LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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petzy hi! and thankyou. so sorry about the bfn but i agree a girl has gotta try! tomorrow will be difficult but i'm wishing u the best of luck!!

Barbs yes we thought we'd try as 4yrs for the first! seems by body is not ovulating still grrrr i did some severe damage as a teenager with an eating disorder so its my fault which is hard to deal with at times! i'm so sorry you have had such a crappy time and your tubes are blocked :flower: i'm praying the ivf is a sucess for you!! when do u start?

As for me bfn today too really don't know why i bothered seeing as my blood test said i didnt 0 ....crazy really! i'm off out to a friend for some mulled wine shortly then away for the day tomorrow but i will do my best to pop in!!!

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: to everyone!

Hi Becky - so good to have a name to put to a name LOL... finally!

That's interesting what you said about your E/D.... I am currently about 5.5 years into recovery from mine and doing pretty well. I do wonder if it had any effect on my body though, seeing your comment... I hadn't thought of that before (from a TTC perspective I mean..) sorry to hear you also went through it... not easy is it? xx

When is AF due? We may end up close in cycle days, if I stop progesterone tomorrow I am hoping for AF around Monday or Tuesday xx

Enjoy your wine and have a good day!
Thanks hun and yes the eating disorder very much affected my TTC the consulatant was sure of it :( Its really hard living with it still its on my mind a lot - although i'm recovered and 'clean' hehe for 2.5 yrs its still with me daily. I'm 32 now and at my worst when i was 17-26 I didn't eat & when i did i felt the need to be sick so at my worst i was down to 6 stone :( I look at pics now and think OMG!!!! It affects your hormones and balance apparently...its quite interesting when you look into it, my ED specialist believes at least 40% of his ladies under 30 struggle to concieve and usually have to have some medical assistance. I have a paper somewhere on it, if i can find it i will email it too you! Funny how i somehow feel ok talking about it on here!!
Hi, Barb, I am still trying naturally. We have been ttc for 6 years but we started testing in June. So taking clomid will be for the first time for me trying medication. I am trying for three month. If it does not work I don't know.
Hi ladies.:) .....

Sorry its a short one,...ii have the bedtime routine to get started on...let's say my niece and Harry are running me raggid lol.....we are have a fun fill activity day tmr...really excited about that...I hope to be back on later when it's much quieter in the house...altho I may just crash out with them when I put the to bed lol....but I'll try not to .:thumbup:

Natalie xxx
Meg, I"m so sorry hun that it's a bfn. You still have time to get a bfp. You never do know. But I know. I've been in your shoes. You know when you know. Are you still going for bloods today?


Hey barbs, how you doing today girl?

Thanks.... well I am supposed to go for bloods tomorrow, not today, so I guess I will still go right? So they can tell me to stop progesterone? Wamp..... I think I would have a faint line if there was any chance but tomorrow will confirm I suppose.

Sorry I knew it was tomorrow. That's probably what I meant to say! I wish you the very best. Let us know what the results are.
Yeah they'll know tmr if you're preggers or not for sure. I have my fingers crossed for you. But if it's not positive, try not to be too hard on yourself. Your body may need a little readjust.
Hey girlies, a bit of a nutty day for me so sorry I'm MIA. And this weekend I"ll be totally busy! GAH.
Anyway, I just want to wish everyone the best.
I hope we all get our bfps sooner than later. Wow, talk about LTTTC.
I can't wait for the graduated 1trimester. However, Im not even sure I'll go over there b/c I know what to expect w/pregnancies. I'll probably have more fun w/you ladies where ever.
Hey girlies, a bit of a nutty day for me so sorry I'm MIA. And this weekend I"ll be totally busy! GAH.
Anyway, I just want to wish everyone the best.
I hope we all get our bfps sooner than later. Wow, talk about LTTTC.
I can't wait for the graduated 1trimester. However, Im not even sure I'll go over there b/c I know what to expect w/pregnancies. I'll probably have more fun w/you ladies where ever.

Yep out of nothing but plain fear and my experiences I will stay here till 3rd trimester LMAO
Sorry I knew it was tomorrow. That's probably what I meant to say! I wish you the very best. Let us know what the results are.
Yeah they'll know tmr if you're preggers or not for sure. I have my fingers crossed for you. But if it's not positive, try not to be too hard on yourself. Your body may need a little readjust.

Thanks Barb... I am confident on the BFN but since I am powerless, I am going to choose to enjoy my weekend! and then just look forward to my proper first cycle, and lots of BD hopefully!! lol
Hi, Barb, I am still trying naturally. We have been ttc for 6 years but we started testing in June. So taking clomid will be for the first time for me trying medication. I am trying for three month. If it does not work I don't know.

I hope the clomid does the trick for you... lots of lovely ladies on here have been on it! I am just on progesterone myself but I am not a fan of vaginal suppositories now let me tell you lol.. xx
Meg I wish you luck today!
Let us know how it goes.
Also Happy Anniversary!!! Will you be going out to dinner?! How many years today??
Hi ladies...still super busy here ...the kiddos are completely pooping me out lol...I wonder now what it gp would have been like with Harry -2yr old and a 4months old...(would have been if not mc ) ....manic!....
Wowzers I do not know how people do it with twins I tell thee lol...

I promise to try and post again somtime when Kyla has gone home...which is tmr...
Off to make sausage casserole now..yum yum......

Meg...I hope your test went ok love thinking of you...and happy aniversary too Hun...:) enjoy your night out :thumbup:

Nimbec I too had an ed...for many many years,..I promise to post about that too Hun...

Barbs how is you weekend going?...
Daisy? Your too?

Afm...9dpo today...
Yesterday I was shocked went I went to the loo...tmi warning coming right up!!!...
So there was huge amounts of cm there...really globy - no smell or it's not yi....
Today it's still there...bbs are sooo sore too....and I am a lil emtional...
Nothing MAJOUR tho lol..

Two days left till testing...:wohoo:.... BUT....strangely ebpven with the symptoms I do not "feel" I know "staying" positive and all but I am not optimistic at all...

So sorry I have been moms b day too...spending a nice day with her and the kiddos and some bday cake...yum yumm...

Hope to catch up again later :flower:

Natalie xxx
Hi natjenson,

I am happy you are having nice time. I am back to work today after 8 days holiday. Yesterday all day I had PMS :(. Even today bbt dropped :(. Well, I have been waiting for the next cycle. I was secretly hoping that I would not need clomid but... after 6 years without any success I should know that I need meds :).

Kisses xxxxx
H everyone!

Meg happy anniversary !

Daisy its reallty hard isn't it, so emotional and people who have tried for 3-6 months just have no understanding AT ALL :( Funnily enough i was with a good friend today who has hit the 1 yr of ttc and she is totally miserable bless her - what could i say apart from i know exactly how she feels and bugger all i say will make it better but we had lunch and made a plan for the next tests at the fertility clinic. I feel so sorry for her and i also felt guilty as i had harrison with me and i know that must have been really hard for her.

Well as for me i'm 11dpo if we pretend i ovulated PAH what am i like lol!! i have it in black & white no ovulation but still feel the need to poas - what the hell is that all about?!!!

Hi Nat sounds MANIC blimey certainly got your hands full!! I have to say that cm is a positive sighn i had that when i fell pg with harrison!! fx for you hun!

right my lil boy is teething and screaming his heart out so i'm off to see if i can waive a magic wand :(

Night all xx
Hi all

Hope everyone is ok? I've been Xmas shopping today :) it was hard work! lol!! Not at all finished but a start at least!

Well I started talking/lurking on a thread for ladies trying for their second - I hae quickly gone off that idea as there was quite a few of us and basically all but me and 1 other are preg in 2 months - seriously unreal!! Grrr I got the awful jealous feeling don't get me wrong I'm eternally greatful for being able to have Harrison and would happily just have him but it's frustrating that some have it soooo easy!!!

Oh gosh watch out this is me before the nutty drugs :0 x
Hi all

Hope everyone is ok? I've been Xmas shopping today :) it was hard work! lol!! Not at all finished but a start at least!

Well I started talking/lurking on a thread for ladies trying for their second - I hae quickly gone off that idea as there was quite a few of us and basically all but me and 1 other are preg in 2 months - seriously unreal!! Grrr I got the awful jealous feeling don't get me wrong I'm eternally greatful for being able to have Harrison and would happily just have him but it's frustrating that some have it soooo easy!!!

Oh gosh watch out this is me before the nutty drugs :0 x

Hi nimbec, I know what you are saying. My lovely niece tried one month and that was it now she is 11 weeks pg. I am soooooo happy for her and soooooo miserable for me now running into the 7th year ; (. But that just me faulty one ; (. I feel like will never get pregnant. Today I remember that in my country the doctors got pregnant 60 years old woman and she had twins. Well they were delivered too early and they did not survived (I think both) but OMG she was 61 when she had them......
Thanks Daisy Gosh 7th year :( ugh thats super super tough! It took 4yrs to make Harrison and i thought that was hard. I'm sending you a big hug!!! Thanks for being understanding!!

Where abouts in the world are you hun? I'm in South Wales in Wales UK.
Thanks Daisy Gosh 7th year :( ugh thats super super tough! It took 4yrs to make Harrison and i thought that was hard. I'm sending you a big hug!!! Thanks for being understanding!!

Where abouts in the world are you hun? I'm in South Wales in Wales UK.

I live in Liverpool now. I have been in the UK for more than two years. I studied here second Master's degree and now working as a care assistant and looking for a jog with my education :).

I lost so many years because I would not get any treatment in my country. My husband wanted us first to move here.

I hope now clomid to help.

Daisy i'm sure the clomid will help! It helps lots and lots of women. Do you ovulate normally without drugs? I don't at all and it helped me - took 6 lots tho! I unfortunately had a loss during that time too - sadly they are slightly more common on clomid :( when are you due to start the clomid daisy? are you doing CD2-6?

I'm a nurse by trade, although not working at the moment, I studied in Sheffield a ppst grad diploma in Cardiac nursing. Liverpool is a great place & hopefully you will get lots of help with your fertility. Are you on the NHS or going private? I found that if you went private for a consultation you could then ask the GP for the meds on the NHS.....It ment i got the best advice and seen quickly!

Hi everyone else!

Well the witch got me today booooo hisssss what a suprise lol! So my next dilemma i take clomid this month? I wasn't going too but now i'm due to start period on my wedding day :( AWFUL timing!! I don't think i will as i want a clear head for the wedding but it's soooo tempting having it in the house lol!!!!
Meg I wish you luck today!
Let us know how it goes.
Also Happy Anniversary!!! Will you be going out to dinner?! How many years today??

15 years! Crazy ..... And we went to Ruth's Chris. So good !
Hi Becky ! Looks like we are cycle buddies lol ! I started spotting pretty good yesterday but as I lay in bed now I can tell it's definitely full flow. Cd1 for me ! Glad
It only took barely two days after stopping progesterone. Here's to hoping December is our lucky cycle!

Nat- FX for your testing ! Xoxoxo

Hi to everyone ! Had a busy but lovely weekend ... Dreading work !
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