New here - my story:
I'm 32, husband is 34. For lots of complicated reasons we didn't start trying until February 2013 (when we'd been married almost 8 years). I had a VERY early miscarriage in August 2013, but haven't conceived since. I do have low progesterone (which my RE thinks was part of the miscarriage) so I've been on progesterone supplements on day 19-end of cycle since then (I think it's 100 mg twice a day). HSG in August 2014 showed no blockages or abnormalities, husband's SA came back "normal" (more on that in a second), but financial frustrations with lack of clarity on what the HSG would cost made us think about going to a fertility clinic since my insurance sucks and that way at least everything would be a fairly clear-cut cost.
Ultrasound in June at fertility clinic showed no abnormalities (but since then, at my last ultrasound, my doctor thinks there might be a uterine polyp, which looking back at my June US he can see hints of as well).
We had our first IUI this morning - I took Femara days 3-7, some ovarian cramping, then took the Ovidrel shot two nights ago. Husband's sample today was about 6 million which our doc said was on the low end but still totally doable. Turns out the SA he got in the winter wasn't quite interpreted correctly by my local OBGYN, and that "normal" is actually not quite accurate for his situation - which is GOOD news for us because it takes us out of the "unexplained infertility" category and into the "male factor" category. So our RE said today IUI was the best thing we could be doing (for financial reasons we won't be doing IVF).
My RE also said there is a chance I might have endo, but because my deductible is so high we want to wait until the next calendar year to do the laparoscopy if we don't get pregnant on this or the next couple of IUI cycles, just to make it possible to have surgery, max out my deductible, and then give birth in the same calendar year and save some money. (Even if I don't get pregnant that year, we at least want to max out my deductible early enough in the year to make it at least possible to have all those costs in one year!)
If I'm not pregnant this cycle, I'll go in to the RE on day 6 of the next cycle to have a test where they put some water in my uterus and "inflate" it so he can see better if what he saw was in fact a polyp. If it is, we'll figure out whether it can just be a D&C to get it out or if I need more involved surgery, and if that could be combined with an exploratory laparoscopy to check for endo. Still might wait until January to do any surgery, depending on expense.
So that's where we are now. I had some spotting and cramping and mild queasiness after the IUI this morning but I think my body just doesn't like my cervix being messed with (I full-on passed out during my HSG).
I haven't really had any reason to hope for at least a year, I rarely take pregnancy tests because my period comes on time and doesn't leave room for waiting and wondering, and I'm a bit scared now to have an actual reason to get my hopes up. I don't normally have much stress during a two week wait but oh boy am I feeling it already.
Nice to "meet" everyone