LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Becky congratulations! So exciting!!!
Are you going on a honeymoon? Look forward to the drama too :)
OH yeah every time I think about how awful these experiences are, I think about my goal :) And It makes it all worth it in the end if I have a baby in my arms!!!

Erin, your plan sounds great! See how things go right?
If you conceived on your own no issue twice you may just need to bypass some thing and IUI will work for you.
But I hope even more that Clomid will just increase your odds. How do you feel about multiples??

Nat, I'm sorry you were feeling so blue. A good cry is what you needed. And allowing yourself to grieve. It's SO important. I know from my own experience, you just have to let what ever emotions you have flow. Let it be - and I always feel so much better afterwards. I'm sending you a massive hug, love xo
It's so much harder too when you hit these anniversaries & you're neither pregnant or with a baby in your arms, right? All this time passes & still, there's nothing to show for. That's how I felt for such a long time. Milestones are hard.
Like for me; February will be three years since I was pregnant with Aida. And then her third birthday this year. Like, did three years really just pass & still we have NOTHING? Fuck. It's so weird & sad.

Meg - can't wait to hear today's news. I hope they call you soon!
I used to get a call between 11am & 1pm!
Well said Barb....:) I cant even imagine. Oh, the other day DH says to me "all you do is get pregnant lately haha" and im like "yeah, not worth much when it doesn't progress AHHHHHHH".... I said we have been trying for over a year and a half! weeeeeeeeeeeeee So glad I have you girls in this madness...

I hope they call me soon too Barb, there was no one at the clinic so I shouldn't be too far behind haha...
Just got the call... 5400 HcG would have been double and it was 5213 in 48 hours so she said that was just fine as it was over 60% and they booked me for next Tuesday ultrasound... AHHHHHHHHH. Why don't I feel better yet??

It is a relief on one hand but I am still uneasy, cant help it! I will try to relax until Tuesday but man will I be nervous before that appt... lol
Meg :hugs:

Barb, thanks. I'd be terrified, but I'd happily accept twins. We've always wanted two kids with an optional third (though we imagined we'd evaluate after seeing how two goes). So if we got two, we could be done for sure! Thankfully the chance of triplets is <1%. At this point I'm just willing to take my chances! We'll take whatever we get.

:hugs: Barb I totally get what you're saying. My DD will be 3 in February, and the due date for our "would have been" baby is the day after her birthday. In one way, I'm happy to have the happy occasion of DD's birthday as a reminder of how blessed I am. And usually my FIL is in town so there's the distraction there. But on the other's a dark cloud over DD's birthday and I feel like I can't properly grieve. I don't think I'll ever stop feeling like we should be celebrating two birthdays. I should be planning a 3rd birthday and a 1st birthday this year. :(
Oh Meg I missed your update as I was writing my other post. That's great news! I imagine it's impossible to relax. Maybe after you see or hear the heartbeat you'll feel a little better. <3 <3
Nat sorry about your temp dip but you have the right attitude and your apt is in 2 days! That's great :) I'm excited to see where it goes from here for you.

I just ate the most carbs ever in one sitting what is wrong with me lol... I wont even type out what I ate it was from a buffet downstairs and disgusting... LOL
Good numbers Meg!!! :happydance:

Try not to be so hard on yourself baby needed those Carbs!! :)
Oh man, all I wanted to eat in first tri was rice and pasta. Eat what you feel like you can eat, girl. :thumbup:
Hi hunnys :)

Woooosh what a LOOONG day phew....:)

Meg :happydance: great numbers gal.:thumbup:
Really funny about your buffet munchathon it..lbut I AM Curious what it all was...kiss and tell? Lol
I have to share my ravinus ways on Harry's
I was visiting my step dad who had been hospitalised and I was just sooo dam hungry...I made my excuses and went to the on site cafe...whilst making my journey to the correct floor to the restaurant I passed a deli that sold hot blt baguets ...I baught two. Lol...
Then when I got to the restaurant I saw the great curry of the day - got that AND Mash potaoe..ate it all up...made my way back to my step dad...had to pass the deli way laid by the georgous smelling fresh iced donuts...baught one of those and a custard slice...and a huge smoothy.
Eventually got to my step dad and scoffed down the entire 1foot baguet...followed by the smoothy...sat and shared the donuts and custard hour later the other blt baguet was just staring at me....I couldn't resist...I whoffed that one down too....I then went home and cooked the dinner....I just could not satisfy the hunger at all lol....
When my mom saw exactly what I had ate she couldn't belive her eyes...of course a few days later I got my bfp and it all made sense.
Thinking about it now(what I ate) it's kind ewwwww lol...but them dam blts were to die for lol...
I'd say my main craving through out my pgy was CHEESE....oh ba ba baby
Funny...Harry loves his cheese now too lol...

Barbs...looking forward to how your next apt goes with the RE tmr...wil check out your blog when you get around to updating it :)
Hubby is a diamond taking care of your injections.:)
Barbs that's is a good idea starting your trigger fade at 10 dpo...knowing how your body reacted before it makes sence :)
I really hope we see them beautifull lovely pink lines jump out of them ic's...and then your frer :) big humongous ennormous gigantic fingers crossed for you :flower:

Erin...I like your plan of action with the iui....:)
But can I say...your hubby has a fair point about "making babies out of love" but want a child sooo much that you would do iui means that child is already loved sooo much to want to go down that effectively that baby IS Made out of love...the love of wanting that baby sooo much to be proactive enough to make it happen :)
I see you have a new ff chart :( big bummer...I'm sorry af has got you :hugs: looks like I will be joining you tmr...cycle buddies yeah ?...

Becky...welcome mrs Davies lol...your day sounds great Hun...I too am eager to hear the "drama". He he look at us waiting on the
I'm so glad you had a good did the weather hold off for you? Did the sun shine? I hope so :) lovely lady...:) are you? do you feel about this cycle so far?...
Hayyyyy two o's in feb eh....well if this one dosent work out you have double the odds with iui maybe your right about the physc...maybe it could be a arch bfp after all...I'm sooo hoping you get it THIS time tho :flower:

Well no you didn't miss my birthday so no appolisies needed lol...
It's my birthday tmr (7th) ....ahhhhhhhh 33! not smiling right
Hayyy barbs.....happy aniversary too :wohoo:
We share a special day:)

Well ladies...I got surprised earlier and I got kidnapped by the parents and taken for a lovlely beef/pork carvary...very yum....i stuffed myself
We gave Harry some coca cola for the first time today at the meal and when we got home he turned into "crazy nut case demonic child" on us's was funny but "bedtime" was exhausting...sigh......:)

So I'm off to bed now..I WILL SLEEP tonight...:)

Hope everybody is having a great night :)

Natalie xxx
Nat Glad u had a great day and Happy Bday!!!!

33 you are a young Chick I'm going to be 38 and Feb Wow 2 yrs to 40!!! :nope:

I'm kinda chill about this cycle not sure if it's cuz I'm too busy to stress or what!!
Happy anniversary tomorrow Barb!

And happy birthday tomorrow (or I guess just barely today where you are) Natalie! That's so beautiful what you said. Thank you so much. <3

And lol I LOVE that story about what you ate. I am thoroughly impressed. :thumbup: I was pretty hungry when I was pg, but when I BFed omg, that's when I was truly starving all the time.

When I was pg, I thought I didn't really have cravings. But looking back (aside from the carbs), I craved vinegary salad dressings (like at a lot of the Italian restaurants around here) and peanut butter. And I no longer wanted to eat vegetables, which normally I love. DD loves her veggies though!

I am actually feeling fine about the new cycle. With all the bleeding, I think a bfp would have been more scary than anything else. And with starting the Clomid, I have something to feel hopeful about again so that's exciting. But yes Natalie cycle buddies! How about we be bump buddies while we're at it. ;)

Sis that's good to be feeling chill about it! Always better than stressing right!??

Wishing everyone lots of luck with upcoming appts. <3
Nat it's your birthday in the UK already!!!
Happy Birthday!!!! Big hugs!!! Lots of Love! Xo

What will you do on your special day?!
Happy birthday nat!!!!!! Whoop!!!!!!:happydance::wine::drunk::hugs2::cake:

Sounds like you had a lot of great Bday surprises so far with your gifts from your family and your dinner with your parents last night! Too funny about Harry and the Coke too! lol it sure does that to them, but I bet he loved it!

Any plans today with Pete? You better not be cooking young lady!!

And.... Happy Anniversary Barb!! :hugs: Where are your dinner plans tonight? Fun Fun Fun!!

We are in a major deep freeze up here... windchill is -40 this morning! Cant even breathe outside its so cold... It will be over in a couple days thank goodness cant take this too long!

Started off the day with a big bowl of fruit loops so I am feeling pretty good lol

Its going to be a longggggggg week coming back after holidays ugh... how did I ever do 5 days in a row before? 1 week countdown till first scan. Feeling nervous but trying to go with the flow.

Barb today is also clinic day for you! So much happening hehe.. Hope that ass of yours is ok!!

Hope everyone else is doing great today....
Fruit loops eh? LMFAO. I eat those once a year camping. The small boxes lol
I've actually decided to eat clean for a while now. I don't want to add any more pounds. Infact shedding some would be nice I feel like I may have gained some gut from all those chocolates lol.
I'm glad you're feeling well though :) I hope week Six treats you well. That seems to be the week that symptoms creep up if they do.
What you feeling these days? Are you so tired you can't keep your eyes open in the afternoon? Sore boobs?
Are you feeling better about your numbers? I'm guessing you don't have to take Beta anymore & just be going in for ultrasound right? Do you still have cramps?!

Thanks for the well wishes :) We're going to this Italian Restaurant in the East end of Toronto called, Gio's. Never been there. Nathan swears by it. Yum yum yum.

It's so cold its not even funny. I am so OVER this winter!!! Luckily this weekend the temperature will be over 0....I am just DONE! :) I hate the winter. That's my story.

Nat, do share your Birthday with us!!! I hope you're having a great afternoon right now xo

AFM, Went for bloods/ultrasound/RE appointment. Everything's looking good so far. I have a third drug to add to the mix which slows things down so that I don't ovulate any time soon or my follicles develop too quick. I start it tomorrow. It's a small thin needle I'm told...I hope she wasn't lying :) I'll pinch my skin on either side of my belly button & JAB!!!
So we're on for some date between the 13th & 15th for Egg Retrieval!!
Yay for Egg Retrevial How Exciting!!!! :happydance:

Glad your feeling good today Meg it was hard getting the boys to school this Am I'm sure they will pass out as soon as they get in today!! :haha:

Dang I thought 25 was cold I can't imagine -temps no Thank U!!!
I'm thinking my Pool is looking pretty good it needs to warm up so we can Jump in!! :)

Hope everyone is doing well Happy Bday again Nat only a day until your Dr visit right!! :dance:
Ahhh. Yank you ladies....currently sat in Macy d"'s.....'s my birthday and pete wants his

So hers a lil pic of my dinner so yes meg I'm not cooking tonight lol...:thumbup:

No doubt I will polish off the choccywokky doodah when I get home lol...

Having a nice day soo far..Lon our way home now sooo I can get warm...altho I certainly wouldn't swap temperatures with you gals right now lol....minus 40! OMG....that's like the film...the day after tmr!....geeees....stay safe honeys...

Back on again later to update a lil better.:thumbup:
Natalie xxx


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Ahhh. Yank you ladies....currently sat in Macy d"'s.....'s my birthday and pete wants his

So hers a lil pic of my dinner so yes meg I'm not cooking tonight lol...:thumbup:

No doubt I will polish off the choccywokky doodah when I get home lol...

Having a nice day soo far..Lon our way home now sooo I can get warm...altho I certainly wouldn't swap temperatures with you gals right now lol....minus 40! OMG....that's like the film...the day after tmr!....geeees....stay safe honeys...

Back on again later to update a lil better.:thumbup:
Natalie xxx

HAH M. D's eh? What did you eat?
I love that you classed the joint up. You're SO beautiful!
Ahhh. Yank you ladies....currently sat in Macy d"'s.....'s my birthday and pete wants his

So hers a lil pic of my dinner so yes meg I'm not cooking tonight lol...:thumbup:

No doubt I will polish off the choccywokky doodah when I get home lol...

Having a nice day soo far..Lon our way home now sooo I can get warm...altho I certainly wouldn't swap temperatures with you gals right now lol....minus 40! OMG....that's like the film...the day after tmr!....geeees....stay safe honeys...

Back on again later to update a lil better.:thumbup:
Natalie xxx

HAH M. D's eh? What did you eat?
I love that you classed the joint up. You're SO beautiful!

No judgement here Nat! I loveeeeee McD's haha... its the best! Tell us what you got haha..... Glad you are enjoying your bday hun! Enjoy that chocolate you deserve it today and you look great :D xoxo
Fruit loops eh? LMFAO. I eat those once a year camping. The small boxes lol
I've actually decided to eat clean for a while now. I don't want to add any more pounds. Infact shedding some would be nice I feel like I may have gained some gut from all those chocolates lol.
I'm glad you're feeling well though :) I hope week Six treats you well. That seems to be the week that symptoms creep up if they do.
What you feeling these days? Are you so tired you can't keep your eyes open in the afternoon? Sore boobs?
Are you feeling better about your numbers? I'm guessing you don't have to take Beta anymore & just be going in for ultrasound right? Do you still have cramps?!

Thanks for the well wishes :) We're going to this Italian Restaurant in the East end of Toronto called, Gio's. Never been there. Nathan swears by it. Yum yum yum.

It's so cold its not even funny. I am so OVER this winter!!! Luckily this weekend the temperature will be over 0....I am just DONE! :) I hate the winter. That's my story.

AFM, Went for bloods/ultrasound/RE appointment. Everything's looking good so far. I have a third drug to add to the mix which slows things down so that I don't ovulate any time soon or my follicles develop too quick. I start it tomorrow. It's a small thin needle I'm told...I hope she wasn't lying :) I'll pinch my skin on either side of my belly button & JAB!!!
So we're on for some date between the 13th & 15th for Egg Retrieval!!

Hi Barb, let me see if I can answer em' all, hehe :

I am trying to eat well too and will step that up a bit. I fear morning sickness but hoping to avoid the worst of its wrath anyways...I am starting to get afternoon fatigue, I have sore boobs during the day on and off but its worse at night and esp when I am ready for bed.. oww. No nausea to speak of yet. I have mild cramps here and there.. sometimes only once or twice a day.. I would rate them a max of 4-5/10 at its worst but usually a 2-3 :) Seems very normal from what I am reading based on the stretching needed to make room for bubs...And yes you are right.. they said no more betas needed. One week till first scan. That's it for now.

I love Italian so enjoy that yummy dinner tonight! Can you enjoy a glass or two of wine?? Hope so! Mmmm Caesar salad my favourite lol...

So glad everything is looking good so far at your appt :) Hope that thin needle is painless as possible for you...

Explain egg retrieval for me - so they remove the egg obviously, and then they fertilize it ,and then implant it inside you? is that how this works? and they see how many were successful and pop a few in? lol... twins anyone?? (fingers crossed to NOPE for that !) Gimme a little insight into that barb if you can :)

So I just read this article my brother sent me..

He lives in Edmonton - doesnt look good there right now! Made me think I really should get a shot... so I called my clinic and they said that its perfectly safe. I also read this: which seems to confirm that so I am going to go with DH on Thursday evening to get the shot I think... I will have to drag him kicking and screaming.

Tee hee
Hey Meg,

I'm so glad you don't have much symptoms. Oh I was totally paranoid of nausea! And eventually yup, got it. I remember it started but only at nights around 7/8pm & onward. Really bad. And noticed that taking my Prenatal V's were a major culprit so my doctor prescribed me some tummy friendly stuff. And I also took children's flinstone Vitamins :) And funny enough the day I get the appointment to get meds for the nausea was the WORST case of all. I didn't throw up but I walked myself to the doctor's office trying my hardest not to barf the WHOLE time. I felt just awful. I got my meds, took a dose & it went away. I was nausea free from there on :)

And as for Egg retrieval, you have it right.
The only thing is, we only will put back in 1 multiples here.
And any embryo left over will go in for freezing.

Remember I mentioned I was given more drugs to use to slow things down in my Ovaries? Well turns out I had to just inject myself. Got a call from the nurse & she said do one now & one in the morning tomorrow. It's to regulate. It was a prefilled, glass (like the old school days) & the needle was very thin & short. I didn't really feel it at all. But it was the weirdest thing....fighting against all instinct not to inject myself!

As for the flu shot, I've not had the flu shot since High School. Nor have I had the flu since then. I have my opinions on it as in not to get it. Maybe for children & seniors but not for me no thanks. People die every year of the Flu. That's just how she rolls :)

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