LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

I will deafgal :)

BTW DH and I were at his parents' house for dinner last night. We mentioned we were going to that meeting and then my MIL started talking about eating healthy. So now not only am I not positive enough, she assumes I don't eat healthy enough because otherwise I'd be pregnant by now:dohh::dohh: I do eat a bit of junk food during the weekends but otherwise I eat fine. I just let it roll off my back this time and we quickly got on another topic.

Here's hoping no one else in this family has issue conceiving because my in-laws are horrible when it comes to that topic:wacko: Although the only one of her sons (she had 3 boys, no daughters) without kids, other than us although we're TTC, is the youngest brother and I don't know when or if he's even planning on having any. He's 33 now, living with his 25 year old girlfriend.
Hey ladies, not sure if I updated everyone or not with our last Dr appointment.
I know I put it in my journal, but didn't post it here.

So we have a diagnosis! It is sperm DNA Fragmentation. Now there is a chance this is reversible so Dr has put DH on a series of vitamins and he are cutting his sugar and caffeine down a bit. Good news is if we can get down to the "normal" levels, which after much much Google searches looks like it is a possibility, we could potentially even conceive naturally .... WHAT.?!

Now who knows if this will work, if not we can't get the numbers down we will move forward do ICIS IVF. Maybe. Still discussing this option since we have already begun the adoption training and are feeling really positive about that option.

Anyways just wanted to share the news!
Fingers crossed for you myshelsong! Great that the adoption is feeling like a good option and amazing if your other options re-open.

I had my first follicle tracking today- took me my surprise how emotional I felt as the last scan I had was of Max's little body inside me. News was good though- one nice big follicle! Taking a pregnl injection tonight to rupture it and will ttc over the next few days. Trying to manage expectations that success this month should look like improved peak +7 levels.
So got back from the meeting and there's bad news: we can't start until the individual phone call from the RE and they'll first call somewhere between 2-3 weeks:cry: AF starts tomorrow since I'm spotting today:dohh:

The meeting was semi-pointless. They used the full 1½ hours to talk about IVF, ICSI and a bunch of other stuff that I already mostly knew about.

I'll be CD1 tomorrow so will be going through 1 more pointless natural cycle:cry: The only silver linning is some of those other couples may be delayed even more if they have had AF fairly recently and reach to have CD1 before they get that phone call:dohh:

How I'm going to get through 1 more natural cycle, I just don't know:nope:
Ok I'm officially doing cartwheels and a happy dance over here:happydance::happydance::dance::dance::headspin::headspin:

The hospital just called me and told me they think my journal looks fine, they're not missing anything and would recommend starting with the long protocol so I'd need to go in for a scan between CD19 and 20 (they know my cycles are mostly 26-27 days) and start downregulation. She then asked when I was expecting AF and I told her I was spotting yesterday so should come today or at the very latest tomorrow. She told me to call the secretary when AF shows up for sure (within 2-3 days of it starting) to schedule my scan.

So excited:happydance: Was hoping to start with the short protocol but at least something will be happening this cycle!
That is good news Kat! Yay for you. Good luck on your IVF journey, I hope that this works for both of you.

How is everyone else feeling today?
I am pretty blah, our one cat is really sick. Not sure what is going to happen just waiting for blood and urine tests to come back and see if it is something we can fix. He is so young I really don't want to have to put him down but we have to think about this financially, which is awful. How many thousands are too many for an animal? 8 ... 10? We are getting up there on his health journey, not sure we can Keep this up especially if we are going IVF route soon...
So sorry about your cat Myshel :( I personally don't have much of a limit on how much I'd spend to save a beloved pet but I'm sure many would find me a bit extreme when it comes to animals. Although it'd have to be something that'd almost definitely save his/her life, especially if it's something very expensive. The main reasons we didn't go with surgery for our previous cat was due to the fact it had such incredibly low odds of saving her and even if it worked, she'd have had less of a life. So we opted for euthanization (she was 16 and experiencing liver failure).

I hope you don't have to put him down but can see the problem :(
Myshel- that sucks! I hope they can figure out what's wrong. There's no limit to what is the most one can spend on a pet. That is an entirely individual choice. What you feel is right/best for your cat and you, then that's what the answer is. That would also depend on what is wrong though - and whether it's repairable.

Kat- yay for doing something this cycle rather than sit it out, even if it's only a scan!
Kat- yay for doing something this cycle rather than sit it out, even if it's only a scan!

Well it's a scan plus I'll be getting meds so I can start downregulation. It'll be with the Synarela nose spray. I'll be doing the long protocol so that involves downregulation before stimming. I think it's so they have better control.
Morning ladies,

I just wanted to update you that I got a surprise bfp a week ago. I am very cautious about it, because of my history of misscarriages, but I am hoping so much that this one sticks.

It is really hard to post this because I know that some of you will see the message with a sinking heart, because of where you are in your journey or cycle but I wanted to tell you all because you have been such a great support to me. I have experienced that so many times over the last 5+ years.

I really hope that everyone of you gets your bfp. I will check in and see how you are all going.
Yay Wannabe! So thrilled for you.
Wishing you a happy and healthy nine months.
So forgot to mention that the hospital called yesterday and moved our appointment from 12:00 to 2:15 so first have gotten home now.

We arrived a bit earlier and hadn't been sitting in the waiting room for about 2 minutes before being called in. Apparently they were ahead of schedule. So they scanned me and found an approx. 30 mm cyst in my left ovary:wacko: But apparently she wasn't worried because she was sure that the downregulation would get rid of it. She checked my lining and said I'd definitely Oed some days ago (which I knew). She asked if I would prefer taking the Synarela nasal spray 3 times a day or injecting 0.5 ml Suprefact once a day. I was nuts and asked for the injections :haha: She then sent us on to another nurse that instructed me on how to get the medicine out of the vial and inject (since there is no pen) and gave me needles for it. We got prescriptions for everything and had to find a phramacy with the Suprefact in store. Went to the closest but they didn't have anymore and she called another, larger one to see if they had any which they did so drove there and got it. I asked about the hormones I'll be taking when stimming and he said they had a number of them but to call maybe 2-3 days before I'm planning on picking them up to be sure so they can order it if need be.

For stimming I'll be on 225 IU of Bemfola. Never heard of it but it will require me to buy a new pen:wacko::dohh:
So forgot to mention that the hospital called yesterday and moved our appointment from 12:00 to 2:15 so first have gotten home now.

We arrived a bit earlier and hadn't been sitting in the waiting room for about 2 minutes before being called in. Apparently they were ahead of schedule. So they scanned me and found an approx. 30 mm cyst in my left ovary:wacko: But apparently she wasn't worried because she was sure that the downregulation would get rid of it. She checked my lining and said I'd definitely Oed some days ago (which I knew). She asked if I would prefer taking the Synarela nasal spray 3 times a day or injecting 0.5 ml Suprefact once a day. I was nuts and asked for the injections :haha: She then sent us on to another nurse that instructed me on how to get the medicine out of the vial and inject (since there is no pen) and gave me needles for it. We got prescriptions for everything and had to find a phramacy with the Suprefact in store. Went to the closest but they didn't have anymore and she called another, larger one to see if they had any which they did so drove there and got it. I asked about the hormones I'll be taking when stimming and he said they had a number of them but to call maybe 2-3 days before I'm planning on picking them up to be sure so they can order it if need be.

For stimming I'll be on 225 IU of Bemfola. Never heard of it but it will require me to buy a new pen:wacko::dohh:

Bemfola is a new competitor to gonal f. Basically the same thing but from a different company.
So forgot to mention that the hospital called yesterday and moved our appointment from 12:00 to 2:15 so first have gotten home now.

We arrived a bit earlier and hadn't been sitting in the waiting room for about 2 minutes before being called in. Apparently they were ahead of schedule. So they scanned me and found an approx. 30 mm cyst in my left ovary:wacko: But apparently she wasn't worried because she was sure that the downregulation would get rid of it. She checked my lining and said I'd definitely Oed some days ago (which I knew). She asked if I would prefer taking the Synarela nasal spray 3 times a day or injecting 0.5 ml Suprefact once a day. I was nuts and asked for the injections :haha: She then sent us on to another nurse that instructed me on how to get the medicine out of the vial and inject (since there is no pen) and gave me needles for it. We got prescriptions for everything and had to find a phramacy with the Suprefact in store. Went to the closest but they didn't have anymore and she called another, larger one to see if they had any which they did so drove there and got it. I asked about the hormones I'll be taking when stimming and he said they had a number of them but to call maybe 2-3 days before I'm planning on picking them up to be sure so they can order it if need be.

For stimming I'll be on 225 IU of Bemfola. Never heard of it but it will require me to buy a new pen:wacko::dohh:

Bemfola is a new competitor to gonal f. Basically the same thing but from a different company.

Ah ok, I knew it was an FSH just had never heard that brand before. I've only heard of Puregon (which I used for my 6 IUIs), Gonal F and I think Menopur is one as well? Anyway I wonder why they've chosen that one? At the general meeting at the end of September they showed us Puregon and Gonal F pens so thought I'd be on one of them:shrug:

How are things going with you crystal?
So forgot to mention that the hospital called yesterday and moved our appointment from 12:00 to 2:15 so first have gotten home now.

We arrived a bit earlier and hadn't been sitting in the waiting room for about 2 minutes before being called in. Apparently they were ahead of schedule. So they scanned me and found an approx. 30 mm cyst in my left ovary:wacko: But apparently she wasn't worried because she was sure that the downregulation would get rid of it. She checked my lining and said I'd definitely Oed some days ago (which I knew). She asked if I would prefer taking the Synarela nasal spray 3 times a day or injecting 0.5 ml Suprefact once a day. I was nuts and asked for the injections :haha: She then sent us on to another nurse that instructed me on how to get the medicine out of the vial and inject (since there is no pen) and gave me needles for it. We got prescriptions for everything and had to find a phramacy with the Suprefact in store. Went to the closest but they didn't have anymore and she called another, larger one to see if they had any which they did so drove there and got it. I asked about the hormones I'll be taking when stimming and he said they had a number of them but to call maybe 2-3 days before I'm planning on picking them up to be sure so they can order it if need be.

For stimming I'll be on 225 IU of Bemfola. Never heard of it but it will require me to buy a new pen:wacko::dohh:

Bemfola is a new competitor to gonal f. Basically the same thing but from a different company.

Ah ok, I knew it was an FSH just had never heard that brand before. I've only heard of Puregon (which I used for my 6 IUIs), Gonal F and I think Menopur is one as well? Anyway I wonder why they've chosen that one? At the general meeting at the end of September they showed us Puregon and Gonal F pens so thought I'd be on one of them:shrug:

How are things going with you crystal?

I think bemfola is more similar to gonal f than to menopur or puregon. I think puregon/follistim is fsh derived from human sources and bemfola/gonal f are made in a lab. Menopur/repronex is a combo of fsh and lh mixed together.

I am very cautiously pregnant after my first round of ivf. Very very nervous at this point which is why no ticker, no update on my status. We'll see what happens.
So forgot to mention that the hospital called yesterday and moved our appointment from 12:00 to 2:15 so first have gotten home now.

We arrived a bit earlier and hadn't been sitting in the waiting room for about 2 minutes before being called in. Apparently they were ahead of schedule. So they scanned me and found an approx. 30 mm cyst in my left ovary:wacko: But apparently she wasn't worried because she was sure that the downregulation would get rid of it. She checked my lining and said I'd definitely Oed some days ago (which I knew). She asked if I would prefer taking the Synarela nasal spray 3 times a day or injecting 0.5 ml Suprefact once a day. I was nuts and asked for the injections :haha: She then sent us on to another nurse that instructed me on how to get the medicine out of the vial and inject (since there is no pen) and gave me needles for it. We got prescriptions for everything and had to find a phramacy with the Suprefact in store. Went to the closest but they didn't have anymore and she called another, larger one to see if they had any which they did so drove there and got it. I asked about the hormones I'll be taking when stimming and he said they had a number of them but to call maybe 2-3 days before I'm planning on picking them up to be sure so they can order it if need be.

For stimming I'll be on 225 IU of Bemfola. Never heard of it but it will require me to buy a new pen:wacko::dohh:

Bemfola is a new competitor to gonal f. Basically the same thing but from a different company.

Ah ok, I knew it was an FSH just had never heard that brand before. I've only heard of Puregon (which I used for my 6 IUIs), Gonal F and I think Menopur is one as well? Anyway I wonder why they've chosen that one? At the general meeting at the end of September they showed us Puregon and Gonal F pens so thought I'd be on one of them:shrug:

How are things going with you crystal?

I think bemfola is more similar to gonal f than to menopur or puregon. I think puregon/follistim is fsh derived from human sources and bemfola/gonal f are made in a lab. Menopur/repronex is a combo of fsh and lh mixed together.

I am very cautiously pregnant after my first round of ivf. Very very nervous at this point which is why no ticker, no update on my status. We'll see what happens.

Ok interesting to know. I wonder how REs choose between all these FSHs?

Congrats :happydance: Here's hoping it's a super sticky bean:flower:

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