Congratulations chazz! Wonderful news!
Sorry to hear you're having a rubbish day, rhi rhi

I hope tomorrow is a better one!
I'm doing ok, but exhausted. I did my first night shift last night and felt fine when I got home this morning. Didn't even feel especially tired. But I went to bed anyway, knowing I wouldn't get through the whole day without sleep and I felt worse when I got up than I did when I got into bed! Lol.
I'm also surprised by how many people seem to think it's ok to ask me when I'm having babies!! You would think that I would be a it protected from those questions, seeing as I'm only one year into a three year degree, but apparently not! And it's worse at work, because midwives should know how difficult it can be to get pregnant and what a sensitive subject it is, but I was asked 4 times in my 12 hour shift when I was planning on starting a family! And my family are constantly asking me whether m job and having a new nephew is making a broody!
It's driving me up the wall! My period is due on Saturday (if my cycle plays nice) but i already know I'm not pregnant. I'd eat my cat if I got a bfp this month. I'm not even buying any pregnancy tests, that's how sure I am that this isn't my month

so ill be heading into my fourth month of trying and I just want to cry