Hi girls, sorry it's been a while since I checked in
You might remember that I stopped taking my pill at the beginning of march and my husband wanted to wait until April to actually start trying. Well, that kind of fell by the wayside a bit and we had sex every other day, regardless of whether there were any signs of ovulation. I had trouble charting because my sleep is so disrupted that my temps were all over the place, and my hubby agreed that is wouldn't be so bad if we fell pregnant straight away and ended up with a December baby...
But my period came today

so I'm cd1 again
I had a 31 day cycle, first month off the pill, so I guess I should be pleased that I didn't have a super long cycle, but I think I ovulated on cd20, so I had a short luteal phase
Here's hoping for more luck in April!
How is everyone else doing? Anyone else on cd1?