Hi ladies,
I am happy to read all your stories and not feel so alone. As much I have a lot of friends and family, I feel completely Isolated and alone in this journey; which I thought would be fast, quick and of course easy ( what was I thinking!?)
I am 29, my DH is 34 and we started TTC #1 in may 2011. We went to the fertility clinic in Montreal ( reproductive centre at Royal Vic. Hospital) and got all tests done. DH came back with low sperm count ( he's a heavy smoker...) and I found out I have polycistic ovaries, which was pointing to PCOS at that time but the doctor didn't want to make a diagnosis since I always have regular period and do not have any of the other symptoms.Everything else was A OK.The doctor wanted to move ahead with insemination, which I found to be an appalling idea at the time ( I'm very non-interventionist) and just just gave us some vitamins and sent us on our way.
I became pregnant in July 2013 and I had an MC at 7 weeks. After the heartbreak and the emotional turmoil, I decided to chuck everything out the window and just live my life ( aka: drink lots of wine, overwork myself, and pick up social smoking) Needless to say my coping mechanisms are not the best, but honestly, I never thought an MC could be so devastating and I didn't know what to do with myself. After i got my AF back, we just decided to have sex, My Dh started his vitamins ( FINALLY) and no masturbation during " prime time baby makingtime" as I like to call it.
December 2013 was a roller coaster: after getting a high paying job, getting my four wisdom teeth pulled ( + sedation) writing 4 finals, Oh and getting a really bad stomach flu; I found out I was pregnant again on december 31st. I was actually just testing because I wanted to drink at the NYE party and i was SHOCKED to find out we were expecting again.
We were over the moon again, and we made the BIG mistake to tell our families... AGAIN. I started spotting on and off during the first few weeks and went to the doctor numerous times and everyone was just telling me " oh its normal blablablablalba". The same day after going to my first prenatal appointment, had an MC at home at 8 weeks...which was horrible, emotionally draining and physically extremely painful. I have been re-living both my losses since and I have to admit that it's been rough.
Today we went to the endocrinologist at the fertility clinic again, and the doctor is always in a rush, which is really annoying....She doesn't like to answer questions and all I want is to get some F***** answers... She sent me for blood clotting tests and for some insulin resistance tests. She says that because I most likely have PCOS, that I am miscarrying and that she wants to give me Metformin to help me with conceiving and maintaining a pregnancy. I don't understand why she didn't just give me clomid right away, so I can take it and start making a baby AT LAST!!! and progesterone to help me with the hormones. I'm convinced it has something to do with it...
I asked her what to do if I get pregnant again and she said to take an appointment... geez. I live in Quebec, by the time you get an appointment you have stage 4 pancreatic cancer... I just hope if I do get pregnant someone somewhere has some progesterone pills I can take. I really hope that she helps me...
So in conclusion, I don't know what's happening, I don't know when my period will come back, i don't know if if my eggs are any good, If I ovulate every month, I don't know if I want to try again, I don't know anything anymore....