LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

Hi, everyone,

Here is my story:

Good luck to everyone.
Question for you guys, so the nurse that called with my results said my other labs where fine (didn't give me the results except for the the progesterone) and when I asked if I ovulated she said yes. But with that low of a progesterone doesn't that mean I didn't??? I'm going to contact them again in the morning because I am very confused, but I think im done with just my OBGYN I think im going to suck it up and go to a specialist.

Your progesterone number was pretty low. Anything between 3 and 30 shows that you've ovulated, so I might be concerned you hadn't. It's possible you didn't ovulate when you thought you had and you were only a couple of days past ovulation when you had your day 21 test...Maybe they were looking at the number and thinking that maybe you ovulated but the progesterone levels didn't stay high enough because of a deficiency? I would totally ask for clarification though. Maybe the nurse didn't actually know what numbers meant ovulation had occurred and was just saying yes.

I had a similar issue because my doctor insisted I go on Day 21 when that's at the end of my cycles basically and so my number was low because I was about to have AF. I had to redo the test and my numbers were much better the second time around. But the redo was through an FS.
I was looking at my chart if I ovulated the 1st time i got the +opk i would have only been 5dpo but if I got those other +opk on cd21 (also day i got labs drawn) and was wondering if maybe I ovulated then instead. sooo confusing!!! I talked with my doctor today and set up an appointment in Aug to see her face to face. I also stopped metformin this cycle so I'm wondering if that screwed stuff up. guess we will see when AF shows up.

Thanks DB for listening to my rants lol
New here - my story:

I'm 32, husband is 34. For lots of complicated reasons we didn't start trying until February 2013 (when we'd been married almost 8 years). I had a VERY early miscarriage in August 2013, but haven't conceived since. I do have low progesterone (which my RE thinks was part of the miscarriage) so I've been on progesterone supplements on day 19-end of cycle since then (I think it's 100 mg twice a day). HSG in August 2014 showed no blockages or abnormalities, husband's SA came back "normal" (more on that in a second), but financial frustrations with lack of clarity on what the HSG would cost made us think about going to a fertility clinic since my insurance sucks and that way at least everything would be a fairly clear-cut cost.

Ultrasound in June at fertility clinic showed no abnormalities (but since then, at my last ultrasound, my doctor thinks there might be a uterine polyp, which looking back at my June US he can see hints of as well).

We had our first IUI this morning - I took Femara days 3-7, some ovarian cramping, then took the Ovidrel shot two nights ago. Husband's sample today was about 6 million which our doc said was on the low end but still totally doable. Turns out the SA he got in the winter wasn't quite interpreted correctly by my local OBGYN, and that "normal" is actually not quite accurate for his situation - which is GOOD news for us because it takes us out of the "unexplained infertility" category and into the "male factor" category. So our RE said today IUI was the best thing we could be doing (for financial reasons we won't be doing IVF).

My RE also said there is a chance I might have endo, but because my deductible is so high we want to wait until the next calendar year to do the laparoscopy if we don't get pregnant on this or the next couple of IUI cycles, just to make it possible to have surgery, max out my deductible, and then give birth in the same calendar year and save some money. (Even if I don't get pregnant that year, we at least want to max out my deductible early enough in the year to make it at least possible to have all those costs in one year!)

If I'm not pregnant this cycle, I'll go in to the RE on day 6 of the next cycle to have a test where they put some water in my uterus and "inflate" it so he can see better if what he saw was in fact a polyp. If it is, we'll figure out whether it can just be a D&C to get it out or if I need more involved surgery, and if that could be combined with an exploratory laparoscopy to check for endo. Still might wait until January to do any surgery, depending on expense.

So that's where we are now. I had some spotting and cramping and mild queasiness after the IUI this morning but I think my body just doesn't like my cervix being messed with (I full-on passed out during my HSG).

I haven't really had any reason to hope for at least a year, I rarely take pregnancy tests because my period comes on time and doesn't leave room for waiting and wondering, and I'm a bit scared now to have an actual reason to get my hopes up. I don't normally have much stress during a two week wait but oh boy am I feeling it already.

Nice to "meet" everyone :)
Welcome LikeTheStars:flower: Sorry it took me so long to reply, I saw your post but got distracted with other Things and forgot to say hi:dohh:

I'm so sorry you're also having so many problems conceiving and very sorry about your m/c :( We all know what it's like to have problems conceiving on this thread, unfortunately:nope:

I really hope your IUI takes :thumbup:

I'm the same way, I think I've only used 1 HPT last July (so 2014) but it was just AF being 5 days late:wacko: Otherwise AF has either been on time or a couple of days early:dohh: I did experience a CP last April though but that's the closest I've gotten:nope:

Yeah the 2WW are horrible after IUI:nope: My advice is to try and distract yourself as much as possible with other things, maybe even take up a hobby:flower: I've started making my own earrings which is fun and distracts me pretty good.

If this IUI doesn't work (but of course FXed it will!), will you at one point be going over to injectables? And how many IUIs are you going to be doing? I've been through 6 (failed) IUIs myself, all with injectables, so know a bit about them (am currently waiting to do IVF in October since the hospital can't fit us in before that):blush:
AF finally showed up a week late :dohh: but this cycle I'm gonna do clomid and progesterone so hoping my DH's swimmers are a little bit better!

If not I made an appointment with the fertility specialist in 6 months and we will move on to IUI.
AF finally showed up a week late :dohh: but this cycle I'm gonna do clomid and progesterone so hoping my DH's swimmers are a little bit better!

If not I made an appointment with the fertility specialist in 6 months and we will move on to IUI.

Awww so sorry swimmy :( I tried something similar last year with AF showing up 5 days late. It totally stinks to have your hopes up and then AF comes:nope:

Hope Clomid works for you and you won't need to move on to IUI :dust:

AFM nothing much going on since we're NTNP until our October IVF. Have no idea where I am in my cycle since I'm not paying much attention but I think I may have Oed which would fit in with my normal cycle I think :shrug: Anyway, feel like time is dragging on at the moment until our 1st meeting with the hospital the 28th of September:nope: Looking forward to going to DH's and mine mutual friend's wedding on Friday (sorry if I said Saturday at one point, it's on Friday) and then taking off for a 1 week vacation in Toscana:thumbup:

How's everyone else feeling/doing:flower:
Morning ladies, sorry I've been awol - had a weird cycle, 64 days with positive opk (finally) at cd50. AF arrived Sunday and is making her presence know! Hubby got really upset when AF turned up, he's finally starting to talk to me about how he feels about this journey. It's great because it means I don't feel so lonely.

How are you all? Welcome to the newbies x
Morning ladies, sorry I've been awol - had a weird cycle, 64 days with positive opk (finally) at cd50. AF arrived Sunday and is making her presence know! Hubby got really upset when AF turned up, he's finally starting to talk to me about how he feels about this journey. It's great because it means I don't feel so lonely.

How are you all? Welcome to the newbies x

Hi wannabemummyb:flower:

Sorry you had such a long cycle, that must've been horrible:nope: Glad to hear that your DH is being vocal about how he feels. It's so important when your DH/OH shares their feelings and you can talk to each other about how you're feeling, especially if you don't have anyone else to turn to (other than the ladies on BnB of course).

As you can see, all 6 IUIs failed so we'll be starting IVF in October since our first meeting with the hospital we've been referred to is September 28th (they're on vacation almost all of July and couldn't fit us in before). Until then, DH and I are NTNP and just BDing whenever we want, not giving a fig about my cycle:thumbup: It's very refreshing.

BTW did you ever get a hold of any of those books I recommended?
trying not to put too much hope into this 1st cycle of clomid. idk i just have a funny feeling that its not going to work and we are going to need an IUI or something. But guess i would rather be a little bit apprehensive than get my hopes up every time
Morning ladies, sorry I've been awol - had a weird cycle, 64 days with positive opk (finally) at cd50. AF arrived Sunday and is making her presence know! Hubby got really upset when AF turned up, he's finally starting to talk to me about how he feels about this journey. It's great because it means I don't feel so lonely.

How are you all? Welcome to the newbies x

Hi wannabemummyb:flower:

Sorry you had such a long cycle, that must've been horrible:nope: Glad to hear that your DH is being vocal about how he feels. It's so important when your DH/OH shares their feelings and you can talk to each other about how you're feeling, especially if you don't have anyone else to turn to (other than the ladies on BnB of course).

As you can see, all 6 IUIs failed so we'll be starting IVF in October since our first meeting with the hospital we've been referred to is September 28th (they're on vacation almost all of July and couldn't fit us in before). Until then, DH and I are NTNP and just BDing whenever we want, not giving a fig about my cycle:thumbup: It's very refreshing.

BTW did you ever get a hold of any of those books I recommended?

Sorry for your failed IUI.

Not got round to reading the books, they are on my list. I'm doing a work course at the moment which is taking up a lot of time
Hello Ladies.

I am still officially on break but thought I would update you and say hi to the new ladies. Hi Everyone, Welcome to the thread, I know it is hard finding yourself here but i think you will find the support you are looking for through whatever step on the journey that you are.

We have officially stopped "Trying" now. We got pulled into the Dr office to discuss the next steps and he recommended additional testing. Which is what we were hoping for since you know we are still Undiagnosed as to the issue.
So we have completed an addition Sperm DNA test, I had a hydro something where there is a camera that is inserted into the Uterus and they take sames of the lining (so much better than the HSG, I found it almost painless) and I am having an MRI done to see if there are any issues inside the lining of my uterus.
If all of that comes back I am requesting NK blood work done, and we will proceed to IVF.

In the mean time we have started the adoption process here in Ontario. We have signed up for PRIDE training (which is mandatory) and will be meeting with an adoption agent pretty soon after that to start the home study sessions. This could take up to a year to complete, so might as well start this process as well eh?

The last few months have been so hard to get through. The waiting and uncertainty, now the conscious decision to not try is almost relieving yet not at the same time. I am just glad that there is a possibility we may get an answer to why we are in this mess. i just hope we can live with the answer. And i sincerely hope we get one.
Hello Ladies.

I am still officially on break but thought I would update you and say hi to the new ladies. Hi Everyone, Welcome to the thread, I know it is hard finding yourself here but i think you will find the support you are looking for through whatever step on the journey that you are.

We have officially stopped "Trying" now. We got pulled into the Dr office to discuss the next steps and he recommended additional testing. Which is what we were hoping for since you know we are still Undiagnosed as to the issue.
So we have completed an addition Sperm DNA test, I had a hydro something where there is a camera that is inserted into the Uterus and they take sames of the lining (so much better than the HSG, I found it almost painless) and I am having an MRI done to see if there are any issues inside the lining of my uterus.
If all of that comes back I am requesting NK blood work done, and we will proceed to IVF.

In the mean time we have started the adoption process here in Ontario. We have signed up for PRIDE training (which is mandatory) and will be meeting with an adoption agent pretty soon after that to start the home study sessions. This could take up to a year to complete, so might as well start this process as well eh?

The last few months have been so hard to get through. The waiting and uncertainty, now the conscious decision to not try is almost relieving yet not at the same time. I am just glad that there is a possibility we may get an answer to why we are in this mess. i just hope we can live with the answer. And i sincerely hope we get one.

Aww Myshel, I get your pain:hugs: I truely hope that IVF will be the answer for you. I'm personally looking forward to starting in October. FXed we both get lucky 1st time :dust: Here's hoping you get your answer to what's wrong!

Yeah if it takes that long, then I totally understand you starting the adoption process. Hope it all goes well and that you get your baby very quickly afterwards!

AFM I just got back from a 1 week trip to Italy. We were in Venice and then went to Toscana/Florence. It was a really nice trip:thumbup:

I think I may be 1-2 days late but we'll see. My hopes are of course pretty darn low after having TTCed for so long. Planning on testing Tuesday morning if AF doesn't show up by then since I have experienced being 1-2 days late before and don't want to waste a test:nope:

How's everyone else doing?
So I used one of my specially imported FRERs to get a BFN:nope: Not even the slightest hint of a line. So I doubt at this point I'm pregnant, AF is just being evil again. She's still not in sight but I was 5 days late once last year. Now that I think about it, it was about the same time, end July-start August :shrug: So sure she'll make her appearance soon.

Anyway forgot to remind hubby to call the hospital to ask if anyone's cancelled so just sent him an SMS. I seriously doubt it but we can just try asking and not have to wonder "what if?"
Morning ladies, sorry I've been awol - had a weird cycle, 64 days with positive opk (finally) at cd50. AF arrived Sunday and is making her presence know! Hubby got really upset when AF turned up, he's finally starting to talk to me about how he feels about this journey. It's great because it means I don't feel so lonely.

How are you all? Welcome to the newbies x

Hi wannabemummyb, that's great that your hubby is coming around! I'm still waiting for the day when mine does, I think he's still in denial and just keeps telling me that we're "wasting our money". I'm trying to explain but I still feel a little like I'm on my own in this. Sighhhh. They don't understand!

What are your plans for this cycle?

So I used one of my specially imported FRERs to get a BFN:nope: Not even the slightest hint of a line. So I doubt at this point I'm pregnant, AF is just being evil again. She's still not in sight but I was 5 days late once last year. Now that I think about it, it was about the same time, end July-start August :shrug: So sure she'll make her appearance soon.

Anyway forgot to remind hubby to call the hospital to ask if anyone's cancelled so just sent him an SMS. I seriously doubt it but we can just try asking and not have to wonder "what if?"

Awww Kat, don't give up! Sometimes it's too early for even the super tests to tell. At least that's what I'm trying to tell myself...I did a test this morning and also BFN. This is about 12 days post IUI for me so I go in for a blood test on Friday. I don't feel pregnant at all though, no symptoms whatsoever so maybe this cycle wasn't it for us either. :nope:

I hope you're all doing well! Welcome to all the newbies, good to have you around! I have been really busy with work recently so I haven't been posting as much. I have to go to a conference in the middle of this month for a week and I'm just really hoping that AF comes at an opportune time so that I don't have to skip next month's IUI.

FX for all of you in the 2WW! Hope we get some BFPs :thumbup:
It wasn't too early to test as I was a couple of days late. AF is pretty much here since I'm bleeding a lot and cramping.

I think DH and I will continue to be NTNP. Something is clearly wrong and we're definitely gonna need IVF to get pregnant. Can't start until October and if it's first after AF, then it'll be end of October I think. Just hate we'll be going through 3 cycles more of this :nope:
Hi ladies , thought of giving a little hope by sharing my story . me and DH had been trying since 2009 that I dont even remember the number of clomid cycles we did. I also went for alternative medicines. we were classified unexplained.

After an HSG , laproscopy and 6 IUIs we went for IVF-ICSI . Here we pay all the infertility treatments from our own pocket .
We did two FETs from the embryos obtained . Though my doctors tried to blame the failure of both FETs on bad luck , I observed that for both FETs my embies were not even early blasts by day5.Doctors seemed to care less about it .For that reason i decided to discard the 3 embies left from the first IVF-ICSI.

When i went in for my next IVF ( at bournhall clinic), I brought the quality issue into the doctors attention , she did a fresh 2 day transfer for me ... and here I am 32 weeks preggo .

So it can happen even after 6 yrs of waiting ... I pray that all of you ladies are blessed soon and hope that God wont keep you waiting any longer ... loads of good luck dears.
Hey ladies,

I'm back! So, the plan is IUI #3 next cycle using injectibles and femara, since that worked for me last time I did it. I'm really really hoping that 1) the IUI will work and 2) I'll be able to keep the baby or babies once they start growing. I'm hoping to get in for a quick NK cells test at the first sign of pregnancy since that was the only thing that has come back as slightly abnormal during all of my recurrent mc testing. So I'm definitely going to test out the trigger and see what happens.

This cycle has been weird and I had a pretty severe tooth infection (due to completely incompetent dental work I had done by a flashy dentist who spent most of his time flirting with his dental assistants) at the beginning of it, so I'm not holding out much hope. We didn't get a lot of BD in because I just wasn't feeling up to it. But, who knows. I guess I'll see how it all pans out this month. But if it doesn't work out, at least I've got the IUI to look forward to.
Started on progesterone today (this stuff is yucky lol) first cycle of clomid not feeling very hopeful but at least being on progesterone will keep AF away until after my vacation. DH was away when i ovulated so we only bd the day before. Do you guys think i should just call the specialist and get in instead of wasting more time?
Hey ladies, so AF looks more like it was an early mc. The bleeding turned into flooding and I passed several huge clots, the first the size of my hand. Docs fobbing me off a little and just saying the mc is because my thyroid is still not right.

Hopefully, we will get a sticky one soon xx

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