Low dropping levels but HB found?

Hi ladies,

Sorry I've been missing for ages, we were on holiday this week in France which was absolutely lovely. After feeling exhausted and a nasty throat infection that lasted a few weeks, I finally feel rested and much better! I've also been on bnb less, just trying to take a step back really.

I'm still cycle 6, I don't know when I ovulated but I know it was late, I was trying royal jelly and I think that delayed ov. Who knows.

Lit that's fantastic news about your hubby's new job, you must be thrilled. Congrats to him, I'm so pleased you'll have more time together now.

33 weeks already, in the final few weeks now! I hope she doesn't keep you waiting too long! I never thought I'd go overdue a d Freya was 16 days late, it really was the longest wait ever! Packing the hospital bag is just the most exciting thought though! When do you finish work? Let the nesting commence!! Have you chosen her name?

Dette, have you had your specialist appointment now? I hope all is ok and you have got some more answers.

How is hunter doing? We took Freya to a live show of her favourite programme in the night garden today, she met one of the characters after and just had the most magical day! It was so emotional seeing her so happy!!

I'm glad the wedding went so well. It sounds like it was really lovely, although tiring. I love weddings, my hubby's brother gets married in July and hubby is best man. And congrats on being bridesmaid again for your sister.

Mrs W - So good to hear from you again! Your holiday in France sounds amazing! How nice it must be to be so close to all those cool places. What was the highlight of your trip? Sorry to hear about your throat infection and being so tired lately! I am glad you're feeling better now.

Interesting about your late ov! I hope a deviation in your cycle means a happy BFP for you! :hugs:

Thanks for being so happy about my husband's new job! It really is good news for sure.

That is crazy you went a whole 16 weeks overdue with Freya! Do they normally let you go the far overdue in the UK? Here they generally recommend inducing around 10 days and won't usually let you go further than 14 days overdue. I hope my baby cooperates and doesn't come too late!

My last day of work is July 18th, so just about 4 weeks away. I can't wait! We have chosen a name and are keeping it a surprise until the birth but can't wait to make our announcement when she arrives! I really do need to get on packing the hospital bag...I just keep procrastinating!

I hope you enjoy your hubby's brother's wedding coming up! Do you have to travel for it at all?

Dette - How are you doing? :hugs:
Ooh highlight of the trip, good question! I think the lovely infinity pool at the resort, it was so lovely swimming each day with Freya in the sunshine and it was so quiet. We had a lovely time though, nice meals, loads of wine no cheese! Paying for it this week by being good!

Well they usually induce you between 12 and 14 days overdue here. I was booked in for induction at 13 days overdue but got sent home as labour ward was full with ladies in labour. I went back on 14 days over and was induced that night. It took 12 hours to go into labour so it was then 15 days over. I was then in labour for 24 hours so that got me to 16 days late! Mad. Worth every minute of the wait though!

Ooh not long until your last week at work! It's a lovely feeling once you have finished! I don't blame you keeping the name as a surprise, can't wait to hear what you've called her! Making the big announcement after the birth is so so exciting, you'll love watching all the messages of congratulations pouring in! I felt so proud and excited when we took her home and took her for her first walk in the pram.

The wedding is about an hour away and my in laws have a holiday home there so we have a place to stay. It should be good although a rush for me as work have refused me the day off before the wedding as we are so busy.
So sorry for the late reply ladies. Been a bit of a wreck and taking some time off from here.

Thats really awesome news about the new job Lit! That will be so much better for you all. I am sure he will fly through the training! I am sure it will initially be tough with a new baby but there are so many people who manage studying and raising a family :flower:

You are getting so close to the end now! Not long til you get to hold your rainbow baby in your arms. How is your friends baby doing?

In regards to seeing a rheumatologist, I had a high RH factor but it was still within considered normal range and there is a medication that rheumatologist prescribe for people like me which seems to have good affect, so I am hoping I get in to see one soon. They also are specialised in autoimmune disease and i think their main concern is I am in early stages of developing another. Yay :cry:

Its nice to see you back Mrs W, did you have a nice holiday? Sorry to hear you havent been well :hugs: I know how you feel about needing to take time off BnB. Where abouts in this cycle are you? Waiting for ov or DPO?

Omg! 16 days over. I would have died! :haha: You are a very patient woman.

Hunter is well. Typical toddler though! Its been an exhausting couple of months since these tantrums started... Its almost as if he is a completely different kid. Hitting,mscratching, throwing himself on the floor... :nope:

Oh Hunter loves that show too! I bet she had a blast. We had Peppa Pig here not too long ago but I was working so couldnt take Hunter.

Oh another wedding, how lovely! I bet that will be really nice for you all. Are you taking Freya?

Hope you ladies are well xx
Hello! Sorry I disappeared for a while. Life got insane and when I don't reply for a while this thread for some reason disappears from my subscription list.

Mrs W - Wow, that infinity pool sounds just lovely! I'm glad you had such a good time although I'm sure by now your holiday feels like a distant memory.

Eek, I can see how the time added up to you being 16 days overdue! That is intense though. I hope that doesn't happen to me. Did your body give any signs of labour in the weeks before your due date (losing your mucous plug, dilation, effacement, engagement, cramping, etc.)?

I'm happy to say I'm on my second last day of work right now! I can't wait to be done, although it feels surreal that I won't be back for an entire year (but I'm so thrilled about that fact)! I agree that making the big announcement will be so exciting! I know I'll be the same feeling so proud taking my baby out for the first time! I'm already such a proud mama! :)

That's too bad you couldn't get time off before the wedding! That always makes things tricky. I hope work settles down soon as it sounds stressful.

Dette - Thanks! He started his job on Monday and so far things are going well but are a bit overwhelming/confusing/disorganized and a lot is expected of him. I do think he will succeed though and the hard part will just be getting over this initial learning curve.

My friend's baby is doing great. I was at her baby shower this past weekend! She looks amazing and her baby is thriving and doing well although they had some latching issues in the beginning so he hasn't gained much weight yet.

Wow, that is scary that you may be developing another autoimmune disease and that your RH factor was high. That does not sound fun but I'm glad you're in good hands and that they're actually looking into this and not dismissing it.

That sounds very difficult about Hunter having so many tantrums! That would be so hard to deal with. I hope he grows out of that phase QUICKLY.

How are you doing? :hugs: Hope you're not too stressed these days.

As for the craziness of my life, we discovered mould in our baby room a few weeks ago...which turned out to be coming from the bathroom and so it had run rampant in the main bathroom, hallway and nursery. We had to remove a bunch of drywall, flooring, the bathroom vanity, etc. The last two weeks I have been living at my parents' house because our house has been undergoing renovations to fix everything up after we got the mould removed. My DH has had to do all the work himself and has been sleeping only 2-3 hours per night for weeks trying to get it all done before baby comes. Even though we are only renting and my landlady should have been hiring someone for the work, DH had no choice but to do it himself because contractors wouldn't have been able to come in until the middle of August, when baby will be here! So it's been a stressful few weeks. I have moved back home now but our house is a huge chaotic mess and I am very overwhelmed by it, especially since I'm still working at this point. I've been trying to put things away/clean every night, but it honestly doesn't really look like anything has been done. I also feel very violated because people who helped invaded my personal space (clearing out my underwear drawer in my bedroom, etc). I'm an extremely private person and don't let anyone even look in my bedroom let alone go inside and hunt through my drawers, so this was very hard on me and as I was putting away my underwear last night I just cried and cried because I felt so violated. Hormones certainly didn't help the situation.

I will be 37 weeks tomorrow and things are going well. I am quite uncomfortable now and am ready to be done.

Anything new with you? Any news on the job front?
Any new job will be like that at first but I am sure he will power through and get the hang of it very soon!

How exciting thay you have started your maternity leave now. I hope you are taking it easy and relaxing a bit before bubs arrival? I will definitely be making sure I finish work 2 weeks before my due date next time!

Not many answers from the Rheum. They referred me to the Genetics clinic though to be gene tested for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. I also saw an endocrinologist today who will be doing some more tests for me.

Other then that, I have been okay. Still job hunting, being very fussy and trying to find a part time job with decent income is hard. Health wise, I have been better.. But I am trying to be positive. My BFF had her fourth M/C last week, so we are going to be having a weekend to ourselves soon to relax and pamper ourselves!

Gosh!! That sounds so stressful and definitely the laat thing you want to deal with whilst heavily pregnant. The good thing is when they are a newborn, you can just keep them in your room anyway :) Hunter slept in our room til about 7 months.

How is everything? Any early labour signs? I think I had my bloody show around this mark!
Dette -
Yes, I think he is already doing a bit better at work although still so much to learn and deal with. I feel confident he will do well, though. He keeps talking about how hard the modules are he is learning, and then he admits to getting 97-100% on the tests so he must be doing pretty well. :winkwink:

Yes! Maternity leave is amazing so far, and I've definitely done some relaxing (mostly in the form of sleeping in), but have also been jam packed with social activities so it's been pretty busy. Tonight we are having a BBQ with some friends at our house, so I'm trying to decide if I can handle an outing in the afternoon or if I should just stay home and relax! I am glad you will finish weeks 2 weeks early next time! I definitely recommend the relaxation time!

Eeps! Sorry about all your health issues but I do hope all these doctors and specialists can get to the bottom of whatever you're dealing with.

Job hunting can be really tough when you have so many specifications, but it will be worth it to hold out for all your "non-negotiables"! My DH took 8 months of pursuing this bank job before he finally got it, and now he has the hours, the pay and the type of job he really wanted...SO worth it...even though the wait was hard! I am confident you'll find just the right fit soon.

So sorry to hear about your BFF's 4th miscarriage. :( It is both awful but also probably comforting to her that you can relate. I am so glad you're going to have a pampering weekend together. You both deserve that SO much. Drink lots of wine and eat lots of chocolate!

Yes, I'm planning for baby to be in our room for the first 4-6 months! And thankfully our bedroom is mostly in order despite all the chaos everywhere else.

Funny you should say that, because I had my "bloody show" (or some twin version of it) this past Wednesday, and I think now I am just gradually losing the rest of my mucus plug. I know when you lose it gradually it can be weeks before actual labour, but I was surprised to get the "bloody show" and not have labour start shortly after so not sure if it was a false start or not. How long after your bloody show did you go into labour with Hunter?

Aside from that, it is not consistent, but my Braxton Hicks have really ramped up so they are now accompanied by (mildly) painful cramping and pressure that is so intense I sometimes have to get on all fours and use my breathing techniques to get through it (not always, but sometimes). They have no real pattern so I know my body is just practicing still but it's interesting that they've gotten so much more intense in the last week or two.

At my 36 1/2 week appointment I was 1 cm dilated, 50% effaced, and baby was dropped but not quite engaged yet. She did not check this week as she says it doesn't really make a difference anyway. I will probably ask for a membrane sweep at my 39 1/2 week appointment so she'll probably check again then.

Anything else new with you? What exactly are your pampering plans with your BFF?

Mrs W - What's new with you?
Hey Lit! Great to hear DH is doing well on his modules, my sister sounds a lot like him, says how hard her exams etc are and then passes with flying colours every single time :haha:

Oh enjoy your sleep ins and social outings, but make sure you make some quiet time for yourself too! Not too much longer to go :winkwink: I am still in disbelief, only feels like last month that you posted your BFP!

Me too. I hope the wait for the Genetics clinic won't be too long. Have heard of people waiting years... My endo is sending me for a lot of bloods though before he sees me again. I mentioned the possibility of adrenal fatigue, because I am just sooooo lethargic all the time, no matter how much sleep or rest I have. So he was happy to chuck that in the testing, thankfully.

Yeah, it definitely makes it difficult to find the right job! I figure it can't hurt to send my CV and resume to a few specialists offices considering being in the medical field is my favourite and I have been doing it for close to 5 years now. OH and I did our tax returns so hoping with that, we can save for bond for a new house and get a new computer so I can finally apply for nursing!

Yes, it's really sucky that we are both back in this spot. When I got my BFP, she really wanted to be pregnant together and wanted to start Clomid straight away. Unfortunately she forgot it on her honeymoon and they fell preg that cycle. She's now on Clomid, so fingers crossed for this cycle! I am struggling this week, knowing I would have hit the 12 week mark. How crazy fast that went by, but really upsetting knowing we should have been getting ready for a 12 week scan :cry:

How exciting though about all these early labour signs. I had my bloody show one week exactly before I went into labour. And my BH really ramped up around that point too. Eeep, how close is it now, it could really be any day! Good to know about the dilation and being effaced as well. Bub doesnt really need to be engaged right now to know whether labour will be imminent, some babies dont engage til labour actually begins. I had the membrane sweep at my 39+1 appt, went into labour 1 hour after it :haha:

Nothing too much new over here, my sister and her family are here for the weekend visiting, so her partner is going to watch their kids and Hunter tonight so we can go see that new movie, Sex Tape. :blush: :haha: So that will be good! BFF and I haven't planned exactly what we will do but I am sure it will involve either window shopping or movies and a lot of calorie loaded desserts hahaha.

Please keep me updated on any labour news etc!! Hope you enjoy your remaining time of holidays before your little girl arrives though, have you got anything else planned?
Dette - Haha, yes, that does sound like your sister too! haha. What is your sister taking?

Oh enjoy your sleep ins and social outings, but make sure you make some quiet time for yourself too! Not too much longer to go :winkwink: I am still in disbelief, only feels like last month that you posted your BFP!

I am very much enjoying my sleep! My nights are very interrupted and I get insomnia about every other night...but it's so great knowing there's no pressure to fall asleep right away because I can just sleep in late if I don't get enough! :) Yay! It's weird how it feels so recent that I posted my BFP to you...as it feels like I have been pregnant for years at this point! I feel like a different person than the person going through the first trimester! So weird.

That is good your endo is taking lots of bloodwork. Maybe he can get to the bottom of your problem even before you get to the Genetics clinic, but I do hope the wait isn't too ridiculously long. The waits to see specialists here are very long as well. I totally understand the constant fatigue...I wish I had a more proactive doctor who would try to get the bottom of it!

That is a good idea to send your CV to a few specialists' offices! I hope the perfect job turns up soon. That is great about your tax return. I really hope you can get a new computer and save for a new house!

Oh dear...that is really sad about your BFF. I hope the Clomid helps give her a very healthy egg for this next time. That is really hard that you would have hit the 12 week mark this week. :( It isn't fair at all that it's a "would-have-been" milestone. :( How are you feeling about TTC now? Do you think you will go on some form of bc for a while still? I hope your weekend with your BFF helped cheer you both up. What did you end up doing?

Interesting! Thanks for the info on the timing of your labour with Hunter! I will probably get my membrane sweep at about 39+5, or whenever I can get an appointment that week. I haven't been able to book it ahead of time because my doctor is away that week and the on-call doctor doesn't have her schedule posted yet. I really hope it works the first time! That is so nice it worked so well with you!

That is nice that your sister and her family are visiting (or were there...). How did you enjoy Sex Tape? My BFF absolutely loved it but I tend to not like things too raunchy so I'm not sure if I should see it or not. That is really nice you and your sis got a night away from the kids.

No more news about labour yet. I have some days where BHs are really ramped up and other days where they are more like the usual. I sort of get the feeling now that it will be at LEAST another week. I think it's just murphy's law because as soon as I went to Target and bought the last of the baby things/hospital bag items that we really needed, I stopped having as many signs of impending labour! haha. Now that I'm actually prepared it's not going to happen. :p

This week is a bit more low key. I'll still probably hang out with my BFF nearly every day, but we may just sit on her patio and read/relax...and we will make our plans based on how we feel that day. On Friday I am going swimming with my friend Amie because she has the day off randomly...so that should be fun. :) In the evenings, DH and I plan on getting the house in order. Last week we got the upstairs all cleaned up but then sort of slacked on the basement so I'm really hoping we can get everything cleaned up this week finally.

What are your plans for the week? I hope you have a good one!
My friend had that happen to her. Her urine test and hcg levels confirmed that she wasnt pregnant but she insisted on getting an ultrasound and they did it and there it was, a sac! Now her son is 3! She said some people just have low blood levels. Hang in there! :)
Hey Lit - my sister is doing Accounting. She still has a little while to go as she has only been doing it part time.

Yeah pregnancy always goes forever when it is you :haha: Whereas everyone else thinks its flown. I remember feeling like I had been pregnant for 5 years haha. Not long to go now though!!

TTC has been pretty much off the cards for now. I dont know when that will change. Hopefully soon enough but I think our main priority is moving house which should happen in the next few months! I ended up getting the Mirena which I already hate. I have put on a few kilos since insertion and my hair is falling out!

Anymore news? How are you feeling? Exhausted and anxious I bet! I have been thinking of you, its just so hard to get on here these days and type big replies on my phone! Cant wait to get a computer.

No real plans this week for me. Continue checking job websites, deal with a crazy toddler and hate life at work haha. :haha:

Hope you are well and hopefully by the time you see this, you will be in labour!
Hey, Dette! That is cool about your sister doing Accounting. I'm sure it will be worth the wait for her!

Nope, not long to go now is right...but it's feeling even longer now! :haha: Not even at my due date yet and I'm feeling overdue!

Makes sense you want to focus on finding a better place first before TTC again. Let me know when that changes! That really sucks you don't like the Mirena! My co-worker got an IUD right after having her baby and she just had to undergo surgery to get it out because the string disappeared and it floated up into her uterus somehow! Yikers. So she warned me to never get an IUD. I don't think that will happen to you, but it sounds like the side effects aren't that great. Do you think you will keep it for long?

Well - no news here. I am very annoyed! I got my membrane sweep today at around noon and nothing has happened. Yes, they say if it works it could work anytime in the next 48 hours, but it feels like I'm pregnant to stay. :p Right after the sweep I was SOO crampy and had tons of pelvic pressure and was having a few painful contractions mixed with just my usual braxton hicks. Well, ended up having a nap and when I woke up things had really slowed down but was still cramping a bit. Now I basically have no signs at all (except I'm still spotting from the sweep, which is super annoying). When she checked me today I was 1-2 cm dilated and 80% effaced. I could have pretty much predicted this as I could almost 'feel' my cervix effacing (hope that doesn't sound crazy), but I hadn't had too many contractions that I figured would be very productive so I didn't think I'd be much more dilated. I really want to go into labour now. I was having sooo much fun the past two weeks. Now I'm still enjoying my time off, but I am officially just waiting on baby. I don't care so much about soaking up the last of my summer 'holidays.' I just want to meet her already! And I SO do not want to go overdue - but I am quite sure I am going to now. :wacko:

Sorry to hear about you still hating work. I really do know how that is. I hope something better turns up soon. Let me know if you get any leads! I am the same with no real plans this week - except hopefully going into labour! :haha: I hope you can quickly make it to the weekend and get some relaxing in!

Oh - we finally got our nursery back together last week (although decorations still need to be hung up) so I am attaching some pics!!


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Awww, your due date is in like 2 or 3 days too isnt it? You never know!! I hope for your sake, you dont go over. And also hope you wont need an induction! (Have heard that can be pretty intense!) Are you try any natural remedies? I pricked evening primrose oil capsules and inserted them the night before my sweep. May have been a coincidence but it could have helped soften my cervix further! Worth a shot if you havent tried it yet ;)

Yikes! I have heard of that happening! Thankfully, I can just feel my strings, though sometimes they curl right up into my cervix so I kinda have to (TMI) sweep around to find them. But I am going to book in to have it removed I think. I hate it. I feel depressed, I have had probably 3 days since my m/c where I havent been bleeding or spotting. I have gained a bit of weight despite great diet and exercise. So I think I just want it out. Dont know if I will go onto anything after or just go back to NFP and if we fall pregnant again, then great. If not, anytime after December will be fine with me too!

So sorry to hear that the sweep hasnt done much so far. For me, I had my sweep around 9am and drove home and went into full nesting mode. Squatting heaps to clean things and just kept moving. I bled a lot after it actually and contractions at the start felt like bad period pain. By 4pm I knew I was in full blown labour. So hopefully tomorrow things kick up again for you! And then that might be enough time for DH to reccover too! It wouldnt be ideal though if he is really unwell when you are in labour. You would def want him to be feeling 100%!!

Yeah I am hoping something comes up soon but I think the main thing thats making it so difficult is most job vacancies are fulltime. So if by the end of the year, I have had no luck, I might have to put Hunter in fulltime care :( I guess I should be happy that I have been able to only work part time for this long. As many other people arent able to do that. But it kills me to think about barely seeing him all week!

Omg!! Such a beautiful nursery! Fit for a beautiful little princess. Oh I cant wait for you to have her. This is all just too exciting! :haha:

I hope you get some more rest and maybe in the meantime, those cramps will kickstart again hehe. Keep me up to date!! Xxx

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