LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Heya ladies...:hi:

Shanta good luck Hun...praying this is it for you :) Monday can't come quick enough :wohoo: you "may" find out on Wednesday if boy or girl?.....Yaye. :)! sorry the witch has got you.that sux.boooo....when do you start the chlomid?

Bex...where did you go to Hun? :flower: ....what dpo are you now? must be starting the chlomid too about now right?...

Afm...cd5....nice relaxed/TRY HARD cycle going on here lol...
I am fertile on and around hope ing this is my lucky lurrrrrve baby in the making...always loved the name rose so if this cycle works and it's a girl I hope to be able to incorporate the name somewhere to tie in with valentines.:) saaweeeeeeet.
Been stalking my front door/post box....waiting for a letter of some kind to invite us up to the clinic....I can tell this is going to drag lol..
I hope not .

Well ladies...hope you all having a great day...lots of love to you all from sunny Plymouth.(for a change lol)

Natalie xxx
Hey Nat!
Good to see you on here :)
So, you have to wait for this letter to show to tell you when your appointment is?!
I hope you get preggo before then!!! Fingers crossed, eh?
Yeah I can't wait for next Monday. I just wanna get this show on the road.
At the same time, I feel like this cycle's pressure to get pregnant on. I'm running out of options & money here. It's making me really nervous!

Meg, you get to find out this week the sex of baby?!
It amazes me how far you've come! SO nice :)
Shanta, hang in there try not worry.
Wednesday will be the tell al :) And I think V day is great day for a suprise!

If I am pregnant at any point, I want to test before clinic blood results at home with DH just to have 1 moment that's not clinical.
Hey ladies,

Shanta - great that you still have a line on frer, have everything crossed for you.

I'm now about 4dpo, dh has really gotten behind me this cycle, i think trying for so long put a dampner on things, then finally getting the bfp has made he focus which is great! I'm not sure this will be our month but i am fotever hopeful.

The weather is pretty bad here now, with lots of flooding. Datchet has been on bbc news all day which isn't too far to us and the town i work in is badly flooded and been featured on the news. Thankfully, we don't have any rivers near our house!

I had my weigh in with hubby yesterday and i've lost another 3lbs, so thats 1stone, 1lb in five weeks :-)

I hope those with af, she is treating you well.

Happy monday all xx
Hey Nat!
Good to see you on here :)
So, you have to wait for this letter to show to tell you when your appointment is?!
I hope you get preggo before then!!! Fingers crossed, eh?
Yeah I can't wait for next Monday. I just wanna get this show on the road.
At the same time, I feel like this cycle's pressure to get pregnant on. I'm running out of options & money here. It's making me really nervous!

Meg, you get to find out this week the sex of baby?!
It amazes me how far you've come! SO nice :)

I don't think this week because, even though the results MAY come in this week, I doubt they will give them over the phone... so I probably have to wait until next Tuesday the 18th to find out. But I will give it a try for the hell of it anyways lol
Wow, incredible. Either way its' not a long wait. I believe other wise the Anatomy is at 16 weeks & that's the earliest you can find out through ultrasound.
Pretty cool. So how can they tell this early? Through blood work?
Wow, incredible. Either way its' not a long wait. I believe other wise the Anatomy is at 16 weeks & that's the earliest you can find out through ultrasound.
Pretty cool. So how can they tell this early? Through blood work?

Anatomy is at 20 weeks; they put in a request for that today for me at the hospital.

The reason they can tell is because there is now baby DNA in my blood; so they extract the babies DNA from mine and then analyze it for those genetic markers... and just as a bonus it checks the sex too because it tells you the chromosomes..... but you can ask for them not to tell you, but of course I did not check that box lol:winkwink:
Good plan! I'm not sure if I'd want it a surprise next time around or not.
A part of me doesn't wanna know & a part of me does.
Wow no messages since Monday! What is happening here? lol

Hope you are all well.. I know Nat is busy with kiddos and the storm out there!

Stay safe Nat!
omg, were is everyone?! :)

I'm just sitting, waiting for Friday & Monday to roll around. Dew Dew Dewwwww.
It's boring. But I need to get cracking at work so I may be MIA for the rest of the week. I'll make sure to update Friday & Monday thought if worse comes to worse

Oh yes where oh where is Shanta with her update??
Hi ladies sorry I've been Mia it's a bit chaotic here with Gail force winds,flooding & work! Lights are currently flickering as I type lol

Meg how exciting to find out eeek bet your counting down the days! How are you feeling...any sickness etc? Hope your a lucky one and feel fine!!

Barbs hope work isn't too stressful and that time passes quickly for you.

Nat, Erin,bex, shanta hope your all ok and shanta we need an update :)

Boring here af kind of gone more spotting again so now the count down to O is on and my 3rd dose of 5 of clomid tonight. I'm feeling the worry and stress of lots of BD already as it's always such pressure :( I wish I knew roughly which day I'd O it can be anything between CD14 and CD26!! Hope you are all ok!
Ok Ladies here's my Update but I'm a Lil worried since my HCG seems low!!

HCG 56 P 40!!!!

My p is awesome just figured my HCG would be in the 100s
I go back Fri to check if it Doubles!!!
Ok Ladies here's my Update but I'm a Lil worried since my HCG seems low!!

HCG 56 P 40!!!!

My p is awesome just figured my HCG would be in the 100s
I go back Fri to check if it Doubles!!!

Shanta - HCG is such a tricky thing.. it rises SO differently for everyone.. I was a major slow riser! I never doubled... my doc just wanted it to go up 60% and she checked it three times.. FX for you on Friday's results!

Hi ladies sorry I've been Mia it's a bit chaotic here with Gail force winds,flooding & work! Lights are currently flickering as I type lol

Meg how exciting to find out eeek bet your counting down the days! How are you feeling...any sickness etc? Hope your a lucky one and feel fine!!

Boring here af kind of gone more spotting again so now the count down to O is on and my 3rd dose of 5 of clomid tonight. I'm feeling the worry and stress of lots of BD already as it's always such pressure :( I wish I knew roughly which day I'd O it can be anything between CD14 and CD26!! Hope you are all ok!

Hey Becky!

I do have a bit of sickness - comes and goes but no vomiting and its pretty mild so I wont complain much... I am doing well thanks :) really tired but its ok!

Stay safe in that storm.. I totally forgot you live out there too! Nat sent the most hilarious video of the storm today.. those winds are crazy!

I wish you all the luck in the world for this cycle love xx
Shanta thats great on the levels - as Meg said everybody is different so fx you get great results friday :)

Thanks meg its absolutely CRAZY!! Sorry your are feeling sick ugh yuk i remeber it well but its a nice feeling too as it means bubs is all snuggly in there!!

I'm off for a bath and relaxing night as i'm shattered - harrison is one years old on the 10th March and he's still up 6 times per night grrrrr naughty monkey!
Hey a ladies...:)

Sorry I haven't been online for a while...had so much going on here...
Had my niece hee yesterday over bro and his gf desired as it was his birthday to get so drunk they didn't know what they were doing at all...disgraceful ...anyways I went storming around d to there home and literally took my 3yr old niece out of the house...she didn't need to see or be exposed to that.
We had a lovely time but by Lordy she and Harry exhausts the core!....
So this morning I did my famous - heyyyy so your feeling crappy right?...oh by the way here's your daughter back!....
I did phone quite a few times today too -to make sure all was well for her.

So as meg was saying earlier...I sent a funny vid of the storm here today...
I pretended I was a whacky news reporter doing a live news report haha...
The crowd I gathered was quite unreal lol....not like me at all lol I am normally quite the shy one...but hay you know what??? Lately I have been letting the ttc process really get to me...I have had the yo yo affect going on for too long now...I'm up I'm down...I'm happy I'm sad...I'm calm I'm snappy....poor Pete lol...
Anyways I got to thinking...I need to have fun today that is what I did....I randomly jumped out of the car pretending I was a news reporter bahahahaha

So are we all doing?...

Shanta I see your post about hgc levels on your betas....remember natxo on 6dpo? I remember she was a VERY slow progressed with her bloods...she is now 20 was right?...anyways...I am praying for you Hun...I hopenfriday comes and goes sooner rather than later.:hugs: and with good news....

Becky...yes I totally get the"pressure corner" when af is over....I know exactly how this feels we all probably do too...
This week has been a little more relaxed so far and I am about yo enter my fertile phase so I'm sure I will soon start to feel like "crazy woman lol" again thinking of timing again.
Good luck Becky I hope you o much much sooner this time .:flower:

Bex...yaye for the tww....I hope it is treating yuo kindly my dear.:flower: long is your lp normally?...when do you plan to test?

Barbs ...not long now till et day yaye...:flower: ....i am so excited for you...I know you are experiencing a whole range of emotions about this round Hun but I am ever more hopefull for you and hubby.:hugs:

Meggy...haha...yes my vid...glad it cheered you up love...I hope work was bearable today you can't wait to be home relaxing with dh very soon.

Well afm...I'm cd7....I start the robitsun tmr...and it's totally yak yak yak!...
I am hoping that does the trick with the cm this month...I have noticed a drastic change and lack of lately...
Gah I hope this is not an issue again.we used the YES gel last cycle and I cannot say that was good on the pride as a woman lol...

Still no hear from the clinic yet...I'm hopping when we arrive home on Saturday morning we will have our letter sat on the doorstep waiting for us to open it :thumbup:
Start oops on Saturday too...tempted to start Friday as last month I had my possy on cd11....don't want to miss the surge ...AHHHH...

Anyways ladies...hope all is well and I look forward to seeing this thread get going again...

Take care my petals...:flower:

Natalie xxx
Hey a ladies...:)

Sorry I haven't been online for a while...had so much going on here...
Had my niece hee yesterday over bro and his gf desired as it was his birthday to get so drunk they didn't know what they were doing at all...disgraceful ...anyways I went storming around d to there home and literally took my 3yr old niece out of the house...she didn't need to see or be exposed to that.
We had a lovely time but by Lordy she and Harry exhausts the core!....
So this morning I did my famous - heyyyy so your feeling crappy right?...oh by the way here's your daughter back!....
I did phone quite a few times today too -to make sure all was well for her.

So as meg was saying earlier...I sent a funny vid of the storm here today...
I pretended I was a whacky news reporter doing a live news report haha...
The crowd I gathered was quite unreal lol....not like me at all lol I am normally quite the shy one...but hay you know what??? Lately I have been letting the ttc process really get to me...I have had the yo yo affect going on for too long now...I'm up I'm down...I'm happy I'm sad...I'm calm I'm snappy....poor Pete lol...
Anyways I got to thinking...I need to have fun today that is what I did....I randomly jumped out of the car pretending I was a news reporter bahahahaha

Well afm...I'm cd7....I start the robitsun tmr...and it's totally yak yak yak!...
I am hoping that does the trick with the cm this month...I have noticed a drastic change and lack of lately...
Gah I hope this is not an issue again.we used the YES gel last cycle and I cannot say that was good on the pride as a woman lol...

Still no hear from the clinic yet...I'm hopping when we arrive home on Saturday morning we will have our letter sat on the doorstep waiting for us to open it :thumbup:
Start oops on Saturday too...tempted to start Friday as last month I had my possy on cd11....don't want to miss the surge ...AHHHH...

Anyways ladies...hope all is well and I look forward to seeing this thread get going again...

Take care my petals...:flower:

Natalie xxx

Nat you have had so much on your plate! But glad to hear from you...

I know you have dealt with BS from your Brother before.. thats a shame. But your niece is very lucky to have such a loving Auntie! I bet they tired you right out.... you need a BREAK and I am so glad you are going for a night with Pete for just that! Weeee Valentines.. love is in the air haha.. and you may be fertile??? CD7 today? hehe

I really hope you come home to find that letter from the clinic too hun :) The wait for this stuff really sucks!

I loved that video so much... I am glad you cheered yourself up.. I have every finger and toe crossed for you this cycle xoxo:flower:
Shanta...a friend passed this info on to me a little while ago...

Thought this beta chart may put your mind at ease Hun ok..:flower:
Btw....just took a look at your chart....your triphasic now.:flower:

It's natural to be worried and scared love I get that....but try not to let past experiance rob you of your intiltment of joy...
Hang tight till Friday love....everyone's got their fingers tightly crossed for you :hug:

Natalie xxx.
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