Sorry for the late update.
Not a whole lot right now. I had my ultrasound today and the uterus is still empty. Still a super thick lining but my right tube is dilated some. My doctor was in a delivery and they couldn't reach her. The triage nurse sent me home and told me not to eat or drink anything because I was probably having surgery for an ectopic and that it was too late for Methotrexate. Needless to say, I was freaking out.
I came home and my doctor ended up calling me about an hour later. She was pretty pissed that the nurse freaked me out so bad. She said ectopic is a possibility but she's not 100% convinced yet and wants to be absolutely sure so that there's no chance of killing a potentially healthy pregnancy. She said my dilation could just be because I have a cyst on my right ovary. She said if it is ectopic, I'm not close to rupture and will be fine until Friday which is the latest we'd treat it.
So for now what we did was I had another beta today and will get the results of that tomorrow. If they're going up then I'll have a repeat HCG on Wednesday and then an ultrasound on Thursday or Friday if they're up again. She said if there is a healthy pregnancy somehow then it would absolutely show a sac by Friday. If my numbers start dropping or staying the same then we will do the Methotrexate immediately. If I end up having another ultrasound and there is nothing there then she said she'd be confident enough at that point to do Methotrexate. So there is an end in sight. We will know by Friday what's going on. She just wants to be 100% certain before she does that since there have been cases of misdiagnosed ectopics.
Of course if I have any pain I'm supposed to call them ASAP. At first I really didn't want to do Methotrexate because it'd require a 4 month break from TTC. I could still do the biopsy if I wanted to see if it was in my uterus but at this point I'm too scared to risk rupture if it is ectopic but putting it off. I'm honestly pretty traumatized by everything and don't mind a 4 month break at this point.