Hi ladies! I'm so sorry I'm in here so rarely! I can't keep up with you all! Lol.
I've been up to my ears in books and journals and the like, writing assignments - it feels like there aren't enough hours in the day!! On the upside, it's at least kind of taking my mind off the stress of TTC!
My husband, on the other hand, is not!! He means well, I know he does. When he agreed to TTC, I was worried that I'd "bullied" him into it. We hadn't been married very long (like, a month), but we have been together for nearly 8 years, and we're both nearly 30, so it's not like we're rushing into it lol. But I brought the subject up knowing that he would agree to anything to make me happy, or rather... To not make me sad. I have a fairly recent history of depression and even though I'm "well" now, I know he still worries about me going back ere and I worried that he agreed, even though he didn't want to, because he was worried about how I would react if he said no.
But since I came off the pill and we started TTC in march, even though he previously said he wanted to wait until April, every time we have sex he says "so... Do you think I got you pregnant that time?" Lol. He's a smart man. Probably the most intelligent person I know, but he doesn't seem to understand how difficult it can be to get pregnant. Or, he does... But he just doesn't think it could possibly be difficult for us!
It's nice that he's getting a bit excited about it and that it doesn't feel like he's just doing it for me, but I'm trying to not get too obsessed with it and he's stressing me out! Lol.
Bless him. I guess it could be worse. If he wasn't being so enthusiastic, I'd be complaining about that too, I guess!!
How is everyone else doing? I'm cd13 today, but I think I ovulated on day 22 last cycle, so I'm not expecting it to happen for a few days yet. I'm taking agnus castus to try and level out my hormones after coming off the pill, so we'll see what happens

I wanted to temp, but my sleep is so disrupted, my chart looked like a ctg readout last month! Lol. So we're just having sex every other day in the hope that we won't miss it whenever ovulation happens (I'm keeping an eye on cervix and mucus changes, which I know some people feel weird about, but being a student midwife kind of takes the ick factor out of anything involving the cervix lol).