LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Hi Petzy congratulations on the 15 years - like a life sentence lol ;) and yay for being cycle buddies. FX december is a lucky month for everyone!!

Right i'm off out to choose tiles for our new kitchen - hubby wants blue i'm not so sure!!! lol we will try not to have a domestic in store lol!!
Hi Petzy congratulations on the 15 years - like a life sentence lol ;) and yay for being cycle buddies. FX december is a lucky month for everyone!!

Right i'm off out to choose tiles for our new kitchen - hubby wants blue i'm not so sure!!! lol we will try not to have a domestic in store lol!!

Thanks! Yes a big achievement hehe... we actually only celebrate our dating anniversary. We got married after having been together for 10 years and living married for like 9.5 of those years lol... so we decided it made no sense to start counting over again just because we had a wedding, so that's the one we celebrate! Its more special to us...

Yes re December luck! If I get my BFP this month I will find out around Dec 28th/29th I think... my app says AF is due around 29th/30th... so probably not in time for xmas! lol...

Ohhh new tiles! Ive been there... when we did renovations a few years ago... have fun! xx
Hi ladies...:)

Well WHAT a weekend that was! .....I am still exhausted.....

My Monday has got off to a crappy start too...:( ......this morning I had a an apt at the the local hospital....I thought it was for my I t turns out they have found sclerosis on my lower spine/pelvic area.:( .....
I have to go for more tests but they are talking about multiple sclerosis.:( .....I am so afraid and scared about what this actually means for the future....I have "a little" back and hip pain but nothing super....but there is some considerable concern about the curvature of my spine too :( .....
So I am being booked in for a MRI scan ASAP...and I have a follow up apt in February...they are going to do comparison testing to see just how quickly and advanced the sclerosis gets in this amount of time.....what a sucky ass day so far!.
This has surprised me beyond belief- to say the least.

Well ladies, has your weekend been?...good I hopes.:)
Afm...10 dpo...I tested with a ic surprise there lol...
I will test again tmr...(11dpo)
Meg I am soo sorry about your negative b/w and frer...that's sux.:hugs:
I am glad you can feel a little more confident with a proper cycle this month dear and also that your P didn't take long to work once stopped.:thumbup:

Sis...I'm sorry you had a such a crappy time of things over the weekend too love :hugs:

Becky...:) ....I'm sorry your friend is also going through the ttc struggles...I am glad she has a good friend in you to have the support...maybe she could join us on the forum lol...

Becky about the ed....
I had a ed since I was 12 yrs old...detected at 15 yrs old...I managed to hide it for a my worst I was a bad as 4 and a half stone...gah!....the worst thing was that with the weight loss I started to take paracetamols for the gainful bones and I expanded up with an addiction.:( ....till one day I collapsed at school and my bg was full of empty packets found by my friends ....I was taken to hospital...where I stopped the paracetamols emediatly and was put onto a "power milk" and released the next day (gladly) with a promise that it would stop....I had to put on a pound a week...if was a ed clinic!....
I managed to some how fool them all and continued with the ed....I was soooo sick with it.:(
I only gained control 4yrs ago prior to my bfp with Harry...exactly one year before...I went from 7st to 9and a half....and then boom pgy hit lol and I went to 12st 6 .....I have lost all the weight a healthy 9at 7. And this is where I intend to stick.
And I did in a healthy way to...healthy eating a moderate exercise.
Becky I still have thoughts of ed...and I have days where I forget to eat but I think that is mainly due to the fact that Harry keeps me soo busy lol...
But at least I know hunger and if I haven't ate I get kind of grumpy lol...
Ed is a viscous disease and my heart goes out to all the ladies/girls out there that suffer in silence or struggle to over come the "controlling" side of it.
I hope you are on top of it love...and thankyou for kindly pointing out that it can issues with ttc I too never thought about it like that- nor has it ever been pionted out to me by any gp before.(naughty that really)

I hope sharing my story has help (short version if course lol)
It has made me feel better sharing it.

Well I feel kind of sad today :( ...I am afraid :( ...and to top it off I just know that ic is going to be a bfn ...pha!....just my luck.
Sorry to be a Debbie down ladies....I hope to be feeling better later...

Take care all...:) :flower:

Natalie xxx
Hi Nat...

Nat, what you said about MS... I was a bit confused because sclerosis and MS are very different things, i.e. sclerosis of the spine is a curvature or malformation.. What did they say about the MS? You said you have an MRI booked, is it of your brain? I am so sorry Nat that must have been awfully scary... I hope I am not bugging you with questions, but my sister in law is currently in early stage treatment for what is either late stage chronic lyme disease or early stage MS and she has had every test done known to man...

Did you end up getting your kidneys tested? how are you feeling? I am sending you a huge hug and worried about you! Let me know more when you can xx

As far as ED goes.. thanks for sharing .. I know you have shared with me before, but after hearing Becky's story its amazing that the three of us have all been through it isn't it? I was an outpatient of the hospital in a program for quite some time.. but left the program in 2008 and in 2009I went into recovery mode and have been there ever since. I still have bad mental moments, with some regularity actually, but I wont let it manifest physically and that's where the key is for me. I've come too far to go back now! lol.. esp with TTC, so important to get it well in check before that. Lots of body changes to adapt to and whatnot... :)

Thinking of you Nat.. check in soon xx
Hi meg sorry I didn't realise I didn't really explain it wall very's just all beeso much to take in....
I suppose this will be the start if things to come,..testing wise....I am actually in shock still...I have had several cups of tea to help with tmr nerves this after noon but I am left feeling really uneasy about it all...meg I am so sorry about your sil...I truly hope she is not in to much pain.:hugs:
Can I ask what are they doing for her?

So what I think I can gather for now what she said...sclerosis on my lower spine/hip joints and that they are not happy with the alinment of my spine...they are going send me for a MRI scan....(specific instructions for the area implied) to measure the amount of damage caused my the sclerosis.lland then she said if the higher part of the spine has it too it will be called a multiple of sclerosis...:( ....oh fak man!....

Meg I want to research this more ...but I know I will stumble across wayyyyyy too much to take in...
I had lots of physeo therapy this morning and has left. Me feeling a little sore now...I, so afraid to pick Harry up as she told me "under no cerci stances- NO Heavy lifting!!)

I wander on earth would I manage 9months pg!....that's gunna be very uncomfortable.i feel like this diagnosis is about to rob me of me dreams!.:cry:
All I can do is wait till February for the second lot of results and HOPE with all of my heart it's not progressing and they can call this manageable ...I suppose they will still want to test regularly.
Meg the worry! It's never ending :cry:

And good on you for beating that ed....I know too well how you must feel love.lland yes I still have "bad days" ....these days just make us stronger tho bc yeah I never wanna go back too.:thumbup:
I hope this day does not get any worse.

Love to you all :flower:
Natalie xxx
Daisy i'm sure the clomid will help! It helps lots and lots of women. Do you ovulate normally without drugs? I don't at all and it helped me - took 6 lots tho! I unfortunately had a loss during that time too - sadly they are slightly more common on clomid :( when are you due to start the clomid daisy? are you doing CD2-6?

I'm a nurse by trade, although not working at the moment, I studied in Sheffield a ppst grad diploma in Cardiac nursing. Liverpool is a great place & hopefully you will get lots of help with your fertility. Are you on the NHS or going private? I found that if you went private for a consultation you could then ask the GP for the meds on the NHS.....It ment i got the best advice and seen quickly!

Hi everyone else!

Well the witch got me today booooo hisssss what a suprise lol! So my next dilemma i take clomid this month? I wasn't going too but now i'm due to start period on my wedding day :( AWFUL timing!! I don't think i will as i want a clear head for the wedding but it's soooo tempting having it in the house lol!!!!

Hi nimbec, yes I am starting it from CD2 to CD6. I am with NHS. Can you tell me why clomid has bigger probability for miscarriages. I haven't met this information. I am pretty sure I don't O regularly on my own. I tempt now and I wander if I O at all because my temp jumps for a week and then goes down again :(.
Hiya daisy princess...I'm sorry af got you Hun...:hugs:

I would say temping is the best way to see how things are panning out ...even if your temps are jumping around quite a bit.....have you temped before or is this the first time?.......good luck to you on this next cycle dear...:flower:

Natalie xxx
Hiya daisy princess...I'm sorry af got you Hun...:hugs:

I would say temping is the best way to see how things are panning out ...even if your temps are jumping around quite a bit.....have you temped before or is this the first time?.......good luck to you on this next cycle dear...:flower:

Natalie xxx

Hi nat,

I used to tempt long time ago. And my temp was again so crazy :P. But funny enough my progesterone was checked twice ans both times was fine. AF has not come yet it has another two days to come but my Bbt is 35.6 again.
Hiya daisy princess...I'm sorry af got you Hun...:hugs:

I would say temping is the best way to see how things are panning out ...even if your temps are jumping around quite a bit.....have you temped before or is this the first time?.......good luck to you on this next cycle dear...:flower:

Natalie xxx

Hi nat,

I used to tempt long time ago. And my temp was again so crazy :P. But funny enough my progesterone was checked twice ans both times was fine. AF has not come yet it has another two days to come but my Bbt is 35.6 again.
Yes that's quite a low temp love.:thumbup:...sorry to hear af is on her way.
I really second the temping as even if cycle wise not much is happening you can detect how your body changes with lifestyle plans and you say af is coming...Even tho temping is a pain in the behind most mornings lol...I still like to do it so it's stops the guessing.

Have you had your thyriod checked Hun? Sorry if you have already said I forget info easily these days...hopefully I can blame that pregnancy brains :haha:...but I doubt it.:dohh:
Take care daisy :flower:

Natalie xxx
Nat so sorry u r going thru this I have scoliosis and sway back took meds for yrs and realized it just made things worse!!
Once I got my thyroid straight and the adrenal issue I don't have near as much joint pain now!! :thumbup:
Try not to read to much cuz everyone is Different and u never really know until full testing is done!!!
Also do u drink diet soda.... Aspartame is toxic and can make things worse!!

AFM.... My nurse is still out called the office and the nurse just told me its to late!!! Wtf!! :(
Nat so sorry you have had such an awful day :flower: ugh I have sclerosis of my lower back really bad actually i was told that i would need surgery 5 years ago but i've managed to stay fit & have so far avoided it....however not to be the bearer of bad news....the last 8 weeks of pregnancy where excruciating i was on crutches and barley able to walk :wacko: and i had to have a c-section as my spine was not stable enough for a natural delivery.....i was gutted!! BUT its 100% worth it and i'm now fine again plus it very much depends on how u carry the baby. Harrison was right out the front - cheeky monkey! As for daily living i'm ok most of the time but have bad days/weeks but manage on painkillers. I so hope its not as bad as they think BUT even if it is it is totally managable!!!! I ride dressage horses etc and have done for years! So you will be absolutely fine hun & when preggy you won't care as its all for an amazing cause!!

Thanks for sharing about ED Nat & Meg. I know its hard and i'm so sorry you have been through it too. Its stays with you for ever i think - it's just leaening to controll it - i still get the deamons too!! A few more details about my ED I was suffering as a teenager but like you undiagnosed i was so clever at hiding things, i eventually got admitted as an in-patient and had lots of treatment - lied my way out saying i was fine etc etc then carried on starving & being sick for several more years but kept the weight around 7 stone. I'm now about 9.5 stone and intend to stay there ....although secretly i HATE it! Ridicolous i know :growlmad: I'm a healthy weight now and intend to stay well for Harrison!!! Its so good to hear others stories and i think a very interessting link to TTC.

Sis sorry AF got you too :(

Daisy I was told this by my consultant as a risk, he told me they have to tell us but its such a low probability that it will happen not to worry about it. I think it is because they are chemically making you ovulate and sometimes it's not as good a quality egg as needed to continue with a healthy pregnancy. This does not mean AT ALL this will happen to you, i only told you as I know a few women, me included that this happened too before a sticky BFP and i was pleased to know it wasn't anything i'd done wrong!! There are more women that have sucessful first time on clomid pregnancys than those that don't often only here the negatives but i know lots of positive outcomes. My Harrison is one massive positive!!!! I really didn't mean to worry you, I'm so so so sorry if i did there is enough to worry about in this whole ttc journey. I'm keeping my FX that it works first time for you hun & that you don't get any side effects from it. Keep us updated...

Finally Nat i'm sending you an extra big hug to cheer you up!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hiya daisy princess...I'm sorry af got you Hun...:hugs:

I would say temping is the best way to see how things are panning out ...even if your temps are jumping around quite a bit.....have you temped before or is this the first time?.......good luck to you on this next cycle dear...:flower:

Natalie xxx

Hi nat,

I used to tempt long time ago. And my temp was again so crazy :P. But funny enough my progesterone was checked twice ans both times was fine. AF has not come yet it has another two days to come but my Bbt is 35.6 again.
Yes that's quite a low temp love.:thumbup:...sorry to hear af is on her way.
I really second the temping as even if cycle wise not much is happening you can detect how your body changes with lifestyle plans and you say af is coming...Even tho temping is a pain in the behind most mornings lol...I still like to do it so it's stops the guessing.

Have you had your thyriod checked Hun? Sorry if you have already said I forget info easily these days...hopefully I can blame that pregnancy brains :haha:...but I doubt it.:dohh:
Take care daisy :flower:

Natalie xxx

I am not sure what you mean....but I had scanner and also hsg and all was fine down there :).
Hi meg sorry I didn't realise I didn't really explain it wall very's just all beeso much to take in....
I suppose this will be the start if things to come,..testing wise....I am actually in shock still...I have had several cups of tea to help with tmr nerves this after noon but I am left feeling really uneasy about it all...meg I am so sorry about your sil...I truly hope she is not in to much pain.:hugs:
Can I ask what are they doing for her?

So what I think I can gather for now what she said...sclerosis on my lower spine/hip joints and that they are not happy with the alinment of my spine...they are going send me for a MRI scan....(specific instructions for the area implied) to measure the amount of damage caused my the sclerosis.lland then she said if the higher part of the spine has it too it will be called a multiple of sclerosis...:( ....oh fak man!....

Meg I want to research this more ...but I know I will stumble across wayyyyyy too much to take in...
I had lots of physeo therapy this morning and has left. Me feeling a little sore now...I, so afraid to pick Harry up as she told me "under no cerci stances- NO Heavy lifting!!)

I wander on earth would I manage 9months pg!....that's gunna be very uncomfortable.i feel like this diagnosis is about to rob me of me dreams!.:cry:
All I can do is wait till February for the second lot of results and HOPE with all of my heart it's not progressing and they can call this manageable ...I suppose they will still want to test regularly.
Meg the worry! It's never ending :cry:

And good on you for beating that ed....I know too well how you must feel love.lland yes I still have "bad days" ....these days just make us stronger tho bc yeah I never wanna go back too.:thumbup:
I hope this day does not get any worse.

Love to you all :flower:
Natalie xxx

Nat - I am still confused but I am NO doctor so I guess I am learning along with you... are you sure they are not checking for scoliosis? MS usually has neurological symptoms and they would traditionally do an MRI of the brain among other tests to look for it. I am certainly not disputing what you are saying, I really don't know a lot about it other than what I hear from different places.

My sister in law first went for MS testing when she started having a lot of neurological symptoms... numbness and tingling in her legs, hands, and arm. Sometimes her hand would go completely numb, or her leg would go dead for hours with no feeling.. very scary when driving the kids to school or holding a pot of boiling water (those were her actual examples...) she also has on and off pain, nausea, fatique, etc. but nothing to do with her spine at all. She had MRI of the brain which showed spots and they ruled out a brain tumor. They have been treating her for chronic lyme disease though, NOT MS, however the doctor feels it may actually be MS so she keeps going for check ups and scans, etc to see how shes doing.. (lyme disease is very controversial here...)

with your heart and liver Nat I really hope you are getting some answers and the appropriate treatment. I hope you get results soon.. February would drive me nuts. I am here for you xx
Thankyou ladies so so so much.:hugs:

There has been lots of tears for me today...that apt has made me very emoshe!
I really can't think straight at Alll- altho meg I think you have raised a very important issue I almost certainly will have to raise to tmr with a phone call...scoliosis or sclerosis?.....
I too thought it was rather odd- that's why it surprised me and shocked me....and I could really do with out it...the way the specialist was carrying on about it she made me feel in such a panic....not nice...I held it together quite well really but as the day has gone on it's bothered me.(which is not like me - I usually get the fek on with it lol)
Here I was this morning getting the usuall stage fright nerves about getting my kidneys sorted out finally, and I get there only to find out that I was called in bc they found the "sclerosis (?) " ....I didn't even know there WAS an issue you know.yeah I do get "some" lower back pain but not like it affects me in a MAJOUR way- again I tend to just get on with you Becky...manageable and if not the x1 or 2 paracetamol/codeine always helps.:thumbup:

So I took another ic tonight.:dohh: I don't know why I did it again!.....bfn!....that made me cry even more lol...I think a cute cat could make me cry right now lol...

Any who's I'm off to bedski's now...I think I will be straight of to sleep as crying always makes me extra tired lol...

And are lovely and THANKYOU soooooo much for all of your support and advice...I completely appreciate it with Alll of my heart-ickles...

P.s meg ...those symptoms sound kind familiar to me...the numbness that is....I hope this not the case tho...and a big heart felt stranger hugs to your sil.that must be very scary for her- and I really hope they get to the bottom of this soon for her.:hugs:

Take care ladies and nighty night to you all...:flower:

Natalie xxx sorry for my horrendous spelling :thumbup:
Nat get a good sleep Hun. Tomorrow you will be refreshed xoxo
Hi Ladies

I'm really sorry you ladies had to deal with ED. I have heard you have to deal with it for the rest of.your life. I glad you girls are better and have over come it.

Nat I am a bit speechless. You must be all o er the place with that diagnosis. I hope the MRI goes well and its not MS too. I am sorry you have to deal with this on top.of all else. I just wish I could give you a hug
Keep us posted. Xoxoxoxox
Hi ladies. Good morning to all of you. For me was bad - AF showed up two days earlier :(. Well, the good news is - I am starting clomid tomorrow :).

Have a good day.
Hi ladies. Good morning to all of you. For me was bad - AF showed up two days earlier :(. Well, the good news is - I am starting clomid tomorrow :).

Have a good day.

Good luck Daisy! I hope it does the trick for you and soon! xx... looks like we are also cycle buddies lol
Morning gals... CD2 over here, not much happening for awhile haha.. at least 12 days or so! I ordered my OPK's so they should come soon... hopefully the MC doesn't affect when I Ovulate (didn't seem to last month!), so I will start OPK'ing around CD9 or 10....

Got a lot of shopping done on Amazon yesterday for Xmas.. nieces and nephews done.. Now I just have 4-5 left and I am donezo.
Morning gals... CD2 over here, not much happening for awhile haha.. at least 12 days or so! I ordered my OPK's so they should come soon... hopefully the MC doesn't affect when I Ovulate (didn't seem to last month!), so I will start OPK'ing around CD9 or 10....

Got a lot of shopping done on Amazon yesterday for Xmas.. nieces and nephews done.. Now I just have 4-5 left and I am donezo.

Hi cycle buddy :D. Love AMAZON :D. Hate opk they show me I O when I DON'T. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Good luck to you. Hope for Christmas MIRACLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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