Hi ladies...
Well WHAT a weekend that was! .....I am still exhausted.....
My Monday has got off to a crappy start too...

......this morning I had a an apt at the the local hospital....I thought it was for my kidneys...as I t turns out they have found sclerosis on my lower spine/pelvic area.

I have to go for more tests but they are talking about multiple sclerosis.

.....I am so afraid and scared about what this actually means for the future....I have "a little" back and hip pain but nothing super....but there is some considerable concern about the curvature of my spine too

So I am being booked in for a MRI scan ASAP...and I have a follow up apt in February...they are going to do comparison testing to see just how quickly and advanced the sclerosis gets in this amount of time.....what a sucky ass day so far!.
This has surprised me beyond belief- to say the least.
Well ladies,..how has your weekend been?...good I hopes.
Afm...10 dpo...I tested with a ic yesterday...bfn....no surprise there lol...
I will test again tmr...(11dpo)
Meg I am soo sorry about your negative b/w and frer...that's sux.
I am glad you can feel a little more confident with a proper cycle this month dear and also that your P didn't take long to work once stopped.
Sis...I'm sorry you had a such a crappy time of things over the weekend too love

....I'm sorry your friend is also going through the ttc struggles...I am glad she has a good friend in you to have the support...maybe she could join us on the forum lol...
Becky ...re about the ed....
I had a ed since I was 12 yrs old...detected at 15 yrs old...I managed to hide it for a while...at my worst I was a bad as 4 and a half stone...gah!....the worst thing was that with the weight loss I started to take paracetamols for the gainful bones and I expanded up with an addiction.

....till one day I collapsed at school and my bg was full of empty packets found by my friends ....I was taken to hospital...where I stopped the paracetamols emediatly and was put onto a "power milk" and released the next day (gladly) with a promise that it would stop....I had to put on a pound a week...if not...it was a ed clinic!....
I managed to some how fool them all and continued with the ed....I was soooo sick with it.
I only gained control 4yrs ago prior to my bfp with Harry...exactly one year before...I went from 7st to 9and a half....and then boom pgy hit lol and I went to 12st 6 .....I have lost all the weight again...to a healthy 9at 7. And this is where I intend to stick.
And I did in a healthy way to...healthy eating a moderate exercise.
Becky I still have thoughts of ed...and I have days where I forget to eat but I think that is mainly due to the fact that Harry keeps me soo busy lol...
But at least I know hunger know.lol and if I haven't ate I get kind of grumpy lol...
Ed is a viscous disease and my heart goes out to all the ladies/girls out there that suffer in silence or struggle to over come the "controlling" side of it.
I hope you are on top of it love...and thankyou for kindly pointing out that it can issues with ttc I too never thought about it like that- nor has it ever been pionted out to me by any gp before.(naughty that really)
I hope sharing my story has help (short version if course lol)
It has made me feel better sharing it.
Well I feel kind of sad today

...I am afraid

...and to top it off I just know that ic is going to be a bfn ...pha!....just my luck.
Sorry to be a Debbie down ladies....I hope to be feeling better later...
Take care all...
Natalie xxx