Hi everyone. Hope you're all ok?
I'm in such a foul mood today

my car broke down yesterday while I was driving topics my husband up from work. Well, she didn't break down, a bunch of warning lights started flashing at me and then my power steering stopped working! Luckily, that bit didn't happen until I was trying to park in the car park, because I could hardly turn the wheel and I would have been screwed if that had happened when I was driving on the road!
Then we had to wait 4 hours for rac to send someone to tow us home! Apparently it's just an auxilary belt that's broken, but i'm a skint student so even cheap repairs aren't cheap for me!!
So, today, I'm missing my first day of placement on delivery suite, which is the worst possible first impression to make on my mento

and I'm due in tomorrow as well so I have to get my stupid car repaired today
I was ina good mood yesterday!! I had my final exam (on drug dosages) and I got 100% (had to in order to pass) and I submitted my last assignment of the year, and then after some IT training at the hospital, I met my beautiful baby nephew for the first time!!
The only thing I had to worry about was surviving my 10 week placement... And then this happens
Cd11 for me today, so hopefully I'll ovulate soon. Me and hubby are having sex every other day and hoping for the best. Holding my nephew in my arms yesterday made me even more broody, and I didn't even think that was possible!!