Hiya ladies....
Hope you all had a good valentines.
Yaye barbs....no trigger this time...

got a good feeling here
Roll on tmr.so excited for you.
Meg!....your a lime! Wowzers......yes barbs is right that's big-you have a baby a size of a lime inside you,,,yaye,,,
Hard to believe its real right.lol...
So sorry to hear about your horrid wrenching/run/mad dash....those are the moments I hated too...I preferred it when those moments ACTUALLY ended in a results of barf!...at least I felt better after haha...
Although I don't wish that one on you I hope this phase is winding out for you now.
And naughty hubster teasing you about it -hey it was purely a coincidence ...but then again perhaps the hospital and all the smells through most of that up for you.
Shanta...so I totally get your fears here's Hun...and I can't wish tmr on quick enough for you love....I hope today comes and goes so you can wake up get your morning coffee fix and get on with the betas...looking forward to hearing how that goes.
And you are in my thoughts....(hayyyyy Aftg had her baby...

-oh dear that went quick right lol...) -(our turn

Bex....what's the news on the dpo front?....have you tested yet?...hay I think we are all guilty of a symptom spot or two from time to time...haha me every month haha...
Fx for you bfp love.
Becky?....how did your m&s meal for two go?....did Harry settle early enough for you both? I hope so.
My friend had the m&s meal too and she rated it good....was yours good....I remeber last years...let's just say it was mimamal lol....my sister was mad that she was still hungry after lol...
Erin?....I for get lol your a few days in front of me right?....has I occurred yet?...I hopes so.
Let us know how that's going won't you.
Well afm...cd11 here...no sign of yet...about to do my mid morning opk...will defo report on how that ends up.
The hotel and meal was fantastic.we got slightly drunk.haha
And instead of my plan to wear Pete's danglys out we were too knackered haha....
But we made up for it last night instead...but again....I was sooo tired I could barely get into it.
But I bought a saucy little dolly cami yesterday so intend to save that for the "big guns" night .lol....
The robitsun is going ok...noticed a slight increase in cm but no copious yet lol...
Still time for it too kick in I suppose.
So yesterday was eventful....we took Harry to the pet store just to show him all the birds gerbils and rabbits....
At the back of the shop was a set of white red eyed rats.....
Here's me thinking ohhhhh how cute ....I point at them to show Pete....I took my eye off the ball for LESS than a second and the little ******* bit my finger!
Now....get picture the scene.....I rarely swerve unless I am having a joke or REALLY pissed off.....I screamed out "OMG YOU LITTOE C.U.N.T....." (Oooops)
I quickly realize a mother covered her daughters ears looking at me with a rather shocked look on her face ...Harry looks at Pete and went uh ohhhhhh mommy say naughty word daddy!....and a first aider happend to be there grabbing a hold of my finger which btw is PISSSING with blood and she treys to taunacading it immediately...
I stood there with the reddest face ever!....I was mad and imbarressed all at once....then the mother that covered her dd ears approached me and said quietly ....don't worry love I would have said worse haha...are you ok?
Then when I felt normal enough again I start to complain at the shop keeper....your faking rat just tried a sample of my DNA!....the little fucker!....he then says....well there is a sign saying do not put your fingers in the cage!....
Errrrm....you twat....my finger was no where near his cage ....the little white fucker stuck his head out of his cage and bit me!....do domething about it or I will buy him and feed him to my cats!
The whole shop laughed histerically lol...lit was funny then..l.and I left oppolagising about my language and vowed to never return and warn all about the devil rats that he was selling lol.
*sigh* lol....my finger hurts sooooo much today! Lol
So anyways....that was my weekend so far..lol
I hope all of yours is a good one so far and I hope to catch up again more later on tonight..l.with of course a much shorter post lol
Take care my petals...
Natalie xxx