Oh, and Mies, I have been meaning to comment about how my husband's family is Dutch and often say little sayings in Dutch. And my ancestry (Mom's parents) are from Friesland.
That's so awesome! What kind of things do they say?
My brother in law is always saying "Tsjonge jonge" and then they'll just all randomly come out with little sayings or like saying "pass the X" and X is in Dutch. I think it would be neat, when I have kids, to have them teach my kids a bit of the language.
TTC related news: I showed DH my two apps which have this week and next being possible fertile weeks and he was rolling his eyes. I was like "this is so you know" in case I like jump him later.
I wanted to order some OPKs, but off ebay I have a history of things taking a reaaaaaly long time to ship so I didn't want them to come in like a month and then either I'm already pregnant (optimistic me) or I am past O for that month and have to wait long again for the next one (pessimistic me).
That's so awesome! But what would your kids do with Dutch? I mean, it's only spoken in extremely small (albeit significant) countries. However, I think it's good to teach children that there are a lot of different languages and cultures out there.
Guys can be soooo blasé about it. My DH was too in the beginning, but now he is kind of into it! Maybe you should give your DH some time to get into it as well.
As you might have read in a previous post, I had to buy new OPKs for this cycle, since I'm running out. I buy them from a Dutch site called Sensitest. They take a day to get here, so hopefully I'll get them tomorrow (I will - I just checked my e-mail and they tell me the package has been sent, yay!). I could choose from packages ranging from 6 OPKs to 500!!! (who would buy 500 OPKs in one go???). I chose to buy 12, since I don't want to jinx this cycle, but secretly I was thinking: just take 24 then you have enough for next cycle as well...