiting for me to watch again straight after!!
need to get 5 & 6!

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