LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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When do you ladies (when you don't have a trigger or something to be concerned about) usually start testing? My prior BFPs were on 12 dpo. But lately I can never wait that long.
When do you ladies (when you don't have a trigger or something to be concerned about) usually start testing? My prior BFPs were on 12 dpo. But lately I can never wait that long.

Haha well you are in good company then bc we are terrible at waiting
Well actually I take that back lol...we make a pact instead...our 11dpo pact.

So do you want to make a pact? don't HAVE to join us if you don't want I understand the need/want to get back into the game with testing out your trigger,:hugs:....
So yeah...pact then Erin? My plan was to begin testing at 9dpo this time tho...
What do you thinks?

Natalie xxx
Meg barbs...I forgot to say earlier...thankyou for the "heads up" on the opk versus ic's....that was some intresting info:) :thumbup:
I'm glad you pionted it out else I would have got confused and most likely heartbroken if it went possy and it was just LH lol...

Natalie xxx
Hahaha I wonder if I could stick to it.....

You can do it Hun...ill do it with you...
Don't mean to be a Polly pisser but it's pointless testing before 10 dpo...very VERY rare do women get a bfp before then we would be just winding ourselfs up.:flower:
And ambiguous results are not what we are looking for either lol

Natalie xxx
Hello All just wanted to Update U !!!!!

Today's I got my Base Line scan all is good so I start my Femara Tom IUI @2/1!!! :)
Oh I can wait til 10 dpo I think. I can usually hold off that long anyway. :thumbup:

Shanta woo hoo!
Oh I can wait til 10 dpo I think. I can usually hold off that long anyway. :thumbup:

Shanta woo hoo!

Yaye :happydance:...ok I'm with ya girl.:) :thumbup:
We can do this ok.:)

Let the dreaded tww begin...oh

Natalie xxx
lol ladies you do make me giggle hehe i'm terrible at waiting but managed it last month so i intend to wait this time too - so when i eventually ovulate i'll join you BUT hopefully you will all have BFP's by then! :) Had a really interesting result with opk's today thought you guys may be interested. I had some faulty CB digital smiley face sticks last month - 3 bloody lots so they sent me a load of new ones including there new dual one which apparently monitors your high as well as peak fertility days - the reviews for the product are not good so i thought i'd use it alongside the cheapies and also the normal smiley face one (near o - i save these for confirmation ;0 ) So my ic this morning was stark white as i'd predict at this CD for me but the 'posh' CB said high fertility ....say what??? it said neg yesterday but thats clearly wrong as my ic is stark white and i know my cycles!! so its true they are crap - people have been complaining about just this so i think i'm going to write to them - what do you think? to be honest there is no point in me using them as i'm happy with my normal routine :) Anyway thought you may be interested!

Shanta yay for IUI not long now :)

Erin how you feeling? has your temp stayed up today?

Nat hehehe i love the saying polly pisser you actually made me laugh out loud! But very true i didn't get my possy before until 11/13dpo (FF couldn't make up its mind on ov) The trouble is the 'need' we feel to poas even knowing it will be BFN - its almost like we like to torture ourselves lol Crazy times of ttc!

Barbs you go girl test test test you most definately deserve too! Can't wait to see the results :)

I'm in work today boooooo so better get on with some phonecalls. Its DH's business and i do 2 days sales for him. So better get my selling hat on!!

We are off on honeymoon Mon-Wed next week so got to sell twice as much today - wish me luck.....

Hope you all have a great day! x
lol ladies you do make me giggle hehe i'm terrible at waiting but managed it last month so i intend to wait this time too - so when i eventually ovulate i'll join you BUT hopefully you will all have BFP's by then! :) Had a really interesting result with opk's today thought you guys may be interested. I had some faulty CB digital smiley face sticks last month - 3 bloody lots so they sent me a load of new ones including there new dual one which apparently monitors your high as well as peak fertility days - the reviews for the product are not good so i thought i'd use it alongside the cheapies and also the normal smiley face one (near o - i save these for confirmation ;0 ) So my ic this morning was stark white as i'd predict at this CD for me but the 'posh' CB said high fertility ....say what??? it said neg yesterday but thats clearly wrong as my ic is stark white and i know my cycles!! so its true they are crap - people have been complaining about just this so i think i'm going to write to them - what do you think? to be honest there is no point in me using them as i'm happy with my normal routine :) Anyway thought you may be interested!

Shanta yay for IUI not long now :)

Erin how you feeling? has your temp stayed up today?

Nat hehehe i love the saying polly pisser you actually made me laugh out loud! But very true i didn't get my possy before until 11/13dpo (FF couldn't make up its mind on ov) The trouble is the 'need' we feel to poas even knowing it will be BFN - its almost like we like to torture ourselves lol Crazy times of ttc!

Barbs you go girl test test test you most definately deserve too! Can't wait to see the results :)

I'm in work today boooooo so better get on with some phonecalls. Its DH's business and i do 2 days sales for him. So better get my selling hat on!!

We are off on honeymoon Mon-Wed next week so got to sell twice as much today - wish me luck.....

Hope you all have a great day! x
That's awful about the tests Becky....very naughty indeed.
Glad you know the deal with them...if it were me I would be pulling my hair out lol

Good luck with the double sales today hun.:)

So where are you going for your honeymoon next week? How exciting :happydance:

Do you plan to have any bloods to confirm o this cycle?

Natalie xxx
Becky that's so frustrating about the OPKs! Maybe that's why my friend's RE was so against the CB digi OPKs! I could see it if the smiley face was saying you were getting close or something, but that's just wrong! Messing with the minds of women everywhere! lol

Sometimes I just have to do a hpt even though I think it is too soon b/c at least I look at it being negative and I can get it out of my head for a little bit. Like I can be like oh look I took a test and it says negative, so now I can go about my day and actually think about other things. It brings me back to reality maybe??

Good luck to you Becky! And yayyyyy honeymoon!

Good morning everyone else (it's morning here anyway!) ;) ;)

AFM, temp is still up. I'd say I for sure ovulated. Ahhhh it's for real the TWW. Often my TWW doesn't feel so long b/c I often have a slow rise temp shift so I'm not too quick to assume I've ovulated until I get my cross hairs. But this time I'm pretty sure and I'm only 2 dpo (I think). So it's going to be a long one. If we're testing on 10 dpo I think that will be Jan 29, a week from tomorrow.
Ohhh Becky honeymoon! Where are you headed??

Happy Tuesday ladies! xx
Ok ladies....I need to vent here.....
I am sooo mad right now....and upset :cry:

Ok so since las pt week he has been finding all the excuses under the sun to avoid this S/A ... Ok so I get that a man isn't quite as "into this " as much as us ladies are but it's just a faking 5min job for crikes sake!......ahhhhhhh I want to scream I really do!

Ok so now he is "ugh it's all about me here is it!"
No Peter it's not!......and I get your nervous but with out your s/a we cannot move forward with anymore testing...fak!
I have tried to be kind and understanding but commmme on!......
He is now...making all the excuses in the world to avoid it tmr now the earliest this can happen(if it does) is now Thursday...jeeees...

He does not care about what I have already been through what I am about endure! I feel....he has been sooooo faking mean to me the past few days I can't bare it anymore,
So this morning I told him
"Ok-it's all off!"
No more testing he is calling me a selfish bitch.
Hang on mate!....what planet do you see yourself living on here?
A kick in the dick is coming right up here!....

I'm mad...I'm upset ....I'm emotional right now.:(
So sorry ladies...don't mean to be a pissy pants.:(

Thankyou for listening tho....
Advice truley welcome.:flower:

Natalie xxx
So sorry Nat :hugs:!!!!!

I've never had a issue W DH getting it done he was use to it since he has a Varicocle and had a Vasectomy and a Reversal!!! He's done it a few times :haha:

I would just calmly explain to him that it's just the 1 time and it's just to rule him out that he has nothing to worry about I'm sure his count is good but It does take both sides to make a LO!!!
Tell him that the dr is worried about the MC that he wants to make sure there are no abnormalities that may have caused it or something!!!

Can he do it at home and bring it in or does it have to be done at the office??? Maybe he needs a Bribe ;)

:hugs: hope he gets his head outta his A$$!!!
Oh Nat i'm so so so sorry he is being a total douche bag grrrrrrrrr men can be such faking idiots at times!!!!!!! I had a simular issue trying to get jon to do it - i like you was fuming as he was delaying all the time and i just couldn't understand it but in the end i flew at you did this morning and we then had a calm chat turns out he was worried that his sperm would be the problem and it was a mans pride thing that he didn't want to know how many million or if they where fast or slow - so i just told him that all would be fine and its more than likley me and that no matter what i'd still love him . It took him a few hours but he came around in the end after the matcho avoidance techniques had all been used up!!!

I'm so sorry you are upset and understandibly too i'm sending you a HUGE HUGE HUGE hug!!!!!!! Hopefully he will get his head out of his arse and get it done - try telling him that if its not done by the end of the week it throws everything out for all of your tests as they won't proceed and that means another month of delays....also try telling him that more often than not it is the women with problems and its highly likley that he is fine - butter him up any way possible!! If all else fails you could try getting a meeting with the clinic and getting them to explain and maybe do it there and then?? xxxxxxx
Nat I am sorry.. you know I struggled with this with DH when we were starting the testing phase with our RE... he was very resistant and as you know, he never did end up going for the SA (we got pg but then M/C and then just went naturally...) but It was a big point of contention because I felt I had taken on 90% of this burden and he couldn't do one little thing that he does all week long by himself! (LOL).. so I understand completely. I tried so hard to be patient and not push it too much and let him take his time but I think he would have never done it....

I hope that Pete comes around, it is not about who's at 'fault' for TTC issues, its about finding a solution and even if it ended up being a sperm issue there is a lot that can be done to help that, so if he wants another child its information that he should want to have... I know its so much easier said than done. The problem is that fighting/arguing about it never makes it easier and actually seems to only make it worse so I found it hard to find a middle ground where there was peace...

I really wish he had not resorted to name calling at you.. that is just not nice and makes this ordeal much harder. You need to be partners in this journey and that makes you drift further apart.... DH did confess to me once that he was worried about the results of his SA if he did go, it could very likely be that Pete is scared and doesn't want to let you down, and he is acting out from insecurities. Try your best to have a good heart to heart and see if he will open up to you.

I am sorry I could not give better advise as I struggled with this too and never found a solution. my DH is amazing in 99% of ways so its hard for me to complain, but this was a tough subject for him..
Yay Becky, share where you're going on your HM!!! :)

Hey Meg, how you feeling today? Is your tummy still queasy?

Well I am 3 days post transfer...& so that's 6dpo.
I had some mild cramps this AM but I"m also a bit constipated. I don't know why?! And I took a mild laxative last night so I think that's why I had some cramps.
Nothing new to share .....*crickets*....

Hey Nat,
I am So sorry that Pete is being difficult. If he's 'in' this, he should do his part. It's not the most awesome thing to have to do but it's a very small sacrifice. Does any man believe we like to be probed by strangers with a hard, plastic wand & cause us discomfort for an ultrasound IN our vagina's? No. But, we do it. Just as if there were any other health concern, we investigate.
Perhaps you can offer to assist him so he doesn't feel like HE Is the one doing it?
Just word of caution, there can be NO saliva in the sample LOL
I tried to help DH but it wasn't working. He kicked me out of the washroom LOL
I am just sorry & I'm here for support & and ear. I don't know how you can resolve this with Pete. Sounds to me like he's just not willing to cooperate. 40% of Infertility Causes are due to the man. And just because you had a baby once, doesn't mean it'll be easy again & he's got rock start sperm. Not at all. I mean what if he's the cause of it & you're jumping through hoops thinking its you? That's not really fair, now is it? You have every right to say that you're going to hault the investigation because he's not cooperating & evidently not invested enough to even do 1 thing.
BTW, did he do bloods because that's another thing he has to contribute to. Or is he just not even willing to do that?

Hang in there, love.
Oh Barb I didnt know you were 6DPO thats very cool! Just around the corner hehe wowzerssssss just like the old thread name!

My tum is ok thanks for asking...whenever I eat I have this heavy fullness feeling thats a bit uncomfortable. But honestly nothing is worse than nausea so I hate to bitch about anything. Yesterday and today the boobs are less sore which of course freaks me out but I know they come and go so I will just force myself to chill out....
Natalie :hugs:

I'm so sorry, that's so upsetting. I mean I've yet to know of a man who gets excited about an SA, but name calling is just no bueno. I mean all the things us women have to go through, and all the man has to do is just squirt in a cup!

I'm afraid I have no advice. My Peter was definitely apprehensive. When I saw my obgyn and he ordered the SA, we agreed to wait and see how that cycle turned out as I was already in my TWW. Then when it came down to it, he was NOT happy about it, but he did it because he knew he had to for us to start making any progress. I think it helped because he knew he'd gotten me pg twice, the last time it happened quick, so he had some confidence even though that's still not a 100% guarantee.

Ok wait, I do have some advice. Act like you really want to give him a hand job. Get him really worked up so he won't even see when...LIKE A NINJA!!! You grab that specimen container, catch his stuff, throw on your jetpack and arrive at the lab in a matter of seconds. He'll never know what hit him. :thumbup:

Just careful when you kick him because in the nuts might be counterproductive. ;)

:hugs: :hugs:

Sorry I'm really no help but I'm a listening ear. <3

Hope he comes around and has the good sense to apologize for being mean. <3
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